„ -3.V * , - . * „ \ i r H J. M. HiCE Editor arid Proprietor. MAKK Z 1 Foreman. Entered at the postoilice at Vtflcnlfue , Cherry county , Neyr. . as Second , Class Matter. TERMS : , -i-irvT- * j $1-00 per year in advance : ei ry 50 when not pal ( in advance. 1 r- , . i -4.- ( Sl.50.per year in adv-aaeej paper dis- Foreign Subscriptions -Continued ( ai expiration if not renewed. A . . . . r A Ur c per inch each i ue ; by contract 122 f. Advertising Rates - , TransicnL afv ! 20c per inch ; locals lOca line. ' * ? Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents per inch , net. . v. Local notices , obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue 5 cents per line each insertion. THURSDAY , OCTOBER 15. 1008. Democratic National Ticket For President : : W. J. BRYAN of Nebraska.- Foi Vice President : J. W. KERN t of Indiana. STATE TICKET. c CovtMiior A. C. Shallenberger Lieutenant Governor E-O- Garrett Serretary of Mate Tolm Mattes , jr Auditor W. 13. Price Treasurer Clarence Mackey Supt. of J'ub. Ins N. C.Abbott Attorney general H. U. Fleharty Com. Pub. Lds. and Bldgs W. 1 * . EaMham lUilway commissioner Win. H. Cowgill congressman. Otli Dist.\Vin. JT. Westover state Senator. 11th dist George M. Adams Kepresenuuive. -Ji\tl dist J. F. Carr COUNTY TICKET County .Judge . James c. Quiglej , Commissioner IJist . N. S.'Ko loy SAVING fviOHEY FOB THE PEOPLE 18 THE GOUHTY JUDGE'S OFFICE THE DKIOCIAT is told that the friends of one of the' candidates for county judjre promise that their man will save money I'm" the people in probate estates. This claim is one never thought of be fore , how can the county jud < re save money for anyone in his ollice' The law says what his salary shall be , and fixes his fees in all cases and THE DEMOCRAT can't see how- he is going ; to save anyone money unless he donates his salary to the people. If he was < rein < : to do nates his services he would not be a candidate. If there was no sal ary in the office no one would be after it. The friends of James C. Quigley do not claim that he is TO- in to give his services , iio will do the work the law requires oJ him and will make the charge the law allows and this is jii > , t what the people want in the o'iiice. They are ready to pa.v for what they get but they want to be sure the work of the oiiice is well done and if they elect him , and we are sure they will , he will do the work right. He has the education and he will take a pride in doing the work and doing it right. Ho is out every day meeting the voters and getting acquainted . He has been in the county all his life. knows every foot of the country and knows the people and what they want and he will make a suc cessful county judge. COUXTY COMMISSIONER The people confer no favor on the man thev elect county com missioner. It is an ollice that calls for a man of first class ability but it does not carry with it first class pay. For this reason it is hard to get men to take this office. Nelson S. Rowley did not want to run for the office but his friends got after him and showed him that someone must take it and that he was so situatfdthat ho could look after it witjiolYt' neglefling his business.- , and ! hc finally accepted the nominalic.nels Rowley has lived in thi county so long and is so well known tint it seems un necessary to SM.V one word about him.Ve believe il is sufficient to let the people know thai he has accepted the nomination and has promised to serve in case ho is elected. It is the people's , fight not his. lie is not out making a campaign for the place and car.not be expected to do so. but he will appreciate any work done for'him by his friends. Everyone knows that he is a business man of good judgment and we need him in the county commissioners' officer I hereby announce myself as an | independent candidate for county j attorney of Cherry county , Xe- braslcM , to be voted on at the gen eral election Xoremi : o , 1908. sufb ' ' " lt - * & 'f. A. C Sflallenberger , THE XEXT GOVERNOR Or NiiUAS.vA -\frr-ftf invn s'n'trw % i rnooiv P iiuTECl YQda feUsEY ON UjiPuS ! ! , Are you in favor of A HSOLUTE safety for your money in banks Ars .A ou in fa\or of electing precinct assessors by direct vote of the people ? Are > ou in favor of a more just system of taxation between the corporations and other property owners ? If you are in favor of these good and jusl , measures , vote for A. C. SHALLENBERGER , who favors these good things , while Mr. Shel don stands f > Udged to oppose them. ' Last fall during the panic , the people recognized the importance of having absolute security for ( heir money on deposit in banks. The principle of securing bnnk deposits H so just and reasonable that tlu're is no argument against it except the zitjrurwnt of the big banker who th-it he will ss . op pose it with all his might because it makes all banks equally safe. INK BIG WANKKH DICTATED THE PLATFOKM LTOX WHICH