Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 17, 1908, Image 4

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    rS HE Efe N * T I i
1. M. KICK Editor and Proprietor.
Entered at the postolh'ce at Valentino , Cherry county , Nebr. . a.s Second
Class Matter.
J - ° P ycarnavancp :
Cherry Co. Subscriptions :
K ( ol.oO when not paid in advance.
Foreign Subscriptions \ SL8l9 P" .vear in advance ; paper discontinued -
& * ( continued at expiration if not renewed.
J 15c Ter nc'1 ' eacn issue ; by contract 12Ac.
( Transicnfc av ! 20c per inch. , ocas , 10ca | ine <
Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents
per inch , net.
Local notice3 obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue
5 cents per line eacli insertion.
New Daily Paper to Be
Launched at Lincoln.
Lincoln , Dec. 11. Articles for
a new daily paper at Lincoln were
filed with the secretary of state to
day. The new paper is to Le
known as the Daily Tribune and
the incorporators are C. W. Pool
of Tecumseh , a member of the
next legislature , J. F. Murphy of
Lincoln , Henry Hemple of Lin
coln and Homer Moore of Ster
ling. Hempel is president of the
company and Murphy secretary.
Mr. Murphy said Friday that
nothing had been done toward get
ting the paper started beyond in
corporating , but that the incor
porators propose to go ahead and
market the stock at once. The
amount of capital stock to be is
sued is § 100,000. Mr. Murphy
said the paper wouldn't have any
pronounced politics but would loan
toward the democracy World-
J. C. Northrop has been called
by his company , the C. & Nr. W. ,
to go upon the road and check ov
er the new tariff rates to go into
effect the iirst of the year as we
understand it. His territory as
signed him is west of Lnnurpine.
We don't know of any man more
popular with the people to put out
to do this work , and sometimes
we think that efficiency or good
service don't count much or Mr.
Northrop would have been given
a better job long ago. A good
man sometimes may be appreciat
ed if those directly over him are
not straining every nerve to get
up higher or to hold thier own. We
think that an official could best
serve his company by recommend
ing the good men who come under
his observation. Well , if this is a
permanent jump for Jim , his
friends will rejoice. Jim deserves
some "of the good things and will
prove himself worthy.
A son of P. W bitney wbo has
long beens connected with the C.
& N. W. on right of way or land
department , was here last week
trying to satisfy claims against
the company for the proposed
change of . the main line from
Thacher to Valentine. Tne bar
tering has not been thus far ef
fective and no sale has been re
ported to us , though we under
stand that the company expects
to begin unloading material soon
for the construction work which
it is supposed will begin early in
the spring. The company also
expects to locate the stock yards
in the west part of town and may
purchase land for this purpose of
Frank Fischer. Additional side
tracks will be needed and "Valen
tine will probably be more promi
nent as a station. Why not a di
vision ? : ,
.1 '
I I' '
Muhara's minstrels , a colored ) | ;
tiTHine of 25 pL'OpIejvith their J ;
Sp'ecial railroad car < will be at J ]
Church's opera house Monday , ' J
Dec. 21. Tne troupe carries an , .
excellent band and orchestra and J4 .
the vocal and instrumental music
is very fine Th" ni"SJn'lq have ! '
an excellent MMMII i " v
Pocket Kimvs juirt .S-.ssors ut i
Taken Up
by the undersigned at my place
two miles south of Brilt , Neb , on
Dec. 15 , 1908 , one three-year-old
roan mare , branded half diamond
C C on right hip.
U. & . Weather Sliirean J&4port
for week SOinIiify ; J > cc. 15.
Daily mean temperature 32 ° .
Normal 26 ° .
Highest 49 ° , lowest 14 ° .
Precipitation 0.03 of an inch.
Total precipitation from March
1st ( the crop season ) to date was
17.91 inches and the average for
same period for 20 years is 21.02.
Keen Kutter Skates at the Red
Front. iJ 2
Eat at ( he "Ranchers' Home ,
meals 25 cents. Lunches a spec
ialty. J. HKADSIIAW , Prop.
