StiK'ir an : . > > i icr Prof. Thril i < Tt , of the i'.isieur Insti tute at Paris. Ins demonstrated m-ont- i ly that bur.ii. g s i.c.ndevelops formic V acetyreiip-hydr < gen. one of the nnst / powerful : ml ; ; optic gases known. Five grams of suuar (77.1(5 ( grains ) wore burned umliT a glass boll holding 10 Quarts. After the vapor had cooled bacilli of typhus , tuberculosis , cholor.i , small-pox , etc. , wrre placed in the bell in open glass lulie * . and within half aa hour all the microbes were dead. If sugar is burned in a closed vessel containing putrificd meat or the con tents of rotti-n i 'gs. the offensive odor disappears at once. The popular faith In the disinfecting qualities of burned sugar appears , therefore , wHl founded. The l : iMy Descent. Mrs. Humphry Ward , during her American visit , condemned , at a ladies' luncheon in New York , the marriage wherein a woman weds a degraded in order to uplM't him. "A painter whom I know visited one day the studio of a dissipated and ratLei worthless friend , " she said. " 'I am going to be married , ' said tha worthless one. 'Miss Blank , you know her. She's a sweet girl , and too good for me. ' " 'Don't let that worry you , ' said the other , dryly. 'You will soon drag her down to your level. ' " Only One "BROMO QUIXINE' That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look tor the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure a Cold In One Day. 28c One Hloro Unfortunate. The police justice looked at the bat tered , disreputable specimen of manhood before , him uud turned to the policeman. "Officer , " he asked , "what is the com plaint ? " "Rheumatiz , y'r honor , " spoke up th prisoner , answering for himself. Chicago Tribune. \VE SELL GUNS AIVD TRAPS CHEAF & buy Furs & Hides. Write for catalog 103 N. W. Hide & Fur Co. . Minneapolis , Minn. The Huh. Ostend Pa. what do they mean when they say "Money is easy" in Wall street ? Pa They mean that it is easy , my son , because they have just gotten It t from easy people. Ostend Then why can't we get It ? Pa Because those that have a hold on it are not easy. Mrs. "Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for child ren teething , softens the gums , reduces In flammation , allays pain , cures wind colic , toe a bottle. Zeal for Learning In Ireland. An Irish question , hitherto unno ticed , has become pressing. A great library to which students , teachers and the general public can have access is an almost indispensable feature among the institutions of a capital city con taining , as Dublin will do , two univer sities. But as things are , no such li brary will be available In Dublin. The staff and the reading-room ac commodation of Trinity College. Dub lin , are both severely tried by the needs of the university alone , and there is practically no room for outsid ers. Then there is the National Li brary of Ireland , which , considering its slender resources , has done splendid work , but it has only $ G,2oO a year to buy books , and its available space is sometimes so crowded that one may sea readers perched on ladders around the reading-room or two sharing a single ! chair circumstances which certainly testify to a remarkable xeal for learn ing In modern Ireland. The average daily attendance is between GoO and i " 700. TolMtny' * Opinion of 1C In firs. In a recent letter Tolstoy says : "The sovereigns now living , instigators of violeHce and massacres of all kinds , are so far below the moral standard of the majority that they cannot even inspire disgust. They are but unfortunates , who deserve to be pitied. We should neither allow our indignation to rise against those creatures , who are void of the most sacred feeling of humanity , nor should we combat them. * ' POSTAL CARDS 20 Beautiful Illus trated Souvenir Cards that sell at 2 for 6c and 5c each , all for lOc , by mail pre paid. "Wanted , old books of all kinds , magazines and music. L. C. DEAN , South Omaha , Xeb. If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Stop Coughing ! Nothing breaks down the health to Quickly and positivey ! ai a penlttent cough. If you have a cough eive it attention now. You can relieve it quickly with PISO'S CURE. Famous for half.e. century as the reliable remedy for coughs , colds , hoarseness , bronchitis , asthma and kindred ailments. Fine for children. At all druggist * ' , 25 cU. What was accomplished toward tha construction of the big ditch across tha American isthmus during the last liscal