' The General Demand f the Well-Informed of the World haa always been for a simple , pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy of known value ; a Ltxative which physicians could eanctton for family use because its com ponent parts are known to them to be wholcsorat and truly beneficial in effect , acceptable to the system and gentle , yet prompt , in action. In supplying that demand with its cx- ! -cellent combination of Syrup of Figs and I Elixir of Senna , the California Fig Syrup f O > . proceeds along ethical lines and relies | outlic merits of the laxative for its remark- I able Huccesa. That is one of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given the preference by the AVcll-Informed. j To get its beneficial effects always buy j [ the genuine manufactured by the Cali- fornia. Hg Syrup Co. , only , and for sale by all leading druggists. Price fifty cents 2 > er bottle. ; fixtreiisely Hare. "While I was downtown. " said Mrs. LapsHng , laying aside her wraps , "I saw a , wonderful old violin in a music store. The clerk said it was worth $ .1,000. It was a genuine Sardanapahis. and you know that kind is getting very scarce nowadays. " Chicago Tribune. Mrs. WJiislow' * Soothing Syrup for ohild- ren teething , softens the gums , reduces in- j fiammatiori. allays i aln , cures wind colic , t 2.1C a Teachers' salaries in the New York public schools vary from the minimum of $800 annually to the maximum of $2- ' OnJy One "BKOMO QLyIx'lXE" That Is LAXATIVE BUOMO QUININE. Look . .for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the over to Cure a Cold in Otic Day. 2oc. | The Wrong Simile. "Before trying to match the sample of silk , says a writer in the Philadel phia Ledger , the clerk asked , "Is this a piece of something you want or don't want ? " "Something I want , of course , " -replied the customer. "You don't sup pose , do you , that I would go to all ibis trouble for a thing I can't use ? " "Sonus folks do , " said the clerk. ' 'I "have met a number of them. The first woman I ever saw with that point of view had a square inch of blue silk that she wanted mo to match. The scrap was so small that it was hard * to make- comparisons , but after haulIng - Ing down half the bolts on the shelves nnd muring to the door several times to test the color in broad daylight , I /bund the c-xact shade. " * Ho W many yards do you want , 'madam ? ' I asked. " 'Oh. ' said the woman. 'I don't w.mt any. Almost any oilier shade will do. That particular shade is very unbecoming ing1 just wanted to make sure that J don't get it. that's nil. ' " The customer laughed. "What did you say ? " she asked. "Nothing , " responded the clerk , with .a patient smile , taking up her sample ELOVP to Ivmiv ? flio Trec.i. There is an auctioneer whose "gift of the gab" ' and native wit draw many purchasers to his sales. Rut sometimes says a writer in the Springfield Repub lican , he is the subject rather than the .cause of amusement. The man's .une is O. A. Kelley. Not long ago he had to sell , among other ! .things , a lot of pine logs , and the day ] \ ! * ore the sale he \ v.-nt over them and ' tuarked the end of each log with his ' Initials. ] On the day of the auction an Irish- 1 'aaan came along and immediately noticed - 1 ticed Uhe logs with the letters on them. ' "O. A. K. " he read , loud enough for ' 11 round to hear. "Begorra , if 'tis not ( Just like Kelley to deceive us into be- favlng tliim pine logs are oak ! " UPWARD START [ A. tiers Cfcnnsring from Coffee tn | , Postum. ! 'Many ' a talented person is kept back ' ' because of the interference OL coffee ' with the nourishment of the body. ' This is especially so with those whoso ' J nerves are very sensitive , as is often the casfc with talented persons. There 5s a simple , easy way to get rid of * voffee enrlls and a Tenn. lady's experience - , ence along these lines is worth considering - r ering : She says : " 'Almost from the beginning of the use of coffee it hurt my stomach. By the time I was fifteen I was almost a nervous wreck , nerves all unstrung , no strength to endure the most trivial ihlnxr , either work or fun. 