8 1 I rs Iv v % J4.-5L * O 1 Our stock of Christinas I goods contains : Toilet Cases Post Card Albums Traveling Toilet Cases j Hair and Cloth Brushes Kodaks Phonographs Manicure Sets J Perfumes Candle Sticks Candy in Fancy Boxes , Foun tain Pens and many other items suit able for Xmas gifts. Only Six Days 'Till Christmas. MAN , VALENTINE. NED A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited 'to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method into puts system j to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STAR BAk'K VALENTINE. H VALENTINE BARBER SHOP All kinds of. SHAMPOOS , MASSAGES. AND LADIES HAIK DRESSING Shampooing a specialty. HOT and COLD BATHS in connection Forest Shepard , Prop. Valentine State Bank Building H e refold Ranch. BrownieeNeb i. Soldier CreeV Tol- UIIMHS 17th 1C' ' 05H. : t * on of Coliirn'mt 17th , a half brother of the SlO.OOOi am- pion O ile , a n d 1'rim-e Boat d - 1131.- 693 a' hetd : of herd [ now have about 30 head of 1907 bull r-al for sale. C. H. FAULHAMEK , EL DAILEY , Dentist. Office. ov r the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. J , W. McDANIEL , rOUOTY SUKVKYOR Valentine - Nehr. All work will he iriven prompt and careful attention. W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUK & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nehi. JOHN F PORATH Tubular wells and windmills. Of Call me up by Telephone. Talk of the Town. * Tr.Kazda's . barber shop. tf Flexible Fljyers at the Red Front. 49 2 See the specialist Tuesday , De- Bacnelor's home is quart ( aLtined for dypthena. Judge Walcott is in Omaha this week , taking m the Corn Show. V. Northrop's daughter , Irene , and miaut sou are ill of scarlet lever. Louie Bordeaux was in town Alouday and handed us a couple of plunks on subscription. Miss Cora Thackrey and Mrs. Stillwell drove into town Wednes day from liackberry lake. Mrs. B. At wood went up to Cbadrou Sunday night to visit her parents a couple of weeks. D. 1C. lit ) by , formerly of Sprmgview , but now of Pine Kidge , was in town yesterday. Hex Carter , M > uth of Wood lake. wa * in town litsL Saturday and called at our ultiee forasliort visit. There will be a turkey shoot at Briti on the 23rd of December. Plenty of turkeys. Everybody come. J. A. Rose of Cody was in Val entine lat week on business. lie has sold his residence in Cody to S. A. Winslow. Mahara's mastodon minstrels , with their splendid concert band and fine bunch of colored folks at Church's opera house Dec 21. \Ve are requseted to announce that the patrons of the Valentine school are invited to the school house Friday afternoon to s-ie their children's work in manual training. Henry Borneman came down from Gordon Monday on busine.-s and called at our office for a visit Mr. Bornemnn doesn't come often but we're glad to.see the old timers from a distance when they do come to town. Frank Mogle of Cody came down Monday on business and paid our office a visit. Frank is well into the stock business and his taxes run a little higher than when he first begun. It's a good ign and we hope they'll increase , Frank. On Sunday next there will be services both morning and eve ning at St. John's church. Also celebration of the Holy Eucharist on Christn as Day nt 10 a ra At 7:30 : in the evening Christmis tree and exercises for the Sunda.x school. It i.s hardly necessary to intro- luce the famous Mihara Brothers to the theatre going public as they have always been high in their estimate as first class purveyors of minstrelsy and rag time opera for the past sixteen years. At Church's opera house Monday , Dec. 21. Dan Ada-nson was in town Tues day on business and visiting friends , He is one of the pioneers of Cherry county and started at the very bottom to build a home in the sand hills. He has a com fortable home now and his friends who come to see him are made to feel welcome. It's natural with Dan. c Mrs S. A Rice and Mrs. Flor ence DeWyke , mother and sister of ye editor , arrived Saturday night for a visit with us and with Mrs , Abba Thackrey , living near Hackberry lake , who has been in very poor health the past year. Mother and Florence were here together six years ago this month , and mother lived here with us for awhile , before and after that. She is growing old , it seems , faster th-m many of ti-- , and has been in feeble health the past year. The trip from Manhattan , Kan , was a long one for her and she. was very . A tired after her arrival here and it e wns neeeiry for her to rest Simd day and Monday before starting i out , to Hackberry lake to se e. her i Mrs. Thackrey. t Buy your Rocker at the Red Front. 49 2 Born to C. A. Roseter and wi'e ' , Thursday , Dec. 17 , 1908 , a 12 pound baby girl. ljete Decory handed us a dollar Monday when he was in town and said he liked to keep square with the newspapers. Each holiday purchase of 25c will give you one chance to win the large doll at Frank Fischer's store. Do not mi-s it. Mis- Mary Anderson returned' . j. o d a y t o her home at Plankington , S. D , after a visit of several weeks with the Misses VanOrsdoll and other friends. The big doll in Frank Fischer's display window will be given away the day before Christmas. Ei"h 25 cent purchase of holiday goods entitles .1 ou to one chance to win it. A six-inch snow fe.ll last evening - ning and today the wind is blow ing. drifting the snow som * ' . It has ( ' - C"ld ( col-iei ri- MOt > ' < -II " > ut - iw - er i mi'ivr ' . > niir'it ' u-j'h t m - r -Id MrF1. . M Walcott entertain * d twent.