Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 05, 1908, Image 8

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Greater New York is Bepy
lican for President for First
Time in Twelve Years ,
New York , Nov. 4. General electii
returns received show the followii
results :
William II. Taft is elected preside
by approximately 298 electoral vote
Practically no change is indicated
the complexion of the national hou
of representatives.
The United States senate will reta
its present Republican majority.
Governor Charles E. Hughes h ;
been re-elected in New York by abe
76,000 plurality.
Indiana has gone for Taft by fro
15,000 to 18,000 plurality.
Bryan has apparently carried N
Ohio returns have been serious
delayed , owing to the immense si :
of the ballot , but Taft has carried tl
state by a majority ranging from 5i
000 to 75,000.
Taft carried New York city by abe
11,000 plurality , this being the fir
time the city has given its vote to
Republican presidential Candida
since 1896 , when Mr. McKinley had
small plurality.
Mr. Taft received a greater pi
rality in New York state than Pres
dent Roosevelt did four years ago , tl
indications pointing to 220,000 f <
Taft , as against 17.5,000 for Mr. Rees
velt.The Republican plurality fell c
heavily in the middle west , in a ma
ner thoroughly surprising to the R
publican leaders.
Cannon Re-elected to Congress.
Speaker Cannon has been re-electc
Representative Payne of New Yoi
and Representative Dalzell have bee
re-elected and the house of represent
tives probably will continue under i
old regime. Mr. Payne will ha\
charge of the new tariff bill in tii
extra session , which Mr. Taft wi
call immediately after March 4 net
Missouri has returned to the "scli
south" on the presidential ticket an
elected Cowherd as its governor.
The first returns received came froi
scattering districts in Massachusett
The heavy pluralities indicated thei
for Mr. Taft seemed at once to disb
pate any probability of a "landslide
for Mr. Bryan , as many Democrat
had claimed , and the Republican mai
ugers at once began to put out claim
of victory.
Returns from the up-country dii
1 ricts of New York state , where votin
machines are largely used , were th
next to arrive. It had been predicte
for days that Erie county , includm
the heavy vote of Buffalo , might b
taken as an index to the drift througi
out the country. This proved to b
the case , so far as the national ticke
was concerned , Mr. Taft having a pli
rality of something more than 4,00
votes. Erie county , surprisingly , Iiov.
ever , gave Lieutenant Governor Char
ler a plurality of more than 3.000. Th
opponents of Governor Hughes wer
quick to claim a sweeping vie tor j
but returns from the other large coaii
ties and cities soon changed the com
plexion of the returns completely. Th
vote in Greater New York for Mi
Chanler was deeply disappointing ti
his friends , while Ihf heavy vote fo
Mr. Taft , especially in the boro.igh o
Brooklyn , completely eclipse : ! th <
inoi-t sanguine hopes of the Republic
: ms. Governor Hughes was out hea\
ily up the state , but not so deeply a :
to imperil his election , one--- the < iiil
in his favor "below the Bronx ha <
begun to make itself lelt.
Some Republican
Some of the figures relating to tl : <
Republican slump in some states r"
yarded as certainly Kppuniican a : <
little short of amazing. Pennsylvania' :
immense plurality of over r > 00f.0 <
J'our years ago ha ? been cut in t\vo
Illinois , which gave Roosevelt : { ( i. ' > , iii (
in 1904 , has gone for Taft by abe : : :
170,000. The highest churn ol the- Re
publicans for Indiana is 15,000 , againsi
a plurality of 93,000 in 1904.
Iowa , which gave Mr. Roosevcli
158.000 plurality in 1904 , has dropper
down to about 40,000 for Taft Tr ,
return of Missouri to the Democracj
on the * presidential ticket wiped oui
a Republican plurality of 25,000 loui
years ago.
Massachusetts , New York and New
Jersey were striking exceptions to th' ;
generally reduced Republican plural
There has been a shrinkage in the
Democratic vote in several of the
eouthern states , notably in Virginia
and North Carolina.
Mr. Taft has enrricd "Visconsin by
plurality estimated ai To.OOO , a fall-
iig elf irom the Iwjcsevelt plurality
150,000 in 1904.
Kentucky has gone safely for I\ \
Eryan by about 15,000.
