Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 03, 1908, Image 2
This woman .says that sick Women should not fail to try 3Lydia E. Phikham's Vegetable Compound as she did. Mrs. A. Gregory , of 2355 Lawrence St. , Denver , Col. , writes to Airs. 44 1vas practically an invalid for six , on : u count of female troubles. fears an operation by the doctor's advice , but in a few mouths 1 was worse than before. A friend ad vised Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it restored me to perfect health , such as 1 have not enjoyed in many years. Any woman suffering1 as I did with backache , bearing-down pains , and periodic paius.should not fail to use Lydia E. Piukharu's Vegetable Compound. " FACTS FOR SICK WO EN. For thirty years Lydii ; E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound , made from roots and herbs , has been the . standard remedy for IVnialo ills , ajidhas positively cured thousands of -women Avho have been troubled with , displacements , inflammation , uleera- tion , libroid tumors , irregularities , periodic pains , baekaehe , thai hear ing-down feeling1 , ilatuleney , indiges * : tion , dizziness or nervous prostration , "Why don't you try it V Mrs. Phikhani invites all sicls "women , to writs * her for advice , She has iruldecl thousands tO Iiealth. Address ? , , VTJITJ , Mass. ( Ai-sop in "J.iJJl linJ.v. " A school tc.t'-her in the Italian quar- "tcr of an American city told her chil dren the story of the fox and the grapes. Tony was especially delighted with i he story , and eagerly sought his chum. Joe. who was in another class. P 3 * yood luck , the teacher overheard Tony's version. In Lis excited , broken English ho told the fable much as it was written , until he came to the end. This was his rendering of tlie climax : i "De cshla fox he say. 'Da grape no ; good , nnyiimv : alia sour. I guess I .go geta de bannji. ' " j j .SE-ET.MED V70RSE EVERY DAY. Ca o o { Kidney C ts > - plaliit and JIoiv It Wai Cheeked. Mrs. Lucy Quebeck. Mechanic St. , Elope Valley. R. I. , says : "Eight years a no I contracted severe kidney trouble and my back began to ache contin ually. Every day it seemed worse. The least pressure on my back tortured me. and I could not stoop without a bad twinge. The kidney secretions passed ir regularly with pain. I bloated badly. My head swam and sjv''f d before my eyes. One -doctor said 1 was incurable. However. .1 found prompt relief when I started t ing Doau's Kidney Pills , and the troubles I have related gradually dis appeared. " " Sold by all dealers. oOc a box , Foster-Milburu Co. , Buffalo , X. Y. "Her Impromptu Conundrum. ' " "You called on Miss Tartun and she t 'greeted you with : 'Why , Mr Sorreltop ! ' Well , what was thorn in that harmless acclamation to offend you. Percy ? ' ' "Yes , but she or didn't punctuate it j that way. She saidVliy : Mr. Sorrel- fop ? ' " TO CURE A COLD IX OXE DAY Take LAXATIVE BRO.MO Quinine Tablets , DrusRists refund money If It fails to cure. ZL W. GKUVK'S signature is on each box. lioc. Divine IiiNpiraiion. Eflie. the little daughter of a clergy- znan , pranced into her father's study one evening while the reverend gentle man was preparing a lengthy sermon for the following Sunday. i She looked curiously at the inanu- Tscript for a moment and then turned to her father. "Papa , " she began , seriously , "dooa God tell you what to write ? " "Certainly , dearie , " replied the cler gyman. "Then why do you scratch so much < jf it out ? " asked Efiie. X I lit created. Maude Haven't you finished that povel yet. dear ? CInrt--Xo : but I've reached the irnost interesting p.irt. Maude--Indeed ; Clara Yes : tl'.e heroine is about to clopi * v. itli one man Iconise she is in , Iovevitli another ' rt xi * a-r.w rrt- What Is Poor 3Ian to Do. tn office , store and stifling factory air. In laundry , kitchen , restaurant , every where , The female toiler works ni < ] ofttiines slaves ; \nd mnny thousands to untimely graves Are pushed by competition's fierce , re lentless pace. I The timid female of our mother's placid j day , To Amazonian restlessness gives way ; j"L" train and Subway bear a rush-hour I throng Of petticoated workers pushing men along Maid , wife and widow entered i.n the gruelling race. Short-sighted males , with profit as their I aim , Hire women cheaply to advance their ; game : 'And by their action , their descendants rob For each three working women destroy one man's job. I Exercise A'ot for V/oniea. i