year is told with much detail in the re port of the Canal Commission. It shows that the total cost of the canal to date , including the $29,000,000 appro priated for the year 1909 , is $120- 9G4,4GS. With an average of 43,057 workers on the pay roll , the death rate per thousand was IS. .2. less than hall of the previous year. The decrease was especially among the blacks , and this testifies to improved sanitation , During the year 929 patients in the hos pitals died out of 27..12treated. : . Ma chinery in use at the end of the year included 101 steam shovels , 30 Ameri can and French locomotives , " ,4 > 1 American cars and G.J ! ) French cars , 2 < ] cranes. : IO unloaders. 9 track shifters , 3 $ pile drivers. 2earth : spreaders ant ] 44i unloading plows. All the settlements uere supplied with electric lights , num. boring 1350r. sixteen-candle lights. The annual report of Postma fei General .Meyer discloses a deficit ol SlG/.MO.l'TS. the largest in the history of the department , the increase in reve nue having been only half the ordinary rate of recent years. The chief cause of the deficit is the large increase of the rural free delivery system , which cost ? 'M.01-1G : : > , . Th Postmaster Gen eral recommends now a parcel post ad dition to the rural delivery , believing that it would be not only of great ben efit to the farmers , but would earn mill ions for the postal service. Further , more , it is urged that such a service would help the small local stores. A new counterfeit ? o silver certifl cate , Indian head , has been discovered by the secret service officials , who de clare that it is a dangerous and decep tive counterfeit. It is said to be particularly - ticularly deceptive by reason of the fact that it is painted on genuine paper , which has l > een obtained .by bleaching a note of smaller denomination , probably a $1 bill. * * Captain Emmet Crawford , of the Third United States cavalry , who was killed in the attempt to capture Ge- roiiiino twenty-two years ago , is to be honored with a place in the National cemetery. The remains have lain at Kearney , Xeb. , since 1SSG. They will be disinterred and transferred to Ar lington cemetery , and there reburied with military honors. Preliminary to making its report the national monetary commission held its first formal meeting in Washington , The decision was reached to draft a set of questions to be submitted to foreign - eign bankers and authorities , the answers - swers to which it is expected will ba valuable in the preparation of a general financial measure for the United States , The Xavy Department has ordered that the ollicial address of the naval station at Guam hereafter shall be in the Marianne Islands instead of the Ladrone Islands , which they were named under Spanish rule. Ladrone is Spanish for robber , and the inhabitants claimed that such a suggestive name did them injustice. A grand total of 92.069,289,190 worth of mineral products in the Unit ed States during the past year is announced - , nounced by the geological survey. Of , this amount $1,160.105,191 were nou-1 metallic , 39015,02-i.OOo metalic , and $100,000 not specified. The mineral products for the previous year aggre gated $1.004.007,034. The National Conservational Com mission , which grew out of the first conference of governors and other not able men at the White House last win- ter. completed its inventory of the na- tion's resources , with the aid of the executive departments of the govern- ment. and these facts were reported at a meeting of the romnrission. The total receipts of the Federal Land nflice for the year were $12,715- 7CD. an increase over the previous year of $ l.l < ; i ! . . i:51. : The total area of land oriuinally entered during the year is V. ) . < : : ) ( ) . : : . " i J acres , a decrease of 1,907,209 acres , as compared with 1007. The to tal area upon which linal proof was made is y.Ol'.S,0-14 acres. General revision of the American financial system cannot l > e hoped for al the coming session of Congress , but the members of the national monetary com mission expert there will be a law pass ed corrective of some of the developed evils in the administrative features ol banking. The report of Second Assistant Post master General Stewart tells of a big saving to the government from the new method of weighing the malls carried by the railroads. The old way MTRS to test the weight of the mails on each , road icr six successive days and taka the average