Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 03, 1908, Image 3

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    ptv > J
Catarrh Twenty-five Years
Had a Bad Cou h.
Miss Sophia Kittlesun. Evan ton , III. ,
writes :
. " 1 have been troubled with catarrh
for nearly twenty-five years and hav
tried ninny rures for it , but ubtniiu-J
very little help.
' 'Then my brother advised me to try
Peruna , and I did.
"My health was very poor at the time
I began taking Peruna. My throat was
very sore and I had a bad cough.
"Peruna has cured me. The
chronic catarrh is gone and my
health is very much improved.
"I recommend Peruna to all my
friends who are troubled as I was. "
PERUNA TABLETS : Some people
prefer tablets , rather than medicine iu ; (
fluid form. Sudi people CMII obtain Peru-
nn tablets , which -epresent the medici
nal ingredients of Penma. Each tablet
equals one average dose of Peruna.
Man-a-Iin the Ideal Laxative.
Ask your Druggist for a Fret
Peruna Almanac for 1909.
-rin ; ; IIH Kick.
The battle seemed to be going against
the pugilist with the wide smile and the
athletic eh hi.
Suddenly he stepped forward , between
rounds , and raised his liaud to command
"I want to \iI ! the attention of thia
crowd , " he shrieked , "to the fact for I
believe it to be .1 fact that my antagonist
I' s more money than I've got I I expect
to win this fight , but if I don't win it
I want to call this crowd to witness that
I lose it because the referee , the time
keeper , all the attendants , including my
seconds and backers , tosethe" with every
body in this pavilion , gatekeepers and all ,
have been shamefully and infamously
bribed to bent me ! "
Then came the call of time , and with
a wild howl of despair he plunged into
the fight again. ChiiMgo Tribune.
As further inducement to settlement of the
Wheat Raising lands of Western Canada , the
Canadian Government has increased the area
that may be taken by a homesteader to 320 acres
160 free and 160 to be purchased at 53.00 per acre.
These lands are in the irrain-raising1 area , where
mixed fanning is also carried on with unqualified
A railway will shortly be built to Hudson Bay ,
'brineinir the world's markets a thousand miles
nearer these wheat fields , where schools and
churches arc convenient , climate excellent , rail
ways clcse to all settlements and local markets
"It would take time to assimilate the
revelations that a visit to the great em
pire lying to the North of us unfolded at
every turn. " Correspondence of a National
Editor , who isited Western Canada in
Auirust. 19iw.
Lands may al > o be purchased from Railway
'and ' Land ( . . . monies at LOW PRICES AND
ON EASY TERMS. For pamphlets , maps and
Information as to low Raihvay Rates app y to
j'W. D. Scott , Superintendent of Immigration ,
Ottawa. Canada , or E. T. Holmes. 31 , Jackson
t. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. .M. MacLachlan , Box
'libYatertown ' , bo. Dakota Authorized Govern
ment Auents.
Please bay \\hore you saw this advertisement.
; Keeps the breath , teeth , mouth and body
jantiseptically clean and free from un-
4 healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors ,
which water , soap and tooth preparations
alone cannot do. A
igermicidai , disinfecting -
. fecting and dcodor-
Izing toilet requisite
it i of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy' Invaluable
for * nflamcd eyes ,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
stores , 50 cents , or
by mail postpaid.
Large Trisi Sample
THE PAXTON TOILET CO. , Boston , Mass.
Dr. M artel's Prepare * ion
-J It. ktmi'iiirt ! iiMiu > ri.T. ' ' ! P )
J for I > ank "Ifc ! Iff far tnmi'ii "
Klt < < > ; io v " - 3"J * " V. City
Use in tim . S < - ' 1 hv d'urc. t ,
HI IU I IU ' ! 1 HI I ! I I" Mf-t
JEUckefeller Cheerfully Tells Ho\r
Competitors Were Driven Out.
John D. Rockefeller's o\vn story of
his fortunes and Hie history of the
birth of the jroit : .Standard Oil Com
pany , was listened
to with brea'thless
Interest by a large
crowd that jammed
the courtroom at
the hearing before
II ef e r ce Franklin
Ferris in New
York T h u r s d a y.
