Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 12, 1908, Image 7

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    Ifi&llU ?
Restored to Health by ILydia 13.
iPinkham'F Vegetable Compound.
Jisad Whet They Sa-j.
2 Iis.sLillian'RossE0 : ;
East blth Street , Now
York , writes : "Lydia
] . I'inkhaiii's Vegeta-
Compound over-
sullering , and
headaches ,
/after everything elt > o
failed to help me ,
and I icel it a duty to
ft others kiic'w of it. "
i Lafayette- . , ] > cnvcr ,
\Col. , writes : "Thanks
jto Lydia E. Pinkham'B
1 Vegetable Compound I
fain well , aftersuffering
for months from ner
vous prostration. "
] \Iiss Marie Stoltz-
man , of Laurel , la. ,
writes : "I was i narun-
ivn Condition andsuf-
\ fi'i d f romsuppreasion ,
jindigcstion , and poor
fcirf illation. Lydia 12.
Pmkham's Vegetable
Compound made ino
-Miss Ellu. . M.Olson ,
of 417 N. EasS St. , Ko-
I waneo , III. , says : ' ' Ly-
' ! M E.Pinkham'sV ego-
table Compound cured
mo of backache , side
acne , and established
my periods , after the
Lost local doctors had
f ? il ( > f1 to
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound , made
from roots and herhs , has been the
Standard remedy for female ills ,
and has positively cured thousands of
omemvho have been trouble d vdth
inflammation ulceration
displacements , , -
tion , libroid tumors , irregularities ,
periodic pains , backache , that bear-
ing-dqwn feeling , flatulency , indiges
tion , dizzinessorneryous prostration.
"Why dent you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sicl :
women to write her for advice.
She lias guided thousands to
health. Address , Ijyuu , Mass.
The radical difference between the
hand of man and of the monkey lies
In the thumb. In the human hand
the thumb has the "opposing power , "
which means that the thumb can be
made to touch the tip of each or any
of the other fingers on the same hand ;
the monkey's thumb is nou-opposable.
Pittsbunz DisnaU-h.
HIM Great Hojie.
"I can't see anything of special
Interest in that manuscript of yours , "
said the publisher to the aspiring au
thor. "I didn't anticipate that you
would , " replied the author. "But I
thought possibly your readers uiijrht
have more intelligence. " ' Milwaukee
45 to 50
Bushels of
Wheat per Acre
have been grown on Farm Lands in
Much less would be satisfactory.
The general average is above 20 bubhe1 a
"All are loud in their praises of < ' <
Kreat crops and that wonderful coumi
Extract trom i rrespondence
Editorial Association of August , 1901.
It is now possible to secure a Homestead ol
160 acres Ir. c ad another 160 acres at 53 co per
Hundreds have paid the cost of their farms fil
purchased ) and thru bad a balance of from $1000
to ii2 OD i > eracrc from one crop.
\Vheat. Barley.Oats , Flax-all do well. Mixed
Farming is a great buccess and Dairying is highly
Excellent Climate , splendid Schools and
Churches , Raihva\s bring most every district
within easy reach oi market.
Railway and Land Companies have lands foi
ale at low prices and on easy terms.
" r t Best West" Pamphlets
nnd maps'sent free. For these and information
as to how to secure lowest Railway Rates apply to
316 Watertown , bo. Dakota Authorized Govern
ment Agents.
Pleoso Bar where Tea saw this advertisement.
t V n yonr wonderful "Ca * ttr t " for
re months nd beioc entirely caret ! of stomach
e&tarrfa nd dyspepsia , I think a word of praise Ir
< noto"C scs.rets''for their wonderful composition.
I hare taken numerous oilier so-called remedies
bat without avail aud I find that Caacareta roller *
dor * in a day than all ( n * others I oare lake *
VoaM in a year "
June * MeOuno , 108 Mercer St. . Jersey City. N. J.
Best for
The Bowels
Ftocaant. Ps.tatal l s. Potent. Taat * Goo < 3. Do Oood ,
JJeTer atcKf n , Wo&lCMti or Gripe. 16c. 25c , 50c. Never
old in bnlk. Th ccnnme tnhlot rtniupeil C C C.
Gaarautucd toir or your money buo * .
Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or N.Y. 593
Dr. Marvel's Preparation
'Hie > > tnuiliir < l CoincJj. i\t Prurruls )
for liunl. "Ifcltt-r J r \ \ iiinen "
JO. , CO M' . uUd bt. , 2f. " 3
All brooding animals should have a
lound constitution.
The man who is always retailing
scandal must be some sort of a relative
to the tumble bug.
