Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 17, 1908, Image 1

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    Historical Society
I. M. Eice , Editor and Proprietor VALENTINE , KEBR. , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 17 , 1908. Volume 23. Xo. 49
to the
A nice Chair or Piece of Furniture
for your wife , mother , sister or
sweetheart. We have the largest
and best line of Rockers and
in Cherry county. Also Nickle Plate ,
Copper and Silver Plated Ware , Pie
Servers , Chaffing Dishes , Pudding
Dishes and Fancy Dishes of all
kinds. Call and see them.
Red Front JVIerc. Co.
e have just received a large line of
all sizes and prices ; also
Ladies Suit § Waist Goods
A big reduction price on
ons Coats
Our winter line is complete. Call and
see our sample line of Fur Overcoats.
PHONE 97 ,
5 \5 t S JSSS925i2'E ' 3B' C
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : a
Old Crow , Sherwood , K
Hermitage , Guchcnheimer ,
" Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 27 year/old
and Jas , E , Pepper , O , F , C. Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond \
and came direct from the U. S. gov- |
eminent warehouse. They are guaranteed - f
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use. }
\ \ i
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies. Imported \
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinnessfs Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , \
vT'C- Valentine
= Nebraska
2S2 " 5r2 Cf : ? 2 '
Read the Advertisements. !
Mr. Bryants Work.
The papers are publishing1 the
following open letter from Evangelist -
golist RPV. French E. Oliver to
Mr. Bryan :
"Twelve .years ago 1 wrote you
a letter in which I stated ray con
viction that you should preach the
gospel , and added the statement
that if you would consecrate your
wonderful talents to God as an
evangelist , the Bryan of the Twen
tieth century would equal the Paul
of the First century , as a cham
pion of the cause of Christ. Per
sonally your three defeats have
been three sources of regret to
me , as I hoped to pee you elected
to the presidency. Who knows ?
Perhaps God has withheld the
presidency from you in order that
you may become more to your
country than president. I am
firmly convinced that one ambas
sador of Christ of your calibre is
worth more to this nation than ten
thousand presidents. This im
pression regarding your fitness for
the great work named has been
strong in my heart for twelve
years , and I pray God that it may
become a fire in your great soul. "
Mr. Bryan appreciates the com
pliment and has often expressed
his high opinion of the minister's
mission and work , but M * * . Bry
an's woik lies along another line
He has for 18 years been a coworker -
worker with several millions of his
countrymen in an t ( Fort to im
prove the government by the se
curing of remedial legislation.
The ties that have been formed
during these years cannot easily
be broken , and the obligations in
curred cannot be lightly disregard
ed Important as is the work of
the evangelist , the. work of th j re
former is not to be despised , and
Mr. Bryan is interested in re
forms. At the call of his party
he has three times been a candi
date for the presidency and , the
defeated , he has had the loyal sup
port of between six and seven mil
lions of voters. No question arises
in his mind or enters his heart as
to his present duty. The war is
not over ; it cannot end while there
is an abuse to be remedied or a
public good to be secured. Ke
could no more desert with honor
than a soldier could , without dis
grace , lay down his arms in the
presence of the enemy.
Mr. Bryan has spoken upon re
ligious subjects and will speak
again as opportunity offers , for he
believes that a sense of responsi
bility to God is the most potent
influence that enters into a man's
life , and he believes that those in
public life have an opportunity to
apply the fundamental principles
of Christianity to present prob
lems. Mr. Bryan is quite sure
that his life work is in the study
of the science of government and
in the study of public questions
from the common people as he un
derstands these interests. This
work he can do with tongue and
with pen and he finds an ample
reward in the consciousness that
ie is serving his countrymen.
Holt County Independent.
State Oil Inspector.
Hon. Arthur F. Mullen will be
the next state Oil inspector for
Nebraska. This has been decided
Governor-elect Shallenberger
and the appointment is already
made or will be within a-day or
two , as Mr. Mullen has been noti
fied that he has been chosen for this
position. Mr. Mullen has decided
to accept and has so notified Mr.
