Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 29, 1908, Image 2

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I. M. RICK , - . . . Publisher.
Grand ) iir.v Expects to IIav < ; Suflieient
Evidence to Indict Every Member
of Band that Killed Capt. Rankin
Tc.ii Suspects Being Held.
What may happen this week as a
result of the investigation of the night
rider depredations in the northwest
section of Tennessee is a matter of
conjecture. Monday , with the conven
ing of the circuit court for Ohio coun-
1y in special session at Union City for-
inally to investigate the death of Quentin -
tin Rankin , who was killed by a night
rider hand in the vicinity of Reelfoot
lake Monday night , that section Avas
put under complete military domina
Five companies of the state national
guard were at the disposal of Col. Tt-
tom. To aid the militia the adjoining
counties have been drawn on for forces
of picked men.
In the Reelfoot lake district the lake
* itself Is the source of contention. It
" was asserted by those living in the
vicinity that it was their right to ply
their vocation as fishermen in its wa
ters without molestation , while the
owners of the land upon which the
lake is located took an opposite view.
In the courts the latter , the Western
Tennessee Land company , of which
Capt. Rankin and Col. R. J. Taylor ,
of Trenton , were the organizers , are
largely interested , were upheld.
Then followed night rider warnings ,
threatening death to those who op
posed the wishes of the band. It was
upon the first visit in many months to
the lake region that Capt. Rankin was
Of a number of men arrested ten
are being held , and it Avas promised
that when the grand jury convened
Monday sufficient evidence Avill be fur
nished to secure the indictment of
e\'ery member of the night riders' or
The sessions of the court are under
military protection.
Governors of several states of the
south have approved of a suggestion
of Gov. Patterson that a conference of
the executives be held and plans de
vised whereby they can act in concert
In an effort to destroy the night rider
" Consul McRu-Iand I eft Directions to
\ Wife Regarding Funeral.
A dispatch from Berlin says the
American vice consul general , Freder
ick W. Cauldwell , and Deputy Consul
General Frederick Aron Verscn ar
ranged at Ludislust for the removal of
the body of Silas C. McFarland , of
ToAva , the American consul general at
large for the European division , Avho
committed suicide on the Hamburg-
Berlin express. The body Avill be tak
en to Hamburg and cremated in ac
cordance Avith a request made by Mr.
McFarland hi a letter which he left
for his wife , and which also was full
of loving messages. Mr. McFarland
just before his death also Avrote let
ters to his daughter and to the con
sul general at Berlin , Alexander M.
Thackara , as Avell as a letter to the
public , in which he said that he Avas
constrained to take his life by rea
son of his ill health and because he
-could no longer perform the duties
of his position.
Representative Robert G. Cousins ,
of Iowa , and many other Iowa friends
have sent their condolences to Mrs.
McFarland and her daughter.
jJSecent Storm in Far Northwest Was
of Universal Severity.
The first trains since Monday reach
ed Medicine Hat , Sask. , from the east
Saturday evening. Riders got in from
the district south stretching to the
United States border with fearful tales
of hardship created by the storm. Don
ald Cameron , sheel herder , with tAvo
others , Avere caught and forced to
leaAe their sheep to perish and seek
.safety themselves. Cameron , ho\\-
-ever , became exhausted and died. Af
ter being sixty hours without sleep or
nourishment the other tAvo reached a
ranch in safety. It is feared that many
-other herders have perished.
LordCureon Itc-Electcd.
The election of a rhetor for the Uni
versity of GlasgoAV , held Saturday ,
has resulted in the return of Lord Cur-
r.nn with 943 votes.
Sionx Cit.y Live Stoclc Market.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
f'ity live stock marget follow : Top
s. $3.2i. Top hogs , 55.52.
Russian Cholera Under Control. . ,
The supplementary staff of physi
cians , nurses , disinfectors and sanitary
Inspectors employed at St. Petersburg
during the eholera epidemic have been
discharged , for the disease is consid
ered entirely under control.
Fire in Pennsylvania 3Iinc.
A lire caused by crossed electric
"wires in the Hazel mine of the Pitts-
burg-BufTalo Coal company near Can-
nonsburg. Pa. . Avas extinguished Avith
ia loss that will np t exceed $ TOOP.