Wanted 150 head of cattle to
feed this winter , nine miles south
west of Arabia. E. D. THYON ,
49-G Woodlake , Neb.
Dr. Meehan , osteopath , will be
at the Donoher hotel on Monday ,
\Veclnesday and Friday of each
week after Christmas. Consulta
tion free. Chronic disorders yield
to osteopathy when other methods
fail. 49 2
Dr. Warrick , the specialist , late
of New York Eye and Ear Hos
pital , will meet eye , ear , nose and
throat patients and those needing
glass ] ] ( filled atthe Chicago
cage hotel \7aUntine Tuesday ,
Dec. 22nd. Regular trips. 482
The D. of H. lodge held their
election of officers Monday eve
ning and elected the following of
ficers : Mrs. Lottie Ward , C , of
H. ; Mrs. Clara Yeast , L. of H. ; !
Mrs. Ada Northrop , C. of C. ;
Mrs. Mary Quigley , Recorder ; .
Mrs. Fannie Robinson , Fiancier ;
Mrs. Dora Rice , Receiver ; Mrs.
Lillie Archer , Usher.
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
( ! . K. Sa\vvcr hits
char'o f these
entile. II rse-
l S on If'tsliou'- '
der S
left si < Ii
same left thigh.
Kanire on Snake
Nebraska Land aud Feeding Co.
Jartlett Richards -Pres Will G Comstoek , V. P
Ohis 0 Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of annual ,
also th *
btvimls :
horses brandecTfFe
Range between
( rordon on the F.E
frM V , R. R. and
I\inni.-5 on M. II. M. in Northwestern Nt'hr.
'H.VKT * hTT hit IlAJJDb. Kllsworili ,
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Ollice , Broken lnw. ! Nebraska i
Ueeeinher U. 100S. f
A .siifllcioiit conlos ! afn iiv : r Im-ing been filed
n t us olllfIty 5X a thr w. Teeter. r..n eslant ,
iiain < t UiiiKetead No. 375(5 ( niule :
'line 20 lt'4 ! ) for nne. n\vc" , ssc. s ( cinn | 27 ;
iw. nesw , sv. . section 2i ! 1 'inmhip'JG , rmgc 34.
iy I > a\i'i II Sne'Mii'y ronl * . ! > > . in which It
s nllfgcil that said cl imant lias never resided
ipin i-u mated or improved said tract for
ii ! ! J'an ix months la-st past : thar. he has
I'hollv a and'uif- inc. find that rHlumit
iiMintain" a residence else'.vlier' ) Uian m nid
inc. ' . that ail thaimv a'lc-rcd ' ( leff-cls t-xist
r this ihitc ami have cot I'eeiu'iiri'd.
s'aid i-arlli-s nr < - hcrclw noUlifd t ( aiui nr
i PP-M d ami offer ovi-U-mv lonchu ir sai alle a-
on at 10 o'clock a. "i on January 1 ! > lOOii t-e-
.ir-.f II. uviton , U. > . I'oininissfoner. Alullen
'ei ' . . aiid the Una ! hcarnm will ! > ' held i
r ! ' oVocl ] a m. on January 2J. ir fO. i c
> -e thr r . ' - ! [ ami reci-ivvr ut 111" United !
i-'ii > -I'dOjIl m 'i' > l ( -ii I'ow. elira-k.i. '
T"e s-ii i coi.test'lit havinii. In aproperafli '
avil ( i-I . \ nni''i : M r.OS ) - ! torlli la-t . l
Inc'i -i iiv that t r due diligence ) * * . ' > nal '
vK'f t Ml" * noM. " c-anti" ! l > e in lie , it is
i. v urderuil ami < iirecti"l lha' Mich noti-e l/e
iv- < > \ due ; uiptoii ' ; > iil > lication
Labor Commissioner Ryder Sub-
ftlits Report on Mortgages.
