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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1908)
appeal to the "Well-Informed in cvorj walk of life and are essential to permanent success and creditable standing. Accor- ingly , it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy 01 known value , but one of many reasons why it is the best of personal and family laxatives is the fact that it cleanses , ay/ce.tens and relieves the internal organs oa which it acts without any debilitating after effects and without having to increase the quantity from time to time. It nets pleasantly and naturally and truly as a laxative , and its component parto nro known to " and approved by * 5 physicians , a ? it is free from all objection able substances. To get it , beneficial effects alwayn purchase the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. , only , and for sale by all leading drug- giata. n Alexandra at ( ended last nyring's mmiini mansion house. fete in London. and of that auspicious fact there is a Jale ro loll. One of ili ' diminutive flower mai dens was holli pretty anil plump , and wlicn ber majesty stopped for an in stant to smile down upon her. what did she < lo but put up her wee mouth for JL klts , wh ieh she received. "MoSiy gasped her astonished uioth- er. after tin * visitor had passed on. "How could you ? " Molly gave n iod reason. "I fought. " caul she. "it 'ud tiilcrr-stiii' to tell HIT .grandchildren. " Harper's Weekly. JDHAGS YOU DOWlf. ami Kidney Trouble SJ > w- lyVear Onr Oul. Mrs. R. Fay e lie St. . Manchcs- ter. Iowa , says : "For two years my lc was weak and rheumatic. I'.iins through my bi : 'k , hips and limbs. 1 could hardly get about and lost much sleep. The action of the kidneys \\s much disordered. I began using Doan's Kidney IMlls aul the result was remark.i- blc. The kidney ac- i tlou l e ; ime normal , the backache ceas- ; cd rind my health is now unusually , good. " Sold by : U1 dealers. HO cents a box. .Foster-MiIlmru Co. . Buffalo. N. Y. IJuflv-i of There are mure ducks in China than jn nil ( he ros , of the world. Children lifTd ducks on every on every % jmn i. farm. Ik ; and river. There is uo J > ; j' k y.-ird without its duck house. There is n. boat , little or jjro.U , with- oui Its duck quarters. AM over the. laud there are great vhiclc hatching establishments , many of Ji capacity to produce oO.OOO youii ? ducks > * . ver3 year. The 'hinese dui-k is extremely teu- Jer and deliratthe best tame duck f.or eaiing in the world. Duck among lh ; 1hut'K Is the stajlo delicacy. It . ! . ' ; AsKoil : i' . l smoked like ham or beef. trwl durks eggs are eaten as hens' csrcs ) r- iji Ameri'-a. New Orleans Times- A riinnca to Work It Off. PoIiiiflS Spellbinder You know I put ; n two or thw 'lays preparing a speech .f VVHK e\'p.-ied to deliv rgjit the conven- tlon. Well , there were so many fellowi ahejid of me 'ha ? they didn't get around to m .r ill. I'vo stiil got that speech lu njy syslein. Alvira. His Wife -You h.ive ? Then I wiIi "you wo'ilil go out to ! ii > * kitchen and 1 ii it ' ! i. k. I've tried to dis- ' . 'Tribu'j. * * * Hav r you boon away on any vacation 1 f-hin s'linmorV" ' j "No ; I expected to go. and sent my cmttv.rifs on ihoad. but something turned up dt * l" ' moment that prevented the 'trip. I or .ill the effect of a vacation , though. The suitcases came back last v/o < rk v/irfi $7.7. > storage and express i on 'h > ni " WANTED TO KNOW Triiilt A1 > uui firapc-Vuti I'4 ocl tt < Joesn't matter so much what you tienr about a thing , it's what you know Cl } t eouriLs. And correct knowledge fs most likely -to come from- personal experience. 'A-bout a year ago. " writes n X. Y. j inin. : "I was'bothered by indigestion. ! wpeoinlly during the forenoon. I tried j svveraf remedies without any perma- ! 3 < % ni ttnprovement. "My breakfiist usiially consisted of , steak or chops.