You will be satisfied
! every time you
I write a
I letter
Highland Linen ,
40c ihz box ,
W- * - < jrrrrrmS21BB
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out § 10 or § 10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
-gives you a record of
every transaction.
.All kinds , of.
Shampooing a bpecialty.
HOT and COLD BATHS in connection
Forest Shepard , Prop.
Valentine State Bank Building
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Browniee.Nebr ,
Soldier Cree > ( 'ol-
timous 17th 1GOO.V ) ,
: i son of Columbus
17th , a half brother
of the 610.000 Cl-ain-
pion I ) .le , a n d
Prince Boabdel 131-
093 at head of herd
I now have about 30 head of 1007 bull cahrs
for sale.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Valentine - Nebr.
Ail work will be { riven prompt
and careful attention.
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
e , Nebr
Tubular wells and windmills.
me up by Telephoue.
Talk of the Town.
Try Kazda's barber shop. tf
Win. Story and Frank Jxludsis-
kofsky were down from Kilgore
tlic past week.
Julius Erlcr of Br.nvnlee was in
tnvntlfs week getting ] iis final
citiz * n papers.
Chris L Pe.lersen was up from
his farm east of the Pass ranch
labt Thursday.
Thanksgiving t > day. Do we ob-
s.nc : the day in true earnestness
or as a simple holiday ?
M. E. Doty is hauling good hay
to town , the price being § 5 per
ton for good valley hay.
VV n. Thunder Dawk was in
town the first of the week as in
terpreter for some friends in their
divorcu proceedings.
Milton Nicholson is home from
O'Neill to spend Thanksgiving
and entertains a party of his play
mates at a Thanksgiving dinner
T he Chase Lister people will be
at Church's opera house Dec. 7 to
12. A dance will be given Wed. .
Dec. 0 , music being furnished by
the Ladies Orchestra.
The weather changed from the
bright and fair to cloudy and a
snow last night but it is again
clearing up though it will be cold
er than the past few weeks of
summer weather.
Hans Osterman came down last
week to get some sale bills for a
big sale of horses and cattle at
Kilgore Dec. 5 , in which he is in
terested. John Davis is selling
out on account of ill health.
The government began a payment
of § 150,000 to the Indians la-t
Fiiday in which each gets § 20.75.
Some large families get enough to
buy a wagon and team and it pays
for a lot of winter supplies.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunn are enter
taining his two sisters Mrs. Bald
win and Dike from Crystal Lake ,
McHenry county , III. They were
much surprised to be met at Long
Pine by their brother Mr. Dunn
who escorted them to his home
where they are enjoying a fine
We neglected mentioning last
week the shooting of J. W. Shepard -
ard at Crawford through an over
sight delaying to hear some par-
tic.ulars which we have not yet
heard , lie was shot in the hip
' Friday , the 13th,3' and on Mon
day following was brought home ,
lie is not dangerously hurt , though
it was a serious wound.
James L'eander Finch , Mrs.
Collett's brother who lived here a
couple of years ago , died of heart
failure at the home af another sis
ter at Portland , Ind. , Wednesday
of last week. He was 50 years
old the ISth of last October and
was large and strong. He worked
on North Table helping to make
hay and also in Valentine at odd
jobs. He was a willing worker
but his concentration of mind and
lack of attention alternately confused - '
fused him and he preferred to be
told what to do. He boarded for
awhile at the Chicago House.
Daniel Mcllhon died of heart
trouble last Saturday morning Nov.
1 , at his home five miles up the
Minnpchaduza. He has been in
failing health for a year but man
aged to get around and took consid
erable interest in life and enjoyed
talking with his friends. He always
had a pleasant word and everybody
was glad to meet him. His son
John came out from Iowa last week
and was with his father at his death.
John O'Roark , a grandson was here
at the funeral which was held at the
Catholic church at Valentine Mon
day morning and the interment was '
made at Crookston cemetary.
Daniel Mcllhon was well liked by
all who knew him and had made
many friends since coming here a
few years ago from Iowa- .
I Tom Ilornby has an .automobile
and dedicated it Thanksgiving
I Day.
Will G. Comstock and Chas. C.
Jamison are in town this week at
tending court.
AVm. Ferdon , W. L. Merz , Bar
ney McNjtt , Silas Searscn and R.
F. O-born are among those heie
from near Hrownlee.
V. F. Ealya asks us to tell our
readers something of his former ex
perience as a butcher in Sioux city
which for want of space this week
we will defer until next issue.