With seeming < -u\-
dor he told how
and why the combi
nation was created ,
and cheerfully ad
mitted that it se
cured rebates from
the railroads which
enabled it to drive
competitors out of
It was the final ra-
ply of the oil com-
puny to the attacks that have boon
matin for years , the revelations of Miss
Ida Tarbell , the fulminations of cam
paign orators , the charges in newspa
pers , and the remarkable letters of
John D. Archbold that injured Senator
Foraker and smirched half a dozeu
In answer to questions bj John G.
Mil burn , his counsel , Mr. Rockefeller
told how his combination reached out
Its tentacles for more end more re
fineries of rivals , and fattened on them
for ten ye rs or more , till it became
strong enough to change into what be
came the Standard Oil Company of
Ohio. Between 1ST2 and 1SS2 the
Rockefeller combine bought ntid
bought rivals. When it was strong
enough it organized them all into one
concern. The oil king said that the
company was constantly reaching out
for more refineries and more markets.
It bought refineries to get them out
of competition and to get their busi
ness. That is the way II. I-I. Rogers
ai.d John D. Archbold went into the
company. They were bought up. Roth
were strong , brilliant and bold. The
Rockefeller combine had to get thorn
out of the way ; it absorbed their rival
concerns and them at the same time.
Mr. Rockefeller snapped up the Ameri
can Lubricating Company , and once in
that field he looked around for more
lubricaliiig companies. Before his ri
vals appreciated what had been done ,
his combine controlled most of these
concerns that had done business be
tween 1S70 and 1SSO.
When the Pennsylvania railroad ,
through its Empire Pipe Line , began
gathering oil and shipping it to the
seaboard at reduced rates , the Stand
ard stepped in. A bitter war followed ,
the end of which came only when the
Empire concern was turned over to
Rockefeller and the dangerous compe
tition wiped out. The railroad for its
surrender was permitted to form a car
combination , the certificates of which
were bought by Rockefeller and his as
sociates. "Whatever they had we
took , " Mr. Rockefeller said , in ex-
rJ.aining the absorption of the Empire
The most conservative reports from
Great Britain tell of an unprecedented
condition of unemployment in that coun
try , a situation so desperate that the
government can no longer ignore it. Al
ready great numbers of the idle work
men have shown signs of extreme dis
content. Some groups were reported to
be on the march toward London and at
Glasgow bloodshed was prevented only
by the prompt action of the city authori
ties in appropriating $ oOO,000 for public
works , to give relief. Dublin also is
spending $ oO,000 for the relief of her
poor. Liverpool , Sheffield , Birmingham
and other industrial centers are likewise
confronted with an acute situation. In
the face of these facts Premier Asquith
has announced his intention of formulat
ing a general plan for giving relief.
The highest court of Australia has ren
dered a decision invalidating one of the
important laws passed in the interest of
organized labor , the party which holds the
balance of power in that country. The
unions had forced the passage of a law
imposing an internal tax upon the output
of the manufacturers of agricultural in
struments. This was designed to about
counterbalance the effect of the protec
tive tariff , but gave to all concerns which
paid the union scale of wages an entire
remission of the tax. As the labor un
ions controlled the Parliament , they could
remit or impose the tax upon whatever
business they saw fit , so that no business
which suits the unions could be put out
of the running. The court -decided , by
a vote of 3 to 2 , that the new law was
unconstitutional on the theory that the
purpose of the law is to regulate wages
instead of to levy a tax or to raise reve
By a vote of 4. > S to 47 , the French
Chamber of Deputies has condemned tJie
campaign which the nnti-Dreyftisards arc
conducting against the decision in the
case of Major Dreyfus , handed down by
the court of cassation in ! ! ) ( ) < ; .
The venerable Russian patriot and rev
olutionist , Nicholas Tsehaikovsky. who
has been in prison at St. Petersburg for
many months , and who has many friends
in England and America , was released the
other day on $25,000 cash bail demanded
by the Russian -government , the money
beiug contributed by wealthy friends iu
this country and in England.