for the 3(53 days of the year. Now the weighing covers a larg. * er period , and the saving will run iatf the millions. Shoe your horses for the business they have to do. If you can buy the cow that the other man doesn't want to sell you are generally pretty safe. The ginseng craze seems to have passed out of sight in company with the Belgian hare delusion. Have a fancy brand for the best grade of your fruit. Stencil it on every box and you will get a better price. Old apple trees that are not doing nny good , but which have sound trunks , may be brought to usefulness by graft- Narrow-chested horses have not the endurance that those have with good broad t chests. Don't buy a thin-breast- Dd horse. " .Milk fed" poultry arc poultry fat tened for market on a milk and grouncT oats diet. This food produces white fiesh Just the kind that brings the fancy prices. A good deep hole In an out-of-the way place Is the right place to plant all the old tin cans , broken bottles rnd other uuburnable rubbish which makes the premises so unsightly. In the last analysis one will reap the iaigest and most lasting results for himself in that undertaking In which he contributes most generously to the happiness and well being of those to ivhom he ministers. An eld fruit grower says that the pick te the best tool he ever used arffand apple trees when the ground ( i has i become too hard. He sinks the pick I 8 or 10 inches Into the soil and merely pries the dirt loose , without dis turbing t the roots at all. It is estimated by competent authori ties that over 45 per cent of the food products of the better classes lu the United States consist of animal prod ucts. , In other words , half of the nmount spent for food of the average family goes for meat , eggs and dairy products. j This fact suggests why it pays the farmer to raise stock. Fanners should study to know the weeds that grow on their farms. One man says he knows the name of every weed In his section of the state. When he sees a new weed he immediately | finds out what it is called and by tak ing j such an interest In weeds he has . his farm practically free of them. The . best methods of eradication is part of the study of weeds. A government 'bulletin ' says that ex cept in a general way the fertilizer cr requirement of soils becomes a prob lem for each farm , or for each class of farms under like conditions of soil , climate and system of cropping and fertilization. The indications are that fertilizers containing relatively more potash and nitrogen than do those now in general use would prove more ef fective. In the Northern States alfalfa can be more easily started in the early part of August than in April , as when given the late planting opportunity is afforded during the preceding months to kill most of the weed seeds that may be lodged in the soil. The soil should be put In the best of tilth and the * seed either drilled in or dragged enough BO that there will be sufficient moisture for purposes of germination. It is well to remember that alfalfa , like red clover , does not dowell on low or undrained soils. With a view to freeing themselves from the dictation of beef prices by the Chicago packing houses , a group of Central Iowa farmers have lately shipped a carload of fine beeves direct to Portland , Me. , where they will be loaded for shipment to England. A prior shipment direct to the Liverpool market resulted in their receiving such good prices that they were led to try the plan again. There would seem to be no good reason why this method could not be followed right along whenever Chicago or other packing house centers were not paying a fair price. Yonns Chicks. When the chickens are 9 to 10 weeks old at the Maine Experiment Station and the cockerels weigh 1 4 to 1 % pounds , the sexes are separated and the cockerels put by themselves Into va cant brooder houses , 100 to a house. Each house has a yard in front about twelve feet square. The cockerels are fed on porridge three times a lay in V-shaped troughs , with four-Inch sides. This is made of six parts corn meal , two parts middlings , one-half part lin seed meal and tvra parts beef scrap by weight , and mixed with tepid water ; milk would be better. They are fed all they will eat in one-half hour , when the troughs are removed and cleaned. The yards are kept clean by covering them with sand , straw or hay when they get dirty. The birds will stand this feeding for two or three weeks with good appetites. When they com