'There was scarcely anything I could eat that would agree with me. The little I did eat seemed to give me more trouble than it was worth , I finally quit coffee and drank hot water , but there was so little food I could digest , I was literally starving ; was so weak I could not sit up long at a time. "It was then a friend brought me a hot cup of Postum. I drank part of it and after an hour I felt as though I had had something to eat felt 3a strengthened. That was about five a .years ago and , after continuing Postum In place of coffee and gradually get a ting stronger , to-dny I can ont and digest anything I want , walk as much aln sis I want. My nerves are steady. n "I believe the first thing that did me u any jjood and gave me an upward start , " was Postum , and I use it altogether now Instead of coffee. " "There's a .Eoason. ' ' Name given by Post urn Co. , Battle Creek , .Mich. "Read "The Iload to Well- ai ville. " Jn pkgs. aib ; Ever read the above letter ? A C ! ne\v one appears from time to time. Il They are genuine , true , and full of is &um&n Interest. i f JAji 1LJ.II An Old Fashioned Woman. No clover , brilliant thinker , she. With college record and degree : She has not known the paths of The world lias never heard her name ; She walks in old , long-trodden * * 'ays. The valleys of the yesterdays. Home is her kingdom , love her flower She seeks no other wand ot power To make homo sweet , bring heaven near. To win a smile and wipe a tear , And do her duty day by day In her own queer place and way. Around her childish hearts nrc twined. As round some reverend saint enshrined , And following hers the childish feet Are led to ideals true and sweet , And find all purity and good In her divinest motherhood. She keeps her faith unshadowed still ( Jed rules the world in good and ill : Men in her creed are brave and true , And women pure as pearls o dew. And life for her is high and grand. By work and glad endeavor spanned. This sad old earth's a brighter place All for the sunshine of her face ; Tier very smile a blessing throws. And hearts are happier where she goes , A gentle , clenr-eyod messenger. To whisper love thank ( Jed for her. Hcllli and Hcnnty Mint ; : . The hair brush should be kept scru pulously clean. Very hot water externally applied will stop dangerous bleeding. Daily exercise with lilit' dumbbells eventually cures round shoulders. The juice of a raw onion applied to the sting of an insect will remove the poison. For hives take common white flour and powder the affected parts. This will relieve itching. Cleanliness is ossonUnl to a good complexion and a daily bath is not a luxury but a necessity. A little healthy tan on the face is not really an ailliction. but too much is unbecoming , particularly in the even ing. Practice deep breathing. A person with fully developed lung capacity pur ifies his blood several times per min ute. To improve the contour of the face , try filling the cheeks with air nnd let- tin.g it explode with a soft explosive sound. Do this fifteen or tvronry times a day. A good hair oil for children's hair which is thin or dry is made of equal parts of pure olive oil and cold pressed castor oil. cut with grain alcohol and perfumed. A glass of hot water before break fast is a cleanser and tonic for ( he entire - tire system. For an oily , greasy skin , squoex.o half n I inon into the water , drink without adding sugar. Tlia Hutthnnd Who Itohvllfd. "Once upon a time. " a careless wom an married a careful man. lie would not go to the theater and make a half dozen or more men and women rise in j the middle of the opening net of the play to allow himself nnd wife to reach their sen Is. Perhaps she lost two good plays before she fully understood his determination to be on time , nnd then reformed. But she still lacked in other direct ion ? . Her next disapi > ointment was in a trip planned to : i big city , where every hour of her stay had been carefully ilanned for amusement. Cutting out a dny was a serious loss , .vet she had to hoar it. for he quietly shifted the hour if departure to the next morning after tie had been convinced that the train DII which they had booked seats could not be caught , oven by hurrying. She md never regarded engagements to with him downtown very sori- jusly until the dny she waited one lour in a fashionable restaurant nnd nissod her noonday meal because she ind not brought money enough to pay 'or even a simple luncheon. To-day , if tor five years of