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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1908)
For consti- t u t i o n a 1 amend m e n t school fund , 1561 ; against 110. Constitution al araend- mentjudicial. for 1459 , against 159. Prohibition 40. Socialist 59 I. M. RICE - Editor and Proprietor. MARK ZARK - Foreman. Entered at the yostoffice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second Class Matter. TERMS : I Si.00 vear in advance : . ' ' per i 4' K 4'c. f c c c. unerry co. duoscnptions.jL50 when not pajdm advance. T- , . 01 4. ' \Sl.oOpervearinadvancp \ ; paper dis- Foreign Subscriptions | eontinued at expiration if not renewod. t loc inch each issue ; by contract 12ic. * * per rf \ * \ Advertising Kates - ransienfc acv 20c per inch ; locals lOca line. Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents per inch , net. Local notices obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue 5 cents per line each insertion. THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 12 , 1908. R = r = revenge ! The editorial writers of the State Journal are pretending to be very angry at the brewers' combination for defeating their Gov. Sheldon and say some very startling things about what Gov. Sheldon should do before he steps down and out. They want him to call a special session of the legislature to pass the county option law for revenge. These writers realize that the brewery combine has always been an asset to the republican party and they were very quiet about their ill gotten victory two years ago and four years ago when Gov. Mickey needed every saloon vote and the prohibition vote to pull him through , and also six years ago when they were glad to get the saloon vote for their good Sunday School Mickey , and eight years ago when Dietrich was stumping the state the saloon vote went solid for him and the good State Journal smiled serenely then , but now they want revenge because their Gov. Sheldon has been defeated and they thought he was presidential timber , too. Talked of him for vice president and a heap of big places that they thought he would fit into. But now he is defeated and the Journ al force is weepin' on his should er. And they're mad , too , and want revenge against those naugh ty brewers and want to smite 'em for not likin' their George. A special session of the legislature right away ! Show 7em for voting agin George , we will. The good , fair-minded republicans of Cherry county are likely to be raked over the coals for voting as they like. They didn't all vote for "George" here , but they're not to be gener ally classed with the brewers' combine because they liked Mr. Shallcnberger better. It was the better element who voted as they chose and the silly twaddle of those Journal writers trying to ease "neorge" down from his high pedestal and reduce the .swelling of his head to normal size by shedding crocodile tears on his shoulder is having a bad eifect for "George" thinks they're in earn est and we hear he is actually trying - ] ing to sound the feel "g of the last j legislators with a \ .uw of calling them together if they are all dead set on revenge. Shame on you , George , and shame on yon , Bix. You're both naughty boys and ought to be spanked. County Option. The advocates of county local option will be unable to get much satisfaction out of the election re turns. This question was princi pally in issue in two great and in telligent commonwealths Ohir and Indiana. In both the republi can party had a county local option 1 law to defend that in Indiana i having been enacted in a special legislative session called for that I purpose in the middle of the cam paign. And in both states the democratic party was on record as opposed to the policy. The result was that in both states the democratic candidate for gov ernor \\as elected. In Indiana a democratic legislature was also elected , while in Ohio the republi can majority in the legislature was tremendously reduced. The ver dict against county option appears to be reasonably plain. In Nebraska the question was not in issue so far as platform dec larations were concerned. Yet it was generally understood that the democratic party was favorable to the rigid enforcement of the pres ent Slocumb law , while the repub lican party was tending toward county option. Unquestionably this had something to do with the election of Shallenberger and a democratic legislature. To say that this means "the brewers did it" is a cheap slander of Nebraska. Nebraska is the most intelligent state , with the least percentage of illiteracy , of any in the union. Nebraska people ple are not to be controlled by breweries or any other influence than their own conscience , good judgment , and sound common sense. The World-Herald believes that , in the Slocumb law , Nebraska has the best law for the regulation of the liquor traffic of any state in the union. It offers a genuine local option. The people of a community , under that law , may vote for asystem of rigidly regu lated -saloons * or against it * But under the county option system the people of a county are per mitted to vote only against it. They cannot establish the system by , an affirmative vote. For the -i option then goes back to the sey- . eral municipalities in the county. This is one of several objections to the county option plan its es sential unfairness. Nebraska has done well under the Slocumb law. And there are reasons to believe Nebraska is pretty well satisfied with it , de manding , however , that it be en forced strictly , impartially and fearlejsly. WorldHerald. . Writers on the State Journal are working themselves into a frenzy over the brewers vote and the votes they were able to influence. Haven't they always been in poli tics and hasn't the republican party always had that vote and that in fluence in Nebraska heretofore and are they only grieving now because they think they didn't get that vote and that influence ? It looks that way , to read their trashy flings at the democrats and to Mr. Bryan. Now if they had gotten the brewery vote and influence , which