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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1908)
I SHOPPING Till Xmas Don't put off your Xmas shopping. Buy now while the stock is fresh and complete and you can take your time to it. it.Our Our stock of Christ mas goods is now in place. MIX- * --rrmTS3 [ Bi VALENTINE. NED A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out 810 or § 10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and give's you a record of erery transaction. VALENTINE'STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. VALENTINE BARBER SHOP All kinds of. SHAMPOOS. \ ' f" MASSAGES , ' i. . AND LADIES HAIR DRESSING Shampooing a specialt } * . , HOT and COLD BATHS in connection f < Forest Shepard , Prop. Valentine State Bank Building he Loup Valley 11 erefod Ranch. Brownlee.Nebr Soldier Pree Col unions 17th iraio. ) " H .son of Oolunilw 17th. u lialt hrothei oftlie SlO.OODC uni piiHi i ) le , : i n < iTincf BoHtjdH 131. 693 ui head of herd I i < * + t f I now have about 30 head of 1007 bull cahe- for sale. C. II. FAUUIAUKK. H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparmeni of T. C. Hornby's store. J. W. McDANIEL , COUNTY SURVEYOR Valentine - Xebr. All work will be given prompt and careful attention. W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUit & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. JOH-N F. FORATH , j' V III ! ! ' { > . 3 VJ > r * Tubular wells and windmill ? , me up by Telephone. Talk of th'e Town Try Kazda's barber shop. Robert Ellis was in to .vn la : Friday. See th specialist Tuesday , Di cember 22nd. > Fr.nU Kitne of Kennedy was i town last Saturday. J.V. . Daniels was in tow Tuesday on business. Gordon Lord and Rob'lTnomf son drove in Tuesday from th river. i .Mrs. Logan Barker entertains number of lady friends today a i progressive 500. L. II. Smith has been sufferin from stomach trouble and has gen to Omaha for treatment. There will be a silver medal con test at the Harmony school hou D.-C. 12th , Saturday night. PatPel per and George \Va ! > j wenin town Frid i.v of last weel \itncsbcs in a contest case. Frank Cronin was in town week defending a contest for hii h inestead. Several of the neiah bors woie up also as witnesses. Ernest "Wilkinson brought hi- mother to town last Saturdav , anc Sunday she went down to Pilgei to visit her daughter , Mrs. Wells for a month. Bethel hall having been vacated th Presbyterian ladies aid society wi'l ' hold its baziar and supper next Tuesday. Booth open al 2:30 p. m. Supper at 5 p. m. E. G Blakely , the barber wl ( worked until recently in Johr Kazrla's shop , was succeeded bj Elmer DeBolt who was formerly owner of the Valentine Barber Shop. C. S. Re ce and wife are rejoic ing over the arrival of a cowboy at their ranch , born Sunday , Nov. 29 , 1908. He'll probably practice up on milking before he begins punching cows. " " J. J. Walls is the new barber , succeeding John Daley in the Val entine Barber Shop , coming here from Missouri Valley but was formerly from Connecticut and lately was on the Western coast. Dr. "Warrick , the specialist , late nf New York Eye and Ear Hos pital , will meet eye , ear , nose and throat patients and those needing Classes properly fitted at the Chicago cage hotel in Valentine Tuesday. Dec. 22nd. Regular trips. 482 J. B. Mortsolf has been promot } 1 from Day school inspector on ; he Rosebud Indian reservation to juoerintendent of the Hoopa Val- ey reservation , California. Mr. VT irtsolf and wife came down last ty k and departed for their new lome. An important change in the In- lian service has recently been nade , placing all employees under .he civil service rules and changes , he so-called agents to superin- .endents . of reservations. A com pete checking up system between iijents and superintendents is tak- iiir place and Edward B Kelly of losebud will check up himself as igentto himself as superintendent. A. B. White and 0. O Haraer .re here from the Pierce mill , help- ng during the rush at this mill o supply the extra demand for lour since the burning of the -'ierce mill some weeks ago. The nill at this place has been running lay and night to supply the trade , nd they are about caught up now. mnday night a water pipe burst n the engine room and caused onsiderable delay in mill work. A. 0. Colennn was in town last reek to bring in his neice , Miss dna McConnell , to the train. > he lives at Plain view and has leen visiting Mr. Coleman's , corn- ng up with Mrs Golem in two reeks ago when she returned from 'lainview Mark Colem-tn , the 2-year old son of Mr , and Mrs. Mercian , accompanied Miss Mc Donnell to her home and will stay here and go to school thia winter. . Clint and Be.ssie Robbius. D pou hear them ? Hear them. John Grange and Wm. Coin took out a load of supplies yeste day. day.J. J. C. Brown was in town toda on business and made a brief en at our office- Miss Esther VanOrsdale < Tuba , Cal. , is visiting Mrs. Cha Sparks who is a cousin. Eat at the "Ranchers' Home , meals 25 cents. Lunches a spe. ialty. J. BUADSIIAW , Prop. Ye editor drove out to Had berry lake yesterday to see h sister , Mrs. Thackrey , who is ver ill. After considerable snow Situr day the weather turned warm bt went down to 13 ° below Suuda night. Wm. Shepard , who was shot i the hip several weeks , was take down to Omaha Monday mornm to be operated upon. Jake Biechbill h.uiicd oats , t town \ebtcrda.