If there is any one thing- that a woman dreads more than another it is a surgical opc-ration. We can stao : "without fear of a contradiction lliat there are hun dreds , yes , thousands , of operations performed upon \vomen in our hospitals - pitals "which are entirety unneces sary and many have been avoided by For proof of this statement read the following : letters. & Mrs. Barbara Ease , of Kingman , * Kansas , writes to > Jrs. Pinkham : " For eight years 1 suffered from the most severe form of female troubles and was told that an operation was my only hope of recovery. I wrote Mrs. Pinkham for advice , and took L/ydia E. Pinkham's .Vegetable Compound , and it has saved my life and made me a well woman. ' ' Mrs. Arthur R Douse , of Church Road , Moorestott n. X. X , writes : "I feel it is my duty to let people know what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound has done for me. I suffered from female troubles , and last " March my physician decided that an "gjjeratiqn was necessary. My husband objected , and urged me to try Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Compound , and to-day I am weU and strong. " FACTS FOK S2CK WGfttEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound , made from roots and herbs , has been the standard remedy for female ills , and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements , inflammation , uleera- tion , fibroid tumors , irregularities , periodic pains , and backache. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address , ! ynn , Mass , WESTERN THE PENNSNT "Tbp Le S. K \U > JK-rtU : ( The Governnunt of Canada now sives to every Actual Settler 10O acres o wheat-jjrowJnjj land free and an additional 161) acres at $3.1,0 an a ( .re. The 30\oro contented American Sett'ers makiiicrt heir homes in Western Canadu is the b st evidence of the superiority of that country. Trey are l > rcomiuff rich , crowing- from 25 to 5J bushels wheat to the acre ; 60 to 110 bushels oats and 45 t < 0 i bushels barley , besides having- splen did herds of catt'e raised on th ? prairie grass. Dairying is an important indus' Tj * . The crop of 1903 still keeps Western Canada in the lead. The world will S33n look u it as its food-prcdu er. "The thinsr which most impress-d us wa * the magnitude of the country that is avai'able for agricultural purpo-es. " Na tional Editorial Corre-p'Uidence. 19 > .8. Low Railway Rates good echo Is and chu-ches , marks convenient , Prices the Highest , climate perf ct. Lan s are for sa'e by Railway and Land Com- pnn es. Descriptive pamphlets and mapssent free. For Railway Rates and other information apply to \ \ . 1) Nrott , Superintendent of Immigration , Ottawa , t anadn. or E. T. Holmes. 315 Jackson ist , St. Paul , Minn , and J M MarLacnlan , Box \\atertoun , bo. Dakota Authorized Govern ment Agents. Piouho say vrbere ; ou saw this advertisement. It. Doufjlas malcrs .ind sell * tnoro men's S3.CO ntiil S3. 50 fioos than any other manufacturer In tlio world , because - cause they hold their fchupe , fit bettor , and vrear longer than tiny other make. Shots at All Prices , for Every Member of ths Family , Men , Boy ? , Wonccn. Moses 4 Children T7.I.Doa ! aj 5S 00 tad 55.00 CU * Edje Cicl csanot to c a&Ued at Roy price. V7. L. Dcngln S2.90 ud $2.00 tbct > ire the txit in the world Fatt Color E"r li I'ffl Exclunivtly. O3J-'l'nlic JV'o Substitute. IV. L DotlKia * name nn < l PT-I * is stumjie.l en bottom. Sold cveryvfiicre blioes rnailurt from factory to any part ot tli < - world. C.\iaIo 'Uc free. W. L. DOUGLAS. 157 Spsrk St. . Krockton. Mass. ! ' > -I < i 0 % H.VVIXG Dr. Cartel'sPrc araiion WOMEN 'I -iHti'liiril iemi.lUtPrujgibtj ) -oint tin-Itixtl. " : 'Mc for U omen " FKKMII DKLG CO. , 0 U . : ; 2U i-u , X. Y. City WRITING TO AWVEttTlSEiU WHKN ploaur Pity you auw cite atirartiiemenS fin thin Coughing Spells are prorni ' / rMievd by a sin- pie doe oi PiSu's Cure. The n-C'ilar o e of tins fuTious rein - indy v.li f } eve the worst form of ( i ! .s , col < - , , h jarse- nc .bro : r'liiinsthnrnddis - casrs of the t : i < > .it and lungs. J Absolutely free lron liannml drills a.f opiateIor haif a centu'tlis J.oti' liold remedy in tnili.ons of hom-.s. At 0.11 drucgista * . 