Not Affected by Depression
OutHi , ; Inthistry That Makes It.s
ness OJrotv and Kxpaiu !
Year of iJusincss JIMJI'I
When a manufacturing establish
ment reaches out in a year of deprc-s-
slon and increases and expands its
business , while others in the same
line diminish their outputs or stand
still , it is because there must be some
unusually jjoud reason for it. In this
Instance a splendid reputation and a
more than ordinary meritorious prod
uct were responsible for the showing
The Mayer Boot & Shoe Company ,
Milwaukee , the largest shoe establish
ment in the northwest , has just closed
its iiscal year , and reports an increase
in sales over the corresponding pe
riod of last year. This exceptional
showing speaks volumes for the genu
ine merit of Mayer shoes , and is di
rectly attributed to their high stand
ard , and because of the fact that May
er shoes have become universally and
poularly known as "shoes of quality. "
Most of our readers , no doubt , have
become familiar with the shoe adver
tisements of this enterprising- firm ,
that have been appearing in the col
umns of this publication for a number
of years past. To those who have not
yet become familiar with the extraor
dinary wearing qualities of Mayer
shoes , we Avould recommend a closer
acquaintance by a purchase of a pair
at the first occasion.
The leading brands are "Honorbilt"
fine shoes for men. "Leading Lady"
tine shoes for women. "Yerma" Cush
ion shoes for both men and women
( these are exceptionally fine shoes for
people troubled with tender feet ) ; the
popular "Martha Washington" Com
fort shoes , which have the largest sale
of any shoes of their kind in the
world , and the "Special Merit" School
shoes ( a strong and sturdy line of
seamless school shoes that wear like
iron ) . Tn addition to these brands , the
Mayer Hoot & Shoe Company make a
complete line of every-day and Sunday
shoes for all purposes. In fact , there
is a Mayer shoe for every purpose and
for every member of the family.
The Purist at Liiirsrc.
"Yes , it took me all of live minutes to
really pet my bullet marked the way I
wanted it. I never vote straight , anyhow.
I'm sure to always split my ticket. "
"I st'iyou're sure to split your infini
tives , too. "
Only One "BHOMO
for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the
World over to Cure a Cold In One Day. U. > e.
Crushing tlia C'urjile.
One of the lirst l : sks they set the
new curate , who was handicapped by
youth and inexperience was to investi
gate the boiui fides of avidi > w wo
man" Avho had applied to the church
for help. He departed nervously on
his errand anil kiiockf-d. as ill luck
would have it. at the wrong door.
< % IIow long has your poor husband
been dead , my good woinanV What
number of children have you ? Are
any of them working ? If so. what
amount of 11101103- are they earning al
together ? " were the questions he fired ,
like shots from a revolver , at the slat
ternly woman who answered his sum
"I presume I am ail dressing Mrs.
Harriet Smith ? " lie added , noticing
with alarm that she looked angry.
* 'Xo , you ain't. " answered the woman
snappishly. "My name is Seiina Jade-
sou , my bairns go to school and my
husband's ( loin * what is necessary to a
plateful of steak n-.l onions at this
very moment. Would you like to kno\v
anything ele ? Where I was born ?
When I was baptized ? 'At what age I
started courtin' ? Perhaps,0 she con
cluded sarcastically , rolling her tatter
ed sleeve tip above the elbow , "you'd
like to see my vaccination mark before
you go. "
But the 'bashful curate was already
la full flight. Liverpool Mercury.
The Influence of Environment.
Club Man What do you think is the
matter with me , doc ?
Physician ( who runs an automobile )
I should say that your carbureter is
getting too rich a mixture. Harvard
Glow of Health Speaks for Posvnm.
It requires no scientific training to
discover whether coffee disagrees or
'Simply ' stop it for a time and use
Postum in place of it , then note the
beneficial effects. The truth will ap
"Six years ago I was in a very bad
condition , " writes a Tenn. lady. "I
suffered from indigestion , nervousness
and insomnia.