Hiscen , the Independence party a
flidate for president , received abc
26.000 votes in Greater New York
The indications are the Democra
governors have been elected in s <
c-ral middle western states that ha
gi\c-n their presidential votes to Ta
Mr. Taft has exceeded Mr. Roe :
v'.t's plurality in New Jersey and
Massachusetts , as well as in N (
Mr. Taft practically carried eve
-o-c.ailed doubtful state , except T <
Ljsska , where the indications poi
to a Democratic victory.
Mr. Bryan has carried Nevada a :
Montana , in addition to the so ;
sou'h which includes Missouri.
Tl'.e latest Republican advices a
that Taft has carried Maryland
about 3.000.
The Electoral Vote.
The electoral vote is as follows :
Bryan. Ta
.V.abair.a 11
Arkansas 9
Florida 5
Georgia 13
Kentucky 13
Louisiana 9
Massachusett ?
Missisippi 14
Missouri 18
Montana 3
Nebraska S
\ e\ar.n
\Tew Hampshire
Cew Jerssy
York :
Carolina 12
Corth Dakota
Dhio - . 1
Dklahoma 7
Pennsylvania !
* hode Island
south Caro'ina 9
south Dakota
Tennessee 12
Texas 18
Jtah < . .
Virginia 12
.Vest . Virginia
Visconsin ' .
Totals 172 3 :
leports on Governorship Unfavcrsb
to Harris.
Cincinnati.Nov. . 4. Notwithstan <
ng the meagerness otf the early r
urns from Ohio they seemed to gi\
fair indication of the result , a
hough a positive statement of plura
[ y was impossible. All sections (
he state , both city and country , wet
acluded in the first returns , and tli
ame ratio continued would give
hirality for Taft for president in h ;
pme state of about 50,000.
The early indications as to pluralit
or Taft were cut down as fuller n
orts came in , but the Republica
andidate se ° nicd to have a good -saf
? ad. The vote came in so verv slowl
liat beyond the general indication
ttle positive information was poss
le. For the governorship , the report
rere unfavorable to Harris , Republii
n , the present incumbent.
G. O. P. Carries Wisconsin.
Milwaukee. Nov. 4. The Republica
ational and state tickets wf-re vie
jriou ? in Wisconsin by a plurality c
i.OOO. The congressional delegatio
ill remain about the same as tw
5ars , ago , nine Republicans and tw
emocraU. The legislature , whici
il ! elect a United States senator t' '
icceed Isaac- Stephenson , will b
rerwhelniingly Republican , thr > rr
irns indicating the election of 73 RF
iblicans , 21 Democrats and C Socia
cmocrats in the assembly and 2
epublicans , 4 Democrats and 2 Sot la
omociats in the senate.- .
Taft Carries Indiana.
Indianapolis , Ind. . Nov. 4. Iiulica
. Taft hai
ons are that William H.
irricd Indiana by about 15,0 ! ) ' ) phi
.lity Thomas R. Marshall , Demo
at , is electe : ! governor by about 5 ,
10 plurality over James E. Watson
e Republican candidate The chau
for the."Democrats
s arc- favorable
bavo seven out of the 13 congress
en from Indiana.
The legislature on joint ballot is i ;
nibt. The next legislature will seleci
successor to James A. Henienway.
Congressman JPSSP Over.streot ( Re
iblic-an ) congressman from the
, veiith distiict claims his i/iectior
Close Vote in Colorado.
Denver.Nov. . . 4. Colorado , whicli
ive Mr Roosevelt a majority of 34 ,
2 in 1904 , has again gone Republic
i , but by less than 8,000. Jesse F
cDonald has been elected governor.
id tbrr-o Republican representatives
ive t.fon f
Kansas Still Republican.