probably they did , wouH they be rejoicing that they knew how to vote right according to their standard or would they be com plaining of a rank injustice ? There are very few brewers or their influences in Cherry county but Cher-y county reduced the big republican majorities of former years and lacked only 2 votes carrying the county for Bryan era a change of 12 votes. Shallenber ger also ran far ahead of the usual democratic vote but it was not be cause of the brewers influence. Are you going to punish the brew ers for Governor Sheldon's un popularity. Do the fools think that the people of this state don't know , or have they forgotten the attitude of Gov. Sheldon towards the 2c passenger law passed by the I-ist legislature ? His quarantining of the cattle of this district and forcing them to ship feeders to Omahu for inspection which was a farce and carried out as a farce and a graft ? His reduction of railroad taxation and increase of farm taxation ? His anxiety for the railway commission to adjust all rates both passenger and freight and his vetoing the wolf bounty appropriation , a state debt , yet had millions to spend on other ap propriations ? llis insincerity of interest in the people and their cause and his alliance apparent at every turn with corporate in fluence or that which would make a name for Sheldon the great with men whom he catered to but they were not the common people ? Yea , couldn't we follow up Shel don's administration as governor from the first of his term and show that he is the caiue of the big slump in his own vote. The great achievments boastfully attributed to Sheldon in the past administra tion were mostly fought by him and a coterie of stand pat fellows in the legislature and it was the democrats who united with some honest reform republicans to pass the laws that the people wanted and expected , yea , were clamoring for and now in the past campaign the republicans tried to claim the the honor and glory of what little legislation that was passed for Gov. Sheldon. No it was not the brexvers nor their influence but a righteously indignant people have rebuked Gov. Sheldon for his treachery and stamped him us a traitor to their interests as a people. If we could fight this campaign out again as a state campaign he would have heard state issues discussed in every home. Down and out with Sheldon. It now looks like"the. Standard Oil case has been disposed of since the U. S. circuit court of appeals has reversed the trial court in fin ing the Standard Oil company $29,000,000 for alleged rebating. The government's petition for a rehearing was denied. Yes , Rocke feller thought Taft was the better qualified and a safer man for presi dent. There were fools who did not own Standard Oil stock nor any corporation stock nor side graft who were blind enough to vote the same old way. New Hotel. Electric Lights. Good Rooms. Hot and Cold Water. NEAR DEPOT MRS. JS. A. SEARS , Propr. , Valentine , Xebr. Rates $1 per day , Calls for all trains. Carload of Bulk Apples on track , near Depot , all kinds. Ship your Live Stock MAUM DONAHUE CO , , SO. OMAHA OR CHICAGO No shipment too large and none too small to receive the most careful attention. Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled by members of the firm. Each man's stock sold on their merits and a square deal guarantied to all. Write us for the market paper and our special market letters , which we send you free of charge. AMOS SXVDEU , Hog Salesman. MATT MALONE ) Cattle GEO. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. Tires J. DONAHUE ) Salesman. gery ROBERTSON CO , PROPRS. Gent's Furnishi = ngs and Clothing. ' Yes * , WHO IS YOUR TAILOR ? This is a question which is asked of ev ery man who is seen with a neat and dressy suit on. We can easily answer this correctly and to perfect satisfaction. In over eight years in which we have been handling tailor-made clothes we have handled five or six different lines , but we find that the best and greatest satisfaction is given by the house which we now hand le , Ed. V. Price & Co. All clothes before leaving our shop is made to come up to the purchaser's satis faction and they are all put under a heavy guarantee. They are all of a neat , dressy and well-fitting appearance. Let us fit you out with your FALL and WINTER clothes ; such as a tailor-made , rain-proof cravanette , or overcoat , or suit , or , in fact , anything in the line of MEN'S FURNISHINGS. We have just received a new line of the latest styles in bow-ties , four-in-hands and , . ties. CCP n GHT I5JtD. V PRCC 4 flowing-end We also have bargains ij shirts , ties , underwear , sox , and hats. Call in and see if what wo say i not true. Cleaning , Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. Phone 122. Yaientine , Nebr. iKroripn % § 3 " § 2&V ! The Best Solution of the "Temperance" Question TV TEMPERANCE means "the use in moderation. " You can drink two pints a day of STORZ TRIUMPH BEER and be strictly temperate. Tv/o pints of Storz Triumph Beer ? i. ! , contain less alcohol than one pint of cider and in addition to this contain over 8 per cent , soluble food , which builds and sustains the system. If the public drank nothing stronger than Storz Triumph Beer THERE WOULD BE NO "TEMPER ANCE" QUESTION 9 BREWED * NO BOTTLED 5 < e/ j ' Brewing Got OMAHA.HES - | K MfGEER , Dealer , Valentine John F. Carr of Springview was elected representative by 30 vote- . I Prices are what we are talking Now Our stock is complete. | BISHOP & YOUNG , COD ! , HEBR , MILL PRICES FOR FEEDt PerCwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked § 1 05 § 20 00 Shorts , sacked 1 20 23 00 Cornsacked 1 45 28 00 Oats , sacked 1 50 29 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 50 29 00 \j j\j Chop Feed , sacked 1 50 2900 Taken Up. Taken up by the undersigned at my residence on the Haley farm south of Valentine Nebr. one stray 2 year old red and white spotted ' heifer notched under right ear. No X other viable marks or brands. Has been here since last May. Nebr'X can have same by paying costs. C.B BACHELOR. " 1"6' Nebr' Dated . 28j