MU. SUEJL- DOX STANDS The convention which made that platform defeated a guar-Mitee plank overwhelming ly. Mr. Sheldon stands njuarely on his platloim. Mr. bhcidrn a- ) o oppose the election of precinct avses-ors by the people and a more equitable rsem ! of taxation. A vote for Shek'on is a vote against a depo.sit guarantee law and against election of precinct as sessors by the people. A vote for ShnlleTibpnJT r ig ti vote for nb > a fo v < r"v ' < > i r money in the lv nkq nH fo > ' vonr - ' to yonr WHERE DO YOU STAND ? JOS-SN F. OARR John F.vCarr r > r Sprinjrvie.w \vas in the city Tuesday and Wed nesday meeting friends and look ing after , his campaign as Demo cratic caTididate'fnr representative of this district. Ex-Senator Muir came in last night and they to gether 'have one up the road to visit people in the \vcst , part of Cherry county. Mr. Carr is re- cci-vintj thelo.\al support of the best eiiMiient of Keya paha county and should jrei ilio support of tiiat element here regardless of party. It's men we want to cuuct laws for us and I\Iv. \ Carr with his years of experience as a farmer and stock raiser in this country is better cap able of looking after our interests than one who never held the han dles of a plow nor bared his breast or bent his form to honest tou ! the farm and the field. Mr. Can- has eaten his bread earned by the honest labor that yon of earlier da.ys experienced. Those hard ships which you endured when the crops were short and the winters lonjr'and severe in years one by were the same winters and similar experience6 of that veteran of wes tern Nebraska who now for the lirst thrift in his life seeks your vote for representative of this dis trict. Frank Carr as he is fafnii- iarly called down at Spring-view ha * ; lived in the west long enough to learn of our needs in the legis lature. He knows by experiences such as you and others have had , what to do at Lincoln when the legislature is called together. On the other hand his opponent Harry Duval , the republican candidate , has not lived in this district lonjr enough to know the needs of farm ers and stockmen , even if he had ever turn'ed his hand to toil on a farm or ranch. Besides being a young man with easy habits and live as you { > ! ease conduct Mr. Du val has not lived among us long enough to ? eek a pluce where he can make our laws. And such laws as he wonK ! favor may not suit any of us nor himself. He is already straddling the county op tion proportion claimingM/ in favor of county option in some places while : ignin it appears that he denies it to others who are op posed. Sh-ill we quoie from the Spiin vievr " Herald to show that he announced himself as in favor of county option there ? Those who are most opposed to county option here are claiming DuvaJ opposed to it. The situation is very plain that John F.Carr the pioneer of Spring- view who has lived a lifetime' among u > , who is one of us is the the best"man to elect for representa tive. You won't be ashamed thatyou voted for John Carr. You can feel proutf of it every day in the year. WHY E3ILl _ REIUT EASY 7 La. > t fall u iien all my work wa- . clone 1 thought I.d take some well /-arneil fun : .Tu i thought I'd spend about a week A visitm" 1113friend. . Bill Peek With whom I ustcr light an" play Bill lives clown Oklahoma way So down I w"ent. as tree from care As anybody anywhere. % How's tricks , ol'man : " says Bill t me. oh. bully. Bill. I'm up in G. " An' then I told htm of Micces - ' s That I had earned through storm and -tress. dome years were fat an" some were lank. Uat 1 got money in tlf bank : , An. " now I guess as how I will Quit w'orlcin" hard. " says l t' Hill. That night along "boat 8 o'clock I got a mighty udderi shock A inessage trom my wife that wild : Our bank is broke ! " An" home I sped. In les. than one short half a day I sj.w iny savin's fade away. T > ie bank was broke 'tween me an" you T date I ain't got nary sou. This .fall Bill came t' visit me An' found me workin' hard , b'gee. I3ut we went visitin'aroun' An" spent some leisure time in town. Says Bill t' meIn that there wreck It seems j-ou-got it iii th' Ueck. " Correct , " say > I. you state 1 fact' Right \\here chicken got th"ax. . " rl hat night Dill read his bank had close.l , An'I jus"nacheriy supposed He'd hike f'r home a leelin * blue. Jus' like I had an'so would'you. But Bill he Luighe 1 an' saidI guess That am"a goin" t" make di-.tre.ss. " Bat all your money. I Jill ? " I said. viuaranteeJ. " said Bill : -let's go t" bed. " - \V. ? .I. H. 1-IOR W , H , WESTOVER 'Democratic Candidate for Congress , Sixth District V. ' . \Vestover , candidate for congress in the 6th concessional district of Nebraska , was born in Delaware County , Iowa , Mhrch 10 , lb.jO. The family removed to a farm near Lincoln , Nebraska , in I860 , where he resided and'attended school at Lincoln , until 1ST7. when he commenced teaching a country