; Says Many .ViiJI'or. Acres cf Lari f-.U.y
! Ce GfougHt Under Cultivation by
! . Agricultural Resources
of Stats.
Lr.con Dec. 10. Commissioner
John J. Ryder c : ' the depanmeni of la
ter has just coirpeteri a report on
thtr of 'arm anci city realty
; nori ages filed curing 3907. In ZOOT
j there were lo.'JSs t'arn : mortgages
- filed , involving capital ; o the amount
or J36.432.076 and lor the same period
there were released 17,950 mortgages
of the value of $126,357,391.
During the same year 12,436 mort
gages were filed on city property , in
volving $13,255,930 , 11,014 were re
leased , indicating a capital of $9,887-
902. The rates of interest on city mort
gages ranged from 6 to 10 per cent
and on farm loans from 5 to 10 per cent.
Mr. Ryder's report shows that of the
50.000,000 acres of farm land in Ne
braska. 35,000,000comprises deed
land , indicating that the /tale has a
1 aS.OOO.OOO-acre farm Of this amount ,
! only 2,17.773 acres were undei culti
vation last year , according to assessors ,
and this gives some idea of the possi
bilities of the undeveloped agricul
tural lesources of the state Although
many million acres will always be de
voted to stock raising , the labor com
missioner still believes many million
acres of arable land may be brought
under cultivation by the use of irriga
Nebraska Ecy Wins Junior First Prizs
at Omaha Exposition.
Omaha , Dec. 11. Some of the high
est awards on Nebraska corn were
made public by the judges of the Na
tional Corn exposition and Lee Smith
and son of De Soto , Aye brothers of
Blair , Milo Binsall of Fairbury , Neb. ;
Harry Seltz of De Seta , W. W. Bell
of Auburn and Miss Anna Martin of
Du Bois were among those who won
the principal prizes on Nebraska corn
so far as the lists had been completed.
As the result of years of instruc
tion under the tutelage of his father
and his grandfather , the famous
"Corn" Smith , Lee Smith , Jr. , of De
Soto , has swept the state , country and
woild in the ten-ear junior compe
Young Smith is but thirteen years
old and yet his ten ears were so won
derful that most of the judges agree
had he been an adult his exhibit would
have won first prize under , L. B.
Clore's first. As it is. he raptures over
$500 in premiums and prizes
Another feature of the clean sweep
made by the Nebraska lad is that his
father , Lee Smith , wins second prize
for ten ears in the grand sweepstakes ,
second to Clore of Indiana.
The Iowa student team won Hie
$1,000 trophy offered by the National
Grain Dealers' association for judging
competition , with Kansas second.
New Game Bird Thrives.
Lincoln , Dec. 16. Reports are being
received at the office of Game War
den Carter to the effect that the 3,000
Hungarian partridges which were
planted in Nebraska a year ago are
doing remarkably well. Captain Ful
ler , a banker of Morriam. who bought
eight pair a year ago. wrote Carter
thaf in his immediaie neighborhood
there were now &i leant 100. Around
Gordon the reports received are to
the effect that the foreign birds are
as plentiful as quail used to be.
Nebraska Orators Win.
Lincoln. Dec 12. Nebraska's thre < 5
debaters J E. Eeclnar , R. W. Bates
and Dean Drisco' : were awarded th
decision oer S. M Thompson , R. B.
Frizzell Slid J. C. Herbstman , repre
senting Illinois university , in the ora-
toricc ! con'tst l ed ! at Memorial hall
of the University cf Nebraska. Ne
braska hr.'l Hie affirmative of the ques-
ticri favoring commission . form of
mur.ic'.j a. government. Governor
Sr.eicior. acted as presiding officer
Adarr.s Mad Dog Scare. :
Adams. Neo . Dec : : A dcg with
a pronounced ca&e of labies ran ram
pant in the streets and in consequence
the city marsha : has killed from five
to nine dogs and .still the slaughter :
goes on There were some very narrow -
row escapes George Southard put an a
end to the dog. and a conservative es
timate is that twenty people were
Keliey Discharged From Custody.
