Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 19, 1908, Image 1

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f i I" ! E VAL
Heat radiated from every square
inch or its surface , because it is
drawn downward through both
eide openings in the linings to the
bottom and up tne back as indicated
in cut.
Will bold fire 36 bours witb soft
coal , 48 bours witb bard coal.
Easy to regulate.
Highly Ornate Design. Beauti
fully finisbed Nickel Top , Panel ,
Side \Vings , .Base and Foot Rails.
Large Illuminated Door. P" fectly
Air Tight.
F" fik ift IT" El R r
for First class
Headquarters = Under =
* taking and Embalming.
Try A , . FIRST
We have the finest line of Men's
Hats , all styles and colors , in the
city. Prices from $1.00 to $3,50.
PHONE 97 , nil
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes.
Kesidence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , < > NE 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Customers.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars |
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 2 7/y ear/old
andjas , E Pepper , O , F , C , Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov-
> . eminent warehouse. They' are guar
\ anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
JH Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinnessfs Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , S
Valentine Nebraska \
Read the Advertisements ,
' Favor-Government Own =
With the view of a raise in the
present high an < l discriminating
freight rates arc ! the numerous ac
cidents upon railroads and the fact
established that corporations con
trol fhe vo'es of their employees
which permit railroad1 to do about
as they please and have laws framed
to suit their convenience through
their chosen or influenced represen
tatives in congress and the apparent
failure of our own government to
he able to enforce control and regu
lation of railrosids and traffic rates
and provide efficient and effective
service for the people of these
United States I now declare myself
and the policy of THE VALENTINE
DEMOCRAT hereafter to be in favor of
the government ownership of rail
roads to such an extent as possible ;
to appraise and buy or build through
lines between commercial centers
and beginning the operation of said
lines of railroad , known as the U.
S Railroad , on one of the present
lines now stretching across thecou-
nent from the Atlantic to the Pa
cific and follow with the acquiring
or building of other lines necessary .
to transact the business of thecoun- ,
try. |
To this end all convicts and men
serving time for offenses , to be put
to work building and constructing
railroads for the government and
such other work as is practical for
convict labor.
I also favor the government own
ership and operation of coal mines
and oil wells used for fuel and light , j
To condemn and abstract from the t
present owners and operators of
said mines and oil wells and oil
fields at not to exceed the cost of
said mines , oil wells and oil fields
to the owners thereof.
All this in the interest of the pee
pie which has been taken from the
people as their proper and lawful
heritage and to them belong these
properties usurped and confiscated
from their lawful store.
I. M. BICE ,
Editor The Valentine Democrat.
The primary law is better than
the old system of sending dele
gates to cio the work at a county
convention and those delegates select -
lect , other delegates to a state or
congressional convention accord
ing to the personal popularity of
theindividuals who may or may not
be representative of the people's
interests or business. Most gen
erally the man who thought he
could spare the time and the ex
pense to go was put on as a dele
gate and a few others that couldn't
go , didn't intend to , but were giv
en some party recognition by the
local politicians who had other
chestnuts to rake out and needed
some return assistance of a more
substantial character. It was dif
ferent with the republicans who
secured transportation , until only
recently when the democrats
forced the giving up of the pass.
This put the republicans on the
same footing as the democrats and
a primary law was essential to
keep the railroads from getting all
the ready money required to haul
delegates to and from conventions.
It meant a big expense to us west
erners and we like the primary
law , but we want some changes , if
possil le , to keep republicans from
voting an objectionable candidate
onto the democrats and vice versa.
We also want some of the rough
features trimmed down so that
precinct and county officers nn.y
become candidates with less troub
le and expense where there is no
opposition in the party. Thus ,
what is the use to go to the polls to
vote .and carry one name through
the whole list when there is no op
position ? It means expense and
trouble with no advantage to be
gained. We want a more sirapli-
ale !
For 10 days only we are putting on sale at marvelous low prices
the following merchandise in ladies' , men's and children's wear :
. $1.50 and $1.75 values in Ladies' , $1.75 and $2.00 values in Men's
Misses' and Children's Shoes , 98c. Shoes at $1.39.
75c to $1 values in Children's and $1.50 values in good grade Com =
Misses' Overshoes at 43c. forts at 98c.
25c values in Child's assorted \
Gloves and friittens , 15 and lOc pr. :
75c values in Men's good weight $1.25 values in Ladies' Dressing
Demin Overalls at 59c. Saques at 75c.
Take a look over our
special sale counter during
ing- this sale.
fied system excepting where there
is actual contest for the place.
The increased expense of a pri
mary election , which , in Cherry
county , amounts to approximately
§ 1500 , would pay for lots of good
roads or an extra bridge across the
Xiobrara. § 1500 would pay for
all the delegates to the dilleront
conventions and a rip-roaring old
dr'ink apiece and have ironey left
to bet on general results , but it
wouldn't give the people ihe
choice of voting for their favorite
man or set of men. Then , beside
the money being spent at home
for a primary election and with
the railroads and hotels of the city
by a delegate convention , there is
a satisfaction that can be obtained
in no other way than for the people
ple to have a hand in the govern
ing themselves. They want to
know who is being talked of for a
place. Who is the proper man
can best be settled by a primary
election where there are two or
more contesting for a place.
How could any set of delegates
have ever settled the dispute as to
who should be candidate for gov
ernor on the democratic ticket this
year ? The primary election set
tled it satisfactorily and chose the
right man and everybody was
satisfied that there was no plugged
Let us keep the primary law ,
but make the proper amendments
that will make it more satisfactory
for county , districts and state and
reach the need.s of the precinct.
With the complete vote now in
it develops that the democrats have
elected only governor and railway
commissioner on the state ticket ;
congressmen in the First , Second
and Third districts ; 21 out of o3
state senators and 68 out of 96
representatives. This gives the
democrats a good working ma
jority in both houses and they're
guing to do business.
Our friend Fred J. Pratt of the
Humphery Democrat has been ap
pointed Deputy oil inspector of
the 3rd district. Congratulations.
We had not thought of an appoint
ment of any kind in ca e of victory
for the democrats but a nice plum
would be all the nicer should it
come unsolicited ; but we suppose
there are few things that come to
people in this world with out an
effort. First we * suppose there
must be a fitness for the job , a
qualification for the work and then
a lot of wire pulling to get in po
sition to have a plum offered you ,
which one might accept as a duty
to his country.
We sell farming * implements as well as other
merchandise at reasonable prices.
Call and try u.s.
tert.-u UM a di/nie Chartered us a .National Bank
.run * 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 ,
i The
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
JAF.TAL PAID IN A General Banking
S25 000 Exchange and
' * Collection Business.
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. *
M. V.
33 : ai
Tobaccos and Cigars.
Canned Goods 2C3Z Lunch Counter.
* Jl
* i > 4
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
and Salt Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hog > .
Poultry , Horses , Mules arid
anything you have to sell.
w Valentine , Nebraska ,
'has received a complete line of new , high grade
t i
& i
* which are being offered at the lowest prices pos-
j sible , the margin of profit being only reasonable- 1
\ Prices are within the reach of all and pk"ilymark -
5 ed on every article. One price to everybody.
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