The man who is always trying to get
something for nothing gets mighty lit
tle satisfaction in the long run.
There is no sentiment in a mule , but
a mule is different from a boy. They
cannot be successfully trained by the
same methods.
One-third of the success of good
farming comes through having good
horses to plow , cultivate and market
your produce with.
The woman who does her share of
the work on the farm and she gener
ally does more is entitled to her share
of the profits without having to beg
for It
The panic knocked the mule market
endwise for a few mouths , but the man
who has been successful raising these
sturdy animals will make no mistake in
keeping at it.
The special market fruit grower will
find fair profits hi working a small
fruit farm , while the commercial fruit
grower must work together on a larger
scale if he makes his business profit
Some horses are more wasteful of
their hay than others. They will scoop
it out of the floor in spite of every
thing. We have had horses of both
kinds. There is a good deal of mean
ness in the wasteful horse.
The man who has two or three good
cows and a bunch of Plymouth Ilorks
can defy the meat combine or any
m her combine. The cow and the hen
have paid for more luxuries for farm
liomos than the corn crops , and at < he
same time taken care of the grocery
Never allow a ewe to run with the
Hock. When this is permitted and
twins are born , the first born war.-
mixed with the
tlpi's away and becomes
( look before the mother has a chancj
to own it , and the chances are that
later she will refuse to have anything
to do with it.
In connection with the work of "X-
vuiir.ating rats from Honolulu , Dr.
L. E. Cofor , of the United States Maine -
-ine Hospital and president of the
board of health. Is preparing to develop
which will display
velop a breed of cats
play the rat-catching instinct to the
highest degree. This will be done , says
I'opular Mechanics , by natural selec
tion and cross-breeding. All residents
! > f TlonoUilu who have cats that are
especially good ratters have teen re-
yu'sted to contribute them.
Good Foraso Crops.
One of the best forage crops , when
the prospects for hay are not very
promising , Is peas and oats. The ease
with which it can be put in also recom
mends It. As soon as the ground is
fit to plant spread broadcast upon the
land a bushel and a half of peas to the
acre and plow under to the depth of
five inches. As soon as the peas be
gin to come up , sow over them the
same amount of oats per acre and
drag in , going over in both directions ,
so they will be thoroughly covered.
When the oats are in bloom Is the
time to harvest if you depend upon
them for hay. Cure as you would
clover and you will have a flue hay
that everything likes. It Is especially
good for cows and hogs , and the peas
and chaff furnish as fine a feed for
laying hens In the winter as I have
ever used.
As a green feed for cows and hogs
this has no equal , as it is ready Just
at the time when you begin to be short
of pasture , and for the farmer who
keeps his cows up it will aid In keeping
the milk record at the highest notch.
If more farmers would try it as a hay
crop Just once they would recognize its
wonderful value as a forage crop.
A bushel and a half Is for land that
Is poor : one bushel Is sufficient for
rich land. L. M. n. D , Michigan.
An Experience vrlth Alfalfa.
My first sowing of alfalfa was on
ground that had been in potatoes the
year before , but being a wet year was
quite weedy , especially with nut grass
and foxtail. The ground was plowed
and cultivated until June 1C when it
was sown. With my present knowl
edge I would not again think of sowing
ground in the condition that this was
In. It would have been called in good
shape to plant corn , but all the weeds
should be destroyed for alfalfa. The
seed was sown broadcast and harrowed
in with a wecdor. It came on well ,
but on account of the weeds did not
make a full stand. Wo have cut now
for five years. Two years thirty-one
wagon loads for the seven acres , three
crops each year except In 1000 , then
four crops were securen. The second
and third years there were but few
woods except dock. The crop of 1007
was the sn.-iliest of any , about'three
tons per acre. It sold for $12 per ton
In the mow. Clay In Farmers' Guide.
Commercial Fertilizer.
It would be much better if the users
of commercial fertilizers would get into
the habit of adapting the fertilizer to
the soil instead of seeking a fertilizer
that is adapted to the crop grown. The
object In using fertilizer should be the
building up of the soil rather than
growing a certain crop , and a fertilizer
which will balance up the plant food
already In the soil Is an economical fer
tilizer to use on any crop , since the
effects of its application will show on
any crop that is adapted to the locality.
A farmer cannot afford to buy all of
the plant food that his crop will use in
its growth , then why should he buy
anything that his soil will furnish to
the crop In sufficient quantities ? Time ,
some crops will take more of a certain
element of plant food than another will.
Some crops have the power of getting
more food from a soil than others have.