A famous physician of late has been calmly pointing out to women the fool ishness of physical exercise as a means of resting the mind. He says emphat ically that the old theory is is all non sense that the mind cannot rest when the body is tired , lie says that the practice of taking a long walk at a fast trot when one has done a hard day's work is entirely the wrong thing to do. In his words. "It adds one fatigue to another. " He does not be lieve in strenuous exercise for men- 1 tally overworked people. I Another belief of his will cause more excitement mid discussion than any other. "Women , " he says , "who do not indulge in physical exercise live longer than men. " He does not think women need exercise. This is a daring state ment to make in the middle of a gener ation that is absolutely given over to ; the exercise fad. He is not alone in 1 this belief , however , for a number of ' women who have gone to rack and ruin through physical exercise agree with J his theory. Too many women have become - come useless burdens through over-ex ercising for this statement to be en- tirely denied. The theory that athletics gave grace to a woman has been dis carded and there is quite a good deal of support given in high quarters to the new theory that heavy exercise unfits a woman for living her life. The doctor says that plenty of fresh air day and night and one hour's walk is rMiouirh for any woman. Regarding the subject of the annual vacation for wftnieu the doctor says : "Nine out of ten women feel worse after a vacation than when they started and are unable to resume work properly. A woman does not need a long rest , but a great number of short ones. It is better to rest four separate half hours a day than to go like mad through the week and rest sixteen hours on Sunday. It Is better to divide the twelve months of work into stated half holidays rath er than take two months after ten months of exhaustion. " I . ,3- T > . i * 4W > vv > ? - ' _ _ _ rf rpv s * Sleeves cannot grow any smaller. All the latest coats are directoire. Millinery wings are larger than ever. Long lines characterize every gar ment. i The big pillow muff supersedes all others. In belts proper elastic will be the most popular. Xot for years has parted hair been so fashionable. The one-piece dresses lead all others In popularity. The neck outline of bodices is likely to grow higher. Padded pipings with soutache are leading decorations. Only the skimpiest of petticoats are allowed with long skirts. Cozy little fur coats are to be ideal wear for youngsters. New skirts are generally plain , while aodices are highly ornate. Green tulle is used in big bows at the icck or some place on the hat. There is no abatement of the rage ; 'or taupe color and amethyst shades. i The Psyche knot is now much in ° rogue and looks well with the new iirban. I Jrur wraps for evening wear are cut hree-cornercd like the old-fashioned iliawl. c < Skirts are to be no longer , but we 0 ] ire likely to see a new outline on the b < ba rain. a : The coats that belong to dressy suits a : ir those worn with elaborate gowns are long. When IH a Woman Old ? b ( A Chicago young women's club has c. Irawn the line against women over C ( K ) years of age , on the theory that a b ( GIRLS 0 ? THE PERIOD. Ilaltiruoro Sun. woman past -10 is no longer to be class ed as young. Naturally there is a vig orous protest , and many of the mem bers threaten to resign. Of course there is no disgrace In old age rather honor in it. Age is one of the very few things over which we have no con trol whatever , and for which we are neither to be blamed nor credited. Old age is honorable because it is the re sult of long right living. The vicious , the careless and the slothful nevn- at tain it. It is by right living , by obedient observance of the laws of nature , that we not only live to be old but seem to be younger than we really are. It is just as much a matter of pride for one to look and feel like 40 at * ' > 0 .MS it is for one to be hale at ! ) ( ) . Though there is no disgrace in growing old. there is decided inconvenience in it. economically , p'lysieally ' and socially. The woman who feels 40 nat.urally docs not like to be classified and associat * ; 1 with women who feel ( it ) . If she h bright and young in spirit -she wants in continue to be so regarded by brig'r. ' and young people. Vanity really has very little part in it. The woman" * and her sympathetic rela tionship with the young and