25 cU. lvXxjXi \ j\-s * - KemcnilK-r the importance of the kitchen garden. The dairy without Uip Babeock test er is like the engine without a gov ernor. Kittle things done in season will lighten the big tasks and make farmIng - Ing more pleasant and profitable. Preaching economy doesn't amount to much. You must practice it , but there Is such a thing as being too economical. Dairying is a readj * money business , and no other branch of live stock keepIng - Ing can compare with it for enriching the farm. Three common faults in butter mak ing are overripe cream , overchurning and overworking. The first moans strong butter , the second and third soft butter. Many lovers of fine horses are ain- bltlous to breed their o\vn driving horses , breeding high class trotting bred mares to Hackney or Couch stallions for beauty and action. One farmer recommends as a pre ventive of ravages on the sheep flocks by dogs that the sheep owner place with liis flock a billy goat that will get along very well with the sheep and de fend them from the docs , lA Mississippi steamboat which car ried away a cow's calf was followed thirty miles by the bereaved animal , swimming all the time. When the cow iwas about to be drowned from ex haustion she was rescued by fisher men. The onion crop of Texas is becom ing an important factor in the large eastern markets. Texas onions are crowding out Bermudas and prices of the latter are steadily falling : . It Is said that the quality of the Texas onion is almost if not equal to that of the famous Bermudas. Be careful to furnish a good dust bntli for fowls , for it is the only nat ural means the bird has of ridding it self of lice and mites. Provide a house free from' vermin , then provide the birds with a good dust bath , and the question of lice and mites will be reduced to a minimum. It Is estimated that the fanners of Colorado finished more than a million sheep and lambs last year , mainly on alfalfa. It was a bad year for the sheep business , and it is said that the loss \vlll be about $1 per heail. How ever , no credit is given for the great amount of fertility returned to the land. More horses are injured by enforced Idleness than by work. Days that horses are not at work they should run In a 'box stall or yard. Their hair may not lie quite as close and even be & little longer , but they will keep healthier and be in much better shape for next season's work for having their regular exercise every day , either in the harness or out in the yard. There were fifty-six calls upon the Wisconsin dairy school last year for men to lill good positions in cheese factories , and fifty-throe buttermaka ers -were wanted. In addition to these there were numerous requests for men skilled in the operation of creameries. The college was unable to supply all the demands , and yet some farm boys prefer to sell neckties in a city store on a salary of $ S per week rather than to take a course at the agricultural college. An English stock journal tells of a famous veterinary surgeon who was once called on to decide a question of blindness in a horse , concerning which two London vets differed. lie entered the yard where the horse stood and , without examining tiie animal's eyes , ordered a halter to be put on him and an empty bucket to be placed in the middle of the yard. Then taking the halter he led the horse in a direct line for the bucket. The horse went forward and blundered over It with his forelegs. "Blind , without a doubt" the verdict. ProHpers at Peimit FurniinsT. Seven years ago Mrs. Jennie R. Cass found herself confronted with the prob lem of bringing up and educating six children on fifty acres of poor land in North Carolina. Besides her land and little house she possessed an aged horse and a mule , one cow , twenty-two chickens and three razor-back hogs. Slie decided to raise peanuts and be gan reading everything on the subject she could procure. She was wi.se enough to know her soil was poor and she began a system of rotation of crops , gradually increasing her acreage of pea nuts. Now she has twenty-live devoted to them. 'During ' the seven years she has not only succeeded in keeping her children In school , but now she has live blooded liorsps. a herd of registered cows and a small Hock of well-bred sheep. On the little farm she raises all Uie bacon , butter , etrtrs. poultry , bread-stuffs , corn and forage , which her family or her stock require * . She its in good circum stances and people regard her as an ex pert. An Expert Farmer. An exchange says a young man asks , "What would you advise a young man raised on a farm who cannot stand the dust of haying and thrashing and is most too light to do heavy farm work to do ? " Gardening , floriculture , poultry rais ing , civil engineering all are good. If he is built for an expert , there are andscape gardening. Inside decorating and a number of other good occupations open to him. The young man who Is built for an expert that is. one who is naturally . bright , careful and painstaking will succeed in any of