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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1908)
EDISON RECO For October 1 Are Now in We also have the new AMBEROL RECORDS This record plays about 1 four minutes and sells at 50c. The list con tains fifty numbers , v amongt hem some of the most beautiful ones ev er made. We will be pleased to play them for you at any time. VALENTINE. NEC A Safe , Simple System Tlie system qf paying by check was" devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out § 10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. g VALENTINE IBARBER SHOP All kindof. . SHAMPOOS. MASSAGES. AND LADIES "v HAIR DRESSING Shampooing a > pecialty. HOT and COLD BATHS in connection Forest Shepard , Prop. V.ilontine State Bank Building The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. Brownlee.Nebr. Soldier Creet ( 'ol- umous l tli 100050. : i son < > f Columbus irth. a lialf brother oftUe-SlO.OOOCiain- pion Ortle , a ti d .Prince lioabrld lyi- 603 nt head oL herd I now have about 30 head of 1907 bull calves for sale. C. H. FAULHAUKU. H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. J. W. COURT ? SURVEYOR Valentine All work will he given prompt and careful attention. W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. JOHN F. PORATH ] Sur < * c , Kebr. * Tubular wells and windmills , me up by Telephone. Talk of the Town. Try Kazda's barber shop. tf Robt. Emery was in town yes terday from the reservation. i Chas. Brown has accepted a position at Davenport's store. I Chas. Pollard came down from Chadron Monday to register , i Miss Maggie Boltz returned to her home at Xenzel last Saturday. Davenport & Co. make a change in their advertisement this week. County Assessor Young of Sim eon was in from the ranch yester day. day.I. I. M. Rice made a business trip to Cody last Friday , returning Saturday on the local. - Julius Rauer was down from Cody yesterday , transacting busi ness and visiting friends. Mrs. Quigley went down to Lincoln Tuesday as a delegate to the D , of H. Grand lodge. Miss Lillian Holsclaw returned to Neligh Monday where she has a position in a restaurant. Martin Haley has 'returned to Valentine after some months vis iting in the eastern part of the state. Mrs. Jos. Spirk and Miss Spirk returned to Neligh Sunday after several days visit with sisters and friends in Valentine. Rasmus Andersen gave up the hotel at Rosebud the first of the month. He has purchased the Jack Dambly house in the west part of town. Mrs. Williamson has returned from an extended visit in Mich , and other eastern states. With her daughter Marjorie and Mrs. Towne last Friday they visited friends at Crookston. The two extra passenger trains , No's 1 and 2 , were put.on last Sunday for the accommodation of the Tripp county registration rush. A petition is beinsr circulated up and down the road requesting the C. & X. W. to keep them on per manently. L. H. Baumann and Miss Ethel Geyer were united in marriage Monday evening and went to the King of the Cattle Range show in the opera house after which a social dance was given. The little boys had their time Tuesday night at the charivari. THE DEMOCRAT wishes to say that the bride is the beautiful and accomplished daugh ter of J. F. Geyer down the river and Mr. Baumann has been in business in Valentine for several months , is a man of good moral Habits and has made many friends. Both are young and Imve most of their lives before them. . , W. . PI. Garter came down from , CodyMonday and Tuesday started IQ Kansas City to see a specialist , lie.has been in failing health for jsbme ii-ine and hopes to find some . 'relief.for stomach trouble. Mrs. Barter's sister accompanies him Vnd. also , expects to take medical 'treatment. We hope. th y.yill IJiclYeJief. Mr. Carter has just cVmpfeted a fine home with" Tipt wate'r'heat , hot and cold water.Ijw.o "lavatories , bath tub and closet. There are five rooms on the first 'floor Tbeside a hall and stairway "and four fine rooms and hall way ! tfp'stairs. . The basement is the "full size of the building and is Cicely walled up and plastered in-the main part and with cement floor making it as neat and clean asa parlor. With such a com fortable home one could wish to live for a century to enjoy -ifc. Grant-Boyer was the. builder. " " ' ' " ' ' ' We 'forgot to mention last wec.k the caronation of the carnival