marriage , she is ; > of punctuality. Get.s I\IK Position. Although but 2-1 years old. Miss Anna P r 11 c h e 11 Youngmaii of Louis- \ illo. Ky. . has boon named professor of economics at Welles- ley. ley.The The position is regarded n s one extremely difficult to fill. Miss Young- VOLXCJMAX. man v.ns given me ppointmeiit largely because of her iiowledge of trusts nnd commercial nd economic questions. Her record in the local schools and fc the University of Chicago has boon mazing. When Miss Vounirmnn grad ated from the girls * high school hero i inoi. her thesis on trusts excited ide comme'nt. Work. Ill the home of one woman where sin- le beds are in general use the spread * re made of honeycomb material bought y the yard nnd hemmed. They nrc nsy to wash and require no ironing , ti the same home cream white madras i used for bedroom window draperies ecause of its good wearing qualities. It comes out of the wash with flying colors. She trims them with ball fringe nnd does not have them wrung very dry. nnd wrung by hand , of course , as the wringer would flatten the little balls. She uses small rugs nl ! through her house save the dining room' because they can be taken outdoors every week by the one maid of the es tablishment. Another woman saves work by having her luncheon brought to her sitting room on a tray , and another , be longing to a family that seems doomed to perpetual mourning attire , supplies her maid with very light cotton dresses in white nnd black because there is al ready too much gloom in the house. & \r * . rtv Yokes of cream-colored chintz beni'- iug the marking of old-fnsliioued de signs have been noticed on several modish gowns. The most beautiful of the evening shades are found in inexpensive ma terials that give better service than many of the costly ones. The drawn-work "spider" is very pop ular on all but ions. It * is not'new. pare bran water , fill a small bag an ' ordinary salt bag is excellent for this purpose with bran , place it in a pail , cover with boiling water , and it is ready for use. Tlio Second Wife. Little Dorothy could not have paid her lather a higher compliment or better - \ tor expressed her love for him than when she said. "Papa , I would like to toll you something if you won't toU mamma. " "Why don't you want mamma to know it , daughter ? ' ' | "Well , you tell her things I say , and she laughs at them , and I don't want her to know this. " j "Let papa hear what you have to ; say. anyhow. " j "Well , I have often thought that if < mamma were to die I would like to marry you. " Pica for 31 > re C' It is no more a woman's primary in stinct to coquette than it is a man's , if coquetry is to mean simply the desire to attract : and the more that mcu and vo- mon attract each other , the better for the world and for society at.large. A little more coquetry in its best sense vi ould not be amiss. The Lady. The Oilor of Pnint. Every one knows that an onion has a distinct nnd unpleasant odor , whether cooked or raw. But every one does not know that this odor of an onion will TAILORED COSTUMES FOE AFTERNOON WEAR. VT- ' * , , ® t S ? - , i * ' 1 ! ; iinii'/fir-v ' ( ! ' { ftftS / > "li * [ Mt 'f-f\ ' \ c 'ffI 1 ] -I in i - n 'l- J * / ' o o t s . . MWW o r , - u'Kj - . . ii ' u u'KjWvV - f tr J- f = : = iio e ? iir but it is now considered very good and it is easy to make. Narrow lawn ties , daintily embroi dered on the ends , are much worn with linen collars. Kuches are either wide , of plaited net or muslin , or high and full , of twisted satin aud colors. Khaki , buff , suede and all tones of yellow are in vogue in the Into hats , their hrnzoiinoxs being generally toned down with other colors. The one feature that almost all the new coats have in common is the somi- titted clonk nnd cutaway effect that has a thousand different variations. In place of the high turndown linen collars Parisians arcto a considerable extent wearing very high collars of stiff linen without the turndown part. In some' of the now shirt waists back yokes are introduced , and will , no doubt , increase in usage as the season's styles become more ( irmly establisho1 ! . Extreme French fashion plates show the ultra-stylish woman with no hips , with her coat long and straight , and her skirt hanging straight from the waist. Frills are much used