school and reading law. AVas admit ted to practice in March 1879 , and was married on Christmas day of the. same year. Settled in Sheridan County , Nebraska , in ISbo , where he has resided np to the present time. Served two terms as county attorney of Sheridan county. At the general election in 1895 ' * * . . - * . ' * ' < I ' - - - N I "t T -4-e- . H. WJ3HTOVJER 'he was elected dibtrict judge of the Fifteenth judicial district , and has held that position continuously up to the present time. Last year at the general eleetion , was elected for the fourth consecutive term , over coming an adverse majority , and having anujority of ( J50. While on the ten ; h he i earned ths reputation of an able , honest and fiarless judge. His ruling * and deci ion , being universally fair , have given him the confi lence and esteem of members of the bar of his district to an unusinl degree. Judge Westo'ver is a member of the following fraternal and benevolentsocieties : Tvlasons , Elks , Knights of Pythias , / t Modern Woodman of America , and is also a member of the Methodist Episcopal. Church , was lay delegate to the general conference at Los Angeles. California , in May 190i. In strong contrast to his opponent , who has lived a bachelor all his days. Judge Westover has a family of nine children , six boys and threegirls. Fanners Institute , Valentine. Friday , Nov. 13 , 1908 , ! i AKTEKXOO : ; SESSION. i 1:00. : Soil Tillage Mr. 0. Hull , Alma , Nebr. ' 2:30. : Prevention of Winter Shrink in Cattle Prof. E. W. Hunt. :5JO. : : : Judging Demonstration With Beef Cattle. . . . * Mr. Hull. 1:30. : Suggestions to Cooks About Cooking. . . .Miss Gertrude Rowan r.VEXixr SKSSIOX. 7:15. : The Value of Studying Domestic Science Miss Rowan 7:15. : Alfalfa. Its Cultivation and Products Mr. Hull SGfi. : The Improvement of Live Stock on the Farm Prof. Hunt Thee meetings are held underline auspices of the University of Nebraska and the Valentine Farmers' /Institute Association and are free'to all. O. W. Uahn , Sec. Shi your Live Stock to & DONAHUE CO. , SO. OMAHA OR CHICAGO No shipment too large and none too small to receive the most careful attention. Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled by members of the firm. Each man's stock sold on their merits and a square deal guaranted to all. Write us for the market paper and our special market letters , which we send you free of charge. A\ios"SxYDKi : , Ho < r Salesman. MATT MALOKE ) _ Cattle GKO. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. Tiros. J. DONAHUE ) Salesman. PTff ia -EL- ROBERTSON & CO , PROPRS. X : ent's Furnishings nd Yes , \A'HO IS YOUR TAILOR ? This is a question which is asked of ev ery man who is seen with a neat and dressy suit on. We can easily answer this correctly and to perfect satisfaction. In over eight years in which we have been handling tailor-made clothes we have handled five or six different lines , but we find that the best and greatest satisfaction is given by the house which we now hand le , Ed. V. Price & Co. All clothes before leaving our shop is made to come up to the purchaser's satis faction and the.y are all put under a heavy guarantee. They are all of a neat , dressy and well-fitting appearance. Let us fit you out with your FALL and WINTER clothes ; such as a tailor-made , rain-proof cravanette , or overcoat , or suit , or , in fact , anvthing in the line of MEN'S FURNISHINGS. We havej'ust received a new line of the latest styles in bow-ties , four-in-hands and 5 CoI , price i Co flowing-end ties. We also have bargains j.i shirts , ties , untlerwear , sox , and hats. Call in and see if what we say is not true. Cleaning , Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. Phone 12-2. : : Valentine , sTebr. . . . V/i tt" * ! * * .M liT .t aMaAjarm fcTB * 7nrjaJiJiiro Ji att a Pri nt-rira > F/n iw agMMMMBaK apBMB aBB m For file Business Man Mental concentration and overwork means the loss of vitality. Digesto. with its food properties and-mild tonic qualities , make this Malt Extract a necessity to every business man. Digesro is Efficient and Palatable At all Drue Stores s , MALT IT R ACT 5if ; ; ; % ' . " --1'- : - . ' = ' " \V. \ T. Bishop has started a meat market in the buiklinjr formerly occupied by Baumman & Bachelor. s There will be a celebration of the Holy communion at 10 o'clock a. m. . Sunday , Oct. 18 , St. Luke's Day.vith an appropriate address at St. John's church. Evening Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Xebr ( J. K. Sawyer has charge of these cattle. II rses ( ier. leftside. same left thtgh. on Snake river. Nebraska Land ana Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards 'Pras V/ill G Comstock V P Cha3 C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following brands : lorses same Kange between Gordon on the F.E - .j" , i * . A. a > o iyannia on M-p n "Ortflweatern " v -bra3ka. BAHTIutTr Ellawjrth.H BICHABD8.