Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 26, 1908, Image 7

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Mr. William F. Vahlberg , Oklahoma
City. Okhi.vrir < -s :
"One bo llc of IVrunavhicli I have
lakci : did more toward relieving me of
an aggravated case of catarrh of the
stomach , than years of treatment with
the best physicians.
"I had yiven up hopes of relief , and
only tried I'ernr.a as a lat iv.--jrt.
"I > dnll continue using it. as I feel
satisfied it will effect an entire and per *
inanent cure.
" 1 most cheerfully recommend Pernna
to a'l ' who may read this. "
IVrnna is usually taken as a l\st report.
Doctors have been tried and failed. Other
remedies have been used. Sanitariums
have been visited. Travel has been re
sorted to.
At last IVrtina is tried. Relief is found.
This history is repeated over Mid over
again , every day in the year. It is such
results as this that gives 1'eruna its un
assailable hold upon the people. We
could say not hint : that would add force
to such testimonials as tflie above. That
people who have had catarrh and have
tried every other remedy available , find
relief in 1'eruna. constitutes the best ar
gument that could be made.
I ore
Another 60,000 Settlers from the United Slaies
320 Acres of Land to EACH SETTLER-60 Free
Dotr.cstcad and 1GO at 53.00 Per Acre.
"A vast , rich country end a contented ,
prosperous people. " Extract from convspond-
i-uccof a Xatinn it Editor , whoso visit to Western
Canada in Au ut , I'MiS , was an inspiration.
M-iny have the entire cost of their farms
and had a balance of from 510 00 to SiXOO per acru
as a result of i nc crop.
Sprin-r Wheat , V.'inter Wheat. Oats , Barter.
Flax and Pci- ; are t'ne principal crops , while the
wild pras-es brinir tJ perfection the best Cattle
that have over been s ld on the Chicasro market.
S.-.l ndid Climate , Schrols and Churches in all
localiti , railways touch most of the settled dis
tricts , and prices for produce are always jjood.
T ands. may al-o be inirchased from Railway and
La"d Companies. For pamphlets , maps and in-
lormation rcsardins' l&vr railroad rates apply to
\ \ . D. Scot ; . Superintendent of Immigration ,
Ottawa. Canada , or E. T. Holmes , 31 Jackson
St. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M. MacLachlan , Box
noVatertown , So. Dakota. Authorized Govern
ment .Agents.
I'leaso say where you FHW this advertisement.
! Dr. MarieFs Preparaiion
WOMEN The Stiisiilnrtl Koinc-ly. ( At Druggists )
! - -nd fur hook. "Keller for Women. "
FKEXCII mio 10. , ov. . asa bu , x. Y. city
The Stnr Arctnrns.
It is prolinhlc thai the star Arcturus
is one of the six greatest of all the
stars in the sky. Notwithstanding its
brightness , it is so far away from us
'that it is not displaced in position in
tin * .slightest measurable degree , as we
change our position 180,000,000 miles in
our annual journey around the sun.
Could we he placed midway between
Arcturus and our sun we would receive
thousands of times more light and heat
from the star tliau from our sun , and
this notwithstanding that the star's
radiation is smothered by a dense blan
ket of metallic vapors. In spite of its
.Immense distance the star is drifting
slowly in a southwestward direction
over the face of the sky , its motion
changing its apparent position by an
amount equal to the diameter of the
moon in the course of about 1,000 j-ears.
So great an apparent motion must indi
cate nn enormous velocity in space.
New York Press.
appeal to the Well-informed in every
walk of life and are essential to permanent
success and creditable standing. Accor-
ingly , it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of
known value , but one of many reasons
why it is the best of personal and family
laxatives is the fact that it cleanses ,
sweetens and relieves the internal organs
. on which it acts without any debilitating
after effects and without having to increase
the quantity from time to time.
It acts pleasantly and naturally and
1 truly as a laxative , and its component
parts are known to and approved by
physicians , as it is free from all objection
able substances. To get it- beneficial
effect * always purchase the genuine-
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. , only , and for sale by all leading drug-
Boy * Slnrt to Work IIH Soon as They
Leave School , at Early Asre.
