Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 03, 1908, Image 8

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Of Interest To ihe Hcuse =
Some people say the way to
make biscuits lijjhfc is to soak them
in kerosene and touch a match
to them. And if you want to kcop
the servant , the best way to do is
to chloroform her and lock her in
the woodshed. And those \vhr
know , say that the best thpatric.-il
attraction that appears in Valen
tine will be here all week com
mencing Monday , Dec. 7th , when
the Chase-Lister Theatre Co. op
ens its engagement. This is an
organization of finished player.- ? ,
surrounded by a lavish display of
scenery and costumes so that the
plays they present may be pro
duced in their entirety. Clint and
Bessie llobbins are still with the
company and are favorites wher
ever they appear. The Chase-
Lister ladies' orchestra will pos
itively appear at each performance.
44 Mr. Dooley" on Hapi =
In the November American
Magazine , "Mr. Dooley , " writing
on "Uplifting the Farmers , " says :
"Well , sir , 'tis a tur-rble prob
lem this here wan iv human onhap-
piness. If Tiddy Kosenfelt finds
out th' causes iv it he'll be th'
gr-reatest man since Moses. Some
folks say th1 on'y way to be happy
is to wurruk. Maybe that ac
counts f'r th' onhappiness among
th' farmers. Perhaps they wud
be merryer if some im ploy merit
cud be found f'r thim , preferably
in th' open air. Some say 'tis
money ; they're poor. Some say
'tis simple poverty ; they're rich.
Hogan says 'tis human society :
which accounts f'r th' happiness
that prevails in all large cities.
Some say selfishness will make ye
happy. I've timed it. It didn't
cure me. Other people say on-
selfishness ; but that's no more thin
to say that ye can on'y be happy
be givin' up something that would
make ye happy. Th' nearest ye
get to happiness is in wantin'
I something badly an' thinkin ye
have a chance to get it an' not get-
tin'it. If you ye get it ye'll be
I onhappy. Whin ye have ivry-
] thing in th' wurrtild that we want
\ th' family will do well to watch
j ye whin ye pick up a razor. "
We. as a committee , wish to sub
mit the following resolutions :
EESOLVED ; that this has been one
of the best County Teachers' Asso
ciation that it has ever been our
priviledge to attend.
EESOLVED ; that we extend our sin
cere appreciation to the committee
for the educational feast that hns
been prepared for us ;
To those who have so ably taken
| part in the program ;
To our worthy Superintendent for
her unceasing eff j to the advance
ment of Cherry County schools ;
To the ladies of the M.E. Church
for the excellent suppar served at
the banquet ;
To the citizens of Valentine for
the heavy welcome they have ever
given to the teachers.
EESOLVED that a , copy of these
resolutions be spread on the min
utes of this meeting and published
in the local papers.
Eespectully submitted
GRACE Y. Houses.
tor week Kjuliu ; ; l > c. 2.
Daily mean temperature 25 ° .
Normal 29 ° .
Precipitation 0.66 of an inch.
Total precipitation from March
1st ( the crop season ) to date was
17 5.S inches and the average for
same period for 20 years is 20.72.
The temperature has gone back
ward and this week shows a daily
loss of 5 ° . The extremes are
I 4U ° on the " 'th and -1 on the 1st
of December. The ire crop is
making rapidly. The precipita
tion is slowly making up for lost
time and is now within o. 1-t nf the
avHriire foi 20 years. As the real
cold weather sets in the winds
sdem to grow Ie > s in \ -.icity.
I' S
Governor Has Decided On
' Governor Sheldon has , it is said ,
decided to appoint to the supreme
bench :
William B. Rose , Lincoln *
.1. L. Root , Platlsmouth.
; Jacob Fawcett , Omaha.
J. G Sullivan , Culumbus.
Lincoln. Neb , Nov. JJO- Will
iam B. Rose , Lincoln ; J. L. Root.
, Plattsmouth ; Judge Jacob Fawcett
j Omaha ; J. J. Sullivan , Columbus
I are the new suppreme court judges
; to be named by Governor Sheldon.
Fawcettand Sullivan have serv
ed on the supreme bench , the for
mer as commissioner and the Litter
as justice.
Root was a state senator during
the last legislature and for eight
years W. B. Rose has been assist
ant in the office of the attorney
Rose and Root get the long terras.
