Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 05, 1908, Image 3

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    . * t-sl.
"Last tjjuc I hi-iMi a .o' ! Kit Skim
merhorn ! < > wit1 * : : ijru 4"i in : i yotinjj nni
the met : i : a v . " .j i-os-ur : . IIo\\ Ion ;
did llic on2i4 ' . : > i'Ml ins ' . "
"Three d.jyI I hc've. . TV'ii the yotm :
roan lif.'M to insist o-j I'.n-ir marrvin.1 ;
"Wejl V"
"Well , it vn s war UKftid of the sea
son. and * ' " " - " ' ' * - "
"I hrpe. i : . , wU iyi not n : :
sway v/ith 'lie : "
"I Mess yep. "u ' : ! : ! ' I've : M { :
Wife ; il ! ( ! < o ki ' . .n ; i KM > already ! '
How many American women in
lonely homes to-day long for this
blessing to come into their lives , and
to be able to utter these words , but
because of some organic derange
ment this happiness is denied them.
Every woman interested in this
subject should know that prepara
tion for healthy maternity is
accomplished by the use oi
Maggie Gilmer , of West
Union , S. C.writes , to Mrs. Pinkham :
"I was greatly run-down in health
from a weakness peculiar to my sex ,
when Lydia E. Pinkhain' s Vegetable
Compound was recommended to me. It
not only restored me to perfect health ,
"but to my delight I am a mother. "
Mrs. Josephine Hallof Bardstown ,
Ky. , writes :
* * I was a very great sufferer from
female troubles , and my physician failed
to help me. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound not only restored mete
to perfect health , but I am now a proud
mother. "
For Ihilly years Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound , made
from roots and. herbs , has been the
standard remedy for female ills ,
and has positively cured t housands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements , inflammation , ulceration -
tion , fibroid tumors , irregularities ,
periodic pains , backache , that gear
ing-down feeling , flatulency , indiges
tion , dizziness or nervous prostration.
Y/hy don't you try it ?
Mrs. Pinlcham invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
bealtli. Address , Lynn. Mass.
of Wheat Land
in Western Canada
50 bushels per acre have been grown. General
a ver.iire creater than in any other part of the Con
tinent. Under New Regulations it is possible to
hecure a Homestead of 1 W ) acres free , and additional
leO acres at $3.0J per acre.
"The development of the cpuntrv has
made marvellous strides. It is a revela
tion , a rec > rd of conquest bv settlement
that is remarkable. " Extract from cor
respondence of a National Editor , who
visited Canada in August last.
The jrrain crop of 1908 will n > t many farmers
F20.00 to 25.00 per acre. Grain-raising ; , Mixe.l
Farmintr and Dairying- are the principal indus
tries. Climate is excellent : Social Conditions the
best : Railway Advantages unequalled : Schools ,
churches and markets close at hand.
Lands may also be purchase'd from Railway
nd Land Companies.
pamphlets , maps and information as to
now to secure lowest Railway Rates , apply to
\V. D. Scott , Superintendent of Immigration ,
Ottawa. Canada , or E. T. Holmes. 315 Jackson
St. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M. MacLacfilan , Box
no , Watertown , So. Dakota Authorized Govern
ment .Agents.
1'lehse Buy where you FQV this advertisement.
Keeps the breath , teeth , mouth and body
antisepticaliy clean and free from un
healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors ,
which water , soap and tooth preparations
alone cannot do. A
germicidai , disin
fecting and deodor
izing toilet requisite
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes ,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
stores , 50 cents , or
by mail postpaid.
Large Trisi Sample
THE PAXTON TOILET CO. , Boston , & '
liet Couirh > . , rtip. Ta .1 ( j nil.
Use in t-i * . Sold 1-y di
Smoking on the Jncrenne ,
Coiisuniption of cigarettes increase
largely in the United States during tlu
last fiscal year ended Juno : ; o. 10US
according to the preliminary annua
statement of internal revenue receipts
Tobacco revenues generally fell oil tin
public smoking fe\ver cigars than the
preceding year , taking less snuff : iu
chewing less. Hut snore cigarettes ol
all kinds \vere used.