"I was then an inveterate coffee
drinker , but it was long before I could
be persuaded that it was coffee that
hurt me. Finally I dedded to leave it
off a few'days and find out the truth.
"The first morning I left off coffee I
had a raging headache , so I decided I
must have something to take the place
of coffee. " ( The headache was caused
by the reaction of the coffee drug
caffeine. )
"Having heard of Postum through a
friend who used It , I bought a package
and tried it. I did not like it at first ,
but after I learned how to make it
right , according to directions on pkg. ,
I would not change hack to coffee for
"When I began to use Postum I
weighed only 117 1-bs. Now I weigh
170 and as I have not taken any tonic I
in that time I ran only attribute my j
recovery of good health to the use of |
Postum in place of coffee.
"My husband says I am a living ad-
vertisemnit for Postum. I am glad to
be the means of inducing my many j I
friends to use Postum. too. ' . ' I
Name given by Postum Co. , Battle J i
Creek. Midi. Heart "The Head to Well-
ville , " in pkgs. "There's a Reason. "
Ever read tlia above letter ? A j
new one appears from time to time , j '
They are genuine , true , and full
of human interest. i
( jleanses the oystem /ect-
uaUyUisj3cls ; Lolas ananeaar
aclies auo to Constipation ;
Acts naturally , acts truly as
- J J
L\- .
-forMenXwracn ana Uiila-
rcn-Vbung ana Uia.
To get its BeneficialEjjects
Always Luy me trenuine which
has tnemll name of trie Lom-
i * -
by whom it is manufactured , printed on the
front of ev ry package.
one size only , regular price 5Kper ( borne.
Hoth Guex.HosiVroiiji. .
Algy P.ut I wrur.v you , Miss Capsi
cum. I'm a givai talker.
Miss Capsicum On the contrary , Mr.
Feathcrtop. you don't weary me at all ,
and I find your small talk very divert
Cured Kht > uiiiiilsii.
Nearly everybody is susceptible to a
twinge of rheumatism , sciatica , tooth
ache , headache or neuralgia , ami it's
never safe to be without a good rem
edy for an emergency of this kind.
No matter what kind of pain you
have the beneficial effect of Sloan's
Liniment is immediate. You lay it 0:1 :
li'-'htly no rubbing whatever and : i
pica.sant warmth is felt at once. The
Liniment penetrates right to the bone
and quickly stops the pain.
Mr. ( 'has. .7. P.udlong of Anthony. 11.
I. . Box l- i. writes : "For many years
1 was a great sufferer from rheuma
tism. My hips would swell to enorm
ous proportions ami my knee joints
would pain me in the most excruciat
ing , awful manner imaginable. I used
often to have to fall from the bed into
a chair and thence to the lloor when
1 wanted to get from my bed. I used
only some six or eight bottles of your
celebrated Liniment and was cured. I
cheerfully recommend its use to all
rheumatic sufferers. Refer to me if you
Ko Plneo for Tliat.
A floorwalker in a department store
Eaw a man walking to him , who said :
"My wife bought these underclothes
here yesterday. Where can 1 change
them ? " )
The floorwalker just said : "You
will have to go home to do that , sir. "
fcir Itlieumatisin.
The increased use of whiskey for
rheumatism is causing considerable dis
cussion among the medical fraternity.
It is an almost infallible cure when
mixed with certain other ingredients
and taken properly. The following
formula is effective : "To one half pint
of good whiskey add one ounce of Toris
Compound and one ounce of Syrup Sarsaparilla -
saparilla Compound. Take in tablespoonful -
spoonful doses before each meal and
before retiring. * '
Toris compound is a product of the
laboratories of the Globe Pharmaceuti
cal Co. , Chicago , but it as well as the
other ingredients can be had from any
good druggist.
AVnysi tie Com 1:1 11uiDRM.
Adam /a\vfoi Wlwt'd you do if you
had a million plunks ?
Job Sttirky Tlf fust thing I'd do
would be to prescribe a Turkish bath f'r
you , an' if you didn't take it , by jiiigs ,
I'd kill ye !