queen on Friday during carnival week. Miss Helene Viertel hav ing the most votes was declared queen of the carnival and on Fri day at 11 o'clock a. m , the queen , Miss Helene Viertel , gorgeously arrayed in a gown of velvet , royal purple and gold mounted the grand stand attended by four young lad ies , Misses Leo West , Gertrude Shelbourn , Edith Adamson and a sjster Miss Viola Viertel and three footmen , Kir win Chapman , How'- ard Elliott and Elmo Olson. Col. A. L. Towle was master of ceremonies and delivered the coro- faation speech , placing the crown atid presenting the golden watch and chain to the carnival queen. Miss 'Viertel was driven to the grand stand in a chariot or car riage drawn by four horses driven by Uncle Billy Ward , the old stage driver , and who once dressed up ! tnd - . presented Uncle Sam on a Fourth of'July celebration. Sev eral horsemen were in attendance , riding before and after the queen's carriage. Wm. Richie was down from Kilgore yesterday. Leroy Caylor returned to his home in Hubbard Iowa , Tuesday morning. It has been reported that George Elliott , jr. , has a severe attack of typhoid fever. Andy Luke left on the morning passenger Tuesday , enroute for his home in Hampton Iowa. Supt. L. K. Travis of St. Mary's Mission spent a day or two in Val entine this week on business. Wm. Erickson brought in a bunch of cattle last week which he intended to ship , but sold to Mr. i Claybaugh in town. W. H. Marshall of Glen wood Iowa , arrived in the city this morn- ingx for a visit with his mother Mrs. Addie Holsclaw. Your attention is called to the change in the LucI wig Lumber Go's advertisement this n-ook ; Also to the change in the Fair's John Secllacek's 10 year old son exploded a shot gun shell in his hand Wednesday of last week and tore up one of his fingers so bad that the doctor had to amputate it. I hereby announce myself as an independent candidate for county attorney of Cherry county , Ne braska , to be voted on at the gen eral election November 3,1908. ROHKRT G. EASLEY. We noticed Sol Pitcher of Rush- ville on our streets Wednesday. He was in company with S. F. Gil man who is also here this week and they had been down to the lake where they caught a nice mess of fish. F. O. Floberg , Chas. H. Heller and Bruce DeWyke of Randolph , Kan. , arrived in our city last , eve ning to visit ye editor for a week * or so and register for Tripp Co. land. The two former are. old school mates and friends and the latter is our nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Oak Creek drove down Sunday to meet a brother to Mr. Miller and Dr. Fuller both of Pennsylvaina who arrived Tuesday morning and af ter registering went up home with Mr. Miller to visit for a couple of weeks hunting and fishing. Wm. Shelbourn's 13 year old son had his arm dislocated one day during the carnival. Some boys with whom he was mingling threw him down but the boy didn't know who they were. Doctor Lewis straightened it up for him and he is getting along nicely. Valentine has not been over crowded this week as a registration point. There were 300 Monday and less than half that number Tuesday. Wednesday a few more were in town but those registering 'did not swell the number to more than 650 to date. Valentine could 'have accommodated a thousand-a day and more. An effort is being made by'Val entine citizens to get the county 'Commissioners who are in session to get the roads leading to Valen tine improved. They are in bad condition and need lots of work of a permanent character. The four hills on the different roads out of town are so sandy that a team can scarcely pull an empty wagon up them. Messers. A. M. Anderson , E. I. Ellis , C. E. Hopewell , J. S. Crue , W. J. Isgng , Fred Michael and Dr. W. J. Mann , composed a party of Tekamah gentlemen who canu here Monday to register for Tripp county land and enjoy a hunt at the lakes south of here. They re mained in Valentine until evening when they departed for Woodlake where they secured transportation to the hunting field. These men were pleased with the appearance of Valentine and made especial comment on the court house and school house. The two buildings are a credit to the city and county. Ye editor went up to Cody last Friday after waiting all day for ft > 81" and arrived in Cody after supper time. The following day we waited until after supper to start back