Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 03, 1908, Image 4

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I. M. lllCE Editor and Proprietor.
MAUK ZAKK Foreman.
Entered at the postoilice at Valentin * . Cherry county , Ni-br. . as Second
Class Matter. .
T.5RMS :
Cherry Co. Subscriptions : | ( ? fcl.oO ? < ! when not paid a in c" advance. : ! !
i 81.50 per year in advance ; paper dis-
horeign UDSCnptlons ( coniinued [ lfcexp5ration if > not renewed. (
3 1 ; c per inch each issue ; by contract 12-ic.
Advertising Kates { Transienfc alv , 20c pcr inch. Iocals 10ca | ine- j
Foreign ratfs for stereotyped advertising , # months or longer 10 cents i
per inch , net. j
Local notice- obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue '
5 cents per line each insertion.
The experience of the past sum
mer ought to convince any citizen
of Valentine who uses city water
of the necessity for a new reser
voir and that we should not dela.\
voting bonds to build one until af
ter we are dead. It won't b (
worth much to us then and if we
' until three week. '
don't get it two or
before we die we won't have mucl :
use of it. Let's get it now anc
have the use of it as we go along
We need a new reservoir anc
while we are building that on the
hill north of the Minnechaduzi
some of our citizens have suggest
ed that we put in a dam below
Mr. Gilman's and pump our owi
water and have a lighting plan
added that will furnish an all da.
and night current for use in cellars
garrets , dark rooms and for fur
I nishing power to those who us <
| power. These are the possibilities
$ The idea is a good one ; we need th <
the reservoir. How much mon
shall we attempt ? Let's decide
this and not scarp about it in th <
spring election.
Public improvements arcalway ;
in order and they count as an asse
to a town from every favorabh
stand point. Shall we have the
courage to step forward to make
use of the golden opportunitie ;
| here laid out before us by nature ,
or shall we sit quietly back anc
preserve our thoughts until som <
future time ?
It is the youthful and vigorous
that go forth to build and the agec
gather their rainment about then
and think it's no use. We've livec
this long without it and we're go
ing to be conservative about it , sc
W2 are , and if the next gcueratior
want it , let them build. Whicl
view are we going to accept ? Arc
we youthful , vigorous and con
structive in mind , though oui
bodies may have become enfeeblec
with our long journey and its UPS
and clowns ? We don't think oui
people are opposed to needed im
provements. Let's get together
and agree upon what to do.
Friday morning Richard Ran
dolph , known in York by the name
of "Dick" Johnson , ( colored ) was
found dead on the floor of his rooir
by his mother. The deceased was
a victim of the liquor demon for t
number of years and for two 01
three days prior to his death hac
been drinking very heavily. Fron
the cuts and bruises on his face anc
the disorder in which the room \va <
fouiid it was thought there hac
been foul play , but after a carefu
investigation the officers docidec death was due to a discard
heart. The funeral was hold Sat
urday afternoon from the residence
at 4:14 Grant avenue. York Tel
They tell us about York being i
temperance town. Some people
have told us that the d-ug stores
don't sell it anymore like the.\
used to since they were jerked uj
and fined. They say York nevei
hud a saloon and that the drinking
people won't live in York. Dicfc
Johnson won't live there an.\
more , and if a colored man can
get enough whiskey to keep drunl >
( \G \ must have got a jug or a keji
and stayed by it ) a white man
could , probably , g.t a drink whcc
he wanted it. It's the "hole in
tlu wall' ' business that causes the
bontlt'ggers , thugs and vagabond-
t < / . ( ! ' with lh. prohibition fa
natics to co.i ! < ! up > loons. The
fanatics like the g ! < > . ; , of having
done something , the tough elemen
like the opportunities it gives then
and the decent element have t (
endure both. We'd rather have
well regulated saloons inralcn -
Ridicule Cannot Kill it.
How could public owneiship o
railroads in jure any class of citizens
except that class which seeks linaE-
cial profit under a system of private
ownership of railroads ? ' "
Would public ownership injure
the u age -earners on ( he railroads'
For reply to this quctioniet us lool
inside two cars on a passenger train
One car carries baggage or express
matter. The emploj'ees in that ca ]
work long hours and receive wages
from ten to twenty per cent less
than than employees who haudh
mail for L'ucle Sam in the next car
In the car operated under private
ownership the employees never ever
dreaui of a vacation , save only ir
case of sickness. In the other car
operated by Uncle Sam , every em
ployer gdis a thirty day vacation or
full pay every year.
Would public ownership of rail
roads injure the farmer ? For an
swer let us cite a fact , and a shame
ful fact. So grcit is the greed of
the the men who own railroads tha
sometimes they have charged Ne
brsiska farmers the local markcl
price of two bushels of grain to the
Chicago market.