As an American goes about among the
Dutch people he is greatly surprised at
the state of mind the average Hollander
has in regard to affairs generally , says
the Boston Herald. It might well be
described as that of a man well ou In
years who has amassed a fair fortune
and now takes things easily and loves
to talk over the somewhat wild doings
of youth.
Nothing is more common than to hear
the remarks from both the young and
old : "We Idave lx. eii great. ' ' "We
Lave had our time. "
They hate to be interfered with and
resent the advice of friends. They can
not reconcile the old-world methods
with the advanced ideas. Methods of
agriculture are all equally old-fashioned
and the peasants equally behind the
tinu-s in thought and dress. In fact ,
cleanliness in Holland has become al
most a disease , and scrubbing goes on
from morning until night , due to the
abundant supply of water.
The condition of the working class
families of some of the manufacturing
towns is deplorable. Wages are low
and the standard of life cannot be
maintained unless mother and children
take their places in the factory side by
side with the head of the household.
As soon as the Dutch law allows the
child to leave school which is at tha
age of 12 he enters the factory work
shop. Although the government Iia3
passed a law recently forbidding boya
under 1C to be employed in factories ,
most of the boys go in as soon as they
leave school. Children leave their beda
frequently at i > or G in the morning or
earlier , summer and winter , gulp down
some hot coffee , or what is commonly
called so , swallow a Luge piece of well-
known Dutch "roggebrood , " or rye
bread , and then hurry in their wooden
shoes through the quiet streets of the
town to their place of work.
Sometimes they have to return home
nt S or S:30 in the morning for a sec
ond'hurried breakfast , which as often
as not is the first , for many of them
start the day's work on an empty stom-
ncL. TLose who cannot run 'home and
back in the half-hour usually allowed
for the first "schaft" or meal time , take
their bread and 'butter with them in a
cotton or linen bag ; and tLseir milk and
water or coffee in a tin , and so shift
as well as they can.
for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the
World over to Cure a Cold In One Day. 25c.
The Sen be
When fourteen miles off the coast ol
Brazil M. J. Xicoll , author of "Three
Voyages of a Naturalist , ' ' observed a
sea serpent which came within about
lifty yards of the ship. "All that we
could see was a dorsal fin about four
feet long sticking up about two feet
from the water. The fin was a brown
ish black color and much resembled a
gigantic piece of ribbon sea weed. Be
low the water we could' indirectly see
a very large brownish black patch , but
could not make out the shape of the
creature. Every now and then the fin
disappeared below the water. Sudden
ly an eel-like neck , about six feet long
and of the thickness of a man's thigh ,
Laving a Lead shaped like that of a
turtle , appeared in front of the fin ,
lashing up the water with a curious
wriggling movement. This creature
was an example , I consider , of wLat
Las been so often reported , for want
of a better name , as tLe 'great sea
serpent. ' I feel sure , however , that It
was not a reptile that we saw , but a
mammal. "
Appalling Ke.sult.
Sadly the mermaid regarded herself hi
her mirror.
"This , " she said , "is the penalty im
posed by nature for the absurd effort ol
my ancestresses , ages ago , to abolish
hips ! "
From which we learn how dangerous
it is to meddle with the orderly processes
o evolution.
Red-headed persons are not apt to become -
come bald.
Foniid in Changru to Right Food.
After one suffers from acid dyspep
sia , sour stomacL. for montLs and then
finds the remedy is in getting the right
kind of food , it is something to speak
out about.
A N. Y. lady and her young son had
such an experience and she wants oth
ers to know how to get relief. She
writes :
"For about fifteen months my little
boy and myself had suffered with sour
stomach. We were unable to retain
much of anything we ate.
"After suffering in this way for so
long I decided to consult a specialist
in stomach diseases. Instead of pre
scribing drugs , he put us both on
Grape-Nuts and we began to improve
"It was the key to a new life. I
found we had been eating too much
heavy food which we could not digest.
In a few weeks after commencing
Grape-'Nuts , I was able to do my house
work. I wake in the morning with a
clear head and feel rested and have no
sour stomach. My boy sleeps veil and
wakes with a laugh.