Topcka , Kan. , Nov. 4. Kansas is
ain in the Republican column this
ar Mr. Taft's majority in the state
40.fOO , 86,093 ICES than Mr. Ruose-
; lt's majority In 1904. Walter R.
ubbs , Republican , has been elected
Taft's Plurality Will Be About Sever
Trenton , N. J. , Nov 4. Roiisecl :
turns indicate that Mr. Tult's plurali
; n New Jersey will be 70.000 The I
publicans elect seven of the .
congressmen , the Democrats two , t
Sixth district , which is now represei
ed by a Democrat , William Hughes. I
ing veiy close and in doubt. T
Democrats elect .heir congression
candidate. Kinkead , in the Ninth d
met and Hainill in the T nth. Thorn
Foxhall : s the Republican Candida
in the doubtful district. The Republ
an- have re-elected Loudenslager
[ he First , Gardner in the second , Lo
ell in the Third , Wood in the Fourt
Fowler in the Fifth , Parker in tl
Seventh and have elected Congre :
man Wylie in the Eighth , which now
represented by a Democrat. Pratt. Ti
present congressional rcpresentatis
is now six Republicans and four Dei
Dcrata. so that the Republicans ga
: me and possibly two congressmen.
Usual Democratic Majorities Return )
IP. Dixie.
Guthrie. Okla. , Nov. 4. Oklahon
las continued loyal to the Democrat
party , but the majority has been r
Juced materially , and Bryan's lead
estimated at only 25,000. The fr
nembers of congress , four Democra
UK ! one Republican , have been r
sleeted. The legislature Is two-thin
Democratic , insuring the re-electic
) f United States Senator Thomas ;
. the blind orator.
Austin. Tex. , Nov. 4. William 1
Pal't did not make as good a showir
n this state as President Rooseve ]
, vho polled 51,2-12 votes in 1904. Tl
. 'Ote this year is approximately as fc
ows : Bryan. 220,000 ; Taft. 20,00
Phomas M. Campbell. Democrat , hz
Deen re-elected governor
Atlanta , Ga. , Nov 4. Georgia's tin
.een electoral votes will be cast f <
Villiam J. Bryan , and the state's re
esentation will continue solidly Der
icratic. The state election was held i
September. The Taft vote in this stal
ell 10,000 below that of Mr. Rees
'elt : which was 24,003.
Louisville , Ky. . Nov. 4. Kentuck
IRS gone Democratic by a vote of 23C
100 in a total vote of 430,000. The II
mblicans have lost two of their coi
jressmen , giving the state now nin
democrats to two Republicans Thei
vas no state election.
Jacksonville , Fla. , Nov. 4. Albert V
Jilchrist , Democrat , has been elte
; overor of Florida , and the Demi
ratio national ticket has carried th
tate by a majority of 25,000 ; the R <
iiiblican vote showing a loss of 3,00
ince 1004.
South Carolina.
Charlcstown , S. C. . Nov. 4. The R <
iiiblican party polled only 2,000 of th
8,000 votes in this state , runiiin
lightly behind the figures of fou
ears ago M. F. Ansel has been r ;
lected governor without opposition.
Richmond , Va. . Nov. 4. The Old DC
linion is still safely within the Derm
ratic ranks by a very large majorit }
'aft polled only 30,000 votes in a tola
f 130,000 , a Republican lees of I7,8i ?
ince 1904.
North Carolina.
Raleigh. N. C. , Nov. 4. The Demr
ratic national ticket has carried Nortl
'arolina by a majoiity of 25,000 , thAn <
An\ \ vole being 210,000. W. W. Kitch
i has been elected goveinor.
Montgomery , Ala. , Nov. 4. Bryan
0,000 ; Talt , 13,000 , are the electio ;
gures in this state. Mr. Taft polle
172 fewer votes than Mr. Roosevel
id in
Littl < > Rock. Ark. , Nov. 4. Arkansas
as givni Mr Bryan a majority of 20 ,
' : ( , an increase of 12,436 over the vote
' .tiled by Mi. Paiker in 1904.
Nashville. Tenn. , Nov. 4. Tennesso ?
still strongly Democratic by a ma
> rity of SO.OOO. The Republican vote
' 1904 was gieatly reduced.
Jackson , Miss. . Nov. 4. Mississippi's
n electoral votes will go , as usual , tc
e Democratic candidate. There was
) state election.
New Orleans , Nov ' 4. As usual , Lou
iana is'solidly Democratic by a v ry
rge majority There was no guber-
itorial olc-ction
Brysn Carries Nevada.