Sullivan is a democrat.
The judges are named in accor
dance with the constitutional
amendment adopted at the last
Root , Fawcettand Sullivan were
in the list of ten recommended by
the state bar association.
The full court will comprise
these four and John B Birne of
Norfolk , C. B Letton of Fail bury
and Manoah B Reese of Lincoln ,
the present judges. World-Her
Cherry Valley Cracklings.
Say , that dog fight Saturday night
wasn't had was it.
M > . and Mrs. IBernie Tinkhaniare
home from Arabia.
Miss Grewe called on Mrs.
Thomas Tinkham last Thursday
Mrs. 0. W. McDaniel is making
preparations to go to Lincoln to
spend the holidays.
The Cherry Valleyites were well
represented at the funeral of Mag
gie Butteriield last Sunday.
Frances Peterson accoi/ipaie.l by
Lester Tinkham Itffc for Chicago
1 ist Saturday. They will be greatly
missed by their many friends.
Any one having found a brown
brindle pup with the end off bis tail
please call on JD.vight McDaui 1 Ee
will pjy $5.00 reward for same.
Miss Dora Grewe went to Valen
tine Thursday to attr-ntl the Teach
ers' Association Friday and Satur
day. That gives the pupils an ex
tra holiday.
Win. Nicholas reports an acci
dent which happened Saturday night
The buggy uj. set on the grade near
Win. Klingaman'd. If you want to
know how ifc happened ask Billy.
Lloyd Klingarnan lias quit Cherry
Valley and has gone to Wood Lake
to do double duty like all the Lake-
ites. He says be is going to school
and be chief meat cutter in bis
uncle's meat market.
A program was given at the
Cherry Valley school bouse last Sat
urday night followed by a box social.
The program was rendered well for
school children. Everybody reports
a good time. The program consist-
el of songs , tablaux , dialogues , dec
lamation and one dramitic play.
The play was good. After the pro
gram the boxes were sold , A. G.
Ward acting as auctioneer and A.
W. McDanipl clerk. They ranged
in price from sixty cents to three
and a quarter dollars , the fifteen
boxes brought twenty dollars which
is to be used to secure a baseball
out-fit for the boys of the Cherry
valley school.
Strayed from my pasture Aug 27 ,
1908 , on soldier creek , 8 miles N.
W. of Rosebud , two Buckskin geld
ings with blnck stripe on backs ,
blaak main and tails weight 800 to
900 Ibs each ; one branded box R on
left shoulder also a brand on left neck
under main other branded 0 M on
right b'p. Notify owner.
47 2 Snow Fly.
Rosebud South Dakota-
District Court Notes.
State vs James Butcher , shooting
with intent to kill ; dismissed be
cause of the absence from the state
of the prosecuting witness.
State vs William Story , selling
liquor without license ; dismissed
because of absence from the state
of the prosecuting witness.
State vs Harvey 0. She parr1 ,
selling liquor without licence ; dis
missed because of the absence from
the state of the prosecuting witness.
State vs Harry Ware and Mat Vi
ew Marshall , robber.v ; dismissed
because of the absence from the
stale of the prosecuting witness.
State vs Fred Gardner , forgery ;
State vs James Maule and Tony
Maulp , burglary ; continue 1.
Henry Siert vs Irwin C. Stolt ? .
damage suit ; dismissed each pait.y
to pay his own costs.
John A. Holbert vs Andrew J.
Short , law ; settled.
Albert M. Peterson vs Charbon-
rieau Bros. , error ; dismissed.
Rhode Island Mfg Co. vs Frank
Rothleutner , suit ; on note ; contin
ued by agreement of parties.
Jerry Warden vs Charles Eleatlv
erington , appeal ; continued to
await action of the interior depart
A. H. Kistler vs Leslie Beebout
et al , forclosure ; dismissed.
State vs Albert Ward and J. W.
Ward , suit on bond ; continued
to await the apoiritment of an ad
U. G. Welker vs Edward Lewis ,
appeal ; settled.
H E. Lay port et al vs W. S.
Barker ot al , mandamus ; dismissed
at the costs of the plaintiff.
C. H. Cornell ex vs Irwin H.
Emery , foreclosure , on stay.