Our limited space foibids extend
ed show of benefits which would ac
crue to the average citizen unclei
public ownership of railroads , bin
we stand ready at all times to make
such showing to inquiring minds
and so firm is our belief in the
equity of the principle of public
ownership that we arc stranger tc
coward fear in face of the club oi
ridicule in any hand. There arc
ten thousand fair reasons in favoi
of public ownership of railroads
and one of the best in the thousands
ie the fact that the criminal ricl ]
who control the railroads of the na
tion oppose the principle so vigor
ously. Columbus Telegram.
( Frozr The York Teller. )
The National Republican com
mittee reports that it spent a mil
lion and a halt' to elect Taft. Thai
is not counting what was paid tc
t'le congressional committee. The
latter gave it out cold that it would
not publish what it received. Sc
the bulk of the long green went tc
tliat gentry. The democrats ,
national and congressional , raised
§ 620,300 , spent § 619,000. The
republican list has the names ol
Carnegie. Morgan and ail those
who have become wealthy througl
the plucking process.
DID the brewers and saloon
keepers elect Shallenberger ? U
you believe the republican papers
you are apt to conclude that which
ever way the saloon gang goes ,
that side wins. Looks like that
would work one way as well as the
other. That is to say A was a can
didate against B. A was elected ,
therefore the conclusion is that the
Brewers worked for A. It follow ?
then that the saloon gentry elected
Sheldon two years ago. Sum1
with Mickey. Dietrich , Sivage ,
LJoy ntor aid all I he re > t. Don5 !
that kind of twaddle make you
sea sick ? Quit your wind jammei
holy , better than thou whine. Tafl
was elected. Your reasoning
would give him all the whiske.y
vote. Xo ? Why not ? You saj
if any republican is elected it is
God's work ? Well , just g' > on
talking that until you wear c > . - \ \ ?
on your tongues. A few woodenheads -
heads will believe you but a fe
more will look at you and wondei
if all the rooms are taken in the
Form A Club Of New
Subscribers To The
Valentine Democrat.
This is the time of the yeai
when everybody wants'to spend [
few hours by the fireside of r
cold evening. They want to reac
what the neighbors are doing anc
take their county paper to get the
news. We want new subscribers
and we want some one from eacl
neighborhood to send in items tc
the paper every week. We wan !
each correspondent to take tin
names of new subscibers and sent
to us. We'll send the paper tf
them. You don't have to send the
money when you send the names
That can be attended to later wher
it is convenient. We will allow
solicitors 25 cents on each nev
name sent in for a year's subscrip
tion when same is paid. Each reg
ular correspondent may send ir
new subscriptions and any one
may get up a club of not less thai
four new subcriptions to this papei
and retain the commission of 21
per cent. Form a club of foui
and get your own paper free for i
year. The young folks may earr
some Christmas money. Wlic
will be the first to respond to this
ofi'er which is good for Decembei
only. So get busy. New sub
scriptions to Jan. 1 , 1910. for § 1.0 (
and if you form a club of four 01
more you get 25 cents on each.
A few paper's opinions on the
defeat of Sheldon and Williams are
still being hashed up by the State
Journal. It must go hard witli
them to have to divide the brewer's
vote that they attribute as causjng
their defeat.
F. F. Ralya , the new butcher ,
has the name and reputation oi
being an athclete. lie has pei-
mittc-cl a heavy man to jump up-
oi his stomach and bounced him
off like a rubber hall. From ?
Sioux City paper wo learn that lie
to.-ses lOO'pounel dumb bells foi
amusement. Lifts 9oO pounds on
his shoulders without effort and
support , HX heavy men on 1m
stomach at once. Ilis voice is
powerful and like his whole bed }
a giant in strength. Mr. Ralya
savs these results mav be achieved
/ * j
by anyone who will take propei
physical training and cat meat
from his butcher bliop. lie asks
vou to call on him and get act -
-t .
( painted. If your constitution ic
run clown he can build you up by
proper food and e x e r
else if yon follow his instructions.
llo\v to become a Sandow in
strength may bo made easy if yon
feed well and take physical train
ing , lie believes in laughing and
being congenial. A long face and
freting ! spoils a man's life anJ
distresses those about him. Office
men he savs can work hours , cat
better , be healthier and happier
and live longer if they will take
a few minutes each dav and dc-
vote to some livelv active form oft
exercise. You don't have to take
any regular time in the morning
or at night but at any time when
you arc at leisure , flave a wood
pile and chop or saw wood. Call
on Mr. Ralra at the new meat
+ t
John McIhon ! Not Daniel.
Through a mistake last week we
reversed names and had Daniel
Mcllhon dead and John Mcllhon as
a son out here from Iowa to attend
the funeral. We are sorry for this
blunder and now wish < o make cor
rection , thai it was .John Mcllhon
who died and Mcllhon his sou from
Valentine's New Lumbei
and Implement Co.