Carson City. N'ev . Nov. 4. Nevada
is been earned by the Democratir
irty , reversing th' } result in 1904. Of
e state's 10,000 voles Mr. Bryan has
ceived 7,000
Montana Goes for Bryan.
Helena. Mont. , Nov. 4. Tile three
crtornl votes of this state will lu
st lor Bryan. Norris , Democrat , has
ten elected governor.
G. O. P. Wins in Idaho.
Boise , Ida. , Nov. 4. Idaho has gone
jpublkan on botft stale and national
; ues. Jnmes H. Brady has been elect-
Incomplete Returns Indicate Plural
of 10,000 for Bryan.
Lincoln , Nov. 4. Indications t !
morning are that Nebraska has gc
Democratic by a plurality not I
from V,000 lor Drynn and a plural
scarcely less tor Shallenberger , De
ocrat , for governor. The res .lit \ \
a surprise and disappointment to 1
publican managers , who , while adn
ting the state was doubtful on the i
lional ticket , confrlently expect
rh ir state ticket to be elected. T
tremendous gain for Bryan in the e
of Lincoln was the sensation of t
election. Not only did Air. Bryan
verse a Republican plurality of 1.5
in his home city , but he carried it
a plurality something in excess of G' '
Lanchester county will increase 1
[ -plurality to probably 80 ) . Bryan c ;
ried his precinct , in ? ; to 52 for Ta
The vote in Omaha was also a si
prise. Returns outside of Lincoln a
Omaha show an average Democra
? ain of eight to the precinct. It tl
is maintained throughout- Bryan h
ivon by a little over 8,000 , aside frc
Lincoln and Omaha , and Shallenber.q
is elected governor by practically t
iame plurality.
While returns are incomplete <
2ongressmen. indications are lor t
election of Pollard. Republican ,
.he First district and Ilinshaw , F
publican , in the Fourth. Ilitchcoc
Democrat , wins in the Second and t
Third , Fifth and Sixth are in doul
STo returns have been received on t
egislature , but the strong trend I
; vards Democracy indicates a pus.siL
Democratic legislature.
Indications this morning were th
3oyd , Republican , had been defeat' '
'cr re-election to congress by Lull
Democrat , by perhaps 1,000. Bo ;
, von two years ago by 2 5.
The Republican state committ
vas not rea-ly to make any statemer
t was held by the committee that tl
ater returns might change the coi
) lexion cf the returns materially , e
jecially those from the western ei
if the state.
T. S. Allen , chairman of the Dem
; ratic state central committee , sait
'Bryan has carried Nebraska by li
100. Shallenberger has carried it 1
nore than that. We base our es
nates on 2,000 precinct returns. "
Omaha , Nov. 4. On the face of r
urns received this morning , the Dei
icratlc ticket in Nebraska has a sligi
ead , but the varied elements enterh
nto the vote leaves tlie state in doul
loth on the national and state ticket
vlr. Bryan has been the recipient or
leavily increased vote , but its exte ;
nil not be known until further r
urns have been received. Shalle
terger , Democratic candidate for go
rnor , will follow the national tick <
The returns received thus far ha\
ieen from cities and towns , whir
k-ere expected to show a largo eai
Dr Bryan and Shallenberger. and th
nal issue will dppend upon the fair
r vote , which is in doubt.
Bryan Silent on Election.
Fairview , Lincoln , Nov. 4. Williai
. Bryan received at his home. Fai
iew , the returns which early tel
im that for the third time ho ha
een defeated in the greatest am'.jitio
f his life. Confident of victory to th
ery last , he was not prepared to b <
eve that his cause was lost until th
luralities of his Republican opponer
iled up in such proportions as t
; ave no room for doubt. After uearl
irce hours spent in his library , Mi
ryan came upstairs and talked to th
ewspaper m < in zmd others who ha
ssembled in the -'work room. " H
? ad some further returns , but the ,
jld the Kamo story of defeat , and li
nriounced that he would not hav
ny statement to give out at the prej
nt time.
Minnesota Governorship in Ccubt.