Rejected Suitor IvilLs Successful Rival
on Train.
On her bridal tour , which had begun
scarcely one hour before , and seated
in a railroad coach almost between her
husband and a former suitor for her
hand , Mrs. Fred Van Ingen , of NCAV
Orleans , La. , saw the flash of the suit
or's revolver , felt the sudden grip of
her husband's hand as the bullet struck
and killed him and then turned and
fought for her 1/fe. When the girl ap
peared about to become the victim of
a second bullet from the revolver her
uncle rushed up and thrust his thumb
beneath the hammer of the revolver ,
jamming the mechanism and lender-
ing the weapon harmless.
This was the story which the pas
sengers on the Texas and Pacific "Can
non Hall" told when they reached New
Orleans Friday , but the principal ac
tors in the tragedy , most of whom are
connected with Louisiana's best fam
ilies , so far refused to discuss the af
The former suitor is F. S. P.eauvc.
if IMaquemine , where be was taken
from the train and placed under ar
rest. The husband was Prof. Fred
Van Ingen , .a prominent teacher of
Alexandria , La. , and a relative of for
mer Gov. Blanehard. The bride is the
daughter of James Itohrer , one of the
leading officials of Liverville parish ,
residing at Baton Rouge. Bcauvc la
-A years old and Van Ingen was 2:5. :
The wedding took place Thursday
at Alexandria. Ueanve was in town ,
having arrived there , it is reported , on
the same day as Miss Rhorer. When
the bridal couple left for New Orleans
he boarded the train also and for a
time sat facing Mr. and Mrs. Van
It is said by spectators that IJeauve
talked with the bridal couple just be
fore the shooting and that his man
ner was cordial. The young woman
had clasped hands with her husband
when Bcauve suddenly diew his re
volver and fired. After being disarmed
the young man quietly submitted to
Sixteen Persons Rescued After Tlirill-
N wv Experience.
Fifteen men anci one "woman , com
prising the crews of the barges Sel-
vin Marvin and Lizzie A. Law , were
rescued after a thrilling experience on
Lake Superior , near Detroit , Uich.
Cast adrift Monday night in a storm
when-the tow line , which connected
them with the steamer Edward L.
Ilines , parted , the barges with their
helpless people drifted all Monday
night at the mercy of the waves and
were swept on the rocks on the east
shore of Keeweenau peninsula , about
fifteen miles from porage entry. The
castaways remained at the scene of
the Avreck until Thursday , when they
were discovered and taken on board
the steamer Hines. which had been
searching for them.
1'cxan Wants te Clear His Conscience
Before He Weds.
Charles Tompkins , who escaped
from the Texas state 7 > enilentiary
twenty-five years ago while serving an
eight-year sentence for forgery , has
surrendered to the authorities to com
plete the term of one year and three
months. He is HOW 0 years old and
wealthy , having accumulated a fortune
in Mexico as a mining engineer and
invested considerable m ney in ranch
property in Sutton and Utiwartl.s eun-
ties. He said he was a trusty when he
bribed a guard and got away , but his
conscience has annoyed him ever since.
He is engaged to be married and he
says he wants to clear his name before
becoming a benedict and will serve out
the fifteen months.
Government to Make Them Pay Morr
Attention to Tlieir Institutions.
To enforce much greater responsibil
ity upon the directors of national
banks and to make Ihom pay more at
tention to the institutions Comptroller
of the Currency Hurray Friday issued
an order to national bank examiners
directing them , upon entering a bank
to make an examination , to immediate
ly convene the directorate and re
quire answers to a formal list of twen
ty-five searching questions , designed to
bring out clearly the relation of the di
rectors to the executive conduct of the
Farmer Kills Saloonkeeper.
E. .T. Martin , aged 'IT. years , proprie
tor of a saloon at flower. Mo. , was shot
; vnd killed in the Cower depot by Wood
Arnold , a road overseer , aged 25 years ,
Arnold had been drinking heavily in
Martin's saloon and wore Martin's hat
invay. When the saloon man asked
for the hat Arnold shot him.
Bowlinjr Records Broken.
Two world's bowling records were
broken by the Sehneidt team of the St.