Less spirits were used than in I'lOT.
the heaviest falling olT heing in the
spirits distilled from trruin. the rev
nue on which declined over ? 1. > .UOO'JOO ,
This would indicate.1 'arge dccl.i * > : r
whisky consumption. The lieer busi
ness , however , continued to grow in
spite of the depression.
The total decrease in iiternil : reve
nue , as compared with the
fiscal jcar. was 817'WS 072.
Flvf Ytrs of Aivfjjl Kidney Disrii % > .
Nat Anderson. Greenwood. S. C. ,
says : "Kidney trouble began about live
jears a no with dull backache , whicli
got so severe in time
that I could not get
around. The kidney
secretions became bad
ly disordered and at
times there was al
most a complete stop
of the flow. 1 was ex
amined again and
J'Piiii mid treated tone
no avail and kept get
worse. I have to praise Doan's
Kidney Pills for my final relief am"
cure. Since using them 1 have gained
in strength and flesh and have no sign
of kidney trouble. "
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box
Foster-Milburn Co. . Buffalo. X. Y.
Physician My dear fellow , you should
practice deep breathing.
Caller Great snakes , doctor , I do ! I
in a coal mine.
A Cure for Hos Cholera , .
Hog Cholera or Swine Plague as it i ?
sometimes called is a highly contagious
When a hog shows any symptoms of
this disease , he should be isolated at
once and the pen fumigated in order to
save the other hogs if possible.
Mix one part Sloan's Liniment with
two parts milk in a bottle and give
every sick hog : i tablespoonftil of this
mixture night and morning for three
days. Sloan's Liniment is a powerful
antiseptic , kills the disease germs ,
soothes all inflammation and acts as a
tonic to the animal.
A. .T. McCarthy of Idaville , I ml. ,
says : "My hogs had hog cholera three
days before we got Sloan's Liniment ,
which was recommended to me by a
neighbor who was using it with suc
cess. I have used it now for three days
and my hogs are almost well. One hog
died before I got the Liniment , but I
have not lost any since. "
Mr. G.V. . P.alsbaugh of Peru , Intl. .
writes : "I had four pigs that were
coughing and were not doing well. I
gave them some of Sloan's Liniment
and they got better at once. "
Sloan's book on Horses , Cattle , nogs
and Poultry sent free. Address Dr.
Earl S. Sloan. Boston , Mass.
Juvenile Ignorance.
"You ought to know better , Johnny , "
said Mrs. Lapsling , reprovingly , "than
ask me what the difference is between
courage and bravery. They are pusillani
mous terms and mean the same thins. "
Chicago Tribune.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury ,
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and'completely derange the whole sys
tem when entering it through the inucou- , *
surfaces. Such articles should never he
used except on prescriptions from reputable
physicians , as the damage they will do is
ten-fold to the good you can possibly derive
from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufac
tured hy F. .T. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O. , con
tains no mercury , and is taken internally ,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure he sure you get the genuine.
It is taken internally and made In Toledo ,
Ohio , by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials
free.Sold by Druggists. Price , 7uc. per bottle.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
In 1020.
"Prisoner , " said the magistrate se
verely , "you are charged with being a
millionaire. How did yon happen to
fall ? "
"Your honor , " responded the trem
bling man at the bar , "in a moment of
weakness I made a book on the races. "
"You're not incurable , " rejoined the
magistrate , who at heart was not un
kind. "Go and reform by playing the
book of some other fellow. Dismissed. "
Philadelphia J > direr.
Painful Sore.H on Lee *
Tortured Day and Nifflit Tried
Many IlcmutlicM to Ko Avail
Cured by Cuticiira.