St. Paul , Nov. 1. The governorshi ;
i Minnesota hangs in the balance
ic results being so close , with no
ifficient returns to indicate what 5
ill be , that both Chairman Day o
ic Democratic statf committee am
hairman Brown of the Republicai
ate committee claim the slate b ;
nail majorities The vote is so clos <
lat in all probability the governor
iip will not be determined until th <
minis are all in. But using such re
irns as were definite , it was oviden
. 11 o'clock 'hat Jacobson had nearly
not quite , overcome the 73,000 John
in plurality of two years ago.
Minneapolis , Nov. 4. Governoi
hn A. Johnson's effort in behalf 01
e Democratic national ticket hav *
> t succeeded in giving the electora
) te 'of the state to Mr. Bryan , bul
ive availed in re-electing him by t
nail majority.
Close in Maryland.
Baltimore. Nov. 4 Belated returns
am the counties show continued
ins for Bryan , and Republicans now
Imit that Taft will carry the state
only about 800. basing this on ad-
ces received here. The Republicans
ive lost very heavily in both th"
fth and Sixth districts. Congress-
an Mudd's plurality of 3,393 of two
ars ago is reduced to about 300 and
mgressman Pearre , who two years
o carried his district by 4.904 , will
is time have only about 401 votes
spare , according to returns thus far
ceived. The count is far from com-
3te and while Republicans do not ex-
ct further changes against them ,
ey are not impossible.
Congress Still Republican.
Chicago , Nov. 4. It is now certain
it the Republicans will have control
the next natidnal hous'o of repre-
ntatives. The returns from 355 con-
sssional districts give Re-publicans.
5 ; Democrats , 159 ; missing , 3S. Nec
tary majority for control , i96.
Party's Vote Cut Down in Cities'Whe
Labor Element Is Strong.
Philadelphia , Nov. 4. Pennsylvar
has gone Republican by a majority
200,000 , the figures being as follow
Taft , 600,000 ; Bryan , 400,000.
1904 Roosevelt carried the state
505,519 , and two years ago Stuart , I
publican , was elected governor by 4
435. This city , Pittsburg , Harrisbui
Altoona and other cities have givi
Mr. Taft pluralities , but Scrantc
Wilkesbarre and towns in which t !
so called "labor" vote is strong ha
gone Democratic.
The election in Pennsylvania tunn
almost entirely on national issues , tl
highest state officer voted for being
judge of the superior court. For th
office William D. Porter , Republica
has been elected by a majority of 5
000 over Webster Grim , Democrat.
The vote in the country distric
was , as usual , heavily Republica
The state's representation will aga
be Republican in the Sixty-first co
gress , the Democrats Having gain <
only one seat. The figures will be :
follows : Republicans , 24 ; Democrats-
Taft Successful in Massachusetts ar
Other Eastern States.
Boston , Nov. 4. The Republican n
tional and state candidates carri *
the state and all eleven Republica
congressmen were re-elected. Bet
branches of the legislature will be R
publican by heavy margins. Returi
indicate a plurality for Taft of 12 (
[ )00. ) The plurality of Lieutenant Go
ernor Eben S. Draper , Republican f (
governor , is estimated at GO.OOO.
Boston , Nov. 4. Complete vote <
Massachusetts for president : Fc
Taft , 250,221 ; Bryan , 1G5.SGO. Taft
plurality , 84,361. For governor , Dra
2r ( Rep. ) , 233,874 ; Vahey ( Dem. ) , Vu
S35. Draper's plurality , 60,539.
Rhode Island.
Providence , Nov. 4. With about tw <
hirds of the 161 precincts heard t'ron
.he figures indicate ; ] a probable pli
rality of 16,000 for Taft in the stat
Fhe Republican state ticket , heade
jy Aram J. Pothier , candidate for go' '
srnor , has undoubtedly been successfu
New Hampshire.
Concord , N. H. , Nov. 4. New Ham ]
shire gave Mr. Taft almost as large
; ote as it did Mr. Roosevelt four year
igo. The balloting resulted in a m :
ority of 20,000 for the Republican cai
lidate , which is a decrease of 18
; ince the last presidential clectioi
lenry B. Quinby , Republican , hu
) een elected governor.
White River Junction , Vt. , Nov. 4.-
Villiam H. Taft carried Vermont b ;
ibout 27,000. Returns from about a ]
he cities and 144 of the 240 town
rive Taft 27,531 , Bryan 8,345. In Ujlj.l
he same places gave Roosevelt 28
:00 : and Parker 6,977.
