Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 22, 1908, Image 5
- ? L. J JTZI t : _ - * - " . - > a r 8 J Particular People ! Come to Us They don't come to us though because we are nice fellows or because I we have a fine store that is handy but they do come here because - we have the goods of a I different quality to what can be purchased inmost I 4 most towns. I VALENTtNt. NED Mil A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. VALENTINE BARBER SHOP All kinds of SHAMPOOS. MASSAGES , I AND LADIES HAIR DRESSING Shampooing a specialty. HOT and COLD HATHS in connection Forest Shepard , Prop. Valentine State Bank Building The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. Browniee , Kebr. Soldier CreeV Tol- uniiHis 17th IGtiOol ) . H son of Columbus mh , a half brother of tbe.10.000C > aitt- pion o.tle , a n d Prince HoabdPl 131- 6U3 at head of herd I now have about 30 head of 1907 bull calves for sale. C. H. FAULHAHEK. H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparraent of T. C. Hornby's store. J. W. McDANIEL , COUNTY SURVEYOR Valentine - Nebr. All work will be given prompt and careful attention. W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOTJK & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 1 25 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. JOHN F. POKATH Ifcnrge , Nebr. . Tubular wells and windmills , me up by Telephone. Talk of the Town. Tr.v Kuzda's barber shop. if Geo. Seager of Cody was in town yesterday on business. J. A. Hornback has sold the Chicago hotel to Mrs. Sears , giving possession November 1st. State Co. Treas. Examiners Eobinson and Tallies are in town cheeking up the Co. Treas. office. A. 0. Colcinan returned Saturday morning from Neligh where he had been to attend the funeral of his mother. T. W. Cramer returned east Fri day from their summer vacation in Jsi. , Mo. , Kansas and eastern Nebr. His wife returned with him. The drouth having been broken it rained. 2.61 inches of rain fell from Sunday afternoon to Monday evening. . This was the first rain of consequence since August 11. Mrs. E. D. Mason of St Joseph Mo. daughter of C. VV. ( Cramer liansom Cramer a bro'her ' and wife and POII of Ohio have been vit-iting wMi Mr. Cramer and family sev eral weeks. II. Buttinghans 7 miles south of Ivilgore had the misfortune last Thinsday to lose 14 stacks of oats by fire caused by a spark fiom tlie engine. It was a very windy day and F. M. Murpnyhad just pulled up to the stacks when a t-mal ) lire t-tarted on t < pof a nearby t-tack. Services will be held in the Catholic Church as follows : In Valentine on Sunday Oct. 25 at 10 a. in. High mass and sermon Benediction with-the Blessed Sac rament after mass. At. 3 p. m. Instruction for the children. In ( . rooKston on Sunday Nov. 1st at 10 a. m. sharp. LEO M. BLAEIJK. Hector Yestcaday Congressman Kinkaid made the announcement that if elected he would oppose the re election of Speaker Cannon. This spirit of repentance comes very late and is practically an admission of weakness in Kinkaid. If Cannon was bad why didn't Kinkaid say so long ago , before people discovered it and demanded of him what he would do ? Why didn't Kinkaid take the initiative and denounce Cannon before he saw the hand writing on the wall ? Like Ingalls , the Kansas senator , Kinkaid will shift to hold his job , but Ingalls waited too long. Last spring the postofflce at Har mony was established , which is be tween Valentine and Britt on the Eofc-ebud route. A petition circulated by residents applied to have the Eosebud mail go by way of Har mony and the department ac quiesced , granting their petition i hen , to please a few friends , Cong. Kinkaid was appealed to , to have the route continued the old way and now there is a ; new route establish ed , entailing the additional expense of a special daily carrier to Harmony , Feven miles from Valen tine , at § 480 per year and the Eosebud mail daily drives past Harmony on another road which is no nearer by section line than via Harmony. Is this economy in gov ernment affairs ? Vote for W. H. Westover for congress. The death of Mr * . Jane Ad line Ounlap Holsclaw , accurred at 10 minutes to twelve on .Sunday inon- ing Oct. IS 1908 , at the age of 58. years and 5 days f om an internal cancer. Mrs. Holsclaw was well known here and her presence will be sadly missed by all who knew her , she was born on Oct. 13,1850 sheJeaves to mourn Mer death 10 children four sons and six daughters Mr.s Holsclaw wa- first married to George Marshall at Grlenwod Iowa , Oct. 3 1SGS , to this union five children were born three boys and two girls , Wallie , Eva , and Etta of Iowa and Willie and Joe of Valentine. Her second mar- rage , to Calvin Holsclaw at y- ler Nebr. December 23 1880 to this union five children were born four girls and one boy , Rhoda , Mae and Bertha of Valentine Daisy of Washington and Ed of Minn. , The family have the sincere sym pathy of this communit7. TO DEAR MOTHER. Will we iniss her ? Oh. so sadly , For her happy , loving ways Filled the house with joy and gladness. Making bright the darkest days. She whose good night words so sweetly Lingered after , she had gone , And she whose greeting was the gladdes Will await us at the tlawu. True , her voice and wayfc with others , That always fill the house , we know Will be treasured to remind us Of her presence long ago. Hy itte t'miarea f I down li'osebud Tue.