"We have regained our lost weight
and continue to eat Grape-Nuts for both
the morning and evening meals. We
arc well and happy and owe it to
Grapo-Nuts. " "There's a Reason. "
Name given by Postum Co. , Battle
Creek , Mich. Read "The Road to Well-
ville , " in pkgs.
Ever read the above letter ? A
new one appears from time to time.
They are genuine , true , and full of
human interest.
-hf . / & > - *
. >
Remember the importance of the
kitchen garden.
The dairy without the Rabcocrk. test
er is like the engine without a gov
Little things done in season will
lighten the big task's and make fann
ing more pleasant and prolitable.
Preaching economy doesn't amount
to much. You must practice it , but
there is such a thing as being too
Dairying is a ready money business ,
and no other brunch of live stock keepIng -
Ing can compare with it for enriching
the farm.
Three common faults in butter mak
ing are overripe cream , overchurning
and overworking. The first means
strong hutter , the second and third soft
Many lovers of fine horses.are am
bitious to breed their own driving
horses , breeding high class trotting bred
mares to Hackney or Coach stallions
for beauty and action.
One farmer recommends as a pre
ventive of ravages on the sheep liocks
by dags that the sheep owner place
with his flock a billy goat that will get
along very well with th-3 sheep and de
fend them from the dogs.
iA. 'Mississippi ' steamboat which car
ried away a cow's calf was followed
thirty miles by the bereaved animal ,
swimming all the time. When the cow
, was about to be drowned from ex
haustion she was rescued 'by fisher
The onion crop of Texas is becom
ing an Important factor In the large
eastern markets. Texas onions 'are
crowding out Bermudas and prices of
the latter are steadily falling. It is
Bald that the quality of the Texas
onion Is almost if not equal to that of
the famous Bermudas.
Be careful to furnish a good dust
bath for fowls , for It is the only nat
ural means the bird has of ridding it
self of lice and mites. Provide a
house free from vermin , then provide
the 'birds with a good dust bath , and
the question of lice and mites will he
reduced to a minimum.
It Is estimated that the farmers of
Colorado finished more than a million
sheep and lambs last year , mainly on
alfalfa. It was a bad year for the
sheep business , and it is said that the
loss will be about § 1 per head. How
ever , no credit Is given for the great
amount of fertility returned to the
More horses are injured by enforced
idleness than by work. Days that
horses are not at work they should
run in a box stall or yard. Their hair
may not lie quite as close and even be
a little longer , but they will keep
healthier and be in much better shape
for next season's work for having their
regular exercise every day , either in
the harness or out In the yard.
There were fifty-six calls upon the
Wisconsin dairy school last year for
men to fill good 'positions in cheese
factories , and fifty-three butter-mak-
Drs were wanted. In addition to these
there were numerous requests for men
skilled in the operation of creameries.
The college was unable to supply all
the demands , and yet some farm boys
prefer to sell neckties in a city store
on a salary of 5S per week rather than
to take a course at the agricultural
An English stock journal tells of a
famous veterinary surgeon who was
once called on to decide a question
of blindness in a horse , concerning
which two London vetsx differed. He
entered the yard where the horse stood
and , without examining the animal's
eyes , ordered a halter to be put on him
and an empty bucket to be placed in
the middle of the yard. Then taking
the halter he led the horse In a direct
line for the bucket. The horse went
forward and blundered over it with
his forelegs. "Rlind , without a doubt"
was the verdict.
Prospcr.i nt Peanut Farming.
Seven years ago Mrs. Jennie R. Cuss
found herself confronted with the prob
lem of bringing up and educating six
children on fifty acres of poor land in
North Carolina. Besides her land and
little house she possessed an aged
horse and a mule , one cow , twenty-two
chickens and three razor-back hogs.
She decided to raise peanuts and be
gan reading everything on the subject
she could procure. She was wise
enough to know her soil was poor and
she began a system of rotation of crops ,
gradually increasing her acreage of pea
nuts. Xow she lias twenty-five devoted
to them.
