Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 01, 1908, Image 5

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    tL'i N
For October
1 Are Now in
We also have the new
This record plays about
I four minutes and sells
I at 50c. The list con-
I tains fifty numbers ,
I amongt hem some of the
! most beautiful ones ev-
I er made. We will be
I pleased to play them
| -for you at any time.
O * - -rmrsEEai
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men for any
.man for "you. It is
bniited to the need of
'any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000
a month. A checking-
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
; inethod puts system in-
; tq your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
All kindof
Shampooing a specialty.
HOT and COLD BATHS in connection
Forest Shepard , Prop.
Valentine State Bank Building
The Loup \ralley Hereford Ranch.
Brownlee.Nebr ,
Soldier OreeV Col-
mniiiis IVfh lGOOr > o ,
H son of Columbus
ITth , a half brother
of theSio.OOUGiaiii-
plon O le , a n d
Prince Boabdel 131-
093 at head of herd
I now Lave about30 head of 1007 hull calves
for sale.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Valentine - Ncbr.
All work will be piven prompt
and careful attention.
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
ISurge , Xebr.
Tubular .wells , amLwindmills ,
me up
Talk of the Town.
Try Kazda's barber shop. tf
Chris Dittmer of the German
Settlement was a culler at this of
fice yesterday.
A. L. Carroll of Keokuk , Iowa
is visiting his brother M. C.Carroll
in this city.
Miss Daisy Zarr arrived Tues
day morning to visit her sister ,
Mrs. Bessie Shaw , wiio is very ill.
Dr. Meeham , osteopath has ,
moved into his new office rooms
over the Ked Front store. Tele
phone No. 155. 10
Grant Boyer the carpenter has
been kept quite bus } ' since return
ing from Cody where he built a
fine house for W. H. Carter
The races last week were not
very exciting and the winners
were not reported to us. The
track was in bad condition.
District court set for Sept. 21st
was adjourned to Oct. 12th , and
has since been adjourned to JNov.
ii3rd. Jurors are called for Nov.
24th at 9 a. in.
N. S. Rowley candidate for Co.
commissioner was up from his
ranch near Kennedy attending the.
carnival and greeting friends. Mr.
Itowley is an old timer and entitled
to hearty support this year.
Regular services at St. John's
Episcopal church on Sunday next ,
Ot-t 4th. There will be a cele
bration of the Holy Communion
with address at 11 o'clock a. in.
Evening praver and sermon at
7:30. :
Mr ? . Margaret ? Sparks and son
Leonard departed this morning ,
the former to visit a sister in St.
Louis , and the latter to Washing
tonD.\ , , where he reports for duty
as a 2nd lieutenant in the U. S.
Mrs. Addie Holsclaw was bro't
home Sunday morning from the
hospital in Omaha. We hear that
no attempt was made to effect a
cure or to perform an operation.
A cancer of the stomacL is said to
bf the ailment.
TV" . R. Smith fell down the cel
lar way at Pettj'crew's store Tues
day and was severely hurt. The
door was standing open and Mr.
Smith walking over the cellar
way fell in without perceiving
that it was open.
S. W. Green and wife of Ewing
spent three days visiting at the
Episcopal rectory dining the car
nival. Mr. Green helped the
Ainsworth band with the music.
Mrs. Green will be remembered
as the daughter of Rev. and Mrs.
Miss Cora Thackrey came to
town last Thursday and purchas
ed lumber of the Ludwig Lumber
Co to build her a new home on
her homestead. J. E. Thackrey
came in the first of the week and
hauled out a load of the dimension
J. C. Quigley is out in the coun
try this week getting acquainted
with the people , lie is making a
good impression as a candidate
for Co. Judge and receives encour
agement from all sources HP is
amaiiofg'iod education and ex
ceptional qualifications.
Valentine baseball boys won
the thiee game played with Ohad-
ron Sunday , Monday and Tues
day ofast week with big scores.
They also won the two games
played with Ainsworth Wednes
day and Thursday. On Friday the
game was stopped in the tuird in
Ilogs sold at $7.00 per 100 in
Cleveland's administrate n. Many
fanners remember that. If they
didn't have hogs to sell or corn to
fatten hogs then it was no fault of
the democratic party. Taft would
have you believe that all the hard
times are chargeable to the demo
crats. It is an insult to human
intelligence. There were hard
times daring Grant's and Garfield's
and Arthur's and Harrison's ad
ministrations. An era of prosper
ity followed Cleveland's first in
auguration which was in turn
followed by depression in ' 90 and
' 91 during Harrison's administra
tion and there was a general un
rest in ' 92 which called for Cleve
land again and toward the close
of his administration times had
grown exceptionally prosperous.