the above or in almost - most any other occupation. ITe will have to learn the * business lie selects , lie cannot learn any of them from a "correspondence school. " He needs a practical instructor who can show him , ami the way to become an expert is lo begin at the bottom and work up , thor oughly learning , all the details as one goes along. The expert is always in demand , and lie commands the top vfages. " \Vhatcver vocation a young man goes Into , he should be thorough as he goes filong , always keeping his eyes open for better ways pf doing the work he has In hand. All vocations are crowd- efl with ordinary workers , but there's still lots of room In the upper ranks. The Dairy COTT'M Product. The products of the dairy cow are fourfold. The first and chief product is , naturally , the milk which she se cretes , and which ia used as milk , or for butter or cheese making. The second end product is calves which she bears , and which may be of more or less value. Third , the carcass of beef which she will yield when she is no longer useful for the production of milk should be taken into account. Lastly , the manure she produces is of consid erable value. We may call tile milk the main prod uct and the calves , beef and manure the by-prodwcts of the dairy cow. It has been asserted that the milk product is the only thing that should be taken into consideration in estimating the value of the dairy cow , and that the calves and beef should be entirely ig nored by a successful dairyman , but in these days of strong competition it is not possible to ignore the byproducts ucts , and in any scheme of successful dairying the calves and.beef at least should ; be taken into consideration. This does not mean that in any case milk producing qualities arc to he sacrificed for the sake of the by-prod ucts. It simply means that of two animals of equal value for the production of milk the one that will give the greater return in production of calves and value of carcass is more profitable. Agricultural Epitomist. Uai.so Alfalfa. The hay crop is one of the principal products of the farm. In 100G there ucre raised 57,145,9o9 tons of hay , valued at SSOLV CO.CTl , while the wheat crop the same year had a value of ? 490,3S2,7GO. Hay enters largely into the live stock industry and is a lead ing commercial product in supplying the consumption of horses in cities. Hay maintains a parity of value with corn ami oats for feeding operations and is usually fed in the proportions of one and a half to two pounds to a hundred pounds live weight of animals. Hay is regarded as roughage and is necessary in animal husbandry to equalize fie concentrated nutriments of grain. Alfalfa is one of the richest legumes and is economical for its large yields and feeding qualities. The cultivation of alfalfa marks a new era in agri culture. It leads clover in the yield per aero and also in its nutrient prop erties. It yields two to four crops per season and should IK ? more extensively cultivated in sections devoted to ani mal industry. It loves sunshine and takes vast quantities of nitrogen from th atmosphere and deposits it in the sell to fertilize future crops. Alfalfa is rich in protein , which makes heavy bone and strong muscles. It is relishe < l alike by horses , cattle. sheep , hogs- and poultry , and when fed to stock in the feed lots reduces the train ration and the expense of finish- Tig feeders for market. It Is partic ularly adapted to fattening sheep and growing wool. Hogs thrive on alfalfa and it enters largely into the problem of producing cheap meat. Alfalfa renovates and rejuvenates a run-down farm. It grows stalwart roots that create humus In the soil. The strong roots strike deep into the soil , making It porous and Immune from droughts. It is admirably adapt ed to ihe bee industry , as alfalfa honey is equal to the nectar gathered from the flowers of the linden tre\ Alfalfa is a general utility legume adapted to all kinds of live stock , poultry and the honey industry. The cultivation of al falfa should be extended , as soil not in digenous to it can be inocuhued with alfalfa bacteria. Its introduction wiil increase the fertility of the land and aid iu the solution of cheap meat pro duction. Goodall's Fanner. SOME BE3HASES FZOIE SOTA EDITORS. \Vhaf Tlit-y Think of AVe.it or a f A party of editors from a numb-r of cities .nd ; towns of Minnesota re cent ! \ made a tour of Western Canada , and having returned to their hems they are now telling in their respective newspapers ' of what they saw on their Canadian ( trip. Tlr * West .St. I'aul Times recalls the excursion of the Min nesota editors