Louis Ten Pin league. The team to-
Laled : i.'IOfi pins for three games , an
iverage of 1,102. The high game was
1.183. Three of the players averaged
ibove 241.
Agrcl Woman Burned to Deatli.
Mrs. Isabel ! Dennis , aged SI. a pio-
leer settler of Whitney county. 111. ,
tvas burned to death in her garden.
She set fire to grass and llames ignited
iep dress.
Russia is Turned Down.
Secretary Root Friday refused to is
sue a warrant for the extradition
ought for by Russia in the case of
lanoff Pouren , charged with murder
ind arson.
Japs Eclipse All Records in Way of
The capital of Japan witnessed
Thursday night the most extraordinary
| evidence of the spirit of the new Ja
pan. After having an audience of the
i officers of the American battleship
! fleet on Tuesday the emperor issued an
[ order directing the people to increase
in every way possible the enjoyment ,
i comfort and pleasure ot the American
visitors who came , he said , a. historic
friend ? of the Japanese nation. The
response to this imperial mandate
\\as seen and heard Thursday night.
Originally a torchlight procession of
! G.O ( o people was planned as pait of
Thursday's program , but this feature
went far beyond expectations and de
veloped -jne of the greatest popular
demonstrations and outpourings of an
enthusiastic people ever witnessed in
any country.
Japan'u war celebrations. after
peace with Russia , London's Mafeking
night , and even New York's election
night revel would seem almost insig
nificant when compared with Tokio's
celebration Thursday night. It would
be impossible to count the number of
people who took part in the parade
and the myriads of spectators. Mile
after mile through madly cheering
people the great procession wound its
way. Representatives of various
guilds , universities , schools of rvery
class for boys and other organizations
took part in the parade , each individ
ual carrying a lighted lantern held
high on a pole with American and
Japanese flags intertwined Admiral
Sperry and the other chief officers of
the American fleet viewed the proces
sion from a special stand , standing
with bared heads above the sea of
waving lanterns , the deafening roar
of cheers and the clash of the music
from scores of bands which played the
American national hj'mti continuously.
So dense became the crowds around
the stand where the American officers
were stationed that the entire pro
cession was blocked until Admiral
Sperry was forced to leave in order
to keep an engagement at the dinner
given by Minister of Foreign Affairs
Insurance Company May Take Ycrkes *
New Yorlc Mansion.
The handsome Yerkes mansion at
Fifth avenue and Sixty-eighth street.
New York , which with its paintingsand
art treasures would , it was generally
believed , pass into the control of the
Metropolitan Museum of Art. may be
sold at foreclosure. The Mutual Life
Insurance company has brought fore
closure proceedings against Mrs. Mary
A. Yerkes. widow of the traction promoter
meter , basing the action on a total
indebtedness of $242,296. of which
$225,000 represented a mortgage on
the properly and the rest unpaid inter
est. It is said Mrs. Yerkes lias put in
no appearance by counsel ir other
Mr. Yerkes' will provided that afte ?
his widow's death the mansion and
contents should be taken over by a
corporation , including the mayor of
New York City and four men to be
designated by the Metropolitan Mu
seum of Art.
Enter Chicago TVuit Store and Opens
lirc o Clerk.
Jennie Dernpsey. of Chicago , IS
years of age. Thursday shot and prob
ably fatally wounded Joseph Gcorge-
opolis. The young woman hysterically
declared when arrested thai her liftf
hail been wrecked by th - pc-rfidy f
Oeorgeop lis.
MissDempscy entered the fruit store
where the young Greek rras employed
She drew a revolver , which had been
concealed in her wa.Sst. and fired three
shots at her erstwhile lover. One bul
let entered his groin. inflicting * t
wound so serious he cannot ircoyer.
Suffragists < o lo Jail.
Seventeen woman suffragists who
were arrested October I . ' 5 during th < *
"storming" of the hotise of ' ommonb
on charges of disorderly conduct ,
Thursday were sentenced to imprison
ment varying from three weeks to
three months. The women were off-
fered the alternation of giving bond *
for good behavior , but H cted to go
to jail.
Son of Kaiser Weds.