\ and today too Gu.s Enckaon out to Sparks t p t-.ter . his brother's addition i iiihouse. . Geo. W. Sisler was in town th lirst of the week on business an found time to call at our ofilre. H recently returned from a visit n Mmuesoui where he eujoyed a fe weeks and returns a new man. C. W. Cramer called on us th first of the week and but for th loss of his eye looks as j oung a his hoys. Since his visit a yea abroad his health has greatly im proved. It's a good thing to res up. A series of silver medal contest will be given , beginning at Har mon.v school house Dec. 12 , a Ward school house Dec. 19 , a Fair view school house Dec. 23 , a Valentine Dec 28 , at Crookstoi Dec. 29 , at Kilgore Dec. 30. Sheriff Ro seter brought a home 5teader up from Wood lake lasi tfeek and lodged htm in jail upor complaint of authorities in lowt ; ha 'ging him with bootlegging tvhiskey in a town we suppose laving no saloons. They are seeking requisition papers in Lin- / join now. Mrs. Williams af near Ainsworth las written Sheriff Rosseter thai ihe has a picture of her son recent- y sent her and that she now be- ieves him to he alive and that the scars she inden lifted on the body bund here in October which was aken up at her request two week ? igo were not correct. That leaves is in doubt again. Mi s McKercher was called lome this week on account of her oother's illness and Co. Judge- lect , J. C. Q'ligley , who Holds a tite certificate , was induced to ccept Miss McKercher's room , ; th grade , until her return. The th grade was moved from Bethel all to the southwest corner of the chool house upstairs. The llth nd 12th grades will occupy the e.w part which is now completed. Today , Thursday , Dec , 10 , 'OS , t high noon the wedding of Miss julu Kortz , county superinten- int , to Samuel Hudson of Sim- m will be celebrated'at the home f Miss Kortz's mother , Mrs. J. I. Baker near Simeon , Eev. J. L Baker officiating. Only a few lost intimate friends and relatives re expected to be present. Next reek we hope to give a more ex- jnded account. Clint and Bessie Robbins will gure in "The Girl From the 101 Unch" tonight in Chase-Lister ! o. Tomorrow night will be the Runaway M itch. " Matinee Sat- rday afternoon at 2:30 : "Cinder- lla. " Saturday the company loses the most brilliant week's titertainment of the season with The Lady and the Tiger. , ' ho e who have not heard a good In y in years in the west will be le-ised with thicompany and - * company es- pcially with Clint and Bessie .obbins , both in the play and in eir specialties. They have also iher talent of merit. Old Grow , All Leading . Brands Bottled Under the Supervision of the U. S. GrOV. also handle the Budweiser Beer. JOHN G. STETTER , Propr. Lost A brown shawl with gro , border , twoon Valentin * ' and th Grant Spain place on the Sink river , about the middle of No' , Finder please leave at tinOJMM Plouse Meat Market. Mus. F. F. KAT/TA. Dan Barnes was in town TUP ? day. He's not feeling as well a he looks. Says it's stomach troul : le. Went to Hot Springs las summer and thinks it helped hir and is going again when it's warm Dan's boy , Bryan , was kicked o hurt in some way falling oil' horse Thursday before election His foot caught in the stirrup am when his brother Cecil caught th' ' horse Bryans leg was broken anc his heel pulled off. He is a crip pie yet but is getting along nicely The Chase-Lister Co. began j week's engagement at the open house Monday night. The piaj "At Risk of His Life" was play ed the first night and the fears o of Some that the company had noi kept up their Slandarb of t'ormei popularity were soon banished anc everyone felt the assurance of v. geeb enterteinment throughout the week. The unusually large house Monday night was increased Tues day night at the play of "Tne Saint and the Sinner. " Last night the house was crowded like the earlier days when everybody went to shows. There was barely standing room in the back part < > t the house and many crowded along the aisles , many being com pelled to stand throughout the performance. The play was an axcellent production , illustrating the thoughts that take possession of us , and were represented by Clint Robbins , impersonating the Devil. Some of our people who looked upon the "Diivil" as a per sonal character in the play perhaps - haps did not fully understand. The artist had met the Devil be fore at Monte Carlo and realized ; hat he was about to commit a jreat sin. The artist had lost his ; ortune at Monte Carlo and was ibout to turn a\\ay when he , per- laps , forged check and won back. Thus he hypotheticalp ! met the Devil and recalled that fact as ntroduced on the stage. He was iboxt to commit another sin. The Devil appeared. Madame was ibout to commit a sin. The Devil ippeared unto her. She frowned it him at first. Thus we first ibhor , then endure and the ; , ein- ) race. The Devil -ightencd the nnoceut "model" and was defied it fir t by Bessie Robbins who jommanded him and forcc-d him o sit down but her mind w.-akon- : d later and she conquerel by icr thoughts and she sat down to _ Iwell upon the pleasant thought if defiance. Finally , dictating a etter from Madame to Herr , the rtist. he follows her to the studio nd sees her fall a victirr. and nth the closing expression , 'There you are , " pcrh.p < : - ying counquered at U-t. Tl e ) evil always attractive , cunniriu nd subtle , yet repelling , but rinal- v conquering those who loiter in is company. * ' ' CHRISTMAS NUMBER You should rea'l " "heVotrn > In vasion' : it s po'crful and disturbing but it's your business , and bound to come home to you man oroinan. . And you should sou " "Ihe Child s Christmas Tree. " sparkling color .ind verse , almost a complete little gift book in itself. There's the making of .sermon , a speech , a laugh , or a debate in u\ery number of Everybody's. THK KIDGWAY COMPANY. Union Square. Ne-\ York Cit\ . St. Nicholas Church. i Services vill be held in th < Catholic Church as follows. Jn Crookstnn on Sunday Dec II at 10 a. m. sharp. Lr.o M. BLAEUTC. Pastor Lost Dog. A small Fox Terrier weight , 1 ( Ibs. , short tail , white with black spots , lemon spots over eyes , lem on on jaws false toe on fore lej torn oil' and sore. A reward wil be paid if returned to Majoj ShocUley , Fort Niobrara , Xebr. 1 ( Weather Data. The folloxviny data , covertnir a per iod of 20 years , have been complied from the Weather Bureau records at Valentine , IXVbr. They are issued t show the conditions that have pre vailed , during the month in ques'ion. for the above period of years , bin must not be construed as a foreca.-t Df the weather conditions for tht : ominir month. December. TEMPEKATUUS. X'ean or normal 24 The warmest month was that of 188 ! ) tvith an average of 'M The coldest mouth was that of 1 02 vith an average ot 19-2 The hiuhest was 72 = on 'JO , 1)04 ! ) The lowest wa.34 = > on U , 1001 . PRECIPITATION. Average for momh 0 47 inches. Average number of das with .0 ] > f an inch or more G The t'reate-t monthly precipitation vas 1 " 'S inches in M)2 ) The least mouthlv preciottatioi vas 0 03 inches in 190.5. The irreo test amount of precipitn : ion recorded in anv 2i consecutive loursas 0 7 inches on 28-29. ISS'J The yreatest amount of snowfall ecorded in any 24 consecutive hour.- record extending to winter of 18 4-S. . mlv ) wa& 4 ( H ) inches on 10 1901 CLOUDS AMD WEATHEU Average number of clear days. ! . ' { > artl\ clouds , 10 : cloudy , 8 WIND. The prevailing winds have been rom tbe'W. The average hourly velocHv of tlu find is 10 tiiiles. The highest velocity of the win-1 -as o2 milea from the XW on 20. IS'JO .1. J. MoLEAX , Weather Bureau. MILL PRICES FOP FEED. IVrCwt. PCM-Ton. . > : -an , sickp : l $1 05 § 20 00 Shorts , sacked 1 20 2 : } 00 V > rn , sacked 1 4.3 2S 0" > ar . caokfd 1 50 29 00 /'hop Corn , ickod 1 oO 2 ( . ) 00 m ( ) hop Feed , sucked 1 50 2i ) 01" IT'S BUILDING TIME NOW and the selection of Lumber for tlie purpose is a matter of great importance. There is ALL KINDS OF LUMBER < m the market , both good and bad. Only the good kinds lias found its way into our yards. It will pay to let us furnish an estimate on your next bill. Remember , we carry first stock. T. J. Christopher , AUCTIONEER. Will meet .tll ( allplionc or in.ul. Ver-eel on pedigreed Valentine Nebraska I I Prices are what we ai'e talking ? ' & Now I Our stock is complete. BiSHGP & YOUHC , < fcrf7 " " * * " " J * * * * " * 1 ionize rloiiie | * f" O * E/r > 11 so VS. Last month .1 merchant a thousand niles from Chicngo wanted to pla - < - > ver Iiis store au electric li lit si i : e had heard about in Chicago. Made L special trip there for specification * * incl terms. Too high : Mr. Merchant returned home ami in cidentally told the local electrician ibout his troiil > les. Mr. Homo Etectri- : Lm replied that he < : ld loproduce ho Chicago sign , with uprovenients , : t a price that suited. And lie did so. JUST THINK TIIIS OVER ,