It is better to remedy this by adopting
a Judicious rotation of crops In which
legumes will come In frequently. The
legumes will supply the nitrogen and
help to keep up the humus supply.
It is unfortunate for the farmer that
the fertilizer manufacturers have
adopted the plan of recommending cer
tain' mixtures for special crops and
thus to adapt the fertilizer to the crop
rather than to sell the goods on their
merits for the nitrogen , potash and
phosphorous acid they contain and
leave the farmer to select the goods
best adapted to his soil and conditions.
Making Denatured Alcoliol.
Denatured alcohol Is a good thing ,
but up to date farmers of this coun
try have taken little interest In making
it. The rosy dreams that some people
had in which they saw a revolution
in the methods of producing pow3r ,
riches for the farmers In the rotten
potatoes and other waste products of
the farm have not come true. The
business languishes.
Alcohol is dearer than kerosene. Pee
pie have not learned how to use al
cohol even if they were inclined to
buy it at the price.
There has been very little fArm-
made alcohol because there are MO
small etills for farm use and bocnu-o
government rules governing the manu
facture are so drastic and complicated
thanks to the friends of Standard
Oil In Congress that nobody dares to
go against them.
Secretary Wilson , who has always
had great faith in the proposition , is
determined to help fanners to get Into
the business of making alcohol , and
will equip the experiment stations with
small stills and teach the interested
ones how to do it.
There will be a plant at the Omaha
corn show , and maybe at some of the
big State fairs. These will help to
arouse interest in the manufacture aid
vse of alcohol and will hasten the time
when it will become an important ad
junct of fanning , as It has in Germany
and other foreign countries.
The secretary cannot light his lorch
of information too soon. The fanners
must be shown , and one lesson in a
practical farm plant will do more than
a million bulletins or a balloon full of
oratory by an institute lecturer.
American Farm World.
of Drainage.
It Is necessaray to closely study tha
physical conditions of soils , that we
may have healthy and flourishing con
dition of plants. Through want of
proper drainage , or other neglect , . laud
is often allowed to get into an un
healthy state , which sooner or later Is
reflected In the character of the herb
age growing upon the soil.
The chief danger is probably poor
drainage , with consequent excess of
water and lack of sufficient oxygen In
the soil. Such a condition is weakening
and often results in the death of the
roots of plants growing in such soils.
Especially is this so to crops growing
in heavy clay soils , and where there is
an impervious subsoil. In such cases
many of the feeding roots of plants
are killed by suffocation during pro
tracted wet seasons.
Very often roots that may Just be
forming are killed in a few days , should
the soil become saturated with water.
Not only is there a loss of these feed
ing roots , but the vitality of the entire
plant becomes weakened.
Plants growing where the surface Is
caked and packed often suffer from
want of oxygen for the roots. This is
especially applicable to trees. In such
cases the annual growth is not only re
tarded , but the plants lose vitality and
become prey of insects and fungus
The remedy for such a condition is
deep and careful cultivation , and the
provision of some organic fertilizer.
This will provide plant food for new
growth of the roots and also lighten
the physical nature of the soil. Lime Is
also recommended for this latter pur
pose in the case of heavy clay soils.
The roots of all plants must have a
supply of oxygen. Without it they can
not deijvop. Deprived of this oxygen ,
they die of suffocation. The plant will
be poisoned by its own decomposition
products and will starve or become tha
pray of parastic enemies.
jOA3TQBA lias met with pronounced favor on the part of physicians , phanoa-
w ceutioal societies and medical authorities , It is used by phvsicians "with :
results most gratifying. The extended use of Oastoria is unquestionably tha
result of ilireo Let3 ? ft t The indisputable evidence that it is harmless s
Second That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves , but assimi
lates the food l TMrd It is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor OiL
Cordial , etc , This is a , good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty5 how
ever , is to espose danger and record the means of advancing health. The day
for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To
cur knowledge , Oastoria is a remedy which produces composure and health , by"
regulating the system not by stupefying it and our readers are entitled to.
the infcrniations---iz Journal of Health.
Dr. B. Halstead Scott , of Chicago , Ills. , says : "I have prescribed yorrtr
Castoria often for infants during my practice , and find it very satisfactory. "
Dr. Vvrilliara Belmont , of Cleveland , Ohio , says : "Your Castoria stands
first in its class. In my thirty years of practice I can say I never Iiava
found anything that so filled the place. "
Dr. J. II. Taft , of Brooklyn , N. Y. , says : "I have used our Castoria an < 2
found it an excellent remedy in my household and private practice foe
many years. The formula is excellent. "
ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. Dr. P. . J. Ilamlen , of Detroit , Mich. , says : "I prescribe your Castoria.