W. Del mar Fast vs The Anchor
Bank , luc , suit for money ; dismiss
Roy Young vs George E.
O'Brien , damage ; dismissed at the
costs of the plaintiff.
Mar.v E. Dowell vs Thomas E.
Dowell , divorce ; continued by re
quest of the parties.
Sophia Calame vs Charles Ca-
lame , divorc ° ; dismissed.
Mary K. Bishop vs Ellen Lewis
et al , continued.
Vcrnon Brown vs Charles Blake-
l.y , continued.
Alfred R. Hayden vs M. A.
Gammill , foreclosure ; passed.
Isaac G. Trauerman et al vs
Nebraska land and feeding Co. ,
suit i.n contract ; verdict in favor
of plaintiff for § 800.
Presbyterian Church.
The services for Sunday , Dec. 6
are to be as follows :
11 a. m. Thrt Lord's Supper.
Christian friends and .
j-tr.ingers cor
dially invited to partake.
7 : . ' > 0 p. in. Sermon topic 'The
First Disciple. " A message to
encouarge the humble.
0:30 : p. m. C. E , Topic "Con
sistent Living. "
G-i5 : p. m. Men's meeting at
the manse. Topic "What we
can do to awaken our church , "
led by the pastor. All men inter
ested invited.
Rev. J. Robert Beale preaches
at the Williams' school at o p. m.
The ever popular Chase-Lister
Theatre Co. , will appear at the
opera house all week commencing
Monday , Dec. 7 , in a high class
repertoire of comedies and dram
as. This insures our theatre-goers
an enjoyable series of entertain
ments and they will do well to see
several of the plays as presented
by this clever company. Clint
and Bessie Robbins and the Chase-
Lister Ladies' orchestra are still
featured wtlh this attraction and
will appear at each and every per
formance , ' Prices W , 35 and 50c.
Nebraska Scribes Defend and Sup =
port the Slocumb Local
Option Law.
How the Mail Order Traffic iii Wei
Goods Is Fostered by Dry Towns
Which Are Drained of Money.
In 1890 Nebraska editors partici
pated in a memorable campaign
against the proposed amendment tc
the state constitution to prohibit the
manufacture and sale of intoxicating
beverages. At that time a majority
of the editors favored the retention
of the high license , local option law
enacted in 18S7 , believing it to be
the best method of controlling the
liquor traffic. In this contention they
\vere supported by many of the lead
ing men of the state , including Hon.
W. J. Bryan.
The presumption is that the major
ity of Nebraska editors are of the
same opinion still , and that they are
again ready to defend the SlocumL
law against attack. A number of the
best-known editors of the state have
expressed their views on the subject
in letters written to the Merchants'
and Manufacturers' Association oJ
Omaha. Some of these letters are as
follows :
Fremont , Neb. , June 2 , 190S. Mer
chants' and Manufacturers' Associa
tion : Gentlemen : I helped into ef
fect the prohibition law in Iowa
by voting for It. My observations
after the election and for sev
eral months convinced me that I
made a mistake , and I have not voted
for prohibition since. A well-regu
lated license law , and enforcement
thereof , will be of far greater benefit
to any community than a so-called
prohibition law. Prohibition does not
prohibit. The national government
has been at work for a century trying
to stop distillation in the mountains
of Tennessee , and it has failed to ac
complish "prohibition. " I am satisfied
that prohibition in Nebraska would
result in more drunkenness , more bad
whiskey , more bootleggers , more whis
key drug stores , and a greater general
menace to society than ever before.
The continued improvement in nieth-
ods of saloon men , brewers , and deal
ers generally is going steadily on ,
making a license law such as we now
have more desirable than ever hereto
fore. Yours truly , Marc G. Perkins.
Greeley , Neb. , May 27 , 190S Mer
chants' and Manufacturers' Associa
tion : Gentlemen : Replying to your
query as to why I favor the present
Slocumb license law in prefer
ence to a state- prohibitory law or
county option law , would say that I
have lived in Nebraska since the
adoption of the present liquor law ;
have seen its workings ; know it to be
prohibitory if the community desires
to enforce its provisions , and no other
state has a law that is equally as pro
I have been in Kansas and Iowa
since those states adopted state pro
hibition , and at the times of my visits
to them was a drinking man , and soon
found out that 1 could get all the
"booze" I wanted to drink.
