Hh I. M. KICE Editor and Proprietor. MARK ZAKII Foreman. Entered at the postoilice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second Class Matter. TERMS : . j § 1-00 per .year in advancer ThPi-rv Tn iihcrrin Uierry u > . bubscrip - not paid in advance. r . 0 . . . . \ $1. 50 per vear in advance ; paper dis- Foreign Subscriptions - ( e0ntinued at expiration if not renewed. A , . . . pj , | ] f c per inch each issue ; by contract J2-ic. Advertising Kates - ( ransjcnfc atjv o0c per jnci ) ; iocais ioca line. Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , J5 months or longer 10 cents per inch , net. Local notice3 obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue 5 cents per line each insertion. THUKSDAY , NOVEMBER 19 , 1908. There will be an appropriation for the payment of wolf bounties this year and there will be economy in the state administration as well. Not niggardly peuuriousness but ample appropriations with the graft cut out and the careful ju dicious use of a million dollars ought to run our state ' 'as slick as grease , " as Pete Skew used to say in old Riley county. Some necessary state laws should be passed requiring publicity of legal actions and all court work. There are too many secret acts of the courts that we , as a people , never learn anything about. Ev ery court proceeding , civil and criminal , should be required to be published in at least one county paper. The county commission ers and village boards should be required to publish their official proceedings and to pay for the publishing of said proceedings. People want to know what is go ing on and if the proceedings are officially published the people will know. This law should be passed by the next legislature. It is not enough to say that a record is kept and that all may view it by going to the county clerk's office or the office of the village clerk. If these records are required to be publish ed and paid for then they are loy ally published. Otherwise a pub lisher may or may not put in all or only a part of the proceeding ? as he chooses and oftentimes two or three weeks after the commis sioners have been in session. This is also an expense to a newspaper man to put up and he should re ceive some compensation which makes him responsible for accu rate and complete published ac counts of proceedings. Also the proceedings of all courts should be required to be published providing for legal compensation to the newspaper publishing the same and requiring accurate accounts of official acts. Public legal tnins- fers should likewise be published. These items I chronicle in the in terest mutually of the people and the press. The people pay taxes and have a right to know what is transpiring legally in their county and district offices. They ought to know and they are privileged to look over the records of any of their county officers above men tioned but time and distance from the court house forbids many such opportunity. Therefore in the in terest of education in county and state affairs and that people may get more in touch with official rec ords I advocate these publicity laws. Governor Shallenberger is al ready taking an active interest in learning of Oklahoma's bank guar anty law and has gone down there to learn fully as to its operation and defects which may be changed and enacted in the most beneficial and least harmful form. This is one of the campaign pledges that will receive most careful attention. There are other measures to bo enacted that will require r.areful consideration among which not the least is a more equitable sys tem of taxation , the revision of th primary law and the election of precinct assessorby the pee ple. Ncrw- this lattei i.s not a re cent complaint of THE DEMOCRAT and we would be perfectly satisfied to have our county assessor ap point his deputies to assess prop erty in Cherry county but the sys tem is wrong. It takes privileges of self government from the people ple and vests the assessing business too much into the hands of one man , who could be more easily controlled should he be a subser vient tool of any special interest , encourages graft by making one man the distributor of considerable patronage an 1 permits men to become officiers of the law that could not be elected to a precinct office and generally thwarts the will and wishes of the people. The system is wrong and a dem ocratic legislature will correct this abuse of one man power. Repeal of The Sherman Law ! There is something like conster nation among the trusts. It would be real consternation had Bryan been elected. As it is , it is more like surprise , and a realization that ' 'something will have to be done. " It has actually been shown , in the Tobacco trust decision , that the Sherman anti-trust law is sus- cept'ble of effective enforcement ! That , under its provisions , such a concern as the Tobacco trust can really be convicted as a conspiracy in restraint of trade , and made sub ject to severe penalties ! No won der Tobacco securities slumped heavily on the stock market , and t-hat there was even a temporary flurry in other trust stocks ! Here , for example , comes the Weekly Financial Review of J. S. Bache & Co. , "System" bankers , and says : The crying need of a repeal of the Sherman law is evidenced in the Tobacco decision. ' The Sher man law is the most conspicuous example of the ill-considered , po'- ' itically-hatchecl , half-digested and and commerce-killing laws that were brought forth as a conces sion to the supposed popular de- nvind for knifing of the trusts. 