mence taking less they are dressed fof market , and usually weigh 24 pounds dressed. Have Yonr Seed Tested. The United States Department of Ag riculture , in co-operation with the Mis- sourl College of Agriculture and Ex periment Station , has installed at Co lumbia , Mo. , a laboratory for the testIng - Ing of seeds for Missouri farmers. This laboratory will be thoroughly equipped and it will be possible for the reports on seed samples sent in to be returned immediately. All that is necessary is for the farmer to send in the sample with his name attached and a letter accompanying it stating whether ha , wishes simply a quality test made or j whether he wishes both a quality and germination test. This work will bo free of charge for all farmers and seedsmen. The farmers of Missouri are wasti ing annually thousands of dollars on impure seeds and seeds of low vitality. ' ' and the damage from weeds which are being introduced is scarcely to be overi emphasized. Thus far the farmers have been almost at the mercy of unscrupulous - , scrupulous seed dealers , and it is for this reason that this laboratory is be ing Installed. It will be possible under this arrangement for a farmer to write to seed companies for samples and quo tations , send these samples to Colum bia for testing and then make an or der on the result of this examination. It Is hoped that every Missouri farm er will take advantage of this oppor tunity to know the character and value of the seeds he buys. Missouri Demo crat. Work iu the Farm Dnlry. Too many farmers' wives do not know that salting Is one of the most important things in buttermaking. Every woman whose butter does not bring the highest price should attend the district Institute or , better still , a short course at the state experiment station. She will learn some things about butterma-kiug she never dreamed of. Creameries are becoming more strict in their demands for sweet cream. This Is not easy to produce In hot weather , i and nothing but the cleanest possible methods should be used. Milk that is allowed to stand until it cools naturally will not keep as well as that which is cooled by water or ice immediately after it comes from the cow. By setting the cream can in very cold water and stirring it frequently it will soon get down to 50 degrees and that Is pretty safe. Not long ago we passed a dairy where the man and his wife were milk ing a herd of fourteen fine looking fat shorthorn cows. Most of them were in pretty fair condition for beef , j The dairyman complained that although - though he fed his cows well he did not seem to get enough rich milk to make the business pay. No wonder ! If the cow is off her feed , droops or shows and signs of illness , she should IKJ taken from the herd at once. It is a mistake to change a cow's food suddenly and radically. If the cow is ' thriving feed should never be changed. Newspapers wrapped around milk cans will keep them cool while being taken to the creamery. Thin Milk. As far its other constituents art concerned a milk poor in fat is as valuable a food as a milk rich in fat The fat percentage , the popular stand ard by which milk is Judged , Is most valuable , while the proportions of the albuminoids , sugars and salts vary but , little in the different samples of milk. In other words , while the energy-pro ducing and heat-giving qualities of tha several kinds of milk may be great or little , the valuable proteid ingredients , which go to the building up of tha tissues the prime property of any food remain very much the same in all varieties of cow's milk. Thus a "thin" milk Is for all pur poses , save for energy and heat pro duction , as valuable a food as the so- called "rich milk. " Indeed , It not In frequently happens , as the experimen tal breeding of young growing animals j has shown , that a thin milk may prove I In the long run more flesh-forming than a rich milk , inasmuch as the former is less liable to Induce gastroen- trlc disorders. Let us consider what this means. It means , first of all , that the enormous quantity Is turned to more economical use than the feeding of animals or the manufacture o < ( "ivory" for table knives and piano keys. The despised skim milk Is a valuable article of food , capable of supplying' many of the wants of the organism. and , from Its lightness and digestibil i ity , peculiarly suitable to those whose digestive powers are debilitated. It' ' means , further , that buttermilk , which t can be had for the