AXtgelablePreparalionforAs- extensively , as I have never found anything to equal it for children's
sirailalingtteFootfaniHtegula- troubles. I am aware that there are imitations in the field , but I always-
ling liic Stomadis andBoweboT sco that my patients get Fletcher's. "
Dr."V7n. J McCrann , of Omaha , Neb. , says : "As the father of thirteen
children I certainly knov , ' something about your great medicine , and aside
from my own family experience I have in my years of practice found Cas
Promotes Di toria a popular and efficient remedy in almost every home. "
ness and Rest.Containsncilliec Dr. J. R. Clausen , of Philadelphia , Pa. , says : "The name that your Cas
Opiuni.Morphtue nor Mineral' ' toria has made for itself in the tens of thousands of homes blessed by the
NOT NARCOTIC , presence of children , scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorse
ment of the medical profession , but I , for one , most heartily endorse it an&
believe it an excellent remedy. "
iui Seed" Dr. R. M. Vard , of Kansas City , Mo. , says : "Physicians generally do nog.
jUx.Scnna *
J&chtlltSdts- prescribe proprietary preparations , but in the case of Castoria my experi
ence , like that of many other physicians , hay taught me to make an ex
? ception. I prescribe your Castoria in my practice because I have found ifc
ti'emSffd- Cfcrtffetf Sir to be a thoroughly reliable remoJy for children's complaints. Any physi
cian T/ho has raised a family , as I have , will join me in heartiest recon >
Aperfcct Remedy for Consfipa- : inondation of Castoria. "
tion , Sour Stomadi.Diarrlioea
Worms , ConvulsionsFevErish'
ness amILoss OF SLEEP. Sears the Sinature of
Facsimile Signature oF
1L "FF ® J ! "fcT IT' ?
B ft © # 1 .4 VAJJIJ trw
IPsl lilgfisg BflMgag/gy
JL SJLv aL AilLli , Ay t/I AA& I
fin Use For Over SO Years
Exact of .
Copy Wrapper. . . .
liio Animals.
A bright , but inexperienced young
\voiuui : consented to take charge of the
boy infant class. She found them
jumping from the top of the steam
radiators. Fifteen minutes later the su
perintendent found fourteen meek mas
culine "infants" seated sedately in i
tightly squeezed row before the teacher ,
every eye fixed inquiringly on the lady's
bright countenance. "Ilow in the world
did you accomplish this ? " demanded
the astonished superintendent. "Oh. "
she replied. "I just piled all I couldn't
get my arms round in a heap on the
bench and sat on them until I got them
interested in a bear story. " Youth/a
After Years oi Backache , Dizzinesa
ami Kidney Disorders.
Mrs. R. C. Richmond , of Xorthwood ,
Iowa , says : "For years I was a martyr
to kidney trouble , backache , dizzy
spells , headaches
and a terrible bear
ing down pain. I
used one remedy af
ter another without
benefit. Finally I
used a box of Doan's
Kidney Pills and the
backache ceased. En-
V couraged , I kept on
\ V and by the time I
had used three boxes uot a sign of the
trouble "emaiiied. My health is per-
led.Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-M ilburn Co. , Buffalo. X. Y.
For Example.
Lotson Do you believe that "all an
orator needs is a voice ? "
Slathers Sure. But it's different with
a hasehall umpire. lie doesn't need even
a voice. All he needs is a husky roar.
Look at Sheridan.
Ecrema Toasted 7 Years Face AVas
AH Raw Skin Sneeialints Failed ,
but Ciitlciira Effected Cure.
"When my little boy was six weeks
old an eruption broke out on bis face.
I took him to a doctor , but his face
kept on getting worse until it got so
bad that no one could look at him.
His whole face was one crust aud must
have been very painful. He scratched
day and night uutil bis face was raw.
Then I took him to all the best special
ists in skin diseases , but they could not
do much for him. The eczema got on
his arms and legs and we could not
get a night's sleep in months. I got
a set of Cuticura Remedies and ho felt
relieved the first time I used them.
I gave the Cuticura Remedies n good
trial and gradually the eczema healed
all up. lie is now seven years old
and I think the trouble will never
return. Mrs. John G. Klumpp , SO
Xiagam St. , Xewark , N. J. , Oct. IT
and 22 , 1007. "
epot ca'h. in to f > 0 % more money for you to ship R/ivr Furs and Hides to UTloan to
ot home. Write for Price List , Market Koport , Shipping TIIR" , and nLoiU c jr
' ' " Ulon.
