ti Nunnally's Delicious v Candy , direct from the factory by express. .Try this famous brand- V of candy. There's none like it. All in packages. lOc to 75c. B Jtt * - L--tfTTn3H2B i v VALENTINE. NED A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man for yon. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out | 10 or § 10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTIN'E. NEBR. VALENTINE | BARBER SHO All kindb of. c SHAMPOOS ; MASSAGES , AND LADIES HAIR DRESSING Shampooing a. specialty. § HOT and COLD BATHS in connection a Forest Shepard , Prop. Valentine State Bank Building fl The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. Brownlee.Nebr. Soldier Cree Col- umous 17th 1C0050 , ; i son of Columbus 17th , a half brother of tbe $10.000 ( J ! jim- pion nile , a n d I'rmce BoabdPll31.- 693 at head of herd I now have about 30 head of 1907 bull calves for sale. C.H. FAULHAIJEK. H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. J. W. McD ARIEL , COUNTY SURVEYOR Valentine - All work will be given prompt and careful attention. W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUK & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 1 25 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. JOHN F. POKATH Knrj > e , Kebr. Tubular weljs and windmills , me up-by Telephone : A Word from Mr. Bryan. WILLIAM JENHINCS BRYAN ] N. J , Uck and D. Hanna of Wood Lake were in town Tuesday. John Slonecker is enjoy ing a weeks vacation in Ainsworth. Twins are reported at the home of Mrs. Sterling on the Snake last week. Mrs. Val Nicholson visit ed with her son Milton in ONeill over Sunday. Miss Anderson of Plank- ington S. D. is visiting with the Van Orsdal sisters. The funeral of Emma liiegle who died Sunday was conducted Monday.by KEV. BEALE. W. Ii. Carter has return ed from Kansas city and ap pears much benefitted. He is in town today. Mrs. Bob Robinson is in Lincoln visiting with her daughter , also attending the grand lodge of the Rebec- Mrs. John Bullis and daughter returned to their home in Sturgis S. D. after two weeks visit with rela tives and friends. S Miss Stella Spratt , who is teaching in Ouster , S. D. \ made a brief call at the high school when she was at home week before last. On Wednesday morning , Mrs. W. W. Wells and daughter Sarah arrived home af ter having a delight ful visit in eastern Nebr. , There will be approprate services at St. John's Epis copal Church , both morning and evening , on Sunday next November 1st , All Saints Day , We received a few days ago a half dozen beautiful photographsxf butterflies made on postal cards by Walter Blowers out in Wash. Walter has un doubtedly become quite an bis camera * - - f We wish to call your attention to the following seasonable goods , which we have in stock and are anxious to sell you : Velie Buggies New Moline. Wagons Farm Trucks Eclipse Windmills 1L Samson Windmills Success and International Manure Spreaders and all other goods found with up-to-date implement dealers FULL LINE OF BUILDING MATERIAL Old Crow , All Leading / Hermitage Brands and Bottled Guchen- Under the heimer Supervision i Eye of the vYhiskeys. Ui S. Grov. Y\re also handle the Budweiser Beer. JOHN Q. STETT r. Try Ivazda's barber shop. tf Dr. Barnes , the eye sight special ist of Omaha , will be in Valentine , Nebraska , Wednesday November the llth at the Valentine hotel. Call and have your eyes examined. Don't forget the date. Eemember frequent visits are made over this road. Lost Dog. A small Fox Terrier weijiht , 10 Ibs. , short tail , white with black spots , lemon spots over eye ? , lem on on jaws false toe on fore lojr torn off and sore. A reward will be paid if returned to XIajor Shockley , Fort Niobrara , Nebr. 40 - ! AUCTIONEERING ! ! Done in the most satisfactory manner - ' ner ! Largest prices for the seller and honest dealing with the bidder ! On these terms T.Y . Cramer solic its your patronage. Graduate of Missouri Auction School , August term. 41 ! I hereby announce myself as an independent cai didate for county attorney of Cherry county , JSe braska , to be voted on at the < ; en eral election November 3. 190 $ . i EGBERT G. EASI.KY. Taken Up. Taken up by the undersigue.l at my residence on the Ilale\ farm south of Valentine Nebr. one stray 2 year old red and \\hite spotted heifer notched under right ear. No other vifible marks or brands. lias been here since l ? st May. Owner can have same by paying costs. ; C. B. BACIILLOB. > Valentine , Nebr. Dated Oct. 28 , 1G08. ' i , , - - r © cnool iL/.Cotcs / -v fr * * By R. H. WATSON rj'he writer of these notes will go to Lincoln next week ot attend the State Teach ers' Association and we shall , depend upon the seniors to ; furnish the school next week. At the meeting of the eastern division of Cherry j TRIUMPH in purity , a triumph in quality , a triumph in flavor * If you are looking for these three characteristics in your beer you must order STORZ TRIUMPH BEER It possesses all of them to a marked degree. T e guarantee it to be the equal of any beer } brewed in America. SKEWED * < = > BOTTLED BY county teachers in tin * high school room at Valentino last Saturday. Prin. John lolhman of the A alentine high school was elected president and Miss Collett was elected secretary. The program committee nut Sat urday evening and planned to have a county meeting in Valentine on Friday and Saturday following Thanks giving. § 1000 reward is nowbe- ing offered by Valentine' citizens. Sheriff Kosseter and Governor Sheldon for ( , the arrest and conviction of ! the murderer of the unknown | man found in thcNiobrarai river last Sunday. ' " ' " 1" " " " E r'7 1 Prices are wliat we are talkiag Now Our stock is complete ! BSSHOP & YOUNG , I Dr. Meeham , O't.opath has , moved into his ntw tfice rooms over the Keel Fiont store. ' .Tele phone No. 155. 10