asking almost any- where in this country , Is also a valu able food for men and women , although at present utilized only to feed pigs. Surely , if he is esteemed the greatest benefactor to the race who can grow two grains of corn where only one grew before , in a like manner honor should be paid him who rescues a waste product and transforms it into a valued article of a nation's diet C Record. ( Mllllonnlro TVho HeJp.i the Poor. Pedro Alvnrado. the young man of Parral. Mexico , who became fabulously wealthy about ton roars ago. when the Palmillo miiip developed a store of gold , has just distributed a fortune equiva lent to about .Sli.COO.OOO in American rnonoy to the poor of his country. It is said he supplied more than 3,000 pov erty-stricken families with clothes , focd , rent , medicines and other necessi ties. This is only one of a half dozen instances in which he has distributed fortunes in charity. His wealth Is es timated anywhere from 5100,000,000 to $200.0(10.000 , and fifteen years ago he was a miner. lie has built flfty church es and more than 100 schools within the last eight years. INVALID'S SAD PLIGHT. After Iiillnmniatory THieamntlnrn , IlnJc Came Ont , Skin Peeled , nu l IU1 S.ires < Developed Only Cnil- < -iri Proved Succensful. "About four years ago I had a ven' severe attack of inflammatory rheuma tism. My skin peeled , and the high fever i played havoc with my hair , which came out in bunches. 1 also had three large bed sores on my back. I did not gain very rapidly , and my ap petite was very poor. 1 tried many 'sure ; cures' but they were of little help , ami until I tried Cuticura Re solvent I bad ha.l no real relief. Then my complexion cleared and soon I felt bettor. The bed sores went very soon after a few applications of Cuticura Ointment , and when I used Cuticura Soap and Ointment for my hair it be gan to regain Sis former glossy appear ance. Mrs. Lavina J. Henderson. 138 Broad St. , Stamford , Conn. , March < J and 12 , 1907. " 31 is pin ceil Confidence. "I beg your pardon. " said the man at the front door , "but dop.s a does a man of the name of Suoodle live in this build ing ? " "Yes , sir , " .answered the man of tlu house. "My name is Snoodle. " "Then I've lost. " said ( he other , turn ing away. "I bet a fellow ? . " that nobody [ who had that name would acknowledge it. " Chicago Tribune. PILES CURED IX 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case ol Itching , Blind , Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. COc. Errors of History. Nero explained. "I was fiddling , nil right , while Rome was burning , " he said , "but I was doing it from a good motive. I wanted to arouse the inmates of the palace and drive them safely out of doors without their suspect ing that anything worse than the music was , going on. " But the historians of the day , who had it in for Nero , anyhow , re fused to correct the mistaken impression tihat had gone abroad. Chicago Tribune. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications , as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness , and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mu cous lining of the Kustarhian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect liearintr. and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result , and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion , hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh , which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will gi-e One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness ( caused by Catarrh ) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars , free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. Sold by Druggists. 7. c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Not His Fault. Tom I thought you were on the water wagon. Dick I was. But high places always make me dizzy , and I fell off. Detroit , Free Press. I Eor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of When yonr Watch Stops Yon cannot make It go by shaking it. When the bowels are constipated you can disturb them ivith cathartics but , like the watch , they will not be able to do their allotted work until they are put into proper condi tion to do it. One cannot mend a delicate piece of mechanism by violent lent methods , and I \ no machine made by man is as fine as the human body. The use of pills , salts , castor-oil and strong cathartic medicines is the violent method. The use of the herb tonic laxative , | Lane's Family Medicine is the method adopted by intelli gent people. Headache , backache , indigestion , constipation , skin diseases all are benefited immediately by the use of this medicine. Druggists sell it at 250. and soc. TV. L , Done-las mnkrs and fell * more men's 83.OO and S3.SO shoe * tlmn any other manufacturer In the world , 15- cauRO they hold their shape , fit bettor , and vs-ear'loipcr than any other make. Shoes at All Prices , for Every Member of the Family , Hen , Boys , Women , fli s& Children W.L.DonjU = J4.00 Jid$5.00 OUtZ t ShoM c&nart t * attJiU d * t UT prlct. W. i. Douglu 32.80 tad 92.00 shots in tilt i st In tit w Jrid Feat Color Eytlets Ue& Exclittivetv- SST-Take JV ub tHi .e. W. L. Douglas name and pnce la tumped on bottom. Sold eTerywliere. Shoe * mailed from factory to any part of the world. .Tatalorfue free. W. L. DOUGLAS. 157 Spark St. . Crockloa. Mm. 45io50 Bushels of Wheat per Acre have been grown on Farm Lands in WESTERN CANADA Much less would be satisfactory. The general average is above 20 bushelt "All arr loud in their praises of tha Krcat crops and that wonderful country. " Extract Irom c rrespondence National Editorial Association of August , 1908. It is now possible to secure a Homestead o < 160 acres ir e and another 160 acres at $3.00 pel acre. Hundred3 have pnid the cost of their farms fil purchased ) and t.ien iid a balance of from to Siz.oo per acre from one crop. Wheat , Barley. Oats , Flax all do well. Mixrd Farming is a t'reat j > uc--esd and Dairying ishi hlj profitable. Excellent Climate , splendid Schools and Churches , Kailwavs bring most every district within easy reach of market. Railway and Land Companies have lands fet sale at low prices and on ensy terms. "Last Best West" Pamphlets and maps sent free. For these and information as to how to secure lowest Railway Rates apply to \V. D. Scott , Superintendent of Immigration , Ottawa , Canada , or E. T. Holmes. 315 Jackson St. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M. MacLacnlait , Box 116 Watertowa , bo. Dakota Authorized Govern ment Agents. Please iar vrb ra you eavr this advertisement. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN , A Certain Onre lor Fevcri"hne | , Conntipatlout Headache , Stomach Troubles , Teething Jiiaordors , nd D.eujtror Mother Gray. Worms. Thar Break up Colds Nurse in Child in 24 hours. At all Drugpisu , SScrU. ren's Home. Sample mulnd FREE Addrou , V IT York Citj. A. S. OLMSTED , Le oy. H Y. HELP INSIST ON' HAVING Koit Dr. MarfePs Preparation WOMEIl , The Ptaudnrd Heraedjr. ( AtDnitzbt * ) * rnd fnrbook "Keller for Women. " FRENCH DKCU CO. , 80 W. 82d bt. , N. T. Cl 7 MENT10X THIS tA.tS.JL TO ADTXITUSU. S. C. N. U. - - - No. 51 1908. WE BUY FURS-HIDES for spot cash. 1O to BO < Z more money for yon to ship Raw Fnrs and Hides to than t ng sell at homo. V\ rite for Price List , Market Report. Shipping Tags , and about our HUNTERS'&TRAPPERS'GUIDE , ? " , P. * CI ! e tner bound. Best thlnr on the subject ever written Hluitratlnc all Fur Animali All about Trappen Secret. ' . D CO.TS. Tr p . Game Laws. How and where to trap , and to become a ine- ceMfultrspper. It's a rerular Kncjclopedia. Price. ? 2. To beautiful Rnl.cs. our customer ! , $1 25. Hides tann d into Our Magnetic Bait and Decoy attract ! animals VJ trips. < 1 PO per bottle. Ship roar KJdes andFars totu and cethizhestprices. Andermch Bros. . Dept. Ill Mlnn apoll 1\ltniir . I Why take sickening- salts or repulsive castor oil ? "Goes through you like a ( dose of salts" means violence , grips , gripes , gases , soreness , irritation , and leaves your stomach and bowels weak \ and burnt out ! Might just as well take concen trated lye. Then there's castor oil , disgusting , nauseat ing truck that your stomach refuses unless you disguise the taste. Fool your own stomach , eh ? Don't ever believe that anythin-g offensive to your taste or smell is going1 to do you real good. Nature makes certain things repulsive , so you will not take them. Force yourself to nauseous doses , and you ruin your digestion , weaken your bowels , destroy your health. On the other hand see what a delightful , palatable , perfect modern laxative , liver regulator and bowel tonic you find in Best for the Bowels. All druggists , ice , 350 , 5oc. Never sold in bulk. The genuine tablet stamped C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. ample and booklet free. Address 540 Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York.