Duchess Alexandra Victoria , daugh
ter of Prince Frederick , duke ot
Schleswig-IIolstein , was married in
the chapel of the imperial palace
Thursday afternoon to Prince August
William of Prussia , aged 21 , fourth
son of Emperor William.
Half Million Plc < l ed.
An appropriation of SoOfl.OOO for
mission work in the United States and
in its possessions was pledged at
1'hursday's session of the convention
; if the Woman's Home Missionary so
ciety of the Methodist ? Episcopal
L'htirch at Philadelphia.
Cliole.ra Cases in Manila.
The number of eholera cases has
increased slightly during the past
Lwonty-four hours , seven new cases
jnd eight suspects being reported.
Floods in Oklahoma.
The downpour of rain , which has
prevailed the last three days and re-
niltcd in serious floods through por-
ions of central and northern Okla-
loma , continued Thui'sday.
Iloston "Firm'Fails.
John P. Reynolds. Jr. . was Thursday
ippointcd receiver for tin banking firm
> f K. II. Gay & Co. , of Boston. The
labilities of the firm are said to
unount to about $7,000.000.
Hounds Employed to Locate Money
Taken from Resort.
In an effort to capture the burglars
who robbed the house of VCnus Web
ber at Grand Island of 5500 in cash
the dogs from Lexington were secured.
A remarkable test of the trail folloAv-
ing functions of the auim.tls folknved.
Although a copious rain had fallen af
ter the burglary and before the second
end dogs Avere secured and sixteen
hours had elapsed , the dogs took the
scent at the broken AvindoAv screen ,
followed it from the house to the Un
ion Pacific track and up to the track
to a particular seat in the Union Pa
cific depot , announcing with a yelp the
end of their scent. They Avere retaken
to the place of beginning and again
followed the same line to the same
seat in the depot. Along the line a
part of the box in Avhich the money
Avas kept was found. The animals
were then put on the scent of the two
men who were Avithin the house on the
night of and at the time of the burg
lary and folloAved it to room SI at the
Koehler hotel , in Avhich the two sus-
jjected men had slept. This operation ,
too , Avas repeated , AY 5th the same defi
nite result. The police officers now
have a definite clue upon which they
are Avorking.
As a result of the work of tin-
bounds R. R. Barnard and K. H.
Young , of CallaAvay. Avere taken into
custody. Many of their friends will
not believe that they had anything to
do with the matter and are convinced
that they speak the truth Avhen they
say , though admitting that they were
at the place on the night of the rob
bery , that they had absolutely nothing
to do Avith the robbery.
In a discussion betAveen the city and
county attorneys and the officers Bar
nard and Young agreed to give the.
women money to the amount missing
rather than get the case into the
courts. This was done and no action
will be brought in court.
Building- and Practically All the Stock
is Lost.
Callaway was again visited by lire
Thursday morning , when the large de
partment store of Mathews & Mathews
was burned , together with most of its
contents. The lire \\as discovered by
Eugene McKinney , engine watcher for
the Union Pacific at that place , and
not many minutes later was discovered
by others , who gave the alarm. A
crowd was soon on hand , together
with both fire companies , but the lire
had gained such great headway the
entire building was burned. 3n add-
tion to the stock of goods , the Masonic
and Odd Felloxvs lodges , occupying
halls on the second floor , lost their
iccords and paraphernalia , and Dr. A.
L. Mathews , candidate for representa
tive on the republican ticket , who oc
cupied a front office , lost all his books ,
instruments , etc. It is estimated that
the stock would invoice about 518,000 ,
while the insurance carried on both
building and stock amounts to some
thing like $14,300. But few of the
goods were removed and all taken out
are greatly damaged. The origin of the
fire Is unknown.
Reports Show Gain of Over , Fourteen
Hundred During Year.
The grand lodge Independent Order
of Odd Felloxvs and the Rebakahs lis
tened to -welcome address from Gov.
Sheldon at Lincoln and at noon Wed
nesday gave a parade. The day was
tlevoted to a business session.
The annual report of the grand ee-
retary shoirs at most substantial in
crease. During the 3'ear twelve m-w
lodges hav been chartered and a gain
n membership of over 1.-400. Three
nundrcd and six lodges now hold
charters. Funeral benefits in the sum
- > f $ n,784.SO have been paid out ad
: he relief fund reached over $20,000 ;
PH.558.o5 went for special relief : for
: hc relief of widows and orphans
; 442.2."i Tras expended. The financiers
, vere declared lo be in exeHIent eomli-
The report of the grand master in-
licates a healthy growth and great
ictivity in all branches of the order.