Shallenberger. j
We are glad to see the excellent
services of Mr. Mullen in the cam
paign recognized , and we. feel that
no wiser or better selection could
have been made. .Arthur is wide-a- .
wake- , energetic ; fearless and. abao-
Don't be late. See our offerings in Holiday merchandise. Some of the lines
we mention here may be just what you want :
Ladies' and Men's Holiday Slippers Men's Half Hose
Good values , per pair § 1.50 All grades and colors loc to 50c
Men's Fancy Vests Men's Bath Robes
to please particular men.1.50 to § 3.00 Suitable for Xmas presents , extraordi-
Men's Neckwear nary values § 5.50 and § 0.00
All the newest effects , long open end Ladies' Holiday Kerchiefs
four-in-hands and Club House Bows in a Splendid assortment loc to 50
myriad of shades and patterns at the '
Ladies' Rusching Collars ,
very low price of 35c to 75c , ,
Collar and Cuff Sets , fine Xmas values ,
Men's Reefer MuffleJs 40c to § 3.00
in whice , pearl and navy.1.50 to § 1.75 Ladjes' Elastic Belts ,
Suspenders Collar Supporters , Fancy Pins , etc. We
Fancy and plain colors in Holiday boxes have an especially full line of this nov
es , per pair 50c to § 1.25 elty stuff.
lutely honest and trustworthy , and
the people of Nebraska will have a
state Oil inspector that does not
fear John D. Kockefeller or his
hosts , and while the Standard Oil
company will be treated on the
square , they will not have a single
advantage over the people under
Mr. Mullen's term of office. Holt
county is proud of Arthur Mullen
and will take a good deal of pride
in seeing bjm climb the ladder of
fame which he is bound to do.
" \Vatch \ the prediction. Holt Co.
Wanted. A big , broad , liberal
minded man to make the race for
governor of Nebraska two years
hence. This state is a great big
commonwealth that has outgrown
its baby clothes and is entitled to
have an executive who is able to
grasp the situation in all parts of
the state and not be wholly in
fluenced by partisans who gather
at the state's capitol to work for
measures beneficial to their own
and special interests. The repub
lican party has plenty of material
and it is none too soon to begin in
spection in order to make a selec
tion of a man who will be a gov
ernor of all the people instead of
certain cliques . and favored lo
calities. Atkinson Graphic.
What's the matter with "the
best governor the state ever had ? "
St. Nicholas Church.
Services tvil ! be held in the
Catholic Church as follows.
In Valentine on Sunday , Dec.
20 , at 10 a. m. Benediction with
the Blessed Sacrament after mass.
On Christmas , Dec. 25 , in Valen
tine as follows : Low mass at 7:30 :
and S a. m. , high mass and sermon
at 10 a. m. , Benediction with the
Blessed Sacrement after mass.
In Arabia on New Year's Day ,
Jan. 1 , 1909 , at 10 a. m sharp.
How Can We Save Money
and Labor ?
By getting theXrostyle washing
machine the washer that washes.
Costs nothing you save it in the
wear and tear of the clothes.
Takes one-half the time , one-half
the water , one-half the fuel , one-
third the labor and one-eighth the
wear of any other washing ma
chine made. May be seen at F. I
F. Ralya's , Valentin , Neh. For' '
full particulars or for demonstra
tion at your home , write i
49 Arabia ; Nebr.
We sell farming implements as well as other
merchandise at reasonable prices.
Call and try us.
Uburtervd as a Stttte Hank. Utmnered. as a .National Bank
Jun- , 1884. August 12. 1002 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
JAFxTAL PAID IN A General Banking
. ; Exchange and
Collection Business.
0. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V. 7
Tobaccos and Cigars.
Canned Goods Lunch Counter.
f <
* 7 r > \
/ V $ A5I7 * f
> SjM l ) * % i & M M
* i jt - < nl * * * ujy * A w 4 - !
Stetter & Tobien , Propsjr. .
* C !
All Kinds of Fresh
and Salt Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cuttle. Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything .vou have to sell.
Valentine , Nebraska ,
has received a complete line of new. high grade
I and Winter Goods ,
which are being offered at the lowest prices possible - f
sible , the margin of profit being only r isonable. v |
Prices are within the reach of all and pla' lymark- ; !
I ed on every article. One price to cverybt ly. 'J