-dav and roe- * roj-apid c-ty win-re die has a < - - eepted a similar position as .each- er in the government service Mrs. Eichardson came clown from Rosebud with her to meet her hus band who has been back east. AUCTIONEERING ! Done in the most satisfactory man . ' ner ! Largest prices for the seller and honest dealing with the bidder ! , On these terms T. VV. Cramer solicits ' its your patronage. Graduate' Missouri Auction School , August term. 41 Tripp Co. Drawing. Valentine registered 2249 and the total regietiation was 114749. The drawing has found Miss Risher No. 130 , Grant Spain no. 1159 , Stanley Watkins no. 2611 , and James Irwin no. 1579 , Eva Harden and John Marshall - all of Valentine. The daily papers do not give numbers outside of Nebraska. IJO\7 IT IS KCLLQG3 j Another Ilopublicrin Campaign Mana ger Allied to the Trusts The Jttiime- cota National Conistieemaii Attor ney for the Steel Trust Some Ques tions That Indicate V/hy the Repub licans Keeil .Not lie kxpeutctl to Sup press Tru.sts. E\ery day there are new develop ments to show tluit the Ilepublieun pany i.- ; in the control of the trusts. The hj'jul of the powder trust , under indictment , has bevn bounced t'rtnn tiie committee , but the house cleaning has just begini. During the week tue Chicago Journal and other papers have shown that Acting Chairman Sage : , of the Republican national committee , was the attorney for the Standard Oil jU'asl in the big suit ltepubli'-an At torney C.'encral I lad ley , of .Missouri , brought to drive tiiat trust out of .Mis souri. The New York World has shown that the Republicans in New York refused to nominate ( jeorII. ; . Sheldon as lieutenant governor of that state because hi * trust onuo. tions were so notorious that til1 jveo.le would not stand for hjin , and yet he is tiie treasurer of the Ilepublii-in na tional committee. In Chicago , the as sistant treasurer of the IlepuHIean committee is a membi r of the bo-ird of review. As such he pass-.1.- ; upon tax assessments. A i'ew week- ; ago he scandalized ti ! country 03" sending letters to corporations , upon w ! - . > ' : K- sessimnts for taxation lie mu.-t pa.'s , asking them to contribute to 'lie lie- publican campaign fund. Nearly all the "advisory cominliiee' ' has close trust affiliations , anil were , .ippemted to "fry , the fat" out of- the trustv And now. by way off .Seattle , co n' questions disclosing the fact tl-at Frank B. Kellogg , the member of the national Republican executive commit tee from Minnesota , who. as a mem ber of the platform committd- : tle convention that nominated Ta't. is said to have drafted the eva > i . - < 1-il.or plank In tle : Taft platform , .o so re lated to the steel trust as to Jls.-jua Ify him to represent the people ii the con test between the trusts and the pt , - > : e. The Seattle Times , after showing that rio trust magnates control the Repub lican party , adds another dark chapter to trust domination of that p.irty in the following questions prepared by a citizen of Seattle : "Was not Frank P . Kellogg , the at torney -\vhom President Roosevelt ap pointed to tight the Standard Oil com pany , the general counsel of the Oliver Mining company of Minnesota for a period of ten years ? Hut the Oliver Mining company of Minnes'jta is only another name for .Standard Oil. "Is not Kellogg even now the gen eral counsel for tlic United States Steel company of Minnesota V Is he not paid a very large salary by that corporation , and been so paid for many years ? And yet the United States Steel company of Minnesota is abso lutely owned by the Standard Oil : "When the Merritt Bros. , of Duluth , were obliged to sue John I ) . Rockefel ler to obtain their rights in a mining deal located on the Mesaba range in Minnesota was not Frank B. Kellogg the attorney for the oil king ? Not only that , but did not Kellogg carry the case to the circuit court of appeals and secure the reversal of judgment for aboiit one million dollars ? "Do oot the Rockefellers and their associates control the ( Jreat Western Railroad company , running from Chicago cage to St. Paul and Kansas City ? But is not Kellogg the attorney for that road ? "Assuming that these questions must be answered in the affirmative , how can the department of justice em ploy