$100 Reward , $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there Is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been ahe ! to cure in
all its stages , and that is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
beini ; a constitutional disease , requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally , acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem , thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease , and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and assist
ing nature in doing its work. The proprie
tors have so much faith in Its curative pow
ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for"
any case that it fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials.
Address : F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , a
Sold by all Druggists. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
No Scoop on Mn.
"Millie , " said the young man , as he
slipped the engagement ring on her fin-
fier. "have you told your mother about
this ? "
" 0 , you innocent ! " exclaimed Miss Mil
lie. "Why. Clarence , mamma knew it six
months before you did. "
PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any
case of Itching , Blind , Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles in 0 to 14 dajs or money refunded.
JI1 JUurital Trouble.
"On what ground , " asked the lawyer ,
"does your wife want a divorce ? Incom
patibility ? "
"Something of that sort , I reckon , "
answered the man. "My income isn't
compatible with hpr ideas of comfort. "
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children -
ren teething , softens the gums , reduces iu-
Humiliation , allays pain , cures wind colic.
2oc a bottle.
The largest town clock in the world is
in the tower of ( Jlas . The I
hammer \vpi hll'o po-.ruK the pendu-
him . ' ! ( ! 0 poirxls. nnd the whole clock
' ' "
about i "
S. C. N. U. - - - No. 49 1908.
Limbs Below the Kneen "Were
Keel Swollen Sleep Ilrokeii
Curtil in - Days by Cutlciira.
"Sumo two months ace I had a hu
mor break out on my limbs below my
knees. They came to look like raw
beefsteak , all red , and no one knows
how they itched and burned. They
were so swollen that I could not get
my shoes on for a week or more. I
used live or six different remedies and
got no help , only when applying them
the burning was worse and the itching
less. For two or three weeks the suf
fering was intense and during that time
1 did not sleep an hour at a time. Then
one morning I tried a bit of Cuticura.
From the moment it touched me the
ithing was gone and I have not felt
a bit of it since. The swelling went
down and in two days I had my shoe
on and was about as usual , fieorge
I ! . Farley. f 0 South State St. . Concord ,
X. II. . Mav 14. 1007. "
Xe n lively. ;
Lungloy What have you done for the !
party in this campaign , anyhow ? ]
Mumloy More than you have. I've
contributed n dollar or two and made no
campaign speeches1.
Ti You Are a Trifle Senxilive
Alxjtit the si/.c of your shoes , it's a satisfac
tion to Know jo : : can wear sm.jllor shot's by
spi inkling Allen's I'oot-Kase into thrai.
When rubbers or overshoes bfconnin - ; - . -
sary and your shot" ; pinrh. Allan's , Ko.n
Kas * gives instant relief. Sold Kxerywh-re.
LT.c. Sample FUEK. Addrvss Alien S. ( Jim
sted , Le Hey , N. Y.Ur < ' / > / no subttittiii.
Whera It Kails.
"Well , what do you think of indoor
baseball ? "
"It will do well enough -as a pasti'ii" ,
but it i n't a gamp. It'll never d.-velop
any national heroes. "
& buy Furs tte Hides. Write for catalog 10"
N. W. IJide & Fur Co. . Minneapolis. Minn
A ftill-gj-oun i'le ; huu . - . . . 'is ' on n :
a\frige : o , ( ' < ) ( > pounds , or as iiiiK-ii as si
"Cabarets nro certainly fine. I save a friend
when the doctor was treatise him lor c no r of
stomach. The next nomine ho passed four
of a tape-ivorm. He then got a box and in
days ho pr.-tvcd n tnpo-ivorm 45 feet lonx ,
WHO Mr. Mutt Krwk. of Millcrsburg. Dauphla
Pa. I am Quito .1 worker for Cascnrets. I n
myself and tind them beneficial for mot
dlsenss caused by impure blood. Chnn. . Co
Lewistown. Pa. ( Uiffllu Co. )
Best For
The Dowels
PJoanant. Palatable. PotentTauto Good. DoOooa.