4 iO pares leather bound. Bet thin" on the Eubjc < H ever written rimtntlnjall Fur AmnaU AQ
about Trappers' Scrrcts , DCCOTS. Traps. Oamo Laws. Howard wb n tr. tn and lr * o
Cvissful trapper It s a regular Encyclopedia Price. $2 Tt r t mcra , Jl1) H" * - tained into
beautiful Kobes. Oar Magnetic Bait an 1 Demy attract ? anmi.s to traps , ft 00 r-r butt .e Mnp TOOT
Hides and Fats to Co and set highest cnccs. Aii Ierch Uros. . Ucct. HI iUnucKyoIi , illun.
hoai'til'ul m the I" . S. A. Xothin ?
bettc-r 2o vie\\s Worth T.Oc for only 11'
by mail The fretit Niagara Falls whirl
pool rapid . Three Si-ster Island. Winter
Fohairo. and other * . I. . C. DEAN , 5J1 X
42th St. South Omaha , Xeb.
For Sulo : 1S4 acre farm improved , adjoinins
town. North Miisour ! . Johu IViUIo tou , IMead-
ville. Mo.
( 'out jiromise.
"Alphrus. " vud the young wife and
mother , "what shall \ve name the baby ? "
" ( Iporire Washington , " responded the
abseut-iniiuli-d professor.
"But. dear - "
"You object to that. I presume , because
your washerwoman has named her baby
Georjre Washington ? "
"Not at all , Alpheus , but but you fn--
get that our baby is a girl. "
"O. so it is. Well , call her Georgia
Washington. Penelope , have you done
anything with that thesis of mine on the
'Origin of the Epiphytic Orchidacpa ? ' ? I
c-an't find it. "
Mrs. WInsIow's Soothing Syrup for child
ren teething , softeus the ms. reduces In
flammation. allays paiD. cures wind colic.
25c a bottle.
Copper In a Germ Killer.
"Copper is a marvelous preventive o1
disease. If we returned to the old cop
per drinking vessels of our forefathers
typhoid epidemics would disappear. "
The speaker , a filtration expert , took
a copper cent from his pocket.
"Examine this cent iinder the micro
scope. " he said , "and you will find it altogether - I
together free from the disoncf jierm I
Examine gold and silver coins and yo ' . '
will find them one wrig lini ; and con
torting germ mass. Yet copper coi.
pass through dirtier hands than geM
and silver ones you'd think they'd l > f
alive with micro organisms. But * '
Copper kills germs. Diphtheria and ,
cholera cultures smeared on a copper
cent die in less than t\vo hours.
"They have manycholera epidemics ; i
China , but certain towns are always 5m
muue. These towns keep their drink
Ing water in great copper vos-- '
Travelers have tried to buy these
sels. for they are beautiful , but .lie
villagers will not sell them. They hv
a superstition that their health and wel
fare depend on their retention. I wish
all superstitions were as true and sa'u- '
tary as that. " Philadelphia P uIetii. !
Adam Zawfox Jevver work on a
farm ?
Job Sttirky , when I was about
half growed up. I lasted three da\s. Th
farmer said I had a hired man's appetit- .
all right , but he didn't think I'd ever learn
to work up to it.
Keeps the breath , teeth , mouth and body
antiseptically clean and free from un
healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors ,
which water , soap and tooth preparation- *
alone cannct do. A
germicidai , disin
fecting and deodor
izing toiletrequJsite
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes ,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
stores , 50 cents , or
by mail postpaid.
Large Tris ! Sample
Positively cured "by
these Little Pills * ]
They also rellore Bfc
tress ro2i Dyspepsia. 1 *
8TTLE dJtrestloa and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect
edy for Dizziness.
Drowsiness , Bad Taut *
in tha Month. OcataC
Tcmgne. Fain in tna Et J
regulate tne Bowels. Purely "Vegetable.
CARTERS Genuine Musi Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
S. C. N. U. - No. 46 1908.
Beware of tLe Cough
that htings on - > rrsi tsntK %
&i * br .iMig your * ; .r's if * and
* & erhaasting ' i\\ ib * . 'ence
t * 'ie rar' ' ' " SI - * ' " cs
9 < f i' o a Ci're v\ ! ! r-- . . - v.nn-
. - ' - i ' . \y \ snv ccn in , > r-itter
i ? v : h > w hr anccd f r Ecri"1 s
. . , clcir * the ci' > . ' 'i ar
r.1 * * * ? ravages the coi-u _ , disac-
-Ifr/A it-rs.
At aK drcgckts' . SS ts.
* *
* - V-vs - - -i * < -j * ' --H . * 1 Aa " " 5c.rl5Si
& 2 s m