Dirljj : the seven years she has not
njiiy sure-ceded in keeping her children
It ) school. l ut now she has five blooded
' . tn-vf. . a herd of registered cows and a
small flock of well-bred sheep. On the
little farm she raises all the bacon ,
butter , eggs , poultry , breadstuffs , con.
and forage which her family or her
stock require. She is in good Circum
stances and people regard her ua tin ex
An Expert Farmer.
An exchange says a young man asks ,
"What would you advise a young man
raised on a farm who cannot stand the
dust of haying and thrashing and Is
most too light to do heavy farm work
to do ? "
Gardening , floriculture , poultry rais
ing , civil engineering all are good. If
he is built for an expert , there are
landscape gardening , inside decorating
and a number of other good occupations
open to lain.
The young man who is built for an
expert that is. one who is naturally
bright , careful and painstaking will
succeed in any of the above or in al
most any other occupation. lie will
have to learn the business he selects.
lie cannot learn any of them from a
"correspondence school. " lie needs a
practical i-nstructor who can show him.
and the way to become an expert id to j
begin at the bottom and work up , thor
oughly learning all the details as one
goes along. The expert .is a.lw.iys : In
demand , and he commands the top
wages. !
Whatever vocation a young nan goes j
Into , lie should be thorough as he goes j
along , always keeping his eyes open >
for belter ways of doing tha work ho j
has In hand. All vocations are crowd
ed with ordinary workers , imt there's
still lots of room In the upper ranks.
The Dairy Covr'.i Product.
The products of the dairy cow are
fourfold. The first and chief product
is , naturally , the milk which she se
cretes , and which is used as milk , or
for butter or cheese m.'tkiug. The second
end product is calves which she bears ,
and which may be of more or less
value. Third , the carcass of beef which
she will yield when she is no longer
useful for the production of milk
should be taken into account Lastly ,
the manure she produces is of coiisidj j
erable value.
We may call the milk the main prod
uct and the calves , beef and manure
the by-products of the dairy cow. It
lias been asserted that the milk product
is the only thing that should be taken
into consideration in estimating the
value of the dairy cow , and that the
calves and beef should be entirely ig
nored by a successful dairyman , but
in these days of strong competition it
is not possible to ignore the byproducts
ucts , and in any scheme of successful
dairying the calves and beef at least
should be taken into consideration.
This does not mean that in any case
milk producing qualities arc to be i
sacrificed for the sake of the by-prod
It simply means that of two animals
of equal value for the production of '
milk the one that will give the greater
return in production of calves and
value of carcass is more profitable.
Agricultural Epitomist.
Kaiso Alfalfa. . '
The hay crop is one of the principal j
products of the farm. In 190G there j
were raised 57,145,959 tons of hay , '
valued at $592,539,071 , while the wheat
crop the same year had a value of
$490,332,700. Hay enters largely into
the live stock industry and is a lead
ing commercial product in supplying
the consumption of horses in cities.
Hay maintains a parity of value with |
corn and oats for feeding operations
and is usually fed in the proportions
of one and a half to two pounds to a
hundred pounds live weight of animals. '
Hay Is regarded us roughage and Is
necessary In animal husbandry to
equalize the concentrated nutriments of
Alfalfa Is one of the richest legumes
and Is economical for its large yields
and feeding qualities. The cultivation
of alfalfa marks a new era in agri
culture. It leads clover in the yield
per acre and also in Its nutrient prop
erties. It yields two to four crops per
season and should -be - more extensively
cultivated in sections devoted to ani
mal industry. It loves sunshine and
takes vast quantities of nitrogen from
the atmosphere and deposits It in the
soil to fertilize future crops.
Alfalfa is rich in protein , which
makes heavy bone and strong muscles.
It is relished alike by horses , cattle ,
sheep , hogs and poultry , and when fed
to stock in the feed lots reduces the
grain ration and the expense of finish
ing feeders for market. It Is partic
ularly adapted to fattening sheep and
growing wool. Hogs thrive on alfalfa
and it enters largely into the problem
of producing cheap meat.
Alfalfa renovates and rejuvenates a
run-down farm. It grows stalwart
roots that create humus In the soil.