\-five ladies yesterday afte-- noon in honor of Mrs. C J Call -n. A two-course luncheon was - > erv- ed The time went swiftly by and all report a good time. It was Billy Kiucaid's time to hide out last night while the la dies' club met at his house. 'Steen to one is the number and they al ways have an enjoyable time with a feast at the close. Mrs Kin- cud , assisted by Mrs John Yeast , entertained the club S. J. Blakeb came up last Fri day to C. C. Thompson's on the river , and Saturday visited with friends in town He now has a ranch of his own near Big Creek an 1 a bunch of stock. He's doing well and c-tlied to renew his sub scription to TIIK DEMOCRAT. Mrs. Bltkely is a d iughter of C. C. Thompson , Christmas shopping has been slow this season. The people hardly realize that there is only a short time left to buy Christmas goods this year. Only six more shopping days 'till Christmas. The stores have out their holiday stock , and if John and Mary's stockings are not filled it will be a blow to Santa Glaus. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sparks , Mr. ajd Mrs. Val Nicholson , Mrs. Tom Hornby , A M Morrissey , Miss VanAr. dal and John M Tucker went down to Ainsworth Tuesday night to see a repetition of the show , ' 'Thec Devil , " by Chase Lister people. They all returned on the passenger excepting , possibly one , who. it is reported , missed that train A. J. Jotdiii and family are at Arabia visiting his parents. They came down from Minnesota the 20th of November. It has been 12 years since A. J was home , but he formerly lived on the ranch at Arabia and was an athel te in handling baled hay which h . has not entirely forgotten and could swing a bale to the top of a lo def of hay yet. Mr Jordan has wn advertisement elsewhere in this paper which will interest the hou- < - keeper. James Mon'p , who is the county unruissioner from Cody , was in twn Monday on business. It seems that a commissioner should draw pay as such in general beside his regular work at intervals be Ciuse it is only $3 a day that they get when they are supposed to draw pay and they are always besieged - sieged with a lot of questions and have to hear every man's story when ou or oil' duty. Yet they are always courteous and obliging and ready to spend time to assist this or that m-in to solve problem ; in his community We h-tven't heard anyone complaining of be ing overworked but we just want ed to call attention to our countv i dad'vvi ! ar gener-tlly in obiig i ing S'-t of f.'llo v- Titex take an l interest in th * people arid in county - ( ty affairsi i < j I Old ( Crow , All Loading Hermitage Brands and Bottled Gruclien- Under the heimer Supervision ' Eye oi : the Whiskeys. U. S. Grov. "We also handle the Budweiser Beer. C JL lf&iU JOHN G. STETTER , Propr. Folding Doll Go Carts at the Ked FroDt. 49 2 Miss Cora Thackrey and M s Stillwell drove in from Ilackben-y lake yesterday , and the ln- : \ > s o\v last night , followed b.\ a sb b isk wind today , has snowed them in though Mrs. Stillwell ven- tiredoutto Ilackberry Thomp son's , accompanied by her son Lee , and Earl Stillwell who go out to spend vacation. D. StinarJ , for many years a prominent and respected merch ant of Valentine , has purchased a real estate , loan and insurance business at Mount Vernon , New York , and Misses Ida and Ada , his daughters , have started a con fectionery and stationery store in a part of the same building oc cupied by Mr. Stinard and are do ing well. FARM PRODUCTS , $7,778,000,000. Twelfth Annual Report of Secretary of Agriculture. The secretary of agriculture in his twelfth annual report to the presi dent renders a comprehensive ac count of his stewardship and presents a review of the progress of agriculture in the United States during this pe J. riod. Concerning the farm production of 1908 , he says that the farmer has created wealth by the billions Pro duction has been above the average of recent years with few exceptions , and , while some prices .have fallen , others have risen. The farm value of all farm products of 190S reaches the most extraordinary total in the nation's history 37,778- 000,000. Greatest of all crops is In dian corn , whose production this year is 2.643,000,000 bushels. The value of this crop is $1,615,000,000. This wealth , grown out of the soil in four months , rain , sunshine and some drought , is enough to cancel the inter est bearing debt of the United States and to pay for the Panama canal and fifty battleships. This crop is worth this year nearly as much as the great crops of cotton , hay and wheat com bined. Compared with the averages of the preceding five years the quan tity is 2 per cent higher and the value 43 per cent higher. All cereals aggregate 4,329,000,000 