Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 19, 1908, Image 5

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    $ .123 VSS-ii. ;
-x i 7 rpi - i"
h H' ' vi jt 'CC4 ' L
for a classic
head of hair
is made easy and possible
with little trouble and the \
timely and judicious use of
A. D. S. Hair
You can have this wonder
ful Hair Reviver in your own
town now , since we have se
cured the sale of it.
We believe it to be without
pqual for all ailments of the
scalp or hair.
Dry , brittle and thin hair
is made lustrous , flu fly and
Itching and scaling of the
scalp is overcome by its t
cleansing , antiseptic and germicidal -
micidal properties In all
cases the good effect of A. D.
S. is seen at once.
I i
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
All kinds of.
Shampooing a specialty.
HOT and COLD BATHS in connection t
Forest Shepard , Prop.
Valentine State Bank Building
'heLoup ' Valiej llerefeid Ranch.
Brown lee.Nebr
soldier PrcelCol -
umus 17lh 1G05 < > .
; i son of Coluin'tus '
17tli. : i half brother
of tlie SlO.lMhn ; mi-
pion n le. : i M < 1
i'riure Bon : chl iM.- :
C'J3 a < head of herd
I now have about 30 head of 1907 bull calves
fur sale.
OiBce over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
All work will be piven prompt
and careful attention.
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Oath. Valentine , Nebr.
, Kehr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
me up by Telephone
Talk of the Town.
Try Kazda's barber shop. if
Steve Shafer and family have gone
to Cody.
Mrs. McCane is visiting relatives
in town.
Gordon Lord and Chas. Bennett ,
jr. , came to town yesterday.
S. W. Kimmell of Rosebud was
trading in this city yesterday.
Ed Beckwith of Neligh is in
town visiting L. H. Baumann.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs Chas.
J or Jan , last Tuesday week , a baby
lolm Mcllhon has been very ill
the past week. We hope for his
\Vm. and Zin ; Gillaspie and Geo.
Tellier are in town this week on
Mrs. Cutsinger , mother , and Mrs.
Mack , a sister of John Slonecker , are
visiting in town.
Jack Whipple of Rosebud was
in town Monday trading with the
local m.-rchants.
James H.Quigley is at the Boil
ing springs ranch this week shap
ing things up for winter.
John Cordier of the reservation
spent several days in town this
week preparing for winter.
E. D. Clarke left f6r Omal a
Tuesday morning to be gone sev
eral clays on legal business.
Considerable money was won 1 y
Valentine citizens , betting t.i at
Bryan would carry his own state.
Geo. Beachamp was in Valen
tine yesterday from nea ? Lake P.
0. as a witness in a contest ca e.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jennett have
been in town this week
a contest for Mrs. Jennett's home
Mrs. L. N. Lay port returned
last Thursday from a visitin Iowa ,
her son Mr ward and wife met her
at Bas.sett.
\Vm. Turner of the west end
of the county was in town yester
day on business and greeting man
old friends.
A. G. Wai d and son of Wood lake
were in town yesterday transact
inir some business and reviving
Dr. Meeham , osteopath , has
moved into his new ofiice rooms
over the Red Front store Ti-li-
phone No. 155. iO
James C. Quigley went down to
Omaha this morning on busine s ,
expecting also to visit his siste-
at Belle.vue college.
W. F. A. Meltendorff paid his
election bet ! a > t week to Gee : go
Christopher walking out there to
notify him of TatVs election.
Robert Faddis returned from
his ranch Saturday suffering from
a severe cold , necessiating his re
maining indoors for several days.
The. A. 0. U.V. . lodge initial
ed ten ni'Miibars Monday even n
and to cheer the victims up alter-
wards gave them a bountiful
The sale of Thomas Cutschall at
Kilgore last Saturday and that of
Wm. Klingaman of Wood Lake
Tuesday were well attended ai d
everything sold brought good
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis returned
last Friday night from Oshkosh ,
Wisconsin , where they were called
by the serious illness of the doc
tor's father who died shortly after
their arrival.
There will be appropriate ser
vices , consisticg of a celebration
of the Moly Eucharist and an ad
dress , on Thanksgiving Day , at
10 o'clock a. m. , in St. John's
Episcopal church.