"After an attack of rheumatism.
running sores broke out on my hus
band's legs , from below the knees to
thu > ankles. There are no words to tell
ill the discomforts and great suffer
ing he had to endure night and day. lie
used every kind of remedy and three
ihysicians treated him. one after the
ither , without any good results what-
kver. One day I ordered some Cuticura
> oap. Cuticura Ointment , and Cuticura
Resolvent. lie began to use them and
n three weeks all the sores were dried
ip. The burning fire stopped , and the
) ains became bearable. After threfe
nontlis he was quite well. I can prove
: his testimonial at any time. Mrs. V.
r. Albert. Upper Freuchville , Me. . July
"Mr. liaakmson. " ! ( ! tliimotlipr of
he \oiriv woman to the youth whom she
; ; isiM > rjcl of nn ambition to become a
nouihor of the family , "have you ever
) oen baptizedV
"Once , I think , " he answered , hesitat *
Lz a
vS ?
1510 The Spaniards under Cortez en-
teKcd the strong and populous city
of Cholula.
1GS3 The colonial charter of Massachu
setts was annulled by the Bmish
1G92 The British government took
away William Penn's proprietary
rights in Ponnsj'lvania.
1701 Philadelphia first chartered by
William Penn.
177-i Brig Peggy Stewart , and its car o
of tea detroyed by the pntuiots at
Annapolis , Md The first Ameri
can Congress , having finished its u-
liberations. adjourned. . . .The pro
vincial congress of Massachusetts de
termined to enlist men for the de
fense of the province , for the first
time , under the name of Minute Men.
ISOo British transport Aenoas wrecked
off Newfoundland , with a loss of
: > 10 men.
1S07 Russia declared war against Great
1812 Russians re-entered Moscow t'ol-
lowinu the evacuation of the city by
the French.
1S13 Commodore Perry , nccoinpr.nieil
by ( "Jon. Ilarri-oii and Gen. Gaines.
arrived in Eric and was received
with great enthusiasm. . . .United
States frigate Congress captured ard
destrovod the British ship Kose.
1S14 British ship P.ulwnrk captured "he
American privateer Harlequin , 10
guns , \ 1T men.
1S2. > Finsil completion of the Erie canal
celebrated at Albany.
1S20 First daily paper issued in Roch
ester. X. Y.
18-12 Completion of the Croton water
work celebrated in New York.
IS-M Boiler explosion on the Ohio river
steamer Lucy Walker at New Al
bany killed more than fifty persons.
1S30 The Northwest Passage discovered
by Captain McClure of the InvPsM-
g.-itor First 'national convention
of the Woman's Suffrage parly me :
in Worcester , Mass.
IS , " ) ! Remains of Sir John Franklin's
exploring party discovered near Great
Fish River Buck , in the Arctic
1833 Grand Trunk railway opened to
Brockville , Ontario.
1SGM. Petroleum discoveries made in
Monroe county , Michigan.
1SGG Twenty-five hundred houses de
stroyed by fire in the French quar
ter of Quebec Dedication of the
Stonewall Jackson cemetery at Win
chester , Va.
1SGS Shock of earthquake felt at San
1S74. Episcopal conference in session in
New York adopted a resolution op
posing ritualism in the church .ser
1S7S The Hon. Simon Hugh Holmes be
came Premier of Nova Scotia.
1SS3 The Marquis of Lansdowne as
sumed office as governor general of
ISSi Republicans carried the State and
congressional elections in Ohio.
1SS7 Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain
1S91 Phillips Brooks consecrated bishop
of Massachusetts.
1001 The ship Perseverance , with four
teen men , lost in the Arctic region.
100-1 Episcopal bishops agreed upon di
vorce canon which permits remar
riage of innocent parties.
1905 President Roosevelt visited North
Carolina. . . .President Roosevelt vis
ited Birmingham , Ala.
1007 Knickerbocker Trust Company of
New York suspended payment.
has in million-dol
Minneapolis sight a -
lar gas plant , through which it is pro
posed to reduce the price of gas from $1
to SO cents a thousand.
It is expected by Land Commissioner
Dokken , of South Dakota , that he will
dispose of 5,000 acres of the State build
ing lands in Meade County trtiis fall.