bushels , a total that has been exceed ed three times , but the value reaches $2,694,000,000 , or more than $300,000- 000 above that of 1907 , and exceeds still more the totals uf former years. PANAMA BLAST KILLS 14. Fifty Others Are Injured in Explosion of Dynamite. Fourteen men are knowi.to oe drr.d , three of them Air.Ticar.j , aud iffy in jured as a result of the prema.3 ex plosion of twenty-one tons of dyna mite at Bas Obispo , in the Panama canal zone according to an official dispatch received in Washington irom Chief Engineer Goethals. The mes sage follows : "The premature explosion of twen ty-one tons of dynamite at Bas Obispo resulted in the death of fourteen men and the injury of fifty. Three or four of the injured will probably die The following Americans were killed : James L . Hummer , craneman , steam shovel , Dunnellcn , N. . ! . ; .To hn J. Korp , steam shovel engineer , Phillips- burg , N. J. ; John J. Reidy , powder- man , Indianapolis , Ind. Seriously injured . jured : Benjamin H. Cole , foreman , Rochester ] , N. Y. " Ik Marvel ! a Dead , Donald Giant Mitchell , eighty-four years old , the well known author who -wrote under the nom do plume "Ik Marvel , " died at his home. "Mar- velwood , " in New1 Haven , Ccnn. Ilia illness dates to August last , -when he suffcrea an at'tatk ttf acute indigna tion. Bomb Explosion in Chicago. Two buildings were wrecked acd windows were shattered for blocks around by the terrific explosion of a bomb in an alley in Wabash avenue , near Sixteenth street , Chicago , Sun day night. The wrecked buildings ad- yOtll TfitS ( JtlTfiitfifiii't ' i J | - \ i CHRISTMAS NUMBER Tea < l KrK REACH'S bi-ar-liunt. There's art and fun and vet feet all mixed up together. One of our bet doctors savs that good reading keeps more young folk- , out of mischief than any other one thing. TRY EVERVKODY'S. Get one now It's big and bright and powerful. It's too good to go without. 15C A COPY , rl.50 A TEAK. TIIK KIDGWAY COMPANY. Union Square , New York City. In Crookston on Sunday Dec 13 it 10 a. m. sharp. LEO M. BLAEPJR. Pastor. Weather Data. I'he following dati , covering a per- -i > f 20ears , have been complied ' MII the ea'tjer Bureau record * at lentine. Nehr. They ire issued ti ow the conditions that have pre- n'let1 , dun'ng the month in question , v T the above period ot jears , but mist not be construed as a forecast if tne weather conditions for the oiiiintj month. December. TEMPERATURE. v'ean or normal 24 ° The warmest month was that of 188 ! ) Arith an average of 30 ° The coldest month was that of 1902 i 'ith an average of 19 ° The highest was 72 ° on 'M , 1904 The lowest was -34 ° on 14 , 1UU1 PRECIPITATION. Average tor month 047 inche- > Average number of days with .0 ] > f an inch or more G The L'routes * t monthly precipitation vat , 1 'S inches in 11)02 ) The lea t monihlv precipitation is U 03 iiK-he- 190-1 The < jreatt amount ot -cipit-i ion r vordi-'d in am 24 ci'M-i-cn'iv i 'UP- , - . 0 7 < j i'ici eon 28-29 188 : ) Pne greatest amount ot s-"owtn > econie'i in any 24 consecutive nour.- record extending to winter of 1884-85 .i'\ ) war4 GO incht's on 10 1901 AMD WEATUELl number of dear dav * . l'- > irliv ciotnU. 10 : rioudS VV INI ) 1 Hr pre\ailinir Aind.h.iv tn-i otn the VV The average hourly velocity of Ut . in l is 10 miles. The highest velocity of the winn - i < 52 miles from the XW on 26. 1890 .1. .1. M.-LEAX , -r Weather liureau. MILL PRICES FOS FEED. PerCwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked § 1 05 § 20 0 < > Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00 * 1orn , sacked 3 20 23 00 Oats , sacked i oO 29 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 25 24 00 Chop Feed , sacked li 0 27 00 Rockellcr to Give $50,000,000. According to a statement made by a professor or the Univcisity of Chicago , John D. Rockefeller v.-SH devote $ oO- O.,0,000 to the promotion of education in the Oriental nations The professor says Mr. Rockefeller first v.-ili await the reports of Protosscr Ernest Bur ton and Professor Thornas C. Cham berlain , vnp Lave been commissioned lo investigate conditions in the Orient - ent Proiessor Burton is now in India and Professor Chamberlain and his 5 son , Rollin , vill start for China neit mwth. ! cssfe'1.fit H 'S BUILDING TIME NOW and the selection of Lumber for tlie purpose is a matter of great importance. There is ALL KINDS OF LUMBER on the market , both good and bad. lOnl.y the jrood kinds has found its way into our yards. It will pa.v to let us furnish an estimate on your next bill. Remember , we carry first class stock. T. J. Christopher , AUCTIONEER. Will meet all calls phone or mail. Veiled on pedigreed stock. Valentine - Nebraska Prices are what we are talking Our stock is complete. T Changed the Jf On Id Tow. , * s Name | ? Kr. Erovn of SLESPYTOWE , He wouldn't advcrticc ; So along cans ilr. Strong And took iiini by c z Hr. S. , as yon iay gucza , Was strictly up to elate ; Kne v7 the game cnl phyed the At early hour ; cnii latD. Strong is still in v7AKZFTJLVIIIi : , The ncrdicnt of 1 2 to m ; He advcrtices and st 1 czrpries Such chaps as Mr. Broi7n.