- bread , coffee and somefruit. . "Hearing so much about Grape-Nuts. : I con < % Htd"d to give it a trial and find .out if , ill I had heard of it was true. t ' 'So I began with Grape-Nuts and i rratni. - soft boiled eggs , toast , a cup of Porttum and soiue fruit. P.cforo the end ' of the tirst week I was rid of the acid- tty of the stomach and felt much re lieved. "By the end of the second week a I ! traces of indigestion had disappeared and T was in first rate health once ( more Befor beginning this course of . diet. I Merer had any appetite for j 'lunch ' , hut now I can enjoy a heartv i /meal at noon time. " "There's a Rea-1 son" i Name givqn by Posfum Co. , Rattle -Creel : , Mien. Mead. "The Road to Well- - vllle. " in pkgs. j Ever read the above letter ? A new ' 0nu appears ( from time to time. They are genuine , true , and full of interest. COMMONER MR. Thi-i Is Too Much. On < ) ( ( . . ' ; Mr. Bryan's attention was rolled to the Omaha World-Herald's edi torial reproducing Hit' Omaha Bee's at tack upon 1-hf Republican jIatfonn. Ho said : "I am very much surprised lhat Mr. liosewaler.vlio is the editor of the lice , and also a member of the executive eom- mittoo of the national i Republican eoni- j mittee. and the head of the Republican bureau of publicity , should have attempt ed to misrepresent my jwsition. A good many unfair things have boon siid. : but nothin : ; more unfair than that said by Mi. Rosewalor. To accuse me of lining the language of the Republican platform is- /in outrage , lie ought Jo apologixc for this injustice , and explain to his readers That the language which he criticise' ; was tak-n from the .Republican platform and not from any speech of mine. "Mr. Ko e\\nter is right. however , in making fun of the language , lie is right ; in saying lhat 'nothing prettier in the ' catch-all line has been offered in this cam paign. ' lie is also right in saying that 'the most liide-bound standpatter in the , country can accept ihat as satisfactory I and the rankest free trader c-m Cud de light in it. ' lie is light again in saying that 'the declaration moans simply noth ing. ' And again ho is right in saying 'an attempt to legislate : : Iong ihat line would .simply open the wato interminable wrangling a < to what constitutes * a roa- , s-oiiahlo . ' for tins profit. hair-split on wage * i on one industry , price of raw materials I in another , rebate * and drawbacks in a , third and so on through the list of tliou- l sands of article- , that are now on the ; tariff lists. ' But 1 hard ! ; expected from him so frank a conu > ssiou as it. contained j in the last sentence of his editorial : 'L'n- . dor such a proposition , an attempt at tar- i publican party because it is governed bj the protected interests , and that they eon- tribute to the campaign fund. If they do I am glad to advise you that the campaign fund is not flattering and hint no cam paign has been carried on more econom ically rhaii this campaign. " You will notice that Mr. Taft does not deny that they accept contributions from the protected interests and he does" not deny my indictment , lie simply says that * ' ' the protected interests do govern , that the fund is not flattering this year. Hut what does Mr. Taft call a flattering fund ? He and the public might differ n < ? to how much it will lake to make a flattering fund. lie is not willing tha * the public shall know how much of a fund his party has. or from whom it is received. Why doesn't he tell you ? Is he afraid that yon will not vote the Republican ticket if you know where the campaign fund comes from ? If so. lie means that you will be sorry you voted the I'epublican ticket when you find out how much of a fund they have and where it comes from. Is this political honesty ? What do the rank and file of the Republican party think of the Republican leaders who con ceal the amount and sources of their cam paign fund , and refuse to allow their campaign methods to be known ? Th Hcpiiltliciiii Tni-ilt I'lunk. In its issue of Oct. 1' . the Omaha ( Neb. ) Bee. a Republican paper , printed this editorial : BRYAN'S TARIFF POLICY. The Denver platform plank on the tariff question is notable for its vagueness , but Mr. Bryan has come to the rescue and made it all plain. In one of his recent speeches on the tariff , lie taid : "In all tariff legislation the true prin ciple is best maintained by the imposition people , as a party asset. I did not know that I \as nsiDs language so much like that which had been employed before , but my attention has been called to an edi torial in the New York Tribune of Oct. 2T . 