The reduction of creamery huttor in
Minnesota increased 0,000,0)6 : pounds in
four years and now reaches the total
of S7,0-HS17 pounds for tihe year 1907.
Charles AY. Morse , organizer and promoter
meter of t'lie American Ice Company and
the Consolidated Steamship Company ,
and who until the panic of a year ago
controlled several banks in New York ,
Is facing a. jury in the criminal branch
af the United States CircuV Court on the
charge of illegal bunking in connection
svith the failure of the Bank of North
The record for September of the Min
nesota Bureau of Grain Inspection broke
a record , the number of cars inspected
being almost double the number inspect-
sd in September last year. The figures
show the total number of cars inspected
it 2o,7G. , while the number for the cor
responding time Jast year was 12..7T(5 ( cars.
The largest individual day was Sept. 20 ,
cvhcn 1.200 cars were insoected. The de
partment attributes the excellent record
: o the goof roads of the country this
rear , early movements of grain and top
uarkct orices.
IVc.storn Cniiailn Attoril * Iti-Cer
ilttioiii < ! JMI lCp fur SiMtloiiiiMit.
To the Editor Sir : Doubtless ninny
of your trailers will'ln- pleased to have
some word from the grain fields of
Western Canada , where such a large
number of Americans ha\e made their
home during the past few years. It is
pleasing to be : : bie to report thaf gen
erally the wheat yield has been good ;
it will average about twenty bushels
to the acre. There will be many cases
where the yield will go thirty-five
bushels tt > the acre , and others where
fifty bushels to the acre has been .re
corded. The oat and barley crop has
been splendid. The prices of all grains
will bring to the farmers a magnifi
cent return for their labors. An in
stance has been brought to my notice
of a farmer in the Pincher Creek
( Southern Alberta ) district , where
winter wheat is grown , who made a.
net profit of $1 ! ) . . " ! an acre , or little
less than the selling price of his hi nil.
Thirty , forty anil fifty bushels yields
are recorded there. The beauty about
the lands in Western Canada is that
they are so well adapted to grain-rais
ing. while the luxuriant grasses that
grow everywhere in abundance makes
the best possible feed for fattening
cattle or for those used for dairying
The new homestead regulations
whicli went into force September ,
1908 , attracted thousands of new set
tlers. It is now possible to secure GO
acres in addition to the 1GO acres as a
free grant , by paying $ o an acre for
it. Particulars as to how to do this
and as to the railway rates can be se
cured from the Canadian Government
"The development throughout West
ern Canada during the next ten years
will probably exceed that of any other
country in the world's history. " is not
the statement of an optimistic Cana
dian from the banks of the Saskatche
wan , but of Mr. Leslie M. Shaw. < > i
New York , ex-Secretary of the United
States Treasury , under the late Presi
dent McKinley and President Rnosc-
velt , and considered one of the abk t
financiers of the United States. "Our
railway companies solil a * good tlral < > t
their land at from three to live dollar
an acre , and now the owners are sell
ing the same laiul at from fifty t .
seventy- five dollars , and buying mon-
up in Canada at from ten to fifteen "
The editor of the Monticello ( Iowa )
Express made a trip through Western
Canada last August , and was grcath
impressed. lie says'One : cannot
cross Western Canada to the moun
tains without being impressed with it-
immensity of territory and its 1'utuiv
prospects. Where I expected to timl
frontier villages there were sulistan
tially built cities ami towns with ev
cry modern convenience. It was for
merly supposed that the climate wa
too severe for it to be thought of a
an agricultural country , but its wheat
raising possibilities have' been amph
tested. We drew from Ontario manj
of our best farmers and most progres
sive citizens. Now the Americans are
emigrating In greater numbers to West
ern Canada. Seventy-five per cent of
the settlers in that good country lo
cated southeast of Moose Jaw and Regina -
gina are Americans. Canada is well
pleased with them and is ready to
welcome thousands more. "
"I think I'd like something to road on
the train , " said the austere spinster.