1 The United States circuit court of Xew York decided this week that the American Tobacco company was a combination in restraint of trade , but the judges took occa sion to declare in effect that it was j a combination of the most benefi1 1 cial character to the consumer , the i producer of the leaf , and to the whole country in general. Certainly , by all means. It. is so "beneficial" to the pro ducer of the leaf that it has driven tobacco planters to the verge of desperation. It induced them to organize a "trust" of their own to prevent selling to the other trust except at prices that wouJd make it possible for them to Ive. The "night riders" were only one of the "beneficial" consequences to punish the planters who sell their tobacco at whatever price the trust chooses to pay. a. The "benefits" have been great , indeed , to Kentucky and Tennessee - see : And ' "beneficial" to the consum er - who will deny it ! The con sumer pays a good deal more money for a vastly worse cigar. Me is thereby discouraged from smoking too much to the great ) benefit of himself and his family. And "beneficial" to the country j --well , rather ! With the Tobacco j trust the country might never have had the Duke family and its salacious divorce suits to point to with pride. By all means the Sherman law should be repealed. Nobody wants to punish or restrain the trusts any more. Let them run wild , and take all they can get in 'other words , all that the rest of us have. World Herald. Spiteful George. Having grabbed hold of the special session poker , with the avowed intent of ramming its point , sizzling hot , into the persons - sons of his "enemies , " Governor Sheldon seems to have found that the handle was hot , too. And so he drops the poker in continently and stands and sucks his fingers and curses his stars. It's too bad , but it was to be ex pected. Sheldon is not , and never has been , a fighter. " lie lacks the staying qualities. He served two terms in the state senate before he was governor , and about all the fighting he did there was to get first to the cloakroom on adjourn ment. He dilly-dallied with the two-cent law , in the session that met while he was governor , and he dilly-dallied in the same way with the county option question. He had a way with the county op tion question. He had a way of choosing his seat , always , carefully between two stools. More recent ly , when the bank guaranty issue came up , he dilly-dallied with that , and blew hot and cold ; in fact , did nearly everything he could do but fight on the one side or the other. It i.s the same way now with his special session , designed to punish somebody. He felt mean aed ugly when the election returns came in. Same of his partisan friends are proclaiming that it was a "crime"- to beat him , and he seemed to think so himself. He flew into a peevish and petulant rage. And so , that hot poker being the nearest weap : on at hand , he grabbed it. But the look on his face only seemed to be. one of determination. Really it was not. It was only near- determination. Just a counterfeit. And so again Sheldon seems to have deposited himself firmly on the floor between two stools. He has succeeded in disgusting the whole state , and in pleasing nobody not even himself. Me has weak ened himself in the estimation of his friends , and has convinced those who are impartial that he was a very much over-rated man. The sad spectacle presented by Spiteful George at this time will be a lesson to defeated candidates in the future. "Be a man , if you can ; do not cry. " It pays. World Herald. Ptder Thorsen and Will Flory slopped in town la4 Thursday on their return from a shipment of cattle from Gordon to Omaha. The progressive Flinch club sptnt Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. I. M. Piice. There were steen ladies fo one gentleman and ye edi tor hid out. The farmers Institute held here last Friday was well attended considering the severe cold spell jut at that time. Farmer's and ranchmen took considerable inter est in the talks on grasses by Professor's Hunt and Hull and the most interesting to stockmen held here in .years. Some change in the grasses for hay is being contemplated - templated and the experience of experts on alfalfa and red top is just what our people wanted to hear. Miss Gertrude Rowan gave . s plendid lecture to the ladies on how to cook. Prof. Watson brought a large . number of his young lady pupils up to the meet ing from school and the court room was filled during a demonstration af how to prepare and cook various irticles of food in the wooden bpx. : Mr. Hunt says to turn your cattle ubtothe meadow ? in the fall to t : : prevent them from shrinking before - fore winter begins. t : ] Mrs. Frank JKIetecka entertain ed a party of ladies , Wednesday evening , board of trade being the chief amusement of the evening , at a proper hour refreshments were served and those present re port an enjoyable time. Valentine Camp No. 1751 , M. W. A. Neighbors : You are earnestly requested to be present at our next regular meet ing , Wed. , Dec. 2 , 1908. Election | \ ; of officers , initiation and other busi- 1 ness of importance to every inem- ( berivill , be presented for your consideration - j | j sideration , GEO. ELLIOTT , Clerk. County Prohibition. Agents of the Anti-Saloon League who are so zealousy working in Ne braska for so-calleu county option can not be expected , of course , to tell the people the true inwardness of the movement. The terra "county option" is a , misnomer. No doubt it was chosen because of the popularity of the local option clause of the Slocumb law of Nebraska , which has worked to perfection in so many cities and towns. There is no option in the plan proposed by the Anti-Snlcon League. The dictionaries tell us that to exer cise option is to have the power of choice. The program of the Anti-Sa loon League respecting the giving to voters of n county a chance to vote in regard to the liquor traffic prevent : ; the exercise of choice. The bill irrvo- duccd in the lact legislature provid.n for co-called county option intended to make it possible fcr voters to eprtss their will only upon the negative side of the proposition as to whether 01 not saloons may be licensed. Under that bill , if enacted into law , it would bo impcssil.le for the voters to ex press a desire for license ; therefore , the quality of option does not attach to the.measure. The