Last Saturday afternoon FIX boys
went out looking for trouble and
from their reports 'found it. ' The
boys headed for coon cave and there
found a rattle snake den , 11 snakes
were shot the largest snake having
10 rattles and a button.
To say that I am well pleased
with the prices my property
brought at my sale with T. W.
Cramer as auctioneer is putting it
mil'llv. I can highly recommend
Mr. Cramer as an up to date , all-
round , good auctioneer.
Several inquiiies have been made
for lost , wandering and missing
men since the discovery of a man
found dead in the Niobrara river
Sunday , Oct. 18. Most inquiries
were for men who would not an-
Bwer the description at all of the
body found. The attention of Wm.
Williams and wife 12 miles north
west of Ainsworth were called to the
picture of the dead man taken sev
eral days after his discovery , it being
surmised that the picture bore a
striking resemblance to their son
John Isaac \ \ illiams who left his
home at Ainsworth a year ago and
had not been heard of since. Mrs.
Williams and her son Harvey ac
cordingly drove to Johnstown and
came up to investigate , the first of
the week. The body was exhumed
today ( Thursday ) and identified by
Mrs. Williams as her son. There
appears to be no record of his hav
ing registered in town unless under
an assumed name. J. I. Williams
leffc a wife at Ainsworfch and stated
lie was going west ; to find work. He
had f jimerly run a restaurant in
F. F. Ralya Succeeds W.
T. Bishop in Meat
F. F. Ealya has purchr.sad the
meat market of W. T. Bishop and
is now proprietor. He asks us to
say to the public that he expects
to put his best efforts into the
business to have what the people
want and invites 51 larger measure
of your confidence in his abilitv to
please you and wants you to call
and gei acquainted at his shop.
The Sioux City Butcher.
There is no argument that can bp
offered in support ol county opt ;
which cannot by met ami overcome by
those in defense of the right of a con.
munity to manage its own affairs.
One reason why prohibition failed in
Oklahoma was because the bootlag-
gers swarmed into the new state , en
abling the negro to get all the booze
he could drink. The prime object o ,
the dispensary law is to prevent the
negro from getting whisky.
Agents of the Anti-Saloon league are
telliug of the prohibition wave said to
be sweeping the country , but they fail
to say that the extension of dry terri
tory in the north has been wholly un
der state laws providing for the high
license , local option system.
Sentiment for statutory prohibition
has made headway in the south only ,
although two southern states sell
liquor as beverages and all save Geor
gia have high license laws. There is a
growth of temperance sentiment , but
it is not for statutory prohibition. The
agitation in the south is based upon a
desire to keep liquor out of the reach
of colored men.
District Court Not s.
District court is in session with
Judge Harrington on the bench
and C. B. Scott as reporter. The
attorneys , Capt. Fischer , Judge
'Oritcs , J. H. Evans , A. F. Mullen
and several others beside the local
bar , A. M Morrisey ; , K. M. Wal-
( cott , R. G. Easlcy and Ed Clarke ,
are abundantly abletd make things
? Old Crow , All -
Hermitage Bra i
and Bottleu
( juchen- Under the
heimer Supervision
Rye of the
Whiskeys. U. S. ( JrOV.
" \Ye also handle the Budweiser Beer.
( legally ) interesting. The following
cases have been disposed of , and
Trauennan ife Co.s Nebraska
Land and Feeding Co. is on tiial
as we go no to pivs : j
State vs Jacob W. Sanders , as-1
sault : plead guilty , one year.
S. L. Clarke vs Stanley L.
Clarke ct al , foreclosure : decree
of foreclosure.
Talkiiif O Praire Dog vs Prairie
Dog , divorce ; granted.
Application of Win.Volsh to
sell real estate , granted.
Geo. T. Allen vs Rush F. Os-
born , plaintiff alloived to give cost
bond and case continued.
Fred II. odmltz v& R. M. Clay
ton , foreclosure ; decree granted.
L. N" . Layport vs Win. Epke et
al , foreclosure ; administrator sub
stituted as plaintiff.
John G. Stetter vs A. M. Morrissey -
rissey , clerk , ct al , injunction , dis
Mary E. Vaughn v.s John F.
Vaughn , divorce ; granted.
Peter E < res vs Fred ' * ray ton et
al , foreclosure ; decree granted.
Barbara Hohostatt vs Fred Mc-
nitt , , tried to a jury and verdict re
turned for defendant.
Barbara Hohostatt vs Win. Fer
don , dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
Cherry County Teachers'
Association , Friday
and Sat. , Nov.
27 and 28.
Roll call by quotation.
Elements of Literature and Com
Chapters 1 , 2 ,3 , quiz , LuluKortz.