-Ic declares that the lodges instituted
luring the last year are strong and op-
: imistic.
Italians Kcginiiinft" to Talk.
Pasquel. one of the Italians charged
vith being implicated in the murder
if Tony Ganova at Fremont last week ,
vas formally placed under arrest. He
s a little more disposed to talk than
it first and now claims that Roeco
3ierro. who is in jail , and Tony Ga-
lova , the man killed , were the only
> arties who used knives.
Wrestling Match at Plymouth.
Oscar Wasem and George Faulkner ,
if Lincoln , gave a wrestling exhibi-
ion at Plymouth Monday night , the
ormer winning in two straight falls ,
he first fall was secured in twenty-
Ix minutes and the second in fifteen
Sunday School Convention.
The ninth annual convention of the
'ass County Sunday School association
i-ill be bcld in Weeping Water on
londay and Tuesday. Nov ! ) and lo.
Library Association Convention.
The Nebraska Library iSM > ciition
-ld its fourteenth annual convention
t Hastings.
Build Dam at llolnie.-ville.
The Holmesville Mill and PQwer
ompany. which was incorporated last
: eck by G. W. and J. II. Steinmeyer.
) T $ . ' 10.000. is building a new dam
t Holmesville and otherwise improv-
ig the plant. The contemplated im-
rovement will cost in the neighbor-
oed of 510,000.
Court. Adjourned : Few Case * .
District court , which was to have
anvened at Stanton last Monday , was
djourned until Dec. 14 on account of
le small number of on hand.
Great Interest in Meet "t Nebraska
The stock show and parade which
took place at Nebraska City Tuesday
was one of the biggest affairs of the
kind ever held in that city. It is not
an unusual affair and this year tlv pa
rade was over two miles long and con
sisted of trade exhibits , farm prod
ucts and floral decorated vehicles. The
parade was viewed by 10.000 people *
and excelled anything of the kind ever
attempted in that city. The amount
of live stock which is on exhibition far
excels anything ever shown there and
some fine stock was shown. The stock
t wjis shown at the Union stock yards ,
' which was turned over to the associa-
j tion. and all of the yards and sheds
were filled to their utmost capacity
1 Another parade was held Tuesday
evening and Wednesday all of the
[ stock exhibited \\as ustd in the pa-
j rade and the celebration concluded
| Wednesday evening , Avith an automo-
j bile parade , all machines being deco-
j rated anil illuminated. It was a spec-
j tacular affair and some forty autos
were entered.
Vic-tisi Supposed to Have Come to
Kc.U'i.-ter for Lands.
The mystery .surrounding the man
I who was found murdered and thrown
in the Xiobrara river about three miles
east of Valentine still remains without
a clue to give the officers a chance to
work on , although Sheriff Rosseter is
doing all in his power to find a clue or
som < - evidence by which he will be able
to trace and find the murderers arid
also find out who the victim is. He hit between the -yes with some
thing that while it did not break the
skin crushed the man's skull like it
was an egsv shell and he must have
died instantly from the blow , and then
after robbing the body they disposed
of it by throwing it in the river , which
is veiy shallow at this place and filled
with sandbars , and the body quite evi
dently did not float far before lodging
where it was found. It is thought that
lie was some young fellow who went to
Valentine to register and foolishily
let it be found out that he had some
money with him and some thugs laid
him out for it. At the inquest the ver
dict \\as that the death was felonious.
Breaks into General Merchandise Store
at Slieltou.
George Carlson , of Shelton , saw a
light in the general merchandise store
of Hansen Bernard about 12 o'clock
at night and he at once telephoned
Mr. Hensen , who hurried to the front
of the building- , and Marshal Pesterson
uas quickly summoned. Together
they quietly went into the store and
followed the stairway leading to the
upper rooms , where the thief was
found and covered with a pistol and
told to hold up his hands , which lie
did. Mr. Ilansen and the marshal
quickly searched the man and found
him well prepared to get into almost
any building , as he had a full outfit of
burglar tools , consisting of keys and
jimmies of every kind ; also a loaded
revolver and a flask of whisky , and numerous -
merous straps for carrying away goods.