on ' " 82" , arriving in Valentine at 9:45 : p. m. These local freights are the only trains to depend upon for day time trips and people are very much incon venienced by their frequent delays which cause loss of time and mon ey. We need day time passenger trains somewhere between trains , No's 0 and 5 to < accommodate lo cal traffic between Longpine and Chadron. We need more and bet ter service on this line of railroad and the people are circulating pe titions in the towns between Long Pine and Chadron for an extra passenger train each way. We wish to call your attention to the following seasonable goods , which we have in stock and are anxious to sell you : Velie Samson Windmills f Success and International Manure Spreaders and all other goods found with up = to = date implement dealers a FULL LINE OF BUILDING MATERIAL Old Crow , All Leading - , kfii- Hermitage Brands . , , , J' .in * f S J > * > > ' - Ussffel. * 2 rf &u and Bottled Guchen- Under , the 1 lieimer * * T 3L8 L j . ' --ir-Kw.i ? s'il l i 1P MilW Supervision Eye of the vVhiskeys. U. B. ( jrov. AYe also handle tlie Budweiser Beer. 3 n S W W E 'C" " > v TT tk S i § - < 3 I H L * Mf Ar f 1 - # 1 I i-/sv , k 1 U/F Britt Items. We bad a nice shower Monday. A. E. Benson was visiting in the neighborhood Friday. The Indian fire gangs are burning guards on the reservation this week. Win. Iron Shell informs us that he'll soon build a home on his land north of here. John Sedlacek is in the neighbor hood a-gain with his thresher , lie came over from Wni. Heed's near Crookstou last Saturday. Pat Mcllhon and Mh Kennealy went to Rosebud with coal Friday. Pat has baen on the road with freight most of the time since. Misses Agnes and Alvena , en me out to visit their uncle , John By- schon , after a visit of about two weeks in Valentine- . They will go to their home in Oklahoma City next Monday. i i Harold Kalblinger came up < oi Britt on a visit Sunday. His fjtfh- ' er , who had his collar bone broken ' in a runaway Sept. 4th , is getting I along nicely , all hough he cannot do heavy work for another month. ' Misses JRyschon and Hammond1 nnd Thaddeus Jelly nnd Frank Randall came out from Valentine to join the hunting party here Satur day. Some members of the party said they left a lot of chickens for I some hunters to shoot. Didn't get' ' to see any themselves that they ' could kill ! j WIXKY. Among tlie b. ging i ttoir- recently J received at lhe ollk'e of a benevolent | society vas one ivnning thus : j "This unfortunate yon-n ; : p.vui i : ; the \ only son of : i wklovvho die ; ] child- UTP. ami his oi-i- . : - ; pjaiilii his a god father ; uitl J-il'put Iii-tolhcrr > .oso sole support he is. " * The secretary of tinroviuty v.-rote 011 the margin of the epistle ( ho folloving note : "The circumstance.- tlie care : : iv evidently oxaggoral l. " London Tati i ler. _ Jhc Combincticn. Fellaire ( fonnerly Kusty Rr.fusj- j Well , v.-hat do yon \vaV : TuiTuId Knuit Yen v/U2 hind 'uonghvusJ. : . ! mister , to give ino a dollar an' a kick. ' Ef Ilia two go together , ? -r. I'm ready , fur 'cm again. Chicago Tribune. he Beer Tiic.i Refreshes and Cheers DAINTY "dutch lunch and a glass of good bear mi will add greatly to ihc cheer aid health cf your guests after the card party or the evening's enter tainment. You will girc them "the best In the west" if you serve STORZ , & a" TRIUMPH BEER * rx II' It is the crowning feature cf lJa < 5 .f . any such function. /s BREWED * NO BOTTLED BY Brewing Gor\ OMAHA-WES- R. MfnEK DtM'er ' \ .nt-nt ne j ' _ - s = = = :3K:2 : = = = JSii = & _ - Dr. Meeham , osteopath has , moved into his ne\v oliicc roi/ins over the lied Front store. Tele phone Xo. 155. 10 Wm. A. Bucher of Des Moines , Iowa , called at our office today and informs us that he hu.- , located near Bro\vnlee anrl his household goods are at Woodlake. He ex- rpecrs to move them out to hisne\v 'home as soon as possible. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , PerCwt. Per Ton. P ran , sacked.7. . .81 15 ? 22 00 Shorts , sacked 1 25 24 00 Corn , sacked 1 50 29 00 Oats , sacked 1 GO 31 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 55 .SO 00 Chop Feed , sacked 1 60 01 00 j lrj-H-- * * Prices are what I we are talking Now Our stock is complete. | I BiSHQP YOUNG , 0U J. R. Taylor a gr : tiate of Chicago cage veterinary Cell ge will be at Bishop's barn every Saturday. 328