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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1908)
rn ALENr VOLUME XXIII VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. THUESDAT , OCTOBER 15 , 1908. NUMBER 40 O We carry NEEDLES , SHUTTLE for every Sewing Machine made ere. o. Try A. John & Co. FIRST We have the finest Jine of Men's Hats , all styles and colors , in the city. Prices from $1.00 to $3.50. PHONE 97 , GRANT BOYER IT- , CARPENTER BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHOXB 72 Nebraska References : My Many Customers. g Eurek aloon a ROBERT McGEER , Propr. | JEjne Wines , Liquors and Cigars | & Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : | Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , - ' and 27 > yeatvold jw andjas. E , Pepper , O , FC. Taylor , - These whiskies were purchased in hond and came direct from the U. S. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. tt Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported fc Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout- Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , 1 Valentine Nebraska A Read the Advertisements WHAT I STAND FOR Believing that the voters of th ( sixt i Congressional District have a . ight to know where iheir candi date stands on the issues involvec in the election , and believing thai candidates before election should state publicly and unequivocally what they are in favor of , anc what they will undertake to do ii elected , I hereby pledge myself as follows : 1. 1 will support any and all measures which will bring about the election of United States sena tors by direct vote of the people. 2. I will support a law making it compulsory upon all political parties to publish a full and com plete statement of campaign con tributions before election. 3. I will favor a law providing that in all cases of indirect con tempt of court , the party so ac cused shall be tried by a jury , the same as any other person accused of crime. 4. I will favor a reduction oi the present tariff to an extent that foreign competition will com pel American manufacturers to sell their products to American consumers as cheaply as they sell them to consumers in any foreign country ; and that all agricultural machinery , fencing , building ma terials , and all household utensils be placed on the free list. 5. I will favor an amendment to the so called railroad rate bill , now in force , which will provide that pending an appeal to the fed eral courts , the order of the inter state commerce commission , whether making a new rate , or which is made for th ( purpose of preventing an existing discrimina tion , shall be and remain in force pending the appeal in the federal courts. G. I shall favor an amendment to the federal constitution provid ing for an inheritance and income tax. 7. I shall favor an amendment to the present homestead law ! now in force and this dis trict , which will give the home steader the same rights of com mutation , and making final proof , as are enjoyed in other localitities by homesteaders under the gener al homestead laws of the country. 8. I shall favor a law under which deposits in all national banks will be guaranteed , as proposed in the Denver platform. 9 I shall devote all of my time , energy , and what ability I possess , to attending to the business of the people of this district , and to guard ing their rights individually and collectively. 10 I shall favor an amendment to the rules of of repre sentatives , which will deprive peaker Cannon , or any other speaker of the house , of the power to throttle legislation which is de manded by the people. If the above and foregoing propo sitions meet with your approval , I respectfully and earnestly solicit vour support at the coming gen eral election. W. H. WESTOVER. From the Center of Things We had enthusiastic meetings everywhere , " said one of the. cor respondents. "There is no Bryan press in seeing that the Bryan tide is rising all over the country and especially in the east and middle1 west. Three weeks ago New Jer sey was in the doubtful column ; today it is for Bryan , Any talk of Tammany being disloyal to the head of the ticket this year is heerest nonsense. New York City that is Greater New York will give Bryan a majority in ex cess of 125QUO. " This c > rrespondent is connected with a New York newspaper and is thoroughly acquainted with the situation. / Mr. Bryan himself is sanguine of success. When asked what he thought of the prospects he replied : kklt is a subject that a candidate cannot ver.v we.lldicuss for he can get information through reports that come to him from time to time. Heports which I have received are not only encouraging but their tone grows more and n ore encour aging. In every state in the un ion , the trend is against the repub lican party. In some places , it is more pronounced than in others , but it is sufficient to lead us to be lieve that our party will not only vave a considerable popular ma- 3ority but a majority in the elcctor- f Now is the time to get your winter quilts , See our elegant display of them , in our window Quilts at 51,75 , $2,00 , $2,50 , $3,00 , $3,25 ; $3,5.0 and $8 Don't forget to take a look at our 98c leader Watch our window , al college/ ' Representative liainy of Illinois was a visitor atFairveiw la.-t week lie said : "I have personally visited more than 700 precints in Illinois this fall , bent on a non-partisan mission , the promotion of inland waterways. While out I took pains to get a line on the local question. The result of my observation is conviction that Bryan will carry Illinois by from 25.000 to 35 000 , and that Stevenson will 75,000. Illinois is no longer in the doubtful column. " On December 6 , 1S95. the Gree- le.y County Bank at Scotia , Nebr. , failed , owing depositors about § 9.- OQP. George W. Scott was cashier and manager of this bank. The receiver paid the depo-itor 35 per cent of their deposits , but there is still Go per cent unpaid. The republican platform con vention at Lincoln last month ap pointed a committee on resolutions. This committee refused to report a plank favoring the guarantee of deposits. A member of the com mittee presented a minority report favoring "some kind of a guaran tee , " but the convention voted it down with a whoop. Among the delegates present and vociferously voting "no" on the bank guarantee proposition was George W. Scott. Yes the same George W. Scott who was cashier of the Greeley County Bank at Scotia the bank that failed thirteen years ago and still owes depositors 65 per cent of their deposits. Governor Cummins of Iowa per formed the oratorical stunt in Lincoln for the Taft meeting. The Governor Cummins who is sup porting Sherman , the standpatter , and by inference supporting Can non , the chief of standpatter is the same Governor Cummins who poses as a progressive in Iowa. WiLL , M. MALTIX. ( Lyons Mirror. ) Harriman contributes § 30. to the republican campaign fund and the suits against him are drop ped "till after election. "How do good , honest Christian people like this ? No wonder thousands of liberal minded republicans are de serting Taft and supporting Bryan. The Commercial National Bank and the Mount Washington Sav ings and Trust Bank of Pittsburg , Pa. . Irive gone republican and closed their doors , thus defrauding hundreds of depositors of their money. Under Bryan's guaran tee idea every depositor would have been paid in full. Taft is against this law to protect deposi tors. Isn't it time the' voters are getting their eyes open ? Lost Dog. - A small Fox Terrier weight , 10 Ibs. , short tail , white with Mack spots , lemon spots over eyes , lem on on jaws false toe on fore leg torn off and sore. A reward will be paid if returned to Major Shockleyv Fort Niobrara , Nebr. 40 We sell farming implements as well as other merchandise at reasonable prices. Call and try us. NEBRASKA. ROOKSTON , MAX E VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. Charterrad aa a Stute Bank Chartered aa p I-jAXional JSayik Jun * 1 , 1884. August lii , 1903v- " " " The JT- Valenune , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN A Geueral 13ankmg Exchange and 25QQQ. > , . . Collection Business. G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M" . V. Nrr3nT , nM. ( Cashier. RY Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods ? CZ Lunch Counter. Phone S2 2iS S * 5 : : srdi . iJ W Stetter & Tobien , Props. + f'F1i ! | ; WWlPfPffi DEALERS IX s fr A'y ' i \3J ; L. v ' r . All Kinds of Fresh | ft and Salt Meats. . . . ' 'S ' p Will buy your Cuttle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell. g Valentine , Nebraska , has received a complete line of new , high grade Fall Winter Goods , 1 if which are being offered at the lowest prices pos 8t 8 sible , the margin of profit being only reasonable t I Prices are within the reach of all and plainly mark j ed on every article. One price to everybody. * 252 3i2c3ES232SSIXSaSSLE ;