A pal was whistling for him , but made
his escape. All the outgoing trains
were watched , but no one was seen to
S < t away.
Falls City Women and Children Sufi'ei
as Result of Eating ; it.
Mrs. Harry Pence , of Falls City , en
tertained the members of the Young
Married Ladies' Kensington club and
their children at h r home Friday af
ternoon. Among the refreshments was
a quantity of ic - cream , bought from
a local dealer , which was freely fed to
the children. At midnight , one by
one. all the babies and most of the
parents were taken sick with every
symptom of ptomaine poisoning1.
All the doctors in the city were kept
busy the rest of the night. In one
family , that of n. Simonton , seven of' '
the ten members were very ill. Little
Kugene Pence was so Kick that for a
time grave doubts were entertained
as to his recovery , but later he was
pronounced out of danger.
Saloon Injunction Dissolved. .
The temporary injunction granted
recently by Judge Spafford in the
county court to Dr. Woods and Julius
Vogal. of Barnston. restraining the village - I
lage board at that place from granting
; i saloon license has been set aside in I
the district court by Judge Pemberton r
im the grounds that there Avas not suf-
lick-nt cause for action.
i'ar > n Goes to Worthy Man.
Peter Swift , of Ponca , Avho dreAV the
second piece in the recent Tripp coun-
: y land drawing , is a young man of 23
/ears and a farmer. He has no prop
erty and is considered by eA'erybody
i worthy young man and Avell deserves
he second choice and Avill make good
us opportunity.
Bank Rcbber Suspects Jailed.
William Hall and Harry F. Brown
xre now lodged in the county jail at
Jlay Center charged with having rob-
jed the State bank at Deweese , on the
light of ( > ctober 1.
New Li ht Plant.
The village board of Pender has let
he contract for the installation or the
lectric lighting plant.
Rain Benefit.Wlict. .
" "A heavy ruin at ISeatrice recently
vill prove ol grtat benefit to the win-
er wheat.
Poultry Shew in Dec-ember.
A mo\e is being mode to hold a
liicken and corn Ncbra-ka
: ity in December and already plans
iave been formultiti d for tht same
.nd many emrie-- have been made ,
'his will bo the first attempt at a
how of this kind.
r , ,
Store Broker Ito.
The store or Mr. Engfor was robbed .
t Talmage on Sundry nfght and tlie
afe wrecked. The. thieves were
rightened a\vay before thty were able
i : < cure mueh
School Chiklrcr. Pcdcllo the Basso in
school childr-i lathe
Moonshininj : by
the newest phnyc ' " tilts spivies oC
' . . . Thry : r&
lawlessness in Kent'.ny. v
tlJ * rs.
Inill.sont by their parents and i
. * 5-
to solicit trade in the niounta
ments anil : ilonjr the mountain
school they carry the
Ou their way to
* Vv"511
drink , dispensing it tovaoi : s - 1
buy , and after M-iuol they : nv K--nr 'to
deliver it tu tlif village i-ti > U"i"rs.
Whether tJiw niounshiiK-rs beliei : t
by making their children litv purveyors
. ' * fi' ' detection
ors of the wlii.-iki'.v they may
tection in- whether tiiey rui : > ' " that
onesin cnsUrui ; : - . inspectors
the little ones \ \ more
specters say that m ; iv ehildivir are
wilt out aiul each day more of the-
illegal liquor is sold. Although : r. vern-
nient sleuths have driven fi ! - 'ily
moonshiners to swh straits , the sym
pathy of. their noij iborn in tit.- i.t un-
tains has not decreased , liy m. . u > : iin-
er and many mountain villagers alike , . regarded as a legiti
mate business , and government inspec
tors are regarded when it is s.fe to do
so. as murks for guns.
So there are many persons in such
sections , primitive in their instincts. ,
and thirsty enough to violate I he law ,
ready to ibuy the liquor when iaere is
a knoclc at the door and a child st.inds.
there , school bag over the shoulder
albeit a school bag that- sags suspi
ciously with weight.