1SSIt criticises President Arthur for taking part in the campaign in b-half of the Republican ticket and says : " 'Why should he assist in the cam paign of any part- ? lie , is the President of the whole country , and not the man ager of elections in any part of it. ' 'This is so completely in harmony with my criticism that I am glad to endorse it , although it was not brought to my attention until to-d.iv. " ji'iisj * AVoril ? . from Mr. Rryin. Fairview. Lincoln. Neb. . Oct. U. Mr. Bryan stated to-day that advices received by him from the party workers indieaf" increasing Democratic sentiment through out the United States. "A candidate can only form opinions as to his chances. " he fsiid. "through re ports made to him by party workers. Ev ery report made to me indicates that not only is the trend among the voters to ward Democracy this year , but t'he ' senti ment for our candidates and our party is increasing. My advices are that not only will our candidates for President and Vice President have a largo majority of the popular vote , but we will also have the majority in the electoral college. " . Standard Oil .Jmi c. Senator Foraker , in his defense , fur nished Mr. Bryan with a weapon that the Democratic candidate might use with ter rible effect , unless the President and Mr. Taft are able to show the falsity of the Senator's .statement. More or less effort has been made to impress the country with t'he ' danger of permitting Mr. Bryan to nominate judges to the United States Supreme Court. The point was much em phasized by Gov. Hughes in his Youngs- Lown speech. Is Mr. Br.\au now to have undisputed use of the retort furipshod him by Senator Foraker. that Mr. Taft idvised the President to place upon the "odcral bench a well-known Standard Oil ittornoy of Ohio ? If so. Mr. Bryan can our. till e country saying that , \\hatovor remember that the way to defeat Canno is to elect a Democratic House. Sotr Republican candidates for Congress ai promising to vote against Cannon in tli Republican caucus , but such a promise i useless so far as the defeat of Canno is concerned. When a. Republican candidate for Cot gross promises to vote against Cannot ask him if he will vote against him i the contest in the House as well as in th contest in the Republican caucus. Tim I'rt'.xiilcut nn n Catupaii Dili linger. Associated Press dispatcihos of Oct. announced that Mr. Roosevelt had son for Chairman Hitchcock of the Republican can national committee , tdie understand ing being that Mr. Roosevelt was dis pleased with the progress of the Republi can campaign management and that h intended to take an active part in th work. The President of the United States a : a campaign manager would provide at edifying spectacle. ' Sineo "When ? Secretary Loeb announces for Mr Roosevelt that he will not reply to Mi- Bryan's latest letter. Mr. Loeb says thai Mr. Roosevelt feels that "inasmuch as Mr. Bryan's letter was simply an attach upon him personally , was no reason whj he should answer. " It will be difficult for the average read er to look at Mr. Bryan's letter iu that way. But it might be pertinent to ask since wlien did Mr. Roosevelt become so averse to personal controversy ? IUi' . Tuft in Lincoln. The following Associated Press dispatch explains itself : Lincoln , Neb. . Sept. 2 ! ) . William .L Bryan has asked the Democrats o Lin coln to remove lithographs of himself from store and residence windows during the \isit of William II. Taft to Lincoln Wednesday. The telegram follows : "C.W. . Bryan , Lincoln. Neb. : Please : isk the Democrats of Lincoln to take my fzr Ef3 ft ? 9 Ef3L * Serj L 3 i2 A * & . -fll f. R' OF , [ { STRONG BOX V\ \ OF TRUSTS AND / / / TOR f COMBINATIONS IN / / / TRUST FIME5 \ \ THE US. , 287 -iliiii TOTAL - - fe'r " liTWi CAPITALIZATION , I , / illl-ll ! /i fc-- ; ; : ! f "If/ftr' "Ifftr'M 7/ftty * > ' - / M I \ \ / I . / 7 Fl f i p . * * - vV iff revision ( ho sny.s 'at Ilryan's direc tion' but would ir not be 'I rue if done at Ta/t's direction ? ) would seno to halt industrial and commercial mid keep busiiu'N > unsettled durinu : his { erm of oflice. " ' 'This is a rich find. It shows how ab surd the Republican platform looks tea a Republican \\-heu the Republican has a chance to look a * it in < - \ disinterested way.Vlien .Mr. Rovaicr tliouulit that the language ( pioled w.i - taken from a speech of mine , he could M'o how ridicu- t < tiis the lanuuageas. . I hope that his opinion of ill" himruutroill not chanae v h-n he finds that he was -hooting at hi- ov. n form instead of nt me. The jnmising bl'inder of the Omaha l > ee sug- gi'Ms a new diversion for the campa itin. Let ilie HemocraK accuse me of using various sections from the Republican plat form and from Mr. Taft's speeches and see how i he Republican editors \vill ridi- iile the language. " : is an extract from Mr. Kry- au's speech at Oskaloo a. Iowa : Mr. Taft * a\s : "Mr. P r.ansas . ihat we maj not expect anything from the l\c- ( . 