' A new business enterprise wil
be established in Valentine witl
the beginning of the new year.
A. E Morris of Woodlake , ane
J. T. Keeley and Will Aiorrisse. }
of Valentine have organized a cor
poration with a capital stock o :
twenty thousand dollars and wil
open a new lumber and impiemen
store in this village January 1st
Of this corporation , Mr. Morris
is president. Mr. Keeley secretary
and treasurer , and Mr. Morrissrj
vice president and business manag
Mr. Morrissey has had severa
years of practical experience ir
this line of work with the Ludwi
Lumber Co. , and is well known t (
the trade and fully understands
the wants of the public. He wil
go east within a few days and bu.
a full and complete line of every
thing wanted in an up to date yard
Mr. Keeley will remain in tin
county clerk's office until his tern
of oilice expires , after which h <
will devote his attention to th <
business of the new concern.
It is understood that they have
already purchased a desirable lo
cation and will begin to remoddh
the buildings within a short time ,
Valentine is growing ; the countr.v
around us is growing , and thesi
gentlemen are right in saying thai
there is business enough for three
up to date lumber and implemenl
J. C. Salmon is visiting relatives
on north la hie.
Opera house , one week , begin
ning Monday , Dec. 7. The Chase
Lister Theatre Co. , presenting j
splending repertoire of new ane
pleasing comedies and dramas
See Clint and Bessie Robbies
Hear the Chas-Lister Ladies' Or
chestra. Seats on sale at Chap
man's drug store. Prices 25 , 3i
and 50 cents. Big matinee o
"Cinderalla" on Saturday. Spec
ial prices , 10 and 15 cents.
We are informed that the C.
X. W. has discharged their extrr
third man operators and cut oui
the hours of service at the station ;
between 7 and 11 o'clock p. m
They have also changed formei
plans of running freight trains
from Long Pine to Cody and chang
ing crews from Cody to Chadroi
and now resume the former s. s
tern of running through from
Long Pine to Chadron. This is i
hard blow to Cody and puts them
back to just an ordinary town on
the railroad the same as Valentine
and the train is expected to gel
out of town with their trains as
shortly as possible. The Cow Boy
hints that Cody is being puuished
for petitioning for the two extra
passenger trains to be replaced
that were run for a time last year
aid taken ofi' after the gr at panic.
That may be but do not believe
that the C. & IST. W. took that
matter so seriously that they would
punish Cody or discipline her for
attempting to better their condi
tion for railroad traffic.
There is probability of : new
work being clone during the coming -
ing season > , extending the Burling-
ton system from O'Neill westward
through the center of Chcny coun
ty up the Gordon valley , which
would re juire but little grading
and little more than the laying oi
tie ! ties for miles through the en
tire countv which is a natural road
bed through the richest stock
country and hay valleys , to con
nect at Alliance. Also the branch
road from Bui-well northwestward
to a junction near the county line
between Brown and ( Jherrv conn
ties and near the center north and
south j3r about ten miles south of
Woodlake. This amounts to more
than a probability , for the surveys
have been partly made and the
managers have announced that
they will make extensions. Then ,
where but along this most plausible
r./nte through the lichcst ci-untry
yet traversed and along a natural
road bed to connect with two lines
running out of Alliance ?
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all size ?
Residence and shop one b ock south of passenger depot.
Valentine , MK.VK 72 Nebraska
Inferences : M- Many Customers.
Go to the
VValther F. A. MeStendorff , Propr.
Ship your Live Stock
. ,
Xo shipment too large and none too small to receive the
most careful attention.
Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled
by members of the firm.
Each man's stock sold on their merits and a square deal
guarantee ! to all. - -
Write us for the market , paper and our special market
letters , which we send you free of charge.
AMOS SNYDER , Hog Salesman. MATT MALOICE ) _ Cattle
GEO. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. TITOS. J. DONAHUE j Salesman.
New Hotel. Electric Lights.
Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water.
MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Nebr.
Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains.
Gent's Furnishings
and Clothing
Valentine , Xeb. , Nov. 23 , 1908.
We wish to call your atten
tion to the fact that we are going to
manufacture all suits here in the "fu
ture and all our help has had years of
experience in cutting and fitting. You
need not hesitate in leaving your ord
ers for they will have our prompt at
tention and immediate service.
Our cutter has had 35 years4
service cutting and fitting.
Cleaning , Pressing and Repairing a Specialty.
Phone122. _ - Valentine , ISfebr.
Done in the most satisfactory manner ! Largest prices for
the seller and honest deaLng with the bidder ! On these
terms T. U . Cramer solicits your patronage. Graduate
of Missouri Auction School , August term. 46