Of Such is the Kingdom , pp. 22-47.
Aerial Navigation , H. W. Funke.
American Artists , Geo. Hornby.
Knockers , lloscoe Ward.
Indian Schools , Grace llobsou.
Helps in Mathematics , J. J. Mohl-
Thanksgiving Drill. Miss Collett's
Friday Evening Entertainment.
Elements of Liferature and Com
position , -
Chapters 4 , 5 , 6 , quiz , Lulu Kortx.
Of Such is the Kingdom , pp. 47-76.
Pekin , Leola West.
Scipntific Temperance , Laura
Discipline , Isabelle Brown.
Discussion , Sadie Thackrey.
Helps in Language , Ina Spratt.
World Known Poets , Ora Hooper.
Immigration , G. L. Carlson.
Co-operation Among Teachers ,
E. E. Collins.
Athletics for women , Marie Nelson
Report from State Association , R.
II. "Watson.
Literature of Childhood , Maude
Trace we 11.
Formalities vs Freedom , Mrs. Ida
The Trail of the"Pinie , Belle Te-
Fraternities , Bert Colby.
The Association will be hel 1 at the
Valentine High School.
LULU Koirrz.
45-2 - Co.Supt.i
Even the republican pipers as
far east as Massachusetts are say-1
ing that thp liquor interest helped
defeat Governor Sheldon of Ne-
bra ka. Pprhaps those eastern
editor1 ? got their information from
the dinky republican paper of XP-
braska. Sheldon's own actions de
feated him. The people of Nebras
ka wanted a bigger and broader
man for governor so turned him
down. The liquor interests had
nothing to do with the vote of
SheHdan county , which gave Shall-
enberge a majority over Sheldon ,
yet gave a majority to most of the
other republican state ticket.
Rushville Standard.
Lost Dog.
A small Fox Terrier weight , 16
Ibs. , short tail , white with black
spots , lemon spots over eyes , lem
on on jaws false toe on fore loir
torn ou" and sore. A reward wfll
be paid if returned to Major
Sl-iockley , Fort Niobrara , Nebr. 10
3J ? $ 1V >
for ivoek En ( liny ; Xov. *
Dail.y mean temperature 45 ° .
Normal 31 ° .
Highest 70 ° ; lowest 6 ° .
Precipitation 0.02 of an inch.
Total precipitation from March
1st ( the crop season ) to date was
10. 92 inches and the average for
same period for 20 years is 20.54
The daily mean tempcrarure
continues to soar above the normal
or an average of 14hile the
range is not so pronounced , only
40 ° . The precipitation still con
tinues its weekly and seasonal de-j
fiencv and is 3.G4 inches short of
the average.
T. J. Christopher has decided to
take up the auctioneering business
in Cherry county. He has had two
years experience as an auctioneer
in Eugene , Ore. , on general sales
and his experience warrants him in
believing that he can please Cherry
county people. He is an expert on
stock having grown up on a farm
and ranch near Lincoln , Neb. His
natural experience dealing in stock
and with the people has trained him
in values. If you are thinking of !
having a sale it may be to your in
terest to see him. Versed on pedi
greed stock. Will meet all calls ]
phone or mail. Valentine , Neb. ,
Valentine Camp No. 1751 ,
M. W. A. |
Neighbors : j
You are earnestly requested to be
present at our next regular meet
ing , Wed. , Dec. 2 , 190S. Election
of officers , initiation and oil r busi
ness of importance to every mem
ber will be presented for your con
sideration , GEO. ELLIOTT ,
PcrCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked.1 05 § 20 00
Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00
Corn , sacked 1 45 28 00
Oxts. sacked 1 50 29 00 .
Chop Corn , sacked 1 ojt , 29 00 i !
Chop Feed , sacked 1 50" 29 00 !
and the selection of Lumber for
the purpose is a matter of great
importance. There is
on the market , both good and bad.
Only the good kinds has found its
way into our yards. It will pay
to let us furnish an estimate on
your next bill. Remember , we
carry first class stock.
T. J. Christopher ,
Will meet , all i . .illsphone or mail.
Verged on jiedijiree'l stoik.
Valentine Nebraska
Prices are what
we are talking
Our stock is fomplete.
There , Mr. Msn , don't cry !
They have broken your heart , I know ,
And the trz-o Ihnt you had , which
made you clad ,
Is a thing of the Long Ago.
But still you can get it baclc
There is hops for the r.-.an who tries.
To recover ycur 'trade : u hrrvc ret to
Right in and ADVERTISE !