for trimming guimpos and sleeves , the In t tor having frills nt the elbow , the lower part of the sleeve being tint or only slightly gathered. I'oCiio Kuril it ii re I'oli.sh. One housekeeper who is successful in keeping her furniture in polish washes he varnished wood frames twice avir . ivith potato water and then nibs them try aud bright with woollen cloths. Tlu > linno receives the same treatment. The lotatovator is prepared by soaking un- -ookod potatoes sliced thin in cold .vator for two or three hours ami then straining the water. ! Jrn Watrr 11 CJeuner. Few people know how useful linn is 'or cleaning. For painted and varnish- d wodwork it is invaluable , removing ho dirt without dost roving the finish 'olorod goods , which usually fade when vashod. will not lose color if wnslu-d in ) rnn water. It is excellent ns a scalp leavser aud is good for the hair , mak- ng it glossy. TTsed Instead of soap it vhitens and softens the hands. To pre- draw to it every other disagreeable l odor and clear the house atmosphere in " ll a ( lay. j The onion can then be thrown away ] ( and with it goes the disagreeable smells c that come about in a house that has fi been closed for the summer. t : And this is also a good thing to t < know : That it will absorb all the odor v from fresh paint and turpentine. n.-.oii'N Jlelyfiil Wife. C Mine. IVjoornson is 70 years old , ana she and her husband have celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wed ding. She acts as his solo secretary. When the poet-politician writes some thing it Is his old wife who transcribes it. She copied his drama , "Tho Lord's Ways , " six times. Her husband never talks to her about the work iu hand , and she copies without comment. She a is the mother of five healthy children. t < . _ hC' C' To Darken the Hair. p Sago tea is the most harmless of rem edies for darkening the hair. Make a strong brew of dried leaves , strain the p liquid carefully through muslin , and to b , each pint add two reaspoonfuls of alcotl hoi. This should be rubbed ou the hair 1 cverv night before retiring. hi _ tisi si Woman. ' A Japanese saying runs : "Woman is an unmanageable creature ; flatter her , , , , she is elated ; thrash her. she weepeth ; Vi kill her. lier spirit haunts you. " We ti would suggest that the best remedy is jt to love her. London Xows. A _ m SU-riliv Ml Hie Uuby. Aii Atehboii only child says she was QP so carefully raised that v. hen she was a } baby , and her mother's callers kissed gc her. the minute the callers left her mother rushed upstairs with her aud & sierilixod her. Atchisou Globe. fo > - dr The Only Thins ; . "Soeur wife is an authoress , Binks. 1 ( " DC 3 Does she write for money ? " "I never had a letter from her yet - tv that she wrote for anything else. " p ( ; P.altimnre American. f0 seA A Cyiiifi.sm. CO Woman's niost valuable asset is taa or imagination of imm. London Truth. of ELECTION APTERMATH. Wisconsin voted for an income tax. Vice President-elect Sherman an nounces that his election expenses were § 2SOO. Thousands of IJppublicans in New York City cut Hughes and thousands of Demo crats cut Bryan. The next House of Representatives will stand 218 Republicans to 173 Democrats , a gain of l.'J for the former. Ambassador Whitelaw Reid is one of those spoken of as Tom Platt's successor in the United States Senate. A surprising feature of the election W.TS the fact that Taft came within about 5,000 votes of carrying Georgia. Missouri has elected a Republican Gov ernor Hndley for the first time in I'.u years , the majority being about 17,000. Frank W. Hitchcock , chairman of the Republican National Committee , will probably be rewarded with a place in the cabinet. Xorinan E. Mack , Democratic national chairman , said : "My opinion is that Mr. Bryan \ \ ill he elected to the United State ? Senate , and if he is lie will he the host Senator the country has had in a gen eration. " Maryland's vote in the Electoral Col lege is again divided this time two for Taft and six for Bryan. Four years ago Roosevelt received one and Porker seven. This division of erectors results tlu'o-r-U iiiG vote of the illiterates , many of whom placed a cross in front of the first one or ftfo names in the electors' list , instead of in the space at the top of the column. They supposed that by so doing they were voting for the straight Republican ticket , whereas their votes counted 6nly for those against whose names they placed crosses. , Speculation is already rife as to Mr. Taft's cabinet. Gen. Luke Wright ex pects to be continued as Secretary of War. