Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 03, 1908, Image 1

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    Historical Society
< r rr : y rr
VALENTINE , NEBE. , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 3 , 1908. Volume 23 , Xo. 47
I. M. Eice , Editor and Proprietor
Heat radiated from every square
inch or its surface , because it is
drawn downward through both
Bide openings in the linings to the
bottom and up the back as indicated
in cut.
bold fire 36 bours witb soft
coal , 48 bours witb bard coal.
Easy to regulate.
. .
t"IDGC..lCM COO1 *
Highly Ornate Design. Beauti
fully finished Nickel Top , Panel ,
Side \Vings , Base and Foot Rails.
Large Illuminated Door. P fectly
Air Tight.
Headquarters for Fsrst = cass Unde
\ taking and Embalming.
We have just received a large line of
all sizes and prices ; also
§ Waist Goods
A big reduction price on
9 g ren '
Our winter line is complete. Call and
see our sample line of Fur Overcoats.
3 Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
i 3i Bourbon * Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
i Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 27 year/old
and Jas. E , Pepper. O , F , C , Talor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. 8. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies. Imported
a Gordon and DeKuyper Gins. Guinness 's Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska
Xnf S2E :
the" Advertisement ]
We Need a Change.
Graft , favoritism and periodi
pa Vic- have been common to <
system of government since
v T.V beginning. At the momi
took ar
o ir forefathers up
against the mother country it v
to prevent a tax without represi
tation in name , but the. duties
tea arid other household nece.- its
suddenly increased their C' '
t at the. people rebelled auai :
the tribute levied anil decide 1
drink no b a. Immediately tin
advocate sos
was a leader to
s mple. 1 overage , perhaps 'klA
t mi cereal" under less pretc
ti'ius name and they , no dou
conceived that it "ms.dc red bloo
a- their blood boiled at thought
the lo > s of their favorite tea. Tl ]
wouldn't pay the price because
was levied too suddenly and th
considered it robbery. It was
robber tariff and the. people \voi
not stand for it then. They I
not missed "the representatio
part but it furnished them with
excuse for combatting the robt
Aftea considerable bloodsh
a'xl this government was est ;
lished it was found that mon
inu > t be raised rwr its suppo
The same trouble sprang up aga
among the colonies and they i
sisted their assessments the sai
as before though less unanimous
and less vigorous. Finally , Ha
ilton hit upon a plan. Perhaps
was naturally a sneak for he cc
ceived of a plan to take tribi
f'om articles sold to coloni-
t irough an inspector of impori
tions. This could be done by sta
ing easy and the people were c
ceived into believing that th
were paying only the cost of th <
purchases. This was robbery
uegiu with but the people did n
notice it and , of course , submitte
They paid tax on what they co
5'Jmed rather than on what th
DA'ned or made "during the yet
Thus , a man with a large farni
was taxed more heavily though
may not have enjoyed the laws
protection to half as much pro
t'.rty as a neighbor who purchase
perhaps , only one-fourth as mu
Arid therefore paid only one-four
is much tax as the man with
large family. My dear read (
Jon't you see the injustice of thi
This graft was continued and i
creased until the whole system
finances depe
: > ur government
upon this graft. They call it "pi
tection" and "tariff for reven
Duly" and reciprocity" or reven
schedules , but it has the same <
feet upon the consumer if he h
LI to pay.
The miller who took toll out
Bach sack of grain for his pay a ;
also paid the local preacher out
in extra amount of toll thus taki
fairly illustrates the thievery
trie tariff transactions. True , th
the people didn't notice they we
paying toll for the grinding ai
ilso the preacher's salary , butm ;
have paid much more that tin
knew not of , and the large co
Burner paid heaviest tribute , n
the most able to pay but the
whose burden was perhaps ;
ready heavy.