Several years ago I lived in Utica ,
Seward county , and in my newspaper
business had dealings in both York
and Seward. York was supposed to
have the lid on tight , and Seward had
four or five open saloons , yet one
would see more drunken men in York
than in Seward , and it was a subject
of general comment at the time that
the city and county officials of York
were very lax in their enforcement of
the law.
I have for years argued with the
temperance people those who favor a
prohibitory law that they should use
their endeavors to amending the rev
enue laws of the government in ef
fect , to have the government refuse a
license when a rmmicipality voted for
no saloons. In that way , with the
strong arm of tne government to en
force its laws , bootleggers would go
out of business.
No town in a county has a right to
say to another town that it shall not
do as it likes. No state has a right
to say to another state , "You must
obey our laws. " That is the reason I
oppose the county option bill. Yours
-very truly , F. P. Compton.
Loup City , Neb. , June 20 , 1908. Mer
chants' and Manufacturers' Associa
tion : Gentlemen : I have been a tem
perance man all my life , but am strict
ly opposed to prohibition , because :
First , it was never known to pro
Second , it makes criminals out of
good citizens , both for and against.
A system that sets neighbor against
neighbor is degenerating , and a law
that p'uts a flro'mium on outlawry
should be repealed. A law or a sys
tem that encourages men to watch the
back door of their neignbor with the
hope of making criminal of bin
scarcely ever fails to ma e a criminri
out of the watcher. Freedom <
speech and action is the one God-give i
neritage that the common people seera
to have a perpetual figut to maintain.
From ail ages the fanatic , whether re
ligions or political , has been the su
preme foe of the masses. Laws have
been made and 'gerrymandering ac
complished that the majority of the
people never realized until they awake
to find their liberties either curtailed
or annihilated. The masses should
wake up to the fact that the softening
sentences of religion do not better
tneir condition once they allow their
liberties to be snatched from them.
A better understanding of mediaeval
history would be beneficial to the
world. George H. Gibson.
Dr. Mcpham , osteopath , has
moved into his now office rooms
over the "Rod Front store. Tele
phone Xo. 155. 10
Contest Notice.
U. S. Lund Once.i : enliiip. Vehraska. |
> oveinber 9 , 100 < . (
A sun"'ci < Mit conff-t affidavit having b-PM tild
n this olliee t y Charles r rtwin I'.livcus cod > - ? -
ant. * gan ! < r Ilotm-s'ead entry So is ia ; < < 0i * . April 30 1907. I'-T section 1. township : I.
rang" Sow. by .I.Miirs Maule. jr , conn stee. n
whic'i it. is jiKeged that s-iiu .lam-s Mau
jr . has wholly ; itmii < i < ned sai-1 1 ndUK ! cliHiii'i d
'is ' residence thcrcfioin f r more than vc
months last i > aM ; iliat the said laid
is not bettk'd m on nor cultivated n
uood faith , and lias laih-d to cure his Inch H
'up to this date sn-d said all-tied ao-
.senceffni th Inn" wts no' due to hifinpl'y -
nuMit in the pnny , i-tivy o marine en ! > < of tne
i oitHl Stales as a pmvtip oldier , oii > c r se i-
mnn or marine durinir the war will spaiiT
during ai-y o'hcr war in which the Unitt d
stji'fh may I'e enjjayeilaid ; artit-s are h r i y
notified to appear , respond anJ offer evi en'-e
roucliinfr said allfgati n at 10 o'clock a. m on
December 2 1903. ' efore the reirster and r-
eeivtr ar the United S'atrs Lund O.-.oe n
Valentine , ehiaska
The saiu cot UMant hav njr.n a proper af i
davit lileo Nov. ! ) lOos , s t Joth : lacts whu h
how thar sifter due diligence i"-i > oiiil ser i e
of this notice ran noU > made , ii is In reny.pi. r
Pd and directed that s ich notice In yiv-n t y di e
and proper publication.
E 44 4 Keceiver
Legal Notice.
I orilla Cox. Ka'ic A. ' .yt'e ' formerly IvaMe. A .
