TTOrjnvWH -jri ; TT = ; y'T 'W * Historical Society _ * * * ' T 7ULUME XXIII VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. THUPxSDAY , NOVEMBER 5. 1908. NUMBER 43 Go to the We carry NEEDLES , SHUTTLES w BOBBINS for every Sewing Machine made Red Front JVSerc. GO. Try A. John & Co. FIRST We have the finest line of Men's Hats , all styles and colors , in the city. Prices from Si.OO to $3.50. .PHONE 97 , H GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , * OXE 72 Nebraska References : ] \Iy Many Customers. S252S2 ? S 5 s : < 525 12S Eureka Saloon I ROBERT McGEER , Propn S I Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars g 5 Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : § ' | Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 27 yearxold and Jas , E , Pepper. " O , F , C , Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine = Nebraska | K E firSS S2S2&32 * o j Read the Advertisements , Nebr. Oct. 6 ' 08 Valentine , . , . , Board of county commissioners met in regular session , present G. E. Russell , chairman , A. E. Mor ris and Jas. Mone. Application of Elmer Hoffman for license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors at Kilgore IE Georgia precinct , Cherry county , coming on to be heard upon the petition of the applicant and the remonstrance of Nina V. Wilson et al and upon consideration of the evidence it is found that the pe tition contains the names of the majority of the resident freeholders ers of the said precinct and the petition is granted and the clerk ordered to issue license as prayed for upon the applicant's paying into the county treasury the sum of § 500 and depositing the proper bond with the clerk. Board adjourned to Oct. 7. Oct. 7.1908. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment , members all present. The following claims were al lowed on the General fund : Primary Election Fess .1II Saul S4 00 Wm B'dy ? 4 00 W E Ca-ly 4 00 E D Chirk 4 00 W E Haley 4 00 J II Yeast 4 00 AMMorrKsey 400 Gee Elliott 4 00 A M Isenhart 4 GO H D Hake 4 00 W Honey 12 CJ Gee Dew 4 00 Jas Lansing o GO li Ormesher 4 09 W Schrcmin 4 00 Dell Query 4 LO Win Heelan 4 00 S I ) Xo G 2 00 Gee Fishqr 4 00 E S < hweideesky 4 fO L D Barnes f00 1' C Galloway 8 70 Gee Denton 4 00 SI ) No 43 2 00 C 1'avlik 4 00 J W Beel 4 00 W Wertz 7 10 4 00 J j Ncwbcry 4 00 Crookston hall 2 00 W E Spall 4 00 C \V Bennett 4 00 J WMcGloud 11 00 II Hobbs 4 00 F E Cronm 4 00 A E Spall 2 00 B F Hobson 4 00 F Black 4 00 G Perkins 4 00 G Halm 4 01 A C Salimii 7 00' SD 12 2 CO It K Rainsford 4 00 II SulKiefer 4 00 J Lorenz 4 00 M BoltS / 4 00 I'M Satlerlee 9 00 S -D 47 2 00 J \lelsln\v 10 20 P Kiege 4 00 Win Dittmer 4 00 HG Welslbg 4 00 S D 45 : > 00 J Grooms 4 ( W A K Ivii kie 4 00 dins Polen 4 00 A Bivchbill 4 00 Jas Hudson 8 00 S I ) 71 2 00 Dan Sers 4 00 Wm Piercy 4 00 S McAlevy 12 ol ) W II Kennedy 4 no L Piercy 4 HO Piercy Bros 2 00 J bhellxmrn jr 4 00 J Slielbourn sr 4 00 F Nollett 4 00 John Dam sly 4 00 A Grooms 7 70 S D 4 00 H Poland 4 00 A Brooks 4 00 .1 -Edwards 14 oO J West 4 00 W M Sellers 4 00 S n S6 2 00 J Fairnead 4 00 L D Tice 4 00 E Vollentine 24 SO n Wells 4 00 Ira Ji'hnson 4 00 S D 19 2 00 J Mogle 11 SO Ino Newell 4 oo J Jackson 00 E C role 4 00 ( J Jarch'iw