'hitin IV > t So Moiv. The Chinese Uoard of KdtM-ation has recently issued ten regulations govern ing educational matters throughout tlie iMiipire. Here are some of them : "Kvery capital city must have at least 100 primary schools and a miui- iniuji of . " . ( > 00 students. All prefectures > uid distrids must have at least -IU heels and a minimum of 1M' ' < H ) slu- Jeuls. "Kvery child at the ane of seven rears shall be compelled to attend school. "Any official succeeding in persuading ; eutry to found schools > lmll he re- yarded. "The parents of any child of seven ears of ace or over shall he held re sponsible for the attendance at school sf such child , and will be punished in he event of its failure to attend. "All prefects find magitrales who fail o obtain I he stipulated number of ichools and students iu their respective lisfricts will be punished. " Who shall say nfter this that China ags behind in the race ? * or "What class of patrons gives the. big- rest tips ? " asked one of them , who was urious. "Why , tipsy ones. ' ' replied the waiter , vho hnd been n professional punster lefore he took up more lucrative em- iloyment. Kausa = City Times. of such duties as. will equal the difference between the cost of production at home and abroad , together with reasonable profit to American industries. ' ' Nothing prettier in the catch-all line ha boon offered in this campaign. The most hide-hound standpatter in the coun try can accept that as satisfactory and the rankest free trader < .ui lind delight in it. The dednr.ition means simply noih- iuir. An attempt to legislate alontr lhat line uould simply open the way to int < M'- minabloninglins as to what < onstitutos "a reasonable profit" for hair-splitting on wages on one industry , price of raw ma terials in another , rebates , ind drawbacks in a third and so on through the list of thousands of articles thai are now on the tariff lists. Under such a proposition an attempt at tariff revision at Bryan's direction M'ould serve only lo holt indus trial and commercial prosre : < . : and keep business unsettled during his term of office. ii I'oli < ! . On Oct. . " . Mr. Hi-van save out the following statement : "When I criticised the 1 'resident for usina an oflice. which belonged to all the SOME THINGS TO THINK ABOUT. Over lO.nitO windmills arc at work in Holland. Half of the world's coffee supply comes from I'.ra/.il. , One sudden death occurs among worn en to eight among men. The sand in the Sahara only aver ages thirty feet in depth. Electricity was first used as a motive fon-e about fweufy-five years ago. Leipsie ruiversity will celebrate its live hundredth anniversary in I90J ) . Lamp accidents are the cause of no fewer than r 00 tires annually in Lon don. \ In some parts of Germany glass tel ephone poles , reinforced bj' wire , are in ue. Only ( iO.MO ) fullbloodcd red'Indians are to be found to-day in the United States. About 11.000.000 bunches of bansums are now annually exported from Ja maica. Wild coats have so multiplied 'in Hawaii that they are IKMIIJT destroyed as pests. The average number of deaths through railway accidents in Holland is one .1 year. Including Ilayti , San Domingo , Fan- amsi and Liberia , there are now twen ty-four republics in the world. his judicial appointees may be. they will not be Standard Oil attorneys. liold ( Mass , i Republican. The Omaha World-Hero Id. in its issue of Oct. . ' > . st'.ums ( h - bad blunder made by its Republican contemporary. The paragraph which the I5ee attributes to .Mr. Ilryan was merely quoted by Mr. I'.ryan from the Republican platform. The Republican plank in as follows : "In all tariff legislation the true prin ciple of protection is best maintained by the imposition of such duties as will equal the difference between the cost of produc tion at home and , together with : i reasonable profit to American industries. " Rcferrina" to the Moo's blunder , the World-Herald sr.ys : "Now that it devel ops fhiit ( he blow is aimed , not at the Democratic position , but at the Republi can position , is its force any the Iess-V Does it not. in fact , become the more potent and convmeinirV" low ! ( d DrtVat ( ' 1111110:1. Republicans who are anxious that Mr. Cannon be defeated for Speaker should \ ! A 111 ( Tirana Mc'Jinti fill ' Care Dr-lvaille. the lamous French painter , says of American women : "I have never been in America. but many times I have had'o'-casion to rs-p- tomphUe American beaulics , and they have made a profound impression < > u rue. Only the women of Italy can bc- lompared with American wont-n. Americans arc Ama/oiis. The Haiinu beauty is more soft. They are human beauties , while the Americans arc only beauties. " WilleMe. whos-c sketches arc the rage 3ii ( he French capital , is less compli mentary. He says : "Americans are ridiculous and insujp portable , with their independent airs dominating even the male with thei.