Beatrice. Neb. . Dec 16- William
Keliey , recently arrested by govern
ment authorities charged with the rob
bery of a mail pouch , has been dis
charged , the government bcng : unable
ic produce evidence co'nnecting him w
with the 'hsft
No Successor to Sullivan Named.
Lincoln. Dec 30 No successor to
Judge J J Sullivan will Vje appointed
intn after the holidays This state- U
uenva = ma'Jc t y Governor Slioldo'n ' t ! !
. " . = . ' . whetherbe
n repr. o a query a. .o , T ! ; deiiaed or. & aian to fill the one-
rear term il
Kills Without Felcnioys Intent.
Tekamah. N ? b. . Dec 12. At .Le 5n-
juest held at Decatur over the body
3f Los'.er Ball , who was killed in a B ( :
ow there , th1 jury returned th" vor- til
'ict : "nat Ball fame to his death by tila ]
jlows inflicted , without felonious n- .7
it. < by Nicho' oN Ffe-rrens. .7to
Acquitted cr. Charge of Murdering Dr.
R'jstn ; t Omaha.
Omaha , Dec 11 By returning a
! verdict of not guilty after thirteen
) hours of deliberation the jury m the
j Cf.arle = E. Dav : = ; 3.2 ireoc ; Dr.v ; =
j from the- charge cf nvir'Jering Dr.
| Frederick Rustin on ' .he ir.omn r of
i Sept. 2 and left the death o : Dr Kris
tin involved in as deep a mystery a = ; r.
was the morning he v.-as found dyini ;
on his front porch.
Davis , the defendant , apparently
was the least concerned of those in
the court room. Less than f.vo nouri
after he had been acquitted of a cap
ital offense he was at ; ork unccn
cernedly at his place in the In li-s
department at the First National bai.k
While the verdict leaves the nijs-
tery unsolved , jurors \vho di-cus-f 'i
the trend of the debate in t'.c j-r- :
room declared it was not the opinion
of the jurors that Abbic Rice couM
have committed the crime. The pvin-
cipal theory among the jurors was
that Dr. Rust in committed suicide
The absence of evidence that r ' \ic \
was in the neighborhood of t'rf R.- ; i.
home at the tinif1 the shool MJ ; ' ? -
done was a weighty fact in th" inU
of some of the jurors. K- \\a- '
seen at 1J o'clock , according to'm
evidence , a Llork and a half from ii : <
Rus'in place , four ho.irs before the
Treasurer Erian Recommends Cha'v-e '
in Taxation System.
Lincoln , Dec. 12 A revolution ? n
the taxation system in Nebraska is
recommended by State Treasurer Diiau
in his annual report He believe ? 'he
corporations should pay all the run
ning expenses of the state roverr.m nt
and that thp taxation in counties
should be sufficient only to support
the county government.
Treasurer Brian says that the stale
debt has been reduced $1,19 $ 000 dur
ing the past two ypnrs l ; fivinu ; the
debt only 5718,750. The treasurer fig
ures ( hat on this basis tlio state will
be entirely out of debt Julv 24. 1 < K'J )
Mexican Trophy Admitted Free.
Omaha , Dec. 15. Following an ex
tensive telegraphic correspondence between -
tween the local customs officials and
the authorities at Washington , thf $ ! . -
500 trophy offered by Senor Domin-
guez of the Mexican government to
the best qualified team of student
judges at the National Corn exposi
tion , has been admitted duty free.
Colonel Barrows , the local collector of
the port , was enabled to deliver it to
the corn exposition after receiving
permission from the treasury depart
ment at Washington. It already has
been awarded to the Ames ffa ) Agri
cultural r.ollego judging team
Lincoln Lawyer in Trouble.
Holdrege , Neb. , Dec 14. Lafo Bur
nett , a Lincoln luv.-yer , and' Mrs. Wil
son , wife of the sheriff , nro und r ar
rest here. The man was s n * to jail
and the woman taken to a hospital.