K ver Slfkfiii. Weaken or Uriiic 1 > I5cSOc. NOTJW
cold tu bulk The genuine tablet ntntnped GOO *
Uuttrantoml to euro or your money back.
Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or N.Y. 599
* YT. Tu. Douglas mjikcs and sells miiro
men's 83.00 and 83.GO shoes thnn any
other mniiufacturtT In the world , bo-
cuuso thoj- hold their shape , fit bettor ,
a = d ivcur lonjjcr than cny other make.
zs at All Prices , for Every Member of the
ily , Men , Eoy. , fi'omen , Missssi Childrsn
TT.I. - -.lasS4 00 fid 23.00 OlltEdRi SioJgCKl = o
bo u--tiW . at aay price. W L D3uli3 92.09 ted
" the tett in the world
FT * Color Ei'ffftt Uinl JZjeclujtivelir.
alf'l'siiio No Substitute.V. . L. Dougl-w
IUTIH : pri'jn Is M.tmped on bottom. Sold
CTJ ryre. . Slices mailed from factor ? to aaj
iiart ol tin- world.itntOKiie free.
\V. L. DOUGLAS. IS7 sP3r ! St. . nrockion. Mass.
I ! offliclcd vilh
Sore Eyes , tse
& $ jto ? ' ' T *
mkj . 'i
M . d-Mldrent
The Kind foe Have.
A\fegclalk ) PrcparationforAs
sirailaimgilicFoorfandRcgula- Bears the
( ing llic Stomachs aiuLBowlsol'
Promoles DigestionOieerfiiK ;
ness and Restrontainsncittieri
OpiuiuMorphirte nor Mineral. ;
' : = !
flnrpfin Sced
Hxm Sefd-
Clarifad Suipr
Wsttnpen t'larrr.
Aperfcct Remedy rorConsfipa-
tion , Stonikh-Diarrlioea
WorrasConviisions.Fcverish- !
ness andLoss OF SKE2R j
FacSbHe Signature oF
: Guaranteec
Exact Copy of Wrapper/ orrr.
Tough stock , heavy soles , solid coun
ters , double leather toes , double seams
and highgradeworkmanship are v/hat make Mayer Work Shoes
last longer than any other kind.
. * . Farmers , miners , lumbermen , mechanics and ail classes of
* * workmen can get double the wear out of
; /
They are honestly made solid through
and through. They are "builton honor. " Their
Strength and \vearing qualities cannot be equalled.
To be sure you are getting the genuine , look
for the Mayer Trade Mark on the sole.
Your dealer will supply you ; if not , write to us.
FREE If you will send us the name of a dealer who docs
not handle Mayer Work Shoes , we will send you free , post
paid , a beautiful picture of George Washington , size 15x20.
We also make Honorbilt Shoes , Leading Lady Shoes
Martha Washington Comfort Shoes , Yerma Cushion
Shoes and Special Merit School Shoes.
frr rr-ot cn = h. 10 to frO1"tnoro moner for jnti to ship Raw Furs and EMos to cs than t
cell at homo rite if T PriceList. . Market Iteport. Shipping Ta n , and about our
n ; on the subject er w-i tcn 111J fn n ; alt F-ir Animals iH
i. Traps O Tict ? 1 ! w ar < 1 wh < rp t t- - i > r < J > b-come a ae-
i arlnrt.l. peJ i I $ . T 'ir r tners , Jl ' " H ' ' -s Unn-d ink )
' < but ard Dec -T.i--art aiii.i-ujto tr ; , . S ( --K'Ule. hip ron
. . h. tut cricci. AnJcrsch Bros. . I > c . JH HiuccnpolU.MInB ,
Color m rc gooSs bn'nbler and Jasler colors Hian any clber dye. One 19c package colors oil fibers , TLcy dye in cold wafer Iicller Iban nnv oftcr die. Ton can
esy carccnl wilbcul rippbg eparf. Wriic fcr tree booLidilsv lo Ore , Dlcacl ; ead Mil Colors. JXOJfROE - \ > "RVG CO. .