from Winnipeg to the Pacific Coast ten years ago. Referring to 1 what has happened in the interval t'ie 1 ' writer says : 'Thousands of mi-es of < new railway lines have been built , and the development of the country has i made marvelous strides. Millions of acres , then lying in their wild and untouched i state , have sinr-e been trans ferred 1 into grain fields. Towns have sprung up as if by the wand of a magician i , and their development is now in i full progress. It is a revelation , a record ! of conquest by .settlement that is remarkable. " The Hutchlnson Leader characterizes Western Canada as "a great country undeveloped. The summer outing , " it says ' , "was an rye-opener to every mem ber i of the party , even those who were on the excursion through Western Can ada ten years ago , over considerable of the territory covered this year , being amazed at the progress and advance ment made in that short space of time. J The time will come when Western Can ada will lie the bread-basket of the world. It was a delightful outing through a great country of wonderful } possibilities arid resources. " Since the visit of these editors the government lias revised its land regula tions and it is now possible to secure ICO acres of wheat land at $3 an acre in J addition t < ? the ICO acres that may be ' homcsteaded. The crops of 190S have been splen - did ( , and reports from the various districts I tricts show good yields , which at pres ent prices will give excellent profits to the farmers. From Milestone , Saskataliewan , there are reported yields of thirty bushels of spring wheat to the acre , while the average is about twenty bushels. The quantity of grain to be shipped from this point will be about 000,000 bushels. Information regarding free lands and transportation will be freely given by the Canadian government agents. Preeepi ami Practice. The beliefs of mou are various , and some of thorn have the peculiar prop erty that they can bo changed from one extreme to another in almost no time. A writer in Puck recently reported a conversation among several men who were discussing their dogs. The talk took place in a restaurant. "Yes , sir , that dog can do anything but talk/ ' "Well , it's wonderful the intelligence they have. Why. I had a fox terrier " once "And yet they say that dogs can't reason ! Why , a friend o' mine " "That's right ! You can't tell me. " "And when he was killed , it was just like losing one of the family. My wife " "Well , sir , I believe if there's a here after for human beings , there's one for dogs. I don't see " "Here , here ! Come here , sir ! You brainless little beast" ! Quit nosing in those scraps ! Don't you get enough to eat at home ? Go ever in the corner and lie down ! " PILSS CURED IX C TO 14 DAYS I'AZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching. Blind. Bleedin ? or Protrud ing Piles in G to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. Soitiu S iti-sfaoiiou in That. Mrs. llewligus You say that if a burglar wants to get into rhe house he'll get in in spite of everything you can dote to keep him out. Then what is the use of your taking so much pains to fasten all the doors and windowsV Mr. Ilewligus 1 want to Rive him all the trouble 1 possibly can. blame him- ! Chicago Tribune. Ornamental needlework extends back to four hundred years in India , and even longer in China. It has been called the moCher art of sculpture and painting. I i ' Per Infants and Children , [ he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Keeps the breath , teeth , mouth and body antiseptically clean and free from un healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors , which water , soap and tooth preparations alone cannot do. A germicidai ; disinfecting - fecting and deodor- izingtoiletrequisite of exceptional ex cellence and econ omy. Invaluable for inflamed eyes , throat and nasal and uterine catarrh. At drug and toilet stores , 50 cents , or by mail postpaid. Large Trial Sample WITH "HEALTH AND DEAUTY- BOOK GENT rncc THE PAXTON TOILET CO. , BostonMass. , Color more ooods briqhter and faster colors ( ban any oil ccy garment wiiboul rijplaa spark Write for free bookl I Undo lien .MUnl Her. I A Kansas , City filrl n-ccntly married I a I'snnvlio liv < s in muof the similar j in'ar-liy towns ami went tlit-iv with him j lu live. 