vigorous depend on it. She has a right to in sist that she be taken at the age she feels and shows. K r Conversation Party. Twelve good topics that will be amusing as well as entertaining are here given : Should women vote ? What would you do with a million dollars ? How to keep house on $10 a week. How to be happy though married. IIOAV to Ie ) happy though single. Is a college education necessary ? What was your most thrilling experi ence ? Tell the best joke ever played on you. Should the girls propose ? What is your favorite hobby ? What trip would you rather take ? Who is your favorite novelist ? Secret of Nervous Balance * Rev. Samuel McComb has written a few rules to guide a woman in keeping tier nervous balance. Here they are : Cultivate sound , health-creating emo tion love , joy , peace , faith and hope. Allow yourself sufficient time In ivhich to do your work. Hold in re serve a surplus stock of nervous en ergy by keeping within the limit of rour organization. Do one thing at a time. Prepare rourself in good season for sleep. Trust n the infinite goodness of God , who eves every creature lie has made. Tlio fenced Over.skirf. A designer lias brought out a new hing in the way of tunics. It is cut ircular , is a trifle high waistcd and nstead of having a box plait down the ide it is slashed open , finished with two-inch hem at the edge , and is then accd from side to side through silk- overed eyelets. Silk or velvet ribbon s used. The Correct Time fox ? Bathinp ; . The morning is the best time for a old-water bath , a tepid one morning r night , but a hot-water bath should e taken just before retiring , inasmuch s it is relaxing. Never bathe just fter a hearty meal. Bathe regularly very day. Tlio Soul Itcaclcr. According to a new oracle , human eings are divided into two distinct ategories , the free individual and the ollective type. The free individual ears the Imprint of absolute value ; the collective type IB indelibly marked with the signs of relative value. It is chiefly through the eyes , the mirrors of the soul , that a new occultist reads the depths of our inner natures. If the eye is luminous , the mind is full of light : if the eye is troubled , vague or dull , the individual is somber and shadowy. The clear , transparent and profound eye reveals the genius of the sewer or the charmer : the hard and cold eye shows the power of the dominator - inator , of the director or the van quisher. Kffeetlva KMMIMIS ft own. Use Soda in Washing soda can make dishwashing easier. Sprinkle one teaspoonfui In the roasting pan , put in plenty of water , and let boil a few minutes. Even the corners will be found to be free from grease. Covers , frying pans , bread tins , can be cleaned by boiling for a few min utes in this solution. Silver , too , can be cleaned by boiling it a minute or two in a weak solution of washing soda. Rinse In clean , hot water and wipe with soft cloth or chamois. Ilavo Inviting Hall. Many persons think that because a ' hall is merely an entrance , or passage , it may be bare and unfurnished. On the ( other hand , the hall is the entrance toJ the home , and may be considered aa offering the hospitality of the house. If so regarded , it should be cheerful and inviting , even though in city there is little opportunity for a lisplay of taste and skill. At least it Is always possible to secure a warm , lospltnble color. if Ilul > I > er-.soled Shoes. , Women who are good walkers and who do not fear the roads or pavements n any kind of weather , have rubber . soles put on their walking shoes. This K ' fl ilso prevents fatigue , as rubber is lighter - ' er to walk iir than the ordinary heavy rubber sole. Rubber caps are also added to heels to make walking easier. " r Pliey are said to prevent a constant lv vibration to the spine. Cleanliness I.s Xccc.i ary. The scalp , like the rest of the body , to be kept hcalthj- . must be kept clean. Shampoo your hair once every t\vo . ; weeks if it is inclined to be oily , and ibout once a mouth if it is the least bit , " When She IN 115. ; After celebrating the 25t-h annivera- iry of her birth , the average woman's ' : -hief aim in life is to not look her age. News. - -Chicago A cock Is a decided nuisance in the flock after the breeding season is over. Feed the soil and it will feed you. Starve the soil and it will starve you. The man who relics on luck for the main part of his crop will have an easy time harvesting. It may bewise to encourage the sheep