"Well , hero's a copy of the latest issue
" suggested the news
of Pick-Me-Up ,
There being nothing else on the counter
ohe bought it.
But she tore off the conspicuous title
of it before she carried it into the car.
She was no giddy youus thing. Chicago
cage Tribune.
Scaling DOTVII.
The painters and decorators were about
to begin work in the professor's study ,
and the professor , being unwilling to
trust the handling of his books and pa
pers to anybody else , was removing them
into another room himself.
"I'm only three-fourths of the man I
used to be , " he muttered. "When I was
a young man I was a reporter , ami now
I am only a porter. "
Strictly Business.
Inquiring Friend You've given up
booze ? How did you ever summon up
enough fortitude and self-denial to do
that ?
Budger I paid a high priced doctor
$2 ; " } to tell me what was the matter with
me , and that was his sole proscription.
By George. I couldn't afford to waste all
that money !
After 2o years of operation of the Pos
tal Savings bank of India , the deposit
ors number 1.11)0,220 ) aud the deposits
amount to $49,22B,2S3.
S. C. N. U. - - - No. 45 1908.
Prnnjifctlve Undines * .
"I'll take your dnii.tfisc. : : . " sj
tht I.nvyer. hflpin to ! rs foi-t the man
just hit by nn : uroiiobik ! > .
"Thank you , " n-plird th1 vr.'M'.n
"I'm not much hurt , liur I ivn' Mi/.i-d
that iiu'iisly rluiufl'eur. ! ! may ha e
a fi c for you latt'r. " lMiiladelphi.1
In n Pinch , U. e Allen's Foot-Rase.
A powder to shnke into yonr ; hoos. It rosta
the feet. Cures Corns. Bunions. Swollen ,
Bor * > . Hot. Callon * . Aching. Sweating feet
and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Koot-Ka < e
makes ne\v or tijrht shoes easy. Sold ! > y all
Dni ists and Shoi > Stores , 25c. Sample
mailed PUKE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted ,
Le Key , N. Y.
h ic. \v aUo Them.
"If * , \voiiUTl'u ( ! , " sakl Dubley ,
\vide-a\vaki1 the "Fapaneso have become
in recent years. "
"Oh. it's not so wonderful , " replied
the observant man. "when you consider
that they have an earthquake every
niuht or so in their country. " Phila
delphia I'res.
& buy Furs & Hides. Write for catalog 103
N. W. Hide & Fur Co. , Minneapolis , Minn.
Tin * Varijil ! Feminine.
Dora ( at the party ) ( Jcofi'rt-y. yui
mustn't monopolize me , you know.
Geoffrey Why. dear , I liai't I"-'n
monopolizing you.
Dora Well , why haven't yon , 3-0:1
stupid thinsj ?
Mrs. msloWs hoothlri .s.irtip for i hi- ;
ren teething , softens the HP.IS. reduces In
flammation , allays pain , cures wind colic
23c a bottle.
Mifkins ( to PifferShe's a s
woman , old man. and you're bound to
be stuck on her. Hut don't mention
laundry or anything like ( hat I Her
grandmother was a washwoman.
Pifl'er ( later , to the l.idy in ( im tion.
as he relates a story ) Yes , imUvJI I
can tell you. it took the starch-beg
pardon I the nerve rinhl out of me. -
W. TJ. Douglas mnkesi and Mll3 r-oro
men's O3.00 and 83.50 shoc thmi any
other manufacturer In th6 because -
cause they hold their shape , tit btttcr.
and wear longer than any other mi o ,
Shoes st All Prices , for Every Member of tie
Family , Mm , Boy ? , Women , Mitstji CWldre.i
W.L.DoutU.1 $4.00 and 95.00 OtKEdcs Shen turn * *
lx quillfd tt key prica. W. i. Doajlu $ J.CO u4
$2.00 ihotl u * th li 19 th rtil
JFVzi * Color Eytlttt Ctett JSa > elusivelv-
031iUcNo SubnUtule. W. L. DoucU *
n.ime and price 1 * itamp * ! on bottom. Sold
ererywliere. Shoes mailed from txctcrry to .ny
part ot the world. Catalogue free.