Mr. and Mrs. E A. Lasalle of
Hawthoine , Nev. , arrived in our
city yesterday morning for an extended -
tended visit at the home of Dr.
Lewis. Mrs. Lasalle will be re
membered here as Miss Grace
Bonnell , who formerly lived in
bur cilyi ?
i There id a gcin ot men
the hill north of town and another
gang grading the hill north of the
fort. The work has long been need
Geo. D. Huggins is spending
the week in town on business and
h's daughter Miss Vira is here j
taking a course of medical treat
The prairie fire last Sunday
week burned off the prairie from
/the half way house to the stite line
and was there stopped by the citi
zens from miles around who con
gregated to fight fire.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Westerman's a party of ladies
were royally entertained last
Thursday evening , high five was
fie entertainment for the evening
refreshments were served.
Mrs. C. J. Gallon has returned
from her visit the past summer
with relatives in Kansas and in
Girrison Neb. , with her daughter
Mrs. C. V. Thorn. Mrs. Callen
is looking well and cheerful as
ever. She reports that her son-
in-law C. V. Thorn has sold his
grocery store in Garrison and i
now a travelling salesme-i
They have a comfortable home in
It's getting along about the time
of year when tobacco is being stored
away in the barns of good old Mis
souri in Jackson county and we
long for just a pipeful or two of
that Yellow Burley smoking tobacco
that iist-d to have such a fine flavor
in the fall of the year. How we
used to enjoy the smoke from those
Missouri meerchaum pipes with
h.ckory stern. Tha days of long
ago when life didn't seem to be one
grand helter-skelter rush from morn
ing till night and from week to
Geo. Tellier and Zan Gillaspie
were in town yesterday from the
Arkansaw Valley and we were as
glad to see them as we used to be
years ago when our kiufolks came
to see us. They remind us of ihtft-e
good old Missouriaus who used to
bring out a load of apples through
Kansas in the early days when pe-- >
pie.' Kansas soil wotihlu'
raise apples. v\cll , theSH genie
men didn't bring the apples but
their smiles and Iaiii4iijge were just
as cheerful and whold-souled as
those Alis. ourians used to loi.k to
us , and iheir homes we venture re
j'js ' as cheerful as they are.
We foigtfc to mention the rui
away of Torn Green's team on
Sat evening Oct. Ist caused b.\
getting scared at some hello e'en
prowlers. The buggy was smash
d up and both Tom and his little
hey were thrown out violently and
hurt. Is it not time to put a stop
o these depredation which turn
ur town up side down every yar ?
It encou'rages lawlessru ss and peo-
, le who wince at these t-iin s are
nest generally those who do not
-uffe.r tbe depredations anil by
iheir encouragement of lawU ssness
exempts them from the attack * of
lie marauders. The better ele
ment will not destroy his property
uid the 'lawless element feel a
chord of sympathy extending to
and connecting friendly interests.
If our city cannot enforce law and
order upon that fateful night , it
may be held for damages for their
neglect to protect property froru
ihe law less acts , often small oi
rifling but some times amount t <
great inconvenience which may ent
er into a claim for damages. It.our
city refuses or fails to stop these
marauders and resists claims for
damages there remains but one oth
er way for protection and that meth
od will be resorted to if these ! ep-
redations fire coutinue.l. Some
body'- boy will spend a night in jail
an i possibly several of tuern or pay
a fine and costs of prosecution. Is
it your boy , father or mother ? who
is being permitted to enjoy thesi
wild , reckless sports that are danger
ous to his liberty and good name ?
If so , it is your duty to counsel with
him. Young man , the responsibil
ity does not all lay with your lat -
er or mother. You will pay the
penalty for your actions and bring
sorrow and disgrace upon parents
tried to guide you right.
Old Crow , All Leading
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
Oruchen- Under the
lieimer Supervision
Rye of the
Whiskeys. U. S. Gt > v ,
AVe also handle the Buciweiser Beer.
. .
w yv.w V TV. T + /T * H W TT ? B IF H n v P * \
Donoher Compton.
On Monday morning at 10
o'clock , Miss Wren Donoher and
Dr. A. N. Compton were married
at the bride's beautiful home by
the Rev. Father Digman of St.
Francis Mission. The wedding
was quiet , being performed in tin-
presence of but a few intimati
f i iends.
