Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 22, 1908, Image 1

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    Historical Society
Go to the
e o e e 9
/ * * ?
We carry
for every Sewing Machine made
ere. o.
* * A / " Y" * V'fc " * T
Try A , John & Co. FIRST
We have the finest line of Men's
Hats , all styles and colors , in the
city. Prices" from Si.OO to $3,50.
PHONE 97 , H o.
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes.
Residence and shpp one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , * HOXE ? 2 Nebraska
Keferences : My Vlany Customers.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer , 6
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , N *
Spring Hill , and 27/year/old
andjas , E , Pepper , O. F. C , Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
ami came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies. Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska
Read the Advertisements.
Qeo. M. Adams' Statement
Crawford , Neb , Oct. 15 , 'OS.
To all voters of the Fourteenth
Senatorial district of Nebraska :
Having been nominated by the
Democratic and People's Indepen
dent Parties for the honorable po
sition of State Senator for the
Fourteenth district of Nebraska ,
and beilieving that the ? voters ef
this district should know before
election where their candidate
stands upon the most important
issues involved in this campaign ,
I submit the following for your
consideration :
1. I am in favorof a law that will
guarantee bank deposits , for the
absolute security of the people's
money , to prvent panics and
promote prosperity , and available
to national as well as state banks
of this state wishing to take advan
tage of the same.
2. lam ia favor of the election of
precinct or township assessors by
the direct vote of the people in the
precincts or townships in which
they live.
3. I am against what I term the
unjust action of the state board in
arbitrarily raising the valuation as
returned by the local and county
4. I believe in a state experi
mental farm and that it should be
located in the north western part of
the state , as mentioned in the
Democratic platform.
5. T favor a wide open primary
election , where every voter will
have an opportunity of voting a
secret ballot and for whe > m he
6. From a national standpoint , I
am in favor of every plank in
the Democratic platform that was
adopted by the Democrat party at
its last national convention held in
Denver , Colorado , in July , 1908.
Having served in the las.t legis
lature as the representative from
the Fifty-third district , which is
accredited with being the most pro
gressive legislature that has as
sembled in Nebraska for the last
fourteen years , I believe that I am
in a better position to know what
the people of my part of the state
want and expect from their mem
ber if elected to the office.
Respectfully ,
Arbitrary Assessments ,
The new revenue law provides
for a state board of equalization
and assessments. This board con
sists of the Govenor and four other
state offiicials.
The present board has violated
bjth the letter and spirit of the
revenue law in adding on to the
assessments , as returned by the
various counties , millions of del
lars. It was not the intention or
the purpose of this law to lodge in
this board this power. It is an
abuse of power for the board to
do as they have clone. They have
not been equalizing assessments.
They have been re-assessing the
property of the state ,
Governor Sheldon and the other
members of this board have been
acting as assessors of property in
Nebraska under the guise of equal
izing the taxes and they have
arbitrarily added on to the assess
ment this year , as returned by the
various counties , § 2,4ri4,792j They
have so arranged the assessments
in Nebraska * that the real estate
and personal property of the pri
vate citizen has been unfairly in
creased. These men who never
saw the property , who were. not >
acquainted with local conditions ,
have assumed to act as assessors of
the property in the state. By their
action they have done away with
the right of local self government
in the matter of assessing property
for revenue purposes.
Mr. Shallenberger and the other
democratic nominees for
are opposed to this arbitrary as
sessment of property in the state
the so-called Board of
by - Equali
zation. If Mr. Shallenberger and
associates are elected they will
equalize the valuations without in
creasing the aggregate footings as
returned by the various counties.
Mr. Shallenberger and associates
will equalize the assessment. They
will not assume to act as assessors.
A vote for the democratic state
ticket is a vote for local self gov
ernment in the matter af taxation.
A vote for Shallenberger is a
vote for the right to elect your
own Precinct Assessor.
Now is the time to get your winter quilts ,
See our elegant display of them in our window
QuUts at $175 , $2,00 , $2,50 , $3,00 , $3,25 , $3,50. and $8
Don't forget to take a look at our 98c leader
in quilts- Watch our window.
Last fall a few men got together
in New York and after a short
session one of them pressed a but
ton and the following morning you
couldn't get your own money out
of a single bank in the United
States. This was an object lesson
to the people and they demanded
more safety for their money in the
banks. A. C. Shallenb'erger te the
author of the plank in his platform
favoring absolute safety for your
money on deposit. Governor Shel
don stands on a platform which is
opposed to any kind of a guaranty
law , A vote for Sheldon is a vote
against the guaranty of bank de
posits. Where do you stand ?
Taxes on farm land are climbing
higher -each year while railroad
taxes are being lowered. This is
due to the arbitary taxing power
of the State Assessment board.
They are so close to the railroads
and so far from the people
that the railroads pay less
than their share and the
farmers pay more than their share.
A vote for Shallenberger is a vote
to curb the arbitrary taxing power
of the State Board. A vote for
Sheldon is a vote to leave the law
as it now stands which means still
higher taxes for the farmer.
The record in the State Audi
tor's office show that the state tax
levied on railroads for 1908 is $37 ,
Toi.oS-Jess than last year , while
the state tax levied on other prop
erty for 190S is § 182,910.02 more
than last year and every dollar of
this increase is on farm land. A
vote for Sheldon means that your
taxes on farm land will continue to
go higher and higher , while a vote
for Shallenberger is a vote for a
more just system of taxation which
means lower taxes for the other
property owners.
The State Journal is trying aw
ful hard to get people to give that
daily a trial. Its offer now is to
send the paper from date until
January 1 , 1909 , for only 50 cents
without Sunday , or 75 cents with
Sunday. The publishers feel sure
that anyone who trie ? The State
Journal will stick. However ,
they have adopted an absolute rule
of stopping every subscriber when
his term is out. If there is any
thing that makes a roan mad it is
to subscribe for a city daily and
then have to fight with the pub
lishers to get it stopped or pay for
something he doesn't want. The
Journal's new plan will be popu
If Bryan is elected will prices
go to thunder and wheat and corn
sell like 30 centsVill ? hogs nnd
cattle sell at 2 cents ti .pound be-
caus6 Bryan is president ? If so ,
what will England do ? what will
the rest of the world do ? Does any
one think that the US. . controls
the markets of the world ? Doesn't
England , France and Germany
have something to say about the
markets of the world ? ' Some
people talk foolish.
A vote for Shallenberger is a
vote for SECURITY of your Bank
We sell farming implements as weil'as other
merchandise at reasonable price ? .
Call and try us.
Chartered as a State Banfc Chartered as a National Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1802 ,
Vale'ntine , l
( Successor to )
o ±
CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking
* " . Exchange and
, Collection Business.
G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Yice-President.
M. V. NICHOLSON. Cashier.
? tt3 > a g j
Tobaccos and Cigars.
Canned Goods Lunch Counter.
. .
94 M < > C M.vAvl v V 01 *
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
and Salt Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle. Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anythinor you have to sell.
Yalentine , Nebraska , h
has received a complete line of new , high grade II I I
er ( I
" T
which are being .offered at the lowest' prices possible
sible , the margin of profit being only reasonable
Prices are within the reach of all and plainly mark
ed on every article. One price to everybody.
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