'rin IfriilfiM'ouma - - . ' -r f-r tliat hi > : \ latixcsshould iik ' his ! ri < li"ml as one. an uM farmer , voin-d no oiiiplimentary opinion in his hear ing Iir at last asked : "Uncle I'.en. what do yon think of piy w.l'e : " "U a . for a 'fart. < Tenrice. " rMsiiuudfd the oJ.J tcilmv.OM < ln tv nutamrricd . " IIiP-.I > rrTimes. ; . SEVERE HEMQUHKGIDS , Sort's , anil Kehiii I r. tMiiit Dorlor Thought uii Operation > t-cjf.ssiiry | t'nt ic'uru's I fcitcy ! Iroi * n. ' "I am now SO years old. and three years ago I was taken with an at tack of piles ( hemorrhoids ) . bh-edini : | and protruding. The doctor said tin- ' only help for me was to go to a ln > s- ' pital and be operated on. I tried several - [ eral remedies for months , hut did nor , get much help. During this time sores ( appeared which changed to a terrible itching eczema. Then I began to us > e Cuticura Soap. Ointment and Pills , injecting - ( jecting a quantity of Cuticura Oint- j inent with a Cuticura Suppository Syringe. It took a month of this treat ment to get me in a fairly healthy state and then I treated myself once a day for three months and. after that , once or twice a week. The treatments I tried took a lot of money , and it is fortunate that I used Cuticura. J. II. Henderson , Ilopkinton , N. Y. , Apr. 2G , 1907. " * "II Tlne tt.Y n your Tron < irfnl * * C r ti Wir" nionttin fi ! uiinc entirely eur < l of iVoin CAiirrli ami dTKt > i > < < iu. 1 think a word ttt prmiso duo to t mt' tx fnrtbrtrtTondorfalmmrHxItW 1 hHvi * t-ti < n me ' IH oiher o-c ll d bat , witn .ot * TU , * ii < | I n > I lh l Ciuciir 'tn r I xtore In a < Jsy tUau all toe othcn 1 vould in a yenr ' June * ilcOunu. 1CS Alercor St. . Jeraoy C'.tjr. Best For The tttan. PbUtnblo ( Viteat TMteQootf riof J < 5Ter Sicken. XVuaxnn .r Gripe. ] &c. Be. W. N > - > ld la bill ; . T > tablet cnuintitt tnnun.t COO. Guaranteed to cu'o or jour money bx--k. Stirling Remedy Co. , Chic eo or I ? . Y AKgiiALSALE , TEH MILLION SOXES iaIHictctuh : ! ; ' WUfl'S Sore Eyes , FARM WANTE i \i rot : i 01 it FAIM < u BIIM.SH in lt .r ' f < e t i- i i it 'I semi f -t de i riptlon .loncv 1 - - . . . ' jie n cuniinl toii In paj- f i - ' i . i. s i r t ' > owneri T > > h no Ito3 CHI. ! MOTHER GRAY'S SWEST POWDERS FOR CHILDREN , A CertMnOnro for I'evcripSan n < Coitipatioii , II ) l > ; Borders , and Malher Gray , \Vorr.iH. ThisrRri'C-- Viir - -ainChin- 31 hour At all Dru cl" ' * . S4 * r nrf * Hemp , titmole mulled FKC ArtJrm V - ' Vri'i ! ; . A S Ol < .1CTJ"D L * 3nV * i lli S. C. N. U. No. 47 1908. An aching back is instantly'relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. This liniment takes the place of massage and is better than sticky plasters. It penetrates without rubbing throusrh the skin and muscu- o o lar tissue right to the bone , quickens the blood , relieves congestion , and gives permanent as well as temporary relief. has no equal as a remedy for Rheumatism , Neuralgia , or any pain or stiffness in the muscles or joints , Price 23f. , oOc. , and $1.00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan , Boston , Mass. , "J. S. A. Sloan's loolc on horses , cattle , sheep and poultry sent free. " 33 SHOES FOR MEN These splendid men's shoes represent the best\ there is in shoe leather. Every piece of material is of the \ choicest tannage. The workmanship is perfect ; the styles are up-to-date. When it comes to service , there is nothing that equals them in lasting qualities. "HONOP.BILT" SHOES are everything the name implies. They are "built on honor. " No matter where you look , or what you pay , you will never find anything that will outclass them in wear , style or comfort. If your dealer will not supply you , write to us. Look for the Mayer Trade Mark on the sole. FREE Send us the name of a dealer who docs not handle Mayer Honorbiit Shoes , and we will send you free , postpaid , a beautiful picture of George Washing ton , size 15x20. We also mnke Leading Lady Shoes , Martha Washington Cornf ort Shoes. Yerma Cushion „ Shoes and Special Merit School Shoes. F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co. MILWAUKEE , WISCONSIN Bpot cash 10 to KG' " ? morn mon v for yon to shp Rr.w Fr-s nnd Fi fs to TM licn ta at homo. Write for Price List. X. vket Rf fort , > oip ? ing fu s , r.mi about c-r 4V ) PI-M , Ualhcbound. . lie t th-nr on the su'ijeci ever vrttn II urt-iiinc&il Fi * 1 al AE about T'-sppers i crets. Derr vs. Tnp . Oic.o law HIv a < uhr-ro t Irjn c-1 t ' 'tn n > a § eo- 0ful trapper It ? a r 7 i'ar nv < pulia PMCO J2 T 1-1 > ' men" . ? ! ' | ' * t..n -l into beautiful R d"S O .Mi-netic liaitanii Pernv attra'K ami lu.s to traps , Jl rOtot * Katies and Furs to tL , and set hisbtit prices. Ajidur ch Broi. . Ik-pL 111 W * ; olberilye. One lOc package colors all fibers. They dye In cold waler bellerlhzn any olber dye. You can kIcl-How to Dye.Bleacb and Hii Colors. &OJVROE " 97 ? V G CO. , Quincy. / / / / ,