to Barnee-.Iarchow 2 03 G W Coleman 4 00 J M Wray 4 00 I Davis 4 (0 ( W I Wray 4 00 J A W Johnson 5 20 S I ) 82 2 00 G Freeman 4 fO J W Snytter 4 00 J A Saults 4 fO A II Mel/.Rer 4 00 I M Kins 25 50 M IMrker 2 00 G Koan 13 CO T J Thomas 4 00 II Headington 4 fO L Cole 4 00 J t liliny 4 00 S D 102 2 00 L Laufer 4 GO Frank Bresee 4 00 Win Bntler 4 00 S M Wwodwsird 21 83 Ed Gentry 4 00 M Skinner 2 00 D Artamson 17 00 J Bartley 4 00 W Kinkead 4 00 M D Stanton 4 00 A L Gillaspie 4 00 J w Stetter 2 00 It Groom * 4 00 I Adainsou 4 00 T J Christopher 4 00 A Adams 4 00 EHeth 7 20 S D100 2 00 G U F-ilsoai 1 00 \V A Crane 4 00 C W Allen 4 00 W H. White 16 5'J Ed Collins 2 00 J P Gardiner 4 00 L C Starr 13 00 Chas Larson 4 00 W D ilicketts 4 00 J A Yaryau 4 03 A Pratt 4 00 A Burr 4 00 J T Ilawley 4 00 (5 H Hawley 10 00 L T Ilawley 2 00 II F Osboru 4 00 It Boyer 4 (0 B F Deets 4 oo S L Coleman 4 00 S L DuttOli 20 50 SD98 2 00 I W Danils 11 50 W G Ballurd 4 00 N Hanna , 4 00 It Elis 4 CO D Piercy 4 00 Win Ferdon 2 CO J U Lee 16 50 D El White 4 00 F Lee 4 00 K S Lee 4 00 Brownlee hall 2 eeL J D Hoover 1G 50 * L Martin 4 00 LGil-s 4 00 4 00 S D 101 2 00 I P Ninas work on jtil 00 Klopp & Birtlett Co election supplies 203 50 P 11 Young expense 15 00 Ne'brasKa state hospital supplies pauper 21 00 Dr F J Bii'uen atteitdauce-pauper 50 00 J T Keelf y VAX. list fees 2L'5 00 J T Keeley s ilary Qtr 1UO 00 JTKeeley rccordi-ig olllcial bond 75 W A Parker supplies paupar 13 70 Star Ltvery Cohve-j-Co cjin'r It 00 U G Dunn making ballot tioxci. 43 50 W D Armstrong expenses 17 84 G Carlson labor 223 Lulu Korlz salary and expenses 2J3M5 C A Ros > etor del ballots and fe js 3 < 5S 25 C A Rosseter a'arv ' and fees 4U2 75 Win Franke fees-prosciitioiib 42 50 Kiopp & Barh-tt Co supplies G 00 J Meg e care pauper 30 00 Mrs Ma&ingule care pauper 23 25 It Robinson salary S < ? pt 45 09 J M Tucker salary s-pt 53 33 AN Compton meJical tervices-pauper 21 00 A N Compton " 4S OJ Ked Front Merc PO Mipplius 72 00 .SFGilman ii htsept 14 fit ) J K Itrown ca e or pauper 4 00 Hammond & Stephen Co supplies 1 SO L \V Paiker arresting prisoners 2000 Charles Maxwell Jr can ; of pai.per 11 Ofl I.'enderson & Roberts livery 12 00 Arthur Wilson fees state vs bnrgin 7 60 Ralph R Wilson " 7 CO Nettie Bur in ( ie'6 E Hnyb ' ' ' 7(30. ( Now is the time to get your winter quilts , See our elegant display of them in our window Quilts at $1,75 , $2,00 , $2,50 , $3,00 , $3,25 , $3,50 and $8. , KT ! Don't forget to take a look at our 98c leader | in quilts , Watch our window , Jacob Bylstrn " 11 00 Gee Elliott " f 20 W T Kinkaid coroners 4 10 WS Jackson " 4 10 Wl ) < Armstrong " 4 10 H WlGraham " 4 10 W APettycrew " 4 10 W B Hammond " 4 19 J F Kauan " ' 14 70 Gee Wagner " 14 70 G O Hf-sui " 14 70 \x m.Walrod " 14 70 H Stephens " 14 70 J E Kelly " 14 70 J W Manges " 14 70 Frank Carrah " 14 70 Dick A\ers " 14 70 John Powers " 14 7o All red Lewis coronrrs fees 35 10 A 15 Morris eoiu'r fees 14 GO James Mone " 15 so G E Russell " 31 05 The following claims were al lowed on the Bridge fund : Canton Bridge Co contract 37it > 10 Wm Crawfoid work 17 no Franks I limner Co supplies 5 94 'anion Bridge Co material 369 6G Joe Jetinett work 19 40 ' ' * . - - The following claims were al lowed on the Road fund : The following amounts were de ducted from above allowed ac counts and applied on delinquent personal taxes : Wm Francke 4i r,0 C Recce 4 oo LOSturr U (0 ( H Green 4(0 CW Allen 100 Fd Collins -2 Oo G Ronn 1 ; 00 J A W J hnson K _ > ) A Gsoons 770 It F Hohsiu. 