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson mny be succeeded by Gilford Pinchot. the young millionaire who at present is chief of the forestry service. Arthur L. Vorys , who managed Taft's Olu'o campaign , n-ants to be Postmaster General. William Loeb , Jr. , secretary to the President , will have a cabinet position , thus following in the footsteps of Dan Ltimont and Cortel- you. Five Tlinii.sand ! Vc\v Homcx. Once more the country has witnessed perhaps for the last time a scene which has been typical of life in the United States the opening of a new era of government land to settlers. The scene this time was in South Da kota , and the area the Rosebud Indian reservation , oidit hundred and twenty- eight thousand acres , a large portion of which is valued at twenty-five dollars an aero. It was distributed , in quarter sec tions of one hundred and sixty acres each , imong the somewhat more than five thou sand fortunate applicants. A irroat chapter of American history is closing , for thf unbuilding of the West lias been largely due to the free land pol icy of the government , and that policy is low perforce losing its former significance , wing to the rapidly decreasing amount f arable public domain. The change in time- ; and conditions was ilso well marked by this latest distribu- ion of land. In pioneer days the "home steaders" placed their families in "prai- ie schooners. " and behind the plodding xon made their way slowly to the prom- sod land. Later , as in the Oklahoma poning. thoj- traveled by rail to the nenr- st station , and thon. on horseback or n light buggies , made a breakneck dash 'or the coveted land. In the opening of he Ro.-cbud reservation it was the auto- nobile which furnished the most conspic- ion < moans of transportation. The methods of distributing government and have been and are open to serious TiticSsm. Forme , ly it was "first come , irst served ; " but as the crush and bru- alities of the Oklahoma "dash" were in- olentble. a system of distribution by lot ras adopted. For the somewhat more than five thou- and lots just distributed , there were two imuld ] thousand registrations. Youth's Companion. OLLE&ES Is there a school book trust ? uestion has been raised by the recent dvance in the prices of certain standard ext books and school trustees at Chicago ave begun an investigation of the so- ailed book trust , or the American Book Company. The latter concern has now ome out in the open with a long adver- isement in the leading daily and weekly lapers giving the statistics of the sciiool- ook publishing business. This asserts hat there are in this country now over 70 independent publishers of school ooks and that open and unlimited compe- ition still prevails. Figures are quoted hewing that there is now $ -12,000.000 apital engaged in the school-book busi- ess and that out of that total no single ' ublisiher has over $ . " .000.000. The ad- ertisement says that the talk about a rust in this line is merely an ogre con- ircd up by rival publishers to injure the > Lmerican Book Company in the public lincl. Reference is also made to the ending suit in Texas to determine wheth- r this company is a trust or not , it being lid that the suit was inspired by the lirty-six other hous competing for the iiool patronage in that State. In ft signed statement Chancellor An- rews of tshe Nebraska State university rbids class fights , kidnnpings and sneak- ivs and night-gown parados. Chancellor ndrews declares that any students par- cipftting in the forbidden exorcises will expelled from the university. Declaring that the sock rush is naugh- . the faculty of Parsons college at Fnir- > ld. Iowa , has forbidden the traditional rm of scrap between the freshmen and p'tomoros ' this year. A revised form of inflict is being invented by the profess- s. and it will not contain the removal hosiery. enc in tb is crowd "Say , I hear somebody village the " blustered told I was a liar. approaching a S P lage bully , he know. Uneres men he thought the guilty party ? " . p mo , quietly "I guess maybe it was , who rneas- | rejoined a husky stranger looked to be nred fully six foot and , stronger than an ox. as ho pulled off his coat and proceeded to roll up bis COC ' " "Oh' ' . " continued the " . that's nil right. backed away. bully , as ho hurriedly 1 didn't say I "Keep your clothes on ; wasn't. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ONE KIDNEY GONE , But Cnreu- After Doctor * Said There Wii.i Xo Hope. Svlvanus O. Verrill. MHford. Me. . says : "Five years ago a bad iujury and affected my kidneys. paralvzed me _ _ * _ t. _ _ . . # - -r a nncic terribly , aud the urine was badly disordered. Doctors said my right kid- 'ney was practically dead. They suid I. could never "walk again. I read of Doan's Kidney Pills and begaii using them. One box made me stronger uiid freer from pain. I kept on using them and In three months was able to get out on crutches , and the kidneys were acting better. I improved rapidly , discarded the crutches and to the wonder of iny friends was soon completely cured. " Sold by all dealers. CO cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. No LeKTisiatioii IVeeded. i Foreign Visitor Mrs. Vidders , can a woman marry her deceased husband's brother in this country ? Mrs. Vidders Yes ; she can if she chooses , but she seldom does. She gen erally knows him too well. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications , as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness , and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mu cous lining of the Kustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing , and when it i.s entirely closed , Deafness is the result , and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi tion , hearing \vill be destroyed forever : nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh , which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will sive One Hundred Dollars for any case of I leaf UPS * ? ( caused by Catarrh ) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circular * , free. V. .1. C'UKXEY & CO. , Toledo , O. Sold by lru/f ist . 7. c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Declared OJT. Said Iln Darlintr , wo have been en- gired for six months. Don't you thinlc it is about time we were getting mar ried ; Said She Well. I'm willing to be married just as soon as you can provide ! vide me with a home. Said Ho That beiug the case , I sup pose I am to consider the engagement broken. TO niK A coi.n ix OXE F AV Take LAX ATI VK BROMO Quinine Tablets , Drujrgi-sts refund iuom\v if it fails to cure. 11 W.GItOVK'S signature isoueach bor. l'5c. She forgot to mention him in her will , DM hi < < unforgiving elderly aunt. He had kept her house while she went abroad. And forgot to writer the rubber plant. WE SEH , GUNS AND THAI'S CHEAP & buy Furs & Hides. Write for catalog 103 N. W. Hide & Fur Co. . Minneapolis. Minn. A Common lliu iuent. The dean of a normal college , in a talk before the student body , was de- hloring the practice common among children of getting help in their lessons , and the tendency among parents to give It too generously. As an illustration he told the following incident : The mother of a small pupil in a Chi- Dago school had struggled through the problems assigned for the child's next lesson , and had finally obtained what appeared to be satisfactory results : The Qext day , when the little girl returned from school , the mother inquired , with Some curiosity : "Were your problems correct , de.ar ? " "Xo , mamma. " replied the child. They were all wrong. " "All wrongV" repeated the amazed parent. "Oh. I'm so sorry ! " "Well , mamma , you don't need to be lorry , " was the reply. "AH the other nainns had theirs " ' onjr. too. ' Sttirt In Life. "Young man , " said a rich and pomp- us old gentleman , "I was not always bus. I did not always ride in a motor ar of my own. When I first started u life I had to walk. " "You were lucky. " rejoined the young inn. "When I first started I had to rawi. It took me n long time to learn o walk. " Democratic Telegram. Wouldn't He ? "Somehow , " said the political manager , 'I can't help wishing I could got acquaint ed with the chnp that held up those 125 ravelers in Yellowstone park a few daya iso. Wouldn't IIP he a dandy collector f campaign contributions I" Chica"o \