'ox. ISrace K. Cox , David K. < "ox. 'I
Dntfy. rharles Burns , Ala gi- nins. Ahixca-
nne Al'g & Trti-a Co. . white Kiver vaviniS
Hank. L M. Harden , real name unknown , Kd-
\\strdG Robertson. .Inlia Young an Alexander
[ loflmati , iipplei'tied with Saint Fiances Mi -
sion. Kiid' > ra Jones , fo mcrly luniora Matten.
Irvin Al.lones. . husV-and of "Eudor.i JOIICA. Iv -
war S Cox , Franc.-s Al.alcult , Maggie .1.
v\aicitt l o a Hell I'obten Rnoda Hrtnf end ,
( ) L Briitoniuteere 1 name is Orah L 15nt-
[ i > n. \\il tai-eii'tice that on HOhdayf
September l)08. ! K Al. Perrig and 1' . Flnr Di -
mtiiiii liled thei" petition in the Di.-tr-ci Court. ' )
hern County again t e.-tch ami all of the afor-
-.iid deledants , ihe oiij'-ci , and | ) rijer ofvlncn
ii-ctoha\o iheMtleoi ti e sani E At I'err :
and J' . K'or. ' Dignut in and to the following
< ! escrile-l ieale-r.tte. to wit : Nr h IniH oitle
lOnhweAt qii.uter ot section twenty-s ven (27
east halt of ihe no theast quarter ol se tiun 2.v
n towns'.ip ' thirty-li/e (35) ( ) . rin.ethiru ( . ' 5 ( ; ) .
we-tot I he Cth I * Al ; iitntlleasl qiliilternf s : -
inn twenly-sevea ciT ) 11 to\\nship tnirty-lr e
: .5) ) . rai gi thir y ( : KI ) wi-tt of ih * 0 >
1' M ; south hall 01 the northe * >
quarter and north half of the southwest
quarter o'section tweiitv-two (22) ( ) in lownshiu
nirt\-Iive(33) ( ) . lange thirty ( oU ) , west of .he Oth
1' Al. : nonhwist quarter ot .evtion twenty six
\2C \ ) . in L-iwnship thirty-live lU'o , northofrn < ; e
il-irty CWest ) of tne 0 h P , Al. and the sontn-
wesi ( jnartcr of section tventy six CM ) i.i town-
* iii > thirtvlive Cr $ > ) no-th of"nin e thirty ( IVJ1.
\\estot theGth 1' . - . . and west half of the
-iiutiie.tst qna'ter and east , halt 01 tne sontt
wi"-t ( jnurter of fetction twenty four C24) . in
( uwn < hip thirty-live uK ; . n rth of ra getiir--
oiie (31 ( ; , west ihe Cth 1 * . M. and -a-t half 01 tl *
soiitneast quarier 01 ecti in tweniy-eLlit 12. 1 ,
in township ihiri\-five C55i , range'thirt > (3'J ;
wett of the ( lli 1 * . Al . northeast ( jti Her ot se---
1011 tweiiiy-nine OJ ) , in iuwnship thirt\-tixe
( J55) ) . mnge thirtj ( & > ) sonti * halt o fie uorth-
eabt quarter ami ea > t hall of the sonthea-t ijiirir-
teroi section twentj-two (2J ( ) , iniownshiirthir-
t > -live ( So ) north of rang -nitty tHU ) . wes > . ol tl-e
Oih I * AL , ah in Cherry County , Nebraska , -
ed and confirmed in the said p umtilts as auain-.t
i lie claims , interest , mortgages ami demand- :
that the defendants and eacii of them be nee et J
o have no interest in , lien uin n or claim to tt e
Nenl estatedeuribed in th petition ; thaia decn f
oe entered salistyingot record alt e m ituag-
and other liens ami claims 01 the vii iodide eml-
nts he cancell d , annulleu and satisfied of
icc-ird ; that each and all o the ( letemUms d
foievor enjoined iromasso ting any inter -bt i'i ,
nen upon or i-laim to ttir premibcb desc ibed n
the petition and lor MICH other ami further r-
lief as may i > e just and rqmtabl-
Youure requ'red to answer . - aid petition on
; r belore Monday. theLcth uaj 01 December , I"
Dated this ISui day t > f Kovenn-er 1008.
15y AITHU K Mui-LhN
-15 4 Uheii Attorney.