- pnysicnl force * . THUS they lose cb.j-m One never sees n really beautiful wom an , or dreams of her. us ono dreams of happiness. There IP only one type of feminine beauty that created by Gr-ek arrisf ? . Women of all countries should seek lo approach this ideal. " Mr Tart. "Do you first try your jokes on your wife ? " we asked the professional hu morist. - "Always. " "And if she laughs at them you ksow they are all right ? " "No. when she laughs at them I know they are all wrong. " Houston Tost. picture down while Mr. Taft is in town. Have them show him every iwssible cour tesy. W. .f. BRYAN. " jo a After road in : r the ' 'Dear Han-Jinan" correspondence you will understand why Messrs. Taft and Roosevelt wo mo-in Roosevelt and Taft favor publicity "af ter election. " if at all. In the meanwhile fair minded men will understand that Air. Bryan has under taken no "defense of Ilaskoll. " Mr. Bry an iias simply demanded justice from the boasted champion of rhe "square deal. " The same "square deal' ' champion , mind you , that refused to do justice to th. ! d.\inr old soldier. .lames K. Tyner. A man was found fro/en to dcaljh J > os Moines last week. This , fcowovor. is not the first intimation we have -had to The effect that the Republican ca in Iowa is a frost. In the meanwhile Cncle Henrr Watter- son is proudly flaunting a rindrcation ate to that alleged Cleveland letter. BITS OF SCIENCE. A four-foot coal seam yields tons per acre. There are over r..00o jrarts t a mod ern locomotive. The average number of hairs on a human head is 120.000. Vinegar will successfully clean a dirty. powder-cuk d.gnn barrel. American turbine engines will be used on two of Japan's new battleships. To maRe carbon ink dissolve genuine India ink in common black writing fluid. The human eye can discern an object as small as \-2 t of an inch in diam eter. eter.A A white tiger , the first ever known , recently was killed by some hunters in A < snn. A pound of cork is shfliciently buoy ant to support an average sized man in water. A Paris school teaches parrots to speak English. German , French and Italian. A wiur from the Madagascar nifie palm "is proving a good substitute for hecswax. Six locomotives using lignite for fuel have been placed in service in the Phil ippines. Hot water will remove grease and dirt from an engine better than wiping it witU waste. Tlip DtanMtrfHiN Drouth. This year will be memorable for one o the most extensive and damaging droughts the North American continent has ever experienced. How great a loss it has in flicted upon all sections of this country nnd a large area of Canada is impossible to say , but it is of enormous proportions. Forest fires due to drought are said to be the most destructive in twenty-five years. They have ra\iged the southern part of Canada , New York , Maine , Wis consin. Michigan. Minnesota , and as far .south as Pennsylvania. The losa from this source is probably not less than $100.000,000.Scarcity of timber makes the seriousness of tihis loss hard to over estimate. It will undoubtedly cause an advance in the price of lumber and may check building operations all over the country. The drought has left Lake Champlain eight feet below high-water mark and the Ohio river is fordable where the water is usually thirty feet deep. A number of cities are threatened with lack of water for fire protection and mills and factories i using water power have been compelled to shut down. The government has sent exports to study the causes o forest fires with a view to prevention. Catching flood wat ers in reservoirs for use when needed is now done to some extent. The present disastrous experience with widespread drought justifies careful consideration of all suggestions for safeguards against a repetition of this year's devastation. Chicago Journal. The Corn Crop. TJie yield of