to eat freely to add a little grain in the form of oats. The incubator never "flies the coop" and never changes its mind. It Is on the job all the time. Xot so the cranky hen. We must not lose sight of the fact that a cow must earn her board for the entire year before she can begin to show profit. Prayer may bring rain , but the lively cultivator and the persistent hoe will make a dust mulch that will keep the moisture in the ground. More than 1,000 acres of watermelons were planted last spring between Pen- sacola and River Junction , Fla. , a dis tance of only a few miles. The fowl that begins to molt during August or September has a much bet ter chance to survive the winter than the one that begins in the late fall. Wood ashes may be applied at the rate of 25 to 50 bushels , to the acre. One ton of good wood ashes will con tain about 140 pounds of phosphoric acid. Use well-rotted manure on the gar den plot , if you have not done so be fore , working it well into the surface G or 7 Inches of the soil. Do not delay this matter any longer. It has been found that fowls with deep , angular breast bones have to be fed longer to make them look well , and they consume considerably more feed than those having uniform 'breast bones. Some people who refuse to pay $2 a sitting for fertile eggs from pureblooded ed stock , and take their chances of getting them at the grocery store , sometimes get eggs that won't hatch. The breeder know why. A Kansas man recently sold forty head of Hereford yearling heifers at $40.70. They yielded a net profit of $20 per head. They were bought as weanlings , roughed until last July , then fed for about ten months on al falfa and corn. What we need in producing good dairy products is economy , vigilance and common sense whether the product' is being sold to the city trade , made into butter on the farm , sold to the creamery , condensary or the cheese fac tory. If the droppings of the fowls are not in normal condition give a teaspoonful of soda water ( bicarbonate ) to each afflicted bird. In making the water use three heaping teaspoonfuls of soda to a pint of water. Follow with a 1-grain quinine pill each night for three nights in succession. In keeping track of the family ex penses it Is well to have all items of merchandise charged , with payments monthly or quarterly , or pay cash for all items as soon as ordered. Where a mixed system of payment is followed there are likely to be confusion and more or loss misunderstanding as be tween patron and merchant. While the clearing up of the patches of small trees and brush along the road sides and fence rows and in the pas tures may tend to Improve the land scape from the aesthetic point of view , it means the destruction of just so many places of shelter for the bird lif2 of the locality , which is an even more important consideration than the im proving of the landscape. ; The grape fruit , which Is of the color of a lemon and of the shape of an orange , though considerably larger , gets its name from the fact that the fruit as borne on the trees is clus tered much as are grapes on their stem. This fruit Is not at its best until the second year after picking , when It Is really too ripe for shipment , which fik iccounts for the fact that relatively so fim ittle of it Is shipped to eastern mar m kets and for the further fact that so little of' that which Is shipped is in Ir n-ime condition , being picked from the recs before it is really fit. tl tl tlw To Slop Gullying. w Gullying is a method of laud wash- tc ng that will ruin land quicker than my other form. Owners of hilly or fc ery rolling land must be continually in m the lookout for little gullies and inm ake means to prevent their enlargc- P < nent In dealing with this subject tL he Illinois station says the common tLP practice is to scatter straw in the P ; Iravra or build dams across them at tb 'requent Intervals. A coarser material - * e < i with the straw gives better results. si A better plan i" to keep the draws In sod even when the rest of the fields are cultivated. Almost any grass that forms a tough sod will answer the pur pose , timothy and redtop being quite satisfactory. Svceet Corn Seed. It Is claimed by seedsmen that the -I ears of sweet corn , the kernels of which are a deep amber color and more or less transparent , are much sweeter than those in which the kernels are opaque and white. The kernels having a fine wrinkle are supposed to bo sweeter than those with a