40) C W Heir ett. 4 ( K ) U Fisher 1 00 C MOL emery ti 7G The county bridge across the Niobrara river in section 10 town ship 33 range 36 being in impass able con'dition on account of the approach being entirely washed away from same caused by the river changing its course , the com missioners find that an emergency case exists and it will be necessarv to add an SO foot span to said bridge and they this day enter in to a contract with the Canton Bridge Company to furnish same , official bond of U. G. Welker as Justice of the peace of Wood Lake precinct approved , he having been appointed by the board of com missioners to Ull vacancy existing. Matter of the petition of John [ P. iNinas and Etta Pettycrew for j the vacation of alley running between - j tween lot 7 of block 0 and : ots 1 , , 2 , 3 , i , 5 , 6 , original village of Valentine , Nebraska , taken up and ' upon consideration there of the commissioners find that all of the | proceedings in said case have been regular and in conformity with the i statutes provided in such cases , and it is hereby ordered that same be vacated and no longer used as a public alley. Matter of the petition of C. A. j "Rosseter and Robert P. Hoxsey for the vacation of the public alley running between lot 6 in block S and the north half of lots 7 , S , 0 , ! 10 , 11 , and 12 of block 8 , original ) village of Valentine , Nebraska , t taken up and upon consideration there of the commissioners iind that all of the proceedings in said case have been regular and in con formity with the statutes in such' case provided and it is hereby ordered that said alley be vacated and no longer used as a public alley. Where upon the board of com- ! missiouers adjourned to Monday , January 4th , 1909. G. E. RUSSELL , Chairman , ' A. E. Monuis , JA.AIES MONE , Attest : J. T. KEELEY , Co. Clk. We sell farming implements as well as other merchandise at reasonable prices. Call and try us. GROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank Juno 1 , 1884. August 12. 1002 , The Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) of CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking .25,000. . Exchange and . , Collection Business. G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. Nio30T > RON. Cashier. CONFECTIONERY Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods 2Z2C Lunch Counter. 9 < $ Phone S 7 Stetter & Tobien , Props. , , . | , SI DEALERS IX All Kinds of Fresh i'l ? ! I H and Salt Meats. . . . v Will buy your Cuttle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and inything you have to sell. tSZ&2L Valentine , Nebraska , has received a complete line of new , high grade 'Fall and Winter Goods , * which are being offered at the lowest prices pos sible , the margin of profit being only reasonable Prices are within the reach of all and plainly mark ed on every article. One price to everybody. 1 * :22 2g > 5r ac 5 5 " " 2 1 9 ff * ! * % T" M > * * * E T3 HE DEii