agents of the league ouglit to be frank enough to say that they are seeking county prohibition as a means of bringing about state-wide prohi bition through the voters of the sev eral counties. Their plan is severely criticised because it does not give tl : < : voters an option or an alternative in an election to determine the question * whether or net licensed shall be is sr.cci. Their program is unfair r.n. : unjust , and can not win among voters who take the trouble to ler.rn all phases of it. Why Hoke Gmith Wa : ; Defeated. Politicians will cite the case of Gov ernor Hoke Smith of Georgia as an ex ample of the folly of leaders of any party loading up with the issue ol prohibition. Hoke Smith is one ot the best men of the south , where nearly every white man is necessarily a Democrat. He has marie an ex cellent record as governor , and was entitled to a renomination for a second end term. Partisan oracles of the north will not be slow to perceive that Hoke Smith's defeat was due to his championship of prohibition in the face of a popular movement among business men of Georgia for a revision of the law which was put into effect only last January. This law was en acted to abolish the black man's sa loon , but it was ; ; ot intended to pre vent the white man from getting liq uor. The net result , however , is th < > loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars lars in trade , according to the esti ? mate of the Savannah Chamber of Commerce , and this has led to a con cert of action of beards of trade throughout Georgia to bring about a revision of the law. Immense quanti ties of liquor are being shipped into the state in original packages , so that while there is no diminution of the amount consumed , there is an enor mous outgo of money from the state to outside dealers , Hoke Smith'B competitor , Joe Brown , is said to have promised the business men to approve any bill the legislature would enact affording them relief , This is why he was successful in the Democratic primaries , which triumph is equivalent to an election. In other words , Georgia business men have risen , as did Iowa business men. and demanded of the dominant party re.- lief from damaging conditions. They are for any candidate who is willing to help them. Dvc In a nutshey , this is the whole story vc of the overthrow of Governor Ploko Smith and thp breaking of time horn ored precedent , which calls for the ; giving to a good governor a second pa term. tiE tiEW Paid agents of the Anti-Saloon W ! league we agitatjng prohibition in th Nebraska , They force resident voters thwi to defend existing law. They are getting the farmers to sign petitions liz to the next legislature for po-callnl ce Bounty option , which is nothing but ounty prohibition , the ultimate aim being state-wide prohibition. Taxr ho > Bayers should compel them to take off pa he mask , and to abandon the false be ; pretense that there is the slightest legree of option In the.bill which hdy arc aHvocatimj. . Ship youir Live Stock to f CO , , SO , OMAHA OR CHICAGO t Xo shipment too large and none too small to receive the , " most careful attention. Each consignment intru-ted to our care will be handled by members of the firm. - i Each man's stock sold 01 their merits and a square deal guarantee ! to all. Write us for the market paper and our special -market letters , which we send you free of charge. A ios SXVDKU , Hog Salesman. MATT MAI.OJCE \ Cattle GEO.'M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. THOS. J. DONAHUE j Salesman. / ROBERTSON & CO , PROPRS. Gent's Furnishi = ngs and Clothing. Yes U'HO IS YOUR TAILOR ? Th s i.s a question which is asked of ev ery man who is seen with a neat and dressy suit on. We can easily answer this correctly and to perfect satisfaction. In over eight years in which we have been handling tailor-made clothes we have handled five or six different lines , but we find that the best and greatest satisfaction is given by the house which we now hand le , Ed. V. Price. & Co. All clothes before leaving our shop is made to come up to the purchaser's satis faction and they are all put u nder a heavy guarantpe. They are all of a neat , dressy and well-fitting appearance. Le us fit you out with your FALL and WINTER clothes ; such as a tailor-made , rain-proof cravanette , or overcoat , or suit , or , in fact , anything in the line of MEN'S FURNISHINGS. - We have just received a new line of the latest stylein ; bow-ties , four-in-hands and CCP.R.GHT . 133" , ca. v. PRCE * to. flowing-end ties. V\ ' -t.s.j 11 ix .u-gains ia shirts , ties , underwpar , sox , and hats. Call in and SOP if what wo sav i not true. Cleaning , Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. Phone 122. : : Valentine , Nebr. Refreshes and Cheers DAINTY "dutch STORZ TRIUMPH BEER crowning function. Brewing o The Voters Of Cherry County , Through the columns of the EMOCKAT I wish to express to the Dters of th < > county my sincerest ? preciation for the vote given me the recent election. The com- lign was carried on in a non-par- san manner , the vote given me as as equally non-partisan , and ie discharge of my official duties ill be wholly non-partisan. Rea ring that the people want an'ofli- sr to serve their interests and to ve his attention to the work , my pe is to please them in every irticular. Every energy will be nt toward "making good" . Most sincerely , JAMES * C. .MILL PRICES FOP FEED , PerCwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked. . . . § 1 05 § 20 00 Shorts , sacked 1 20 33 00 Corn , sacked 1 45 28 00 Date , sacked 1 50 29 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 50 29 00 Chop Feed , sacked 1 50 29 00 Taken Up , Taken up by the undersigned at my residence on the Haley farm south of Valentine Nebr. one stray 2 year old red and while spotted heifer notched under right ear. No ' other vjpible marks or brands Has \ been here since last May. Owner can have same by paying costs. * C.B BACHELOR. Dated Oct. 28 ;