coarse wrin kle. The Maryland station made a test of these methods of selection and it was found that practically the same sugar content was contained in kernels of different colors , but there appeared a relation between the wrinkle of the kernel and the sugar content The lowest percentage of sugar in fine wrinkled kernels was above the aver age percentage in the coarse wrinkled and the highest percentage of sugar in the individual ears having a coarse wrinkle was much less than the aver age in the fine wrinkled ones. Green Forage for Hojt. . A bulletin has been issued from tlit Missouri Experiment Station by Dean II. J. Waters , giving the results of * some experiments to determine the value of different forage crops for hogs. Thirty-six pigs weighing about fifty pounds each were fed in lots on dif ferent forage crops in connection with corn until they were ready for mar ket , accurate account being kept of the cost of grains made. In cheapness of grains the feeds used ranked as follows : Corn and skim milk , cheapest ; corn and alfalfa , second end ; corn and red clover , third ; corn and bluegrass , fourth ; corn and rape , fifth ; corn and shipstuff , sixth. A saving of about 75 cents a hund red in the cost gain was effected by us ing green clover instead of fresh blue- grass. A saving of $1 a hundred was effected by using alfalfa instead of bluegress. When it is realized that alfalfa comes on early and when properly clipped stays green all summer and until the very hard freezes of early winter , its Importance as a hog pasture is appar ent. Clover yields more forage per acre than bluegrass , and as shown by these experiments , has a much higher feeding value. It is of the utmost importance therefore , to provide this sort of pas ture for hogs rather than to require them to nin on a bluegrass or a tim othy pasture , or even far worse than this , to con One them In a dry lot in the summer time. This bulletin rec ommends a succession of crops for prof itable hog pasture. Getting Profit from Poultry. Poultrymen estimate that it costs 1 cent apiece to produce an egg. The estimate Is based on the fact that the hen lays 120 eggs in the year. In other words , where the fowls are con fined to runs , and the feed must be purchased , it costs 10 cents per month , or $1.20 per year , to maintain a hen. If the hen is an indifferent layer , and gives but sixty eggs in a year , her eggs cost the poultryman 2 cents each. It Is argued by some farmers that their hens cost them practically noth ing , as they have free range and can gather all the food they need. There Is some truth in that , and there also is some truth in the fact that farmers' flocks seldom yield a profit at least compared with stock in the hands of a regular poultryman. There are almost as many eggs lost on the average farm is are gathered. Hens hide their nests , ind what eggs are not stolen by ani mals are subsequently found by the farmer , generally after having become stale or bad. - \ It is a mistake to allow laying ihe freedom of the farm. Large ind comfortable houses and proper egg- jroduclng food would soon be a revel- ition to the farmer. An experiment conducted by the COT- \ icll Experiment Station in 1902 show ed that the average cost of feed per lozen eggs was 9.2 cents , or about hree-quarters of a cent per egg. The rest per hen for the year was 99.0 tents. At that time wheat was sold at i. < 15 per 100 pounds , while at present t is $2 ; bran sold at $1.35 per 100 louuds , and now is $1.80 ; and meat craps cost $2.13 per 100 pounds , an-1 low we pay $2.40. So at the presert acreased price of feed the cost of feed- ng the hen is easily 20 cents per year aore than it was in 1902. To make poultry profitable on the arm it is necessary to breed for better aying. This is done by installing trap ests in the henhouses , and each year icking out the best layers and breed- 3g only from such. The farmer must rade up his stock ; he must get rid of lie mongrel birds ; he must drive out tie drones , and must encourage the orkers. The farm must produce bet- ir poultry and more of it. There are advantages on the farm jr poultry raising that the poultry- uin does not have , and if the latter , in mny ways handicapped , can make otiltry keeping a successful business , ' ie farmer should at least make the 'V ork a valuable adjunct to his Income , roperly managed poultry can be made le most profitable crop on the farm -Investment , expense and labor con- dered.