Mrs. Wilson was recently di.s.-harjr ° d
from the state insane asylum and
with Burnett had been settling up an
estate she received from a forrnpr hus-
band. Wilson came here and will file
a complaint against the lawyer , who ,
Wilson declares , undertook to serure
a large part of the fortune his uit
received af'.er the death of her first
Report of State Auditor.
Lincoln. Dec. 15 The biennial re
port of the sta'e auditor has just been
issued. 1 < shows that bonds to the
value of $2.301.680 were recorded dur
ing the year Of this amount S75.0 0
was issued by counties and SSSx OO
by cities , villages and towns Tre re
mainder of $1.331 000 v.-as iss'K-f ! by
school diVriits Much of the aggre
gate e.rr.orjt i ? in refunding bonds
and in a rnajori'v of r-ases does not in
dicate an inrr't' f ] indebtedness A
large majority of the "oonds issued by
school districts was for the construe
tion of new buildings.
Three Complaints Against Congdcn
Wilcox , Neb , DorH. . Henry Cong-
don , who ha- : had three wives , is the
object of three complaints which have
fust been filed against him One is
filed by wife No. 1. living in Michigan ,
cvho seeks to secure possession of
heir two-year-old child which she
says he is keeping in custody without
warrant of law. The second com
slaint is fiied by his second wife \vii ,
charges adultorv To make Cong-'on' =
up of wo deeper a complain' for il
egal liquor selling has just been'fj -l
tgainst him.
Brilliant Function at Omaha.
Omaha , Dec. 15 Seldom has O si
la seen a more brilliant affair 'hci >
hfi ball givin last night by r.ho o" :
ers of Fort Omaha and Fort Crrok
n honor of General ? Carter an-i Mor
on The affair was not only brilhai t
lecause of the dazzling arrav of 7'- !
ace and buttons , but by reason of * h * >
ery exclusive rharactfir of the if-sr' ]
irho invite-J to be
were present Th-
.all was held at a 3oal hotel ami he
rrangcments were most elaborate
Five Burglaries at Holdrege.
IToldroge , Neb. , Dec 15. Five burg-
iries in one night is the record for
ii = fov/n The reward the burglars
eceived was small , the aggregate be-
ig less than $25 , and officers followed
iCm to Minden the following day ,
'here they lost the trail.
Money for Public Schools.
Lincoln. Dec4 The semi-annual
heel apportionment to be sent out
is ! week amounts to $267,132.91 The
pportionment is made on a basis of
2198 per pupil , there being 369,996
_ f
All kinds of wood work done to r rdor. Stoi-k tanks niadf > in all ize >
Residence and shop one block south of pass ngiMdepot. .
Valentine , THOXE 72 Nebraska
References : M ; Many Customers.
Go to the
Stock Exchange Saloon
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr.
Ship your Live Stock
shipment too large aud none too small to receive the
most careful attention.
Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled
by members of the firm.
Each man's stock sold on their merits and a square deal
guarantee ! to all. :
Write us for the market paper and our special market
letters , which we send you free of charge.
A ios SXYOKU , Salesman. MATT-MALOSE I Cattle
GEO. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. Tiros. J. DONAHUE ] " Salesman.
New Hotel. Electric Lights.
Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water.
MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Nebr.
Rates $1 per day , - Calls for all trains ,
Gent's Furnishings
Valentine , Xeb. , Nov. 23 , 1908.
We wish to call your atten
tion to the fact that we are going to
manufacture all suits here in the fu
ture and all our help has had years of
experience in cutting and fitting. You
need not hesitate in leaving your ord
ers for they will have our prompt at
tention and imme liate service.
Our cutter has had 35 years ,
service cutting and fitting.
Cleaning pressing and Repairing a Specialty.
\U C T ! O N E E RThTG
Done in the most satisfactory manner ! Largest prices for
the seller and honest deali-g with the
! On these
terms T. \ \ . Cramer sulic to
your patronace
of Missouri Auction Schor/ , August term 8 Gradajlje
w. CWAM-K . WA1 1 °
: , NEB-