corn this year will prob ably be somewhat larger than that of last year. The drought following the month or two of heavy rains in the corn belt cut deeply into the promised harvest , the reduction in the prospective yield in the mouth of August being 1 ± 2,000,000 bush els. Illinois , which produces more corn than any other State , was the greatest sufferer , the depreciation being 7.2 points. In Indiana the falling off was G.G points. Hnd in Kansas G.2. Ohio , where climatic conditions were fairly close to being per fect for grain raising , showed only a slight loss in the conditions. Missouri , Texas. Oklahoma and Iowa also reported a. small dropping off in prospects in the month of August. Nebraska is said to have actually made trains. The corn crop of 1H07 was 2r fl2. : 0.- Ti bushels with an acreage of 9SOW,000. 'IV area under this grain this year is estimated at lOO/MXI.OOO acre * . The con ditions on the first of September were 7 : > .S as compared with S0. ( * on the same date in 1007. Considering all these fig ures the yield will be more than three billion ousiieN. The frosts are still to n reckoned Tvith before the final figures 7:9 written. Toledo Blade. 'rise < One of the new methods of stimulating i popular interest in the presidentia" cam paign is the distribution of phonograph records of specohes by the leading candi dates. Hundreds of thousands of voters may thus hear the voice of the party nom inees , even though they may see only a picture of the men them-'clves. At the same time , the number of sal aried campaign speakers is much smaller | than in former years. Those who talk are expected to give their time to ihdr partj- because of their belief in its prin ciples. Political campaigns are quieter and more business like than they used to be. The speeches of the candidates are re ported in the pro < : , and the voter thinks iho questions out at home. The political rally docs not attract a generation of newspaper readers as it arousetl their fathers in the old days when talk was cheaper than print. Yat the voice of a man of conviction , the living words of a great leader , will al ways be .1 power. There is magic in the personal contact of the politician with the voter , and political speeches can never go wholly out of fashion. Even the phonographic graphic reproductions , interesting and val uable as they are , will not quite take the ulaee of the real thing. But people ar Betting too intelligent to have their con victions swayed by "spellbinders. " who receive fifty dollars a night for their ef- foits to save the nation from disgrace. If a lively campaign is known by tlio amount of shouting and eloquence , per haps we shall never Iiavc another one. The vita'ity ' of a political contest depends oa i he interest the people take in it. and rhelr H'terest may be intense although they ? it at ii-ime and say not a word until the time ome . - Youth * * Companion. FACTS POR FARMERS. Government regulation of the meat in dustries ' will be hailed as dear to the pak - rs * h arl at the coming meeting of the American Meat Packers' Association , which is to be held at the Grand Pacific ! hotel in Chicago. Fullest co-operation be tween pa'yt'-rs and government in order to hold u ; Uic sradf of nvar will be ur"cd end Ihe IVderal inspection . .rt will" bo rr.llod n huon to packer as well .TS public : i fiio papers thai are to be read. If the reroiniiifiHlniinn * adopted at the tvi.'plf'th a.innal mooring ofJie interstate ? j. > ocii > tion of live stock boardsat its onclntling session in Washington , are approved by Secretary of Agriculture Wilson , the fodo ii quaranrine regula tion.- for preventing the spread elf the T xa ; ; or "ticJc" fever in cattle in cortiin Southern States will be raised next j-ear. ' 'attle in. < ertain areas in fhr > States un der qn-irantine are said ro be entirely free from the Texas fov r. John I'.arke. a pi-oxporou.s fanner Kr- inc near Hrudei-son. Minn. , has th * cham pion cow of his section. This bovine gave birth to throe calve- , . They are all heifers and irive promise of doing well. An unknown ; uridiary s--t fire to and burned four settings of grain belonging to .1. M. Buckley , am ! those belonging to P. Kieff of Morris. Minn. Aboiit a week ago some party set fire to Kdniond Barry's granary in the same u-ighbor- hopd , ami although. th building T\a > - de stroyed , some of TSS cram'wassaved. . There was no inrjrxncs in any of the cases.