The strong roots strike deep into the
soil , making it porous and imrmme
from droughts. It is admirably adapt
ed to the bee industry , as alfalfa honey
is equal to the nectar gathered from
the llowers of the linden tree. Alfalfa
is a general utility legume adapted to
all kinds of live stock , poultry and the
honey industry. The cultivation of al
falfa should be extended , as soil not in
digenous to it can be inoculaied with
alfalfa bacteria. Its introduction will
increase the fertility of the land and
aid in the solution of cheap meat pro
duction. Goodall's Farmer.
Tn the Mla.ilon Sunday School.
Teacher And what do you suppose
ill the animals did during those forty
lays in the ark ?
Smarty William ? -They just loafed
irouiul and scr.itched themselve : '
Sandy Toirf * ' ( d'sdninfiilly > - - Chm-k
t. Smarty ! What'd they srath for.
.vhen there was only two tleas ? "I In-
For Six .MuiifitN lialty V.'a.s
to Die v/illi K-SKKKIU XmvVeIl
Doelor Said lt > I < t'uticiira.
"Six months after birth my little girl
broke out with eczema and I hail two
doctors in attendance. There was not
a particle ol" skin left on her body , the
blood oozed out just anywhere , : iid we
had to wrap her in silk and carry her
on a pillow for ten weeks. She was
the most terrible sight I ever saw. and
for six months I looked for her to die.
I used every known remedy to allt-vi-
ale her suffering , for it was terrible
to witness. Dr. ( ' gave her up. Dr.
B recommended the Cutiuni
Remedies. She will soon be thrc"
years old and has never had a sign
of the dread trouble since. We usnl :
about eight cakes of Cuticura Soap
and three boxes of Cuticura Ointment.
James J. Smith , Durmid , Va. , Oct. 1- !
and 22 , 100(5. ( "
lUoro Ac tiraci Cl
"See that pompous old ijuy ? That's
Grabbit. lie's one of or : aptaius of in
dustry. "
"Captain ? lie locks to iar > more like
oce of the sutlers , of Industry. "
There Is more Catarrh In this section of
the country than all other diseases put to
gether , and until the last few years wa < sup
posed to be incurable. For a ; ; reat many
years doctors pronounced it a local disease
and prescribed local remedies , and l > y con
stantly failing to cure with local treatment ,
pronounced it incurable. Science lias proven
catarrh to be a constitutional disease and
then-fore re-quires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured l v K '
Cheney & Co. , Toledo , Ohio , is the ony ! con
stitutional cure on the marhet. It is taken
internally in doses from 10 drops to a lea-
spoonful. It nets directly on the blooil and
mucous surfaces of the system. They 'offer
one hundred dollars for any case it failt"
cure. Send for circulars and testimonial- : , i
Address : F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo. O.
Sold by Druggist ? , 75c.
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
"The other day. " said the caller. " 1 j
sent you an item to the ef/ei-t ! ' . ; at I had !
gone up into Wisconsin on a week-end J
trip. "
"Well ? " sid ; the society editor.
"Weil. " "rejoined the iudiiriiar.t caller ,
"you printed irvejk kneed' trip I"
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any
case of Itching , Blind , Bleeding or I'rrtnul-
ing Piles in 0 to 14 days or money refunded
Philanthropic Housewife You are
ly travel stained , aren't you ?
Wareham Long ( tackling rhe < , ! !
meat ) No , madam ; ye couldn't har'iy
call it stain. It's jest dirt. It'll warsu
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for -Mid-
reu teething , softens the gums , rf ! i ; < < : : :
( lamination , allays pain , cures wind colic
2oc a bottle.
Lord Radstock is one of the fr-\v uw-
bcrs of the British peerage who not only
take an. interest in reli io-is \ \ < > : -k ! > : ;
who deliver sermon's thpni i lvo .
& buy Furs & Hides. Write for catalog H
N. W. Uide & Fur Co. . Minneapolis. Minn. .
A 3Iu.sit--tl Sp ; Iir.