Contest Notice ,
U. S. Land Oflice , Yale-MiriP. Nebraska , I
r 'J , 1908. f
A sntlicient contest aflidavir haying hoe > i filed
in this ottice by Isaac H.'lii p. come.-tai t.
ag\ins : Homestead e"try N'O IS707 made \piil
: ! o. 1)07 ! ) , tor sue , se. .senw , esw. s-ction 2. tie
and nenw. sot-lion 11. tow .i-hip St. range 30,1-y
James laule. sr. c < ntestee , in which it : s
alleged that said Jame > .Manie. sr. ha > wlnd' y
nbandont-d said lamt and changed his re.-i-
dencp therefrom for more th-in six inomlis la-t
past. _ that the lai.d is not settled unon nor cul
tivated ing > od a th , and entryman has f ile i
to cure his laches i > to tis date
A'id sai-l alleire J ahsenc * w-is not dun to his
employment in the snniy nav > or marine orj s
ot the L'l.itedtates : < s a privates ldi < ' . officer
seaman or marine durintt tin- war with Siia'i
or during any other w r ininch ihellaittl
States may r > e f nuaged.
> aid nartips are hueby notifie i to annear r--
sjjond ami oiler videnee totic'ung siid albg.t-
tion at 10 o' . lock a. m. on Dee. 22 1KH. u < - -
tore the reuis'er and rec-MVi r at , the Uuiteu
States I and ollice. Valentine. Nebraska
The said cone sia-t nav ug. in a proper all-
davit , filed Nov. > . 190 . st forth facts whic i
show that after due diligence perso al service
of this notice cannot be nriie , it is hereoj
rdered an I directed that such notice be given
by due and proper publication.
E 44 4 R.
Sawyer Bros
Oasis. Nebr
CJ. K. Sawver hss
char-e of thei-e
cattle. H rses
f s on le tsiou'-
left side
! ef th'gh. '
Kange on Snake
N"braski Land and Feeding Co
tertlett Kicharrts Pres Will (4 Comstook , V. !
Chart C lamison
Cattle branded o.
any part of animal
horses branae
Range between
1701 dull oil tile t" , t *
* M V..R P. . ar J
Hyannis on M. R. R. in Xnrthnvsieii VaK- '
.Joa. oristol
braru iv j four
-n * ! r Ft.
cattle branded
. B connected on
eft hip or side Ai
- hr wn In cut
R M Paddis&
Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some I rinded
on h ft
Horses bruided
I -ft
shoulder .
Some 'Some branded
randed THOT on ri Ii' thigh
on left or .shun der
or tliuh
.Simeon Nebr.
Cattl" bninded
as cut on lef c side
Qyon left
- on left jaw ot
V uorscs.
on Gordon Crek north of Sime-'n ,
Kosebud S. D.
Cattle branded
SOS 'i left side
OSo. u riehtside
Some cattle also \
oeck 5
nave a - { - on
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
terns * hind qnar-
tr . Some Texas
c itiie branded * > O on ieft side and s.
on left side.
Horses branded " - ' -ft hin. Some
" "Hiided A.W rtar connpct d on not * * iidp ino
't HIv * > \t H/1fOOO
N. S. Rowle >
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
rfame as cut on lef
side and hip , and on
'eft ' shoulder of her
ses. AlsoSgS on
otr peg ( either side up ) on
'eft ' sine or hl | . p on left jaw and Mt
> t bor > e.M UJ
UJQ on Mt hip ot horses
"ft on left jaw of horsps
O P. Jordan
Rosebud. 8D
Horses and cattle
tamp as cut. also
CJ UK M on rtjrht
Range on Oak and
Bufte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
of these brand * .
Brownlee , Xeb.
Cattle branded as
in cut on left
side. S o m o
branded K T V
on left hip. Range
on North Loup
river two mil s
west of Brewnlee
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on rigutside
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any Information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nebr
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on left nip.
Horses same on
ieft shoulder.
Range Square
Roan Brothers
Woodlake Neb
Range on
[ /ik- and Ciook-
id Lake.
't Fra < cis Mis
sion. Rosebud.
5.1) .
rattle branded
as in cut ; hores
name ori les
high. Kangebe-
ween iprin C'k
md Little White
Rolfe Nebr
inywhere on left
Jannark. square
crop right ear.
Horses have
ame brand on
it thigh.
Range on Gordon and Snake