Dr. and. Mrs. Compton lef-
Wednesday morning on an extern
-d honeymoon in the South , in
c'uding ' a visit at the Doctor's ol
home in Texas.
The bride has been the pride oi
the town , having been raised hen
and showing herself always per
fect in every respect. In busiiu ss
she was successful and won man.\
friends. As a friend no better
can be found. Perhaps no lady is-
better known or more resptctec
in the entire Northwest.
The Doctor is one of the town'-
most influential citizens , comint
here practically alone , and by his
industry and skill has built up a
practice and a reputation second
to none.
Altogether , no marriage was
ever consumated where the parties
v ere better known or respected
TUK DEMOCRAT extends , wit
the entire community , the In-art
"st , congratulations.
Egbert Bonnen is in iown.
Frank Brayton and fnmilv , WIP
Kincaid and wife and I M. "Rice and
familv spent Sunday afternoon at
the horn.1 of Miss Maud Van Orsda'e
UM the Minnechadnza. Her sister
Miss Mary and Miss Anderson -\\ere
a'so guests.
The evenings are getting longer
now an'l when the work is over for
the dav tin families gather around
their firesides and read abo'U the
trusts , railroads and Standard Oil ;
how they have taken the vlace of
tli3 old tittB rnaiufactories that did
an l.onest business. pad ; livinj wage
e- ? and sold us their products for
less money than they cost us today ,
considering the difference in cost ol
production by improved machinery
an 1 all the later inventions. There
is more of eonljn.stin the wealth of
people now than forty years ago.
There's a greater contrast in the
homes now than there was then.
The wealthy class have grown more
wealthy and aristocratic and there
are more poor people who are poor
er th-m those of forty years 5120. A
summer's work then kept a family
comfortably through the winter ,
r.hough there were many days dur
ing the summer that were not sps-nt
in constant toil. The income is
soon lived up now and when the
rather is idle for a week or two the
family gets down to theiu last mon
ey and their- credit depends not so
mnch upon their honesty but their
ability to pay.
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows : In
\ralentine on Sunday Xov. 22
High mass and sermon at 10. a. m.
Bendiction with the blessed Sacra
ment after mass. At : J > p. m. In
struction for the children. In Ara
bia on Thursday Nov. 2u at 10. a.
m. sharp.
Hector. I
Go to them
> tOCK
Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. f
I New Hotel. Electric Lights. A
1 Good Rooms. Mot and Cold Water ,
MRS. S. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Xebr.
Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains. Hey
ir Home Town
and the selection of Lumber for
, tlie purpose is a matter of great
importance. There is
on the market , both good and bad.
Only the good kinds has found its
way into our yards. It will pay
to let us furnish an estimate on
your next bill. Remember , we
carry first classtock. .
\Vhen you buy from a town mcrE |
chant. Li ! Li
When yon patronize a io\vn tailor.
When you employ a town fl-nli > t.
When you encouragG a town enter
When you speak the town's prn-e : >
When vou subscribe for the town's
ncwppaper. i
Some citizens fail insome , of those
duties. A few fail in all of them.
Done in the mosf satisfactory man
ner ! Largest prices for the seller
and honest , dealing with the bidder !
On these terms T.V. . Cramer solic-j
its your patronage. G' ' duate of
Missouri Auction School , August
term. 41
Lost Dog.
A small FOX Terrier weight , 16
ibs. , short tail , white with black
spots , lemon spots over eyes , lem
on en jaws false too on fore lee1
torn < tl'.and sore A reward will
be iviid if returned to Major
S-ockley , Fort Niobraia , Nebr. 40
J. E. and Jp : Wall ing ford and
Robert T. Hines are in town on a j
( contest case ns witnesses.
Prices are wliat I
we are talking
Our stock is complete. \
I *
aI I
The pro.spects for a 'very thor
ough revision downward of the
tariff law are not very flattering in
face of the fact that there have
been deficits in the nation's re
ceipts nearly every month during
the past year. A bond issue even
now is suggested to overconu * the
excess of expenditures over the
receipts , and { ho much talked of
income tax is aiiain being agitated
jas a last resort by th embarrassed
republican adminiration. . A
iiood inheritance tax would help
sometoo. . Papillion Timiis.