Mr. Kellogg to prosecute tlie Standard Oil company in behalf of tlie people and still alow him to act for the Standard Oil company in the cases mentioned ? "Is not Kellogg also the trusted ad viser of Judge Taft ? If so. what will Judge Taft likely do. if lie should suc ceed to the presidency , so far as en forcing the law against Standard Oil ? " The truth is and everybody knows it that the Standard Oil trust owes its power and wealth to favoring legis lation and immunity granted by the Republican party , and that the trusts for a generation have "put up" for the Republican campaign fund. They will Jo so again this year , and they are too smart to put their money in a con cern without getting value received. Taft does not promise to take the tariff 'XT of trust controlled articles or to put the officers of trusts in jail. Why ? The trust magnates own the iuuer circle that , under Aldrich and Cannon , controls legislation , and when they pay for legislation and for free dom from prosecution they know they get what they pay for. New York Evening Tost. It hns been shown that the Democratic com mittee got not a cent and that Mr. Roosevelt gave currency to a false charge. He admitted that ITaiTiman raised 210.000 for the Republican campaign fund in 1904. Then they were both "practical men" anU were working together. We wish to call your attention to the following seasonable goods , which we have in stock and are anxious to sell you : Velfe Bu New Wagons Trucks Success and International Manure Spreaders and all other goods found with up-to-date implement dealers FULL LINE OF BUILDING MATERIAL . Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage Brands i and Bottled Gruchen- Under the lieimer Supervision X Bye of the \Vliiskeys. U. S. G-ov. e also handle the Budweiser Beer. IT < fT ! T ! TL T / " * V ' H * 3 * " D" " " Mi " * JOHN Q. STETi Murdered and Robbed. \Vliilo out limiting la-t Sin a afternoon John Gould ami Mark Stewart discovered and obp'cr m tlie middle of the IS'iobrara river on a sand bar about a ini'e ' c st of the raUroad bridge and near the bend oi : the jiver which appeared to be the form of a man lvi" f ce downward and partly submerged in the water. jThcy notified Sheriff Kos.-eter who , with a company of men , brought the body to town and an inquest was held Monday , resulr- ing in a verdict thnt the man had been murdered , robbed and then thrown into the river. Upon examination it was learn- < -d that the deceased had been slugged , breaking the skull at the O * * J base of the nose. Both eyt > s were blackened. No other marks of vie lence. The deceased appeared to be about 25 years old , 5 feet ei htj inches tall and weighed about 1 To pounds , dark brown or black hair and wore a suit of black clothes , almost new , and new shoes , a celluloid collar and bow tie , blue or gray , and had a black string tie with triangular figure of green in his pocket. Pockets were other wise empty and turned inside out. Nothing else was found to identify him. Appeared to be a farmer or , laboring man , well developed and muscular. Ko hat found nor anything to identify -him. Prob ably registered at Valentine for Tripp county drawing. The body was taken to the lied Front un- .dertaking rooms where he has j been kept awaiting some clue to j his identitv. Lost Dog. i A small Fox Terrier weight , 16 Ibs. , short tail , white with black spots , lemon spots over eyes , lem on on jaws false toe on fore leg torn off and sore. A reward will be paid if returned to Major Shockley , Fort Niobrara , Nebr. 40 0. W. Halm returned from the Farmers Congress in Wisconsin last week reporting an interesting meeting. If a copy of THE DEMOCRAT fall s into your hands this week BEA.D IT ! WARDS OFF SICKNESS . * \Vhelheryou are sick or v/ell , great benefit can be obtained from taking a bottle a day of Storz Malt Extract. Y/ i ' IT IS BETTER THAN MEDICINE in a great many cases. It will add flesh to your body , will sharpen your appetite , will soothe and quiet your nerves and bring you restful sleep. 800 Physicians'Have Endorsed STORZ MALT EXTRACT We have the letters on file for inspec tion. Jji MALT Britt Items * Eric Anderson helped Novak HI-OS , harvest their potatoes this week. H. L. Wickham and Charlev Mum ford went up to Rosebud with freight Wednesday , i | Several parties were obliged to ' stay at l < ritt over night .Sunday 'on account of the lain. Tom Spratt and w'fe drove down to their home on Beaver creek last Monday. John EyFchon , jr. , and Win. I Novak laid the foundation for D. ; A. Kellogg's new house Thursday. WIXKY. Dr. jMeeham , osteopath has , moved into his new office rooms over the Eed Front store. Telephone - ) phone No. 155. 10 < j I Prices are what we are talking Our stock is complete. 18HOP & YOUMG , -S222gSE22232 Chas. Keoce tool yur a load of lumber today for Mhs Thackrey' house.