Portland , Me. , Nov. 4. Maine gavi
"aft an estimated plurality of 31,50J (
ohn P. Swasey and Frank E. Guern
e } ' , Republicans , were chosen in tin
Second and Fourth congressional dis
ricts , respectively , to fill short tern
tepublicsns Win in California , Oregot
and Washington.
San Francisco , Nov. 4. There wai
o state election in California to com
licate the issues , and the Republicar
ational ticket carried the state bj
bout 40,000 majority. In 1904 Reese
elt carried the state by 115.822 ovei
arker. The solid Republican delega
on has been re-elected without
hange , and a Republican state legis
iture insures the election of a Re
ublican to succeed Senator Perkins
he proposition to remove the state
ipital from Sacramento to Berkeley
as been rejected.
Seattle , "Wash. , Nov. 4. Washing-
m's five electoral votes will be cast
ir Taft , the Republican candidate
iving carried this state by a popular
ajority of 30,000 , reducing Mr. Roose-
2lt's majority in 1904 by 43,442. Sam-
? 1 C. Cosgrove , Republican , has been
ected governor , and the state's legis-
ture will remain Republican by a
rge majority.
Portland , Ore. , Nov. 4. Returns
om all parts of the state indicate
at Taft has a large majority. There
as no state election.
Speaker Cannon Re-Elected.
Danville , 111. , Nov. 4. Joseph G.
innon has been re-elected to con-
ess by a plurality of at least 10,500.
le fight made against him by various
urch organizations , the Anti-Saloon
iague and organized labor , coupled
ith the fact that the Democrats had
r the first time since 1863 a com-
ete organization in this district , led
e Republicans to believe thati Mr.
innon's plurality would not be over
Delaware Goes Republican.
Wilmington , Del. , Nov. 4. Delaware ,
nsidered doubtful before the elec-
m. has gene Republican , giving
ree electoral votes to Taft. Simeon
Pennewill , Republican , will be the
w governor.
Wyoming Republican.
Cheyenne , Wyo. , Nov. 4. This
itO's throe electoral votes will be
3t for William H. Taft , but his pop-
ir majoiity is considerably
it of Mr. Roosevelt.
} j
Wos. unaiol
brara rfvci hmr
" ' Ki .
cattle urauued
n B connected on
left hip or aide as
shown ID cut *
- !
R M Faddis& Co.
Postofflce address Valentine or
Some branded
on left
Horses branded
ou left
or thigh.
iome Some branded
minded on ri ht thigh
n left or Miouider.
r thigh
. Yonng.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattlft branded
as cut on left side
Some QYon Ie"
on left jaw of
V horses.
lange on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
Albert Wnipple & Sons
Rosebud S. D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO , n rientside
Some cattle also
Somavlrtr on
left shonlder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind quar
ters. Some Texas
ittle branTed O on left side and some |
a left side.
: orses branded SOS on left hlo. Some cattle
randed AW bar connected on both sides and
> ft hln of
N. S. Rowley
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
Same as cut on left
de and hip , and on
ft shoulder of hor-
: s. AlsoBHSI on
ft Hide
' 4on ieft side
> me oat-
L husk-QSgBBBf ng peg ( either side up ) on
ft side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder
horses. ijj I
ijjQ on left hip of horses.
j"on left jaw of horses
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , 3D
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
of these brands.
Urou-nlee , Neb.
Ciittle branded as
in cut on left
side. Some
branded K. T Y
on left hip. Range
on North Loup
river , two miles
west of Brewnlee
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right aide
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any Information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nebr.
D. M. Sears.
medy , Nebr.
attle branded
m cut.left side
IB on left nip.
orses same on
ange Square J
Roan Brothers
odlake Neb
nn e on L
t and Crook-
Frarcis lUis-
, Rosebud.
> ttle branded
in cut ; hores
me on les
li , Raui e t > e-
u C"k
Little White
Metzger Bros. .
Rolfe Nebr
ttle branded
vhere on left
nark , square
> p right ear.
orses have
5 brand on i :
-Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks
iward of $250 will be paid to any person for
nrmation leading to the arrest and final
iviction of any person or persona stealing
tie with above brand.