This , the newest and most st-trlling.
development oil" the moonshine tr-ic ! ia
mountain fastnesses , follows the-
government ollieials thought w ; s a
virtual suppression of inoon hming.
Last fall they announced thai they
had stamped out the illegal business.
But tlK > y liave found that illega' ' < lis-
tilling is no sooner stopped in . . sec
tion than other stilly , mushn . .m Iik\ *
siring up almost over night in anothee.
During recent years a numli-r P
women have been arrested on charges-
of moonshining. Some of them had
evaded the search of revenue : ; ; .ents.
for many months. Their still * aro-
usually --roll secreted deep in tin- moun
tain i/istnesses and it takes a c.srefui
search to tind them. Women of tliti-
2iotmtains in the moonshining belt
have long been noted for their bravery.
Often Uiey have stood by their men , ,
iind they handle a gun as well as their
lovers , husbands or sons.
Now that the children are being :
trained in the illicit business the problem -
lem of moonshining becomes moresori -
" > us still and the suppression of it wiUi
jeconio more dillienlt.
A union of hatters in the United ?
States was established as early as 1S' ; ' . .
San Francisco ( Cal. ) Laundry Wurk-
rs ' Union now has a membership of
Iron Mulders" Tiion of North Am ricA.
rill celebrate its fiftieth armiversarv nexc
The shoe clerks of Toronto , Can. , have-
fcently organized a union , and its ineiii-
* rship is steadily increasing.
The interlocking switch and signal merit
if the B. A : M. ro-.iil have orirnni/.i-d a new
tnion for the Boston terminal division.
A new union of retail clerks , including-
arious branches of business , has ln-eu
ecently established in Melrose. Mui.
Steam Engineers' Union has reiNeti the-
er capita tax from 10 cents to HO ecata
month and established a defense fund.
A new union of blacksmiths. n'Hliated '
rilh the International Brotherhoo : ! of
.lacksmiths , has been organized at I > tm-
irk , X. Y.
The threa-teneil strike of Belfast. Ire-
md , iron molders has been averted. The-
len agreed to accept a reduction of on-
liilling a week.
Steps to form a I os-ton ( Mas.O branch
[ the new A. F. of L. metal t null's tle-
artment were begun recently In I' > - ( < > u-
lachinists' lodge.
Septernljer was a very busy period witb
le organivx i-s in the anthracite field ot
ennsylvania endeavoring to rehabilitate-
le miners' union.
International Rrowery Workmen of"
.merica has a membership of 42. . " > 7t > in
70 local unions and ISO branches ; nNo-
cash balance in the tre.osury of XM-
)2.GG , an increase in the last tvvrr.s. .
In order to encourage thrift amen ; : its-
nployes , the Northeastern Railway < "orn-
my , England , some years a o 'v-ab-
slied a savings bank , at .which Jeji > sit.- -
> low as sixpence are riveivet ] , 4 | K-r
nt interest being paid on accountsup -
> 200. and 2'/j ' per cent on sum * in
: ces.s of that amount.
In the 102 unions , with nbor.t ! K"KXj ( >
embers , reporting to the- New York
tate Labor Bim-au. the proportion of'
le membprF. which at tihe end of Janu-
y was o < 1.0 per cent , ami at the end or
[ brn.iry nnd March 7. . p < > r ei-nr. ile-
ined in April to rU'J.i ) per cent , i. Mar-
:52.2 : i > er cent , and in June to : .i ) . ± :
; r cent. These figures indicate iiL > inl.v
preatly though smilual improvprn-rtt io.
c state of employment during the vec-
icl quarter of the year for union labor. .
15y a referendum vote the Poster Art
t > * Association of America has < Wled > '
nfilinte ! with tJie American Fede
Ixibor. The : : nion his : passed its
inivers.iry. and there are locals in evorv
fjuirinnf labor center of the ctmnirr
The ue-.v liability bill of New ZvaSantE
oJes that every worker \vlio is a.
.rty to a strike sjall h , . liable to a ! ( >
: r. and an additional fine of 1 for ev-
week durinz which the
y strike -oir-
irentiil &o remains a party rhe
i- -f nes for a lockout are 2t Cor ?
. - o.ttir.n ticn.