W. L. DOUGLAS. 157 Spiri St. . Bretirtta. Mua.
"Harlne taken yonr wonderful "na ar " :
Utreo months and oelnc entirtir cared of t"ra
CLtarrh and djsiicnsin , I think ; a word of t > r u .
due to"Cascsret fortUelrwontJerfalconiiM.nitJoi
I have taken numerous oilier so-called rnniodlw ,
but without .TV-nil and I find tbut Cascarptv r llrr < S
Bore In ilsy tbau all tno other I 'i c it
would In a year "
Junes McGuae. 1SS Mercer St. . Jersey City. .N. ,
Best Tor
The Bov/ete
i. PalasaWe. Potent. Taste Good. Do O
K Tcr SJckon , Wraknn or Grl ; > e. JOc. 35c , 50c. > J
Bold la bult. The cennlno tablet stamped
Gaaranteod to ccro or your in 0117 buck.
Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or N.Y.
For Infants and Children ,
AX gelaLIcPreparalionBirAs-
similaifngilieFoodanilRcgula- Bears the
ting Uic Stomachs andBovels of
Promotes Digcslion.CiiEcrfiir1
itayta1 ; ! ,1 , ness and Rest.Containsncilher
is OpiunuMorphine nor Mineral.
i , l
& ,
11 . in Seed"
fmft jlnhcSttd *
l mf-
lI Warn Seed -
J ClanTud Sugar
C t * " * * | ! R , Apcrfcct Remedy for Constipa
fo'uiii ' ! ! ! > tion , Sour Stoniach.Diarrta
< w2n YVbrras , onvulsionsFcvcrisli-
m&H ness audloss OF SHEER
TacSiirilc Signature of
.Guaranteed under the Fo dar
g--- _ L'.U M.yrjaiuiBMiAd |
Exact Copy of Wrapper , THCcctiTAun coM"jy , rcw VOHK cmr.
. .
fTfl f gfj ff - - - If IU BVr v OHH m i BK B * Oa V Ha V
for spot cash. 10 to 0 % more money for yon to ship Raw Fnrs and Hide * to TIB than to
sell nt home. Write for Price .Li = t. Market Report. Shipping Tags , and about our
< V ) pazcs , leather bound. B t thin ? on the snhjectercr written Illastratln ; nil Far AnT ! . ; i ill
about Trappers' Secrets. Decoyi. Traps. Game I-iw § . llow and where to trap , and to becnrre a loe-
Crfssful trapper H s a recuiar Encyclopedia. Price. $2 To cur cuttomert. } ! : i Hides tarired .at
beautiful Hobe Our Ha-netic Bait and Decoy attracts animals to traps. $1 OOperbottl * . Sh > r > TOti
Bides and Fun to us and set hazlieit elites. Andench BrxMU. Dtpt. Ill 3inccaj > < jll , llliiiu
You could never hope to buy a more stylish or serviceable
& > \ shoe than the "Leading Lady. " It is right up-to-date in appear
ance and fits the foot perfectly from the very first. Besides
being stylish and comfortable , the
wears much longer than most shoes. It is sowell
made that it lasts twice as long as the average shoe ,
and will retain its shape to the end.
Why buy inferior shoes when , with the same
moneyyon can get the "Leading Lady ? " Your
dealer will supply you ; if not , write to us.
Look for the Mayer Trade Mark on the sole.
FREE If you will send us the name of a dealer who does
riof handle Leading Lady Shoes , we will send you free , post
paid , a beautiful picture of Martha Washington , size 15x20.
We also make Honorbilt Shoes , Martha Washington Com
fort Shoes , Yerma Cushion Shoes and Special Merit
School Shoes.
Color more aoods brighter end taster colors ( ban any other dye. One JOc package colors all fibers , . j In cold water " belter - than any other dye.
any o&nntLl without ripples apart Write lor tree booklet How ( o Dye , Bleach and Mix i SZQffROE "D-RVGCO inc.