So it is with the tariff and rev
oue system. Hamilton was prai
3d for his diplomacy or thieve
3r robbery scheme and eve
school boy used to be taught th
Hamilton ' 'smote the rock of t
nation's resources and innume
ible streams of revenue burst fort
he touched the dead corpse
credit and it sprang to life , " th
comparing him with Moses , a ;
using that popular phraseology
eulogize his plan of "tapping t
till of the people's cash drawer
the dead hour of midnight and rr :
bing an unsuspecting populace
This unjust measure of exacti ;
, taking adrantage of t
Style is a prime factor in our dress these days and whether your
taste is for the extreme shapes and patterns or for the conserva
tive models you are sure to find the exact shoe you desire among'
different styles in which the FLORSHEIM shoe is made. Kit
footwear primarily for comfort
is absolutely essential to satisfactory ,
fort and necessary to service. Every FLORSIIELM shoe is made
on lasts that no matter what their shape , allow the foot to rest
naturally without the cramping- huddling- the toes so pre
valent in the ordinary shoe giving- the proper amount of ball
room , supporting the instep and holding the heel and ankle in a
firm yet gentle grasp that insures your comfort.
our styles
limited knowledge of the poop
and fastening upon them a systei
of which they are uuable to con
prehend its magnitude , nor tl
workings , nor the effects of hip
or low schedules in relation 1
their sales and purchases , sorr
believing that a high tariff for pr <
tection to American naanuftictu
ers enables them to pay high wa {
es and that , that will keep tl :
price high on corn , wheat , oati
horses , cattle and hogs. They ai
not accustomed to studying th -
questions and are easily deceive
and when once an opinion is 1'orn
ed i-r established with them . a
most impossible to remove it. ]
becomes their daily song and then :
and the root from which oth .
argument proceeds and thethougl
does not occur to them to lee
back ofjtheir accepted philosophy
A revolutionary change of sy ;
tern in taxation will restore right
to the people and prevent panic
and national shortage. We shoul
not depend upon the system (
tribute , tarill' and internal revonu
laws , which depend wholly upo
consumption or purchasing , ou
government's cash on hand. .
panic or shortage "occurs at an
period when trade conditions ar
interrupted. A surplus may t
not-iced when trade is active , an
shortage when it is not.
The correct system of taxatio
should be levied and collected a
in local and state government , ac
ding to this an income tax an
extensive privilege tax upon coi
porations using the public domai
for private gain.
The democrat have abandone
all hope of landing any state ol
dcers except governor and railwa
commissioner. This condition wi
make somewhat of a mixup an
cause considerable grief to Gov ,
elect Slvallenberger. The variou
boards direct the state g vernrneri
and on these the governor has bi :
a single vote. The state board o
equalization , printing and pui
chase supplies , public land an
buildings and the state bankini
board will all be under control o
the republicans. Springvie'
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held in tb
Catholic Church as follows.
In Valentine on Sunday Dec.
at 10 a. m. High mass and sprmor
Benediction with the. JVjessi-
Sacrament after m iss.
At o p. m. Instuction for th
In Crookston on Sunday Doc 1
at 10 a. m. "sharp.
We sell farming implements as well as other
merchandise at reasonable prices.
Call and try us.
( Jbartered ua a National .Bank
a ttb a atito
12. 1002 ,
Jun1 , 1881. August
Ihe ISUii i ;
Valenune , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
PAID UN A General Banking
* * \ if jf\ Exchange and
. 5,000. Collection Business.
G. H. CORNELL , President. .7. T. MAY , Vico-President.
M. V. r. fr ! .flhiftr.
/T * fTVS. . T F s IT" * / " * IT * '
Tobaccos and Cigars.
S Canned Goods Lunch Counter.
Phone V )
- - , jwt Wsr a - *
All Kinds of Fresh
and Salt Meats. . . -
. . . .
jgg uj-ijr. .i.-Tu.rrjz ?
3ouitry , Horses , Mules and
.nythinir yon have to sell.
Valentine , Nebraska ,
has received a complete line of new , high grade
which are being offered at the lowest prices possible - -
sible , the margin of profit being only reasonable. I
R Prices arc within the reach of all and plainly mark- |
E ed on every article. One price to everybody. \
SK y v jY iylS
3 B r-
lit U h n 11