The extraordinary iir.icil : : : siitive : : -
ness of spiders lias several tn ; ; < . - . hrn
proved. Every one has heard < > : ' Pi i-
lisson's spider. Consoler of the IMS. < in
timate prisoner , it perished bccans" it
listened too closely to the captive'i' ' > -
lin. The jailer saw it and crushed it
brutally. ( Jretry , the composer. - ; > ' : iks
of a favorite spider which des : 1 ' !
along its thread up-.ui his psi : > ; ; - .1 . ; i
as he plaj'ed it. Wiien giving rc'iis ; : ! I
at Brussels Rubinstein saw a large
spider issue from the finer of the jv'at-
form and listt-n to the music. He gave
three coir-crN at i'.i. s . ' ! siii. : u.i :
on each occasion the spi.- r : ! : ; ' . ; .
Paris Revue.
S. C. N. U. - No. 48 1908.
This woman says she was saved
from an operation by Lyrtiu B.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
LenaV. I lenry , of Xorristowii , Ga.r
writes to 31rs. Pinkliani :
" I suffered uutuld inisory from fo *
male troubles. My doctor said an operaj
tion was the only chance I had. and 1
dreaded it almost as much as death.
' 'One day I read how other werner *
had been cured by Lydia. E. Pinkh.-im'ij
Vegetable Compound , and I decided to
try it. He-fore I had taken the firs }
bottle I v. us better , : inu now I U.LU en
tirely cured.
"Every woman sulTering- with any
female trouble should take Lydia E.
Pinkhaui's Vegetable Compound. "
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink :
ham's Ye'tal > Jn Compound , : (
from roots ami hf-rlss , La. ; fiecu th <
standard remedy for lehialu ills
and has positively rured thmisr.udso :
Avomonvho liave hcen in.ttblcdvitl
displaccmehts , inilanmiation.meera
tion. MIroil ttniiors , irrr.nlaritiesi .
periodic ] iaii s hncka/he. thai I par
ing-down i'ecliniv. ilaluIeiK-y. ii * < lines' '
t ion. dixi ; : ; loss or ncrvoti ; proatrationj
Why don't you try ilV
Mrs. Pinkliam iivitos all
ivomcn to ivrrto Iio ; * i'or atlvicei
She lias jruidert tioiiHaiils to
health. AtldrcM , I.yiu , 31iss.
"I IIRTO Biiffer il with pileH for thirty-six rnr .
One year : ii ; < > inst Aj > "il I lif-crm tnkmi : < ' * trots-
for' < iistiiiitii | > n. In tlio course of a v.-eulc I i.'itce
tli j piles iii-Kiin t > ilisappfiir aii'I nt th em ! ( sin
we kH they itnl not troiil l ln nt nil. < 'u - - ( ret -
liavtout" : won < l > rs forme. 1 inn entirelycnr l nnfi-
. . . " . . Ot
feel Ji. < -i DUWIIIUII. Geor o Krytler. Napolmni.
Best For
The Bowels
PIeasz.-t I/nlntuM * . I'"t' t T-ufwOoix
Hover Scvn. ; ! . ' . , , t , , i.n-- 10'- : : > 50'- N've3
. . ' . . . , ' t.1 O O ,
Hold iii t.ulk. ! i- t-ii ! ' t. " Btnmpe'l
Cui.rnnt''l to < ' .ir * > r your n.'iiv tiu
Sf-r'i" R'-rr.c > dy Co. . Chicago or M.V. 553
uAL SAL : , TB mum BOXES
Positively cured by
these Little Pills , |
They also relies Di ?
tress from Dyspepsia. Is {
clJgf stlon. and Too Hearty
Eatlr.g. A perfect reo
edy for Dizziness , Ka
DroTTslness , Bad
In the Mouth.
Tongue , Pain La tne
iivols. Purely Vegetable.
* 31 BiWMr mun ffi irimiiniK Bnai MEm&a fi Qg
GARTERS Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
* ,
' ' c331zs fierF5ni'i& s33v BTPHfl .
Ti'ti'Js NT M TBSFP S 3H
d swa a fc ty E Bo Sa 4 BUr
Keeps the breath , teeth , mouth and body
nntisepticaliy clean and free from un-
iicaU'iy } erm-iife and dibagreeable.odor3r
which'.vatcr and tooth
, soap preparations-
alone cannct do. A
ermicidai , disin
fecting and deodor
izing toilet requisite
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes ,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
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