Come to Valentine For
Tripp County Lands.
The C. & K W. will put on
passenger trains No. 1 and 2 , run
ning to Valentine Sunday. These
trains make connection with trains
from Omaha , Sioux City and Lin
coln for a daylight ride to Valen
tine reaching here at 7:35 : p. m. ,
and returns at 9 p. m. each day.
All who wish to see this part of
the country should come now. It
costs only a few cents more and
you. will be nearer Tripp county
lands. AJso see our GiO-acre
homesteads which are free to all.
Valentine people have made
special preparation to entertain
the people who come here to reg
ister for Tripp county lands.
There are lots of notaries to
transact the business and you
won't have to wait. You will
want to see Tripp county. It
joins Cheriy county , only a few
miles from Valentine. This is
the place to come. Buy your
tickets to Valentine.
Get your tickets for the Texas
Ranger. Opera house , Saturday ,
Oct. 3rd.
Texas Ranger , opera house , Sat
urday night , Oct. 3rd.
The carnival company got out
of town last Saturday.
Born to Ben Ganow and wife at
the home of S. Q. Spain in this
city , Saturday , a baby girl.
A dance will be given in A.
Bunn's store Saturday night , Oct.
10. Everybody cordially iuvited.
J. R. Taylor a graduate of Chicago
cage veterinary College will be at
Bishop's barn every Saturday. 328
L. C. Sparks and daughter Hel
en went down to Omaha yesterday
morning to take in the Ak-Sar-
A Texas Rinirer , that thrilling
drama of the Mexican war , will
appear at the opera house Satur
day , Oct. 3rd.
Parties are hereby notified not
to camp on or graze their stock
on section M and Ei of sec. 15 , tp.
33 , r. 28. ELWOOD D. HETII. 20
Leonard Sparks has been ap
pointed second lieutenant in the
artillery service , having success
fully passed an examination at
Ft. Leaven worth.
Old hats made new by Kirk &
Cullison at Chicago House. Thpy
will be here only a short time.
Bring your hats and have them
cleaned and blocked.
Hurry ! Hurry ! Get your hats
cleaned and blocked while. Kirk &
Cullison are in the city. At the
Chicago House. They will be
here only a short time.
John T. Keeley , jr. , and Miss
Albina Pavlik were united in mar
riage Wednesday , Sept. 30 , 1908 ,
at the Catholic church by Father
Blaere. The nuptial mass was
celebrated at 8 o'clock a. m. W.
M. Morrissey was best man and
Josie Pavlik was bridesmaid. THE
DEMOCRAT extends hearty con
gratulations to the young married
The weather has been so cool
the past week that people have j
been wearing overcoats and gloves.
Tt is time to think of winter wear
ing apparel and stoves. Many
stoves have been put up this week.
Sunday morning there was a
heavy frost and some ice formed
on the outstanding water. The
cold spell preceded a shower of
rain Friday and again Friday
Presbyterian Church.
11:00 : a. m. Topic of sermon :
"Sinking Self for Christ. "
7:30 : p. m. Topic : "The Bless
ing of Mary. "
Christian Endeavor at 0:30 : p.m.
Topic : "Our Vows and Their
Fulfillment. "
There will be a meeting of men
only just three-quarters of an hour
before the evening preaching ser
vice. At present these meetings
will be held at the manse and all
men are invited.
At the evening service Miss
Nelson will read a special report
of the recent 'convention at Hast
ings , which will be of great inter
est and importance.
Notice to Public :
All persons are warned to not
hunt on my premises without per
mission , under penalty of the law.
See big advertisement of Texas
Ranger elsewhere in this paper.
At opera house Saturday Oct. 3.
We will receive this week a carload of
Better get that new bug = A coinplete line of building
gy or spring wagon material always on hand.
Old Crow , All Loading-
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
Gruchen- Under the
lieimer Super vision
Eye . . , - . , " of the
- T ? " * " & < * < # s *
f& & 3 $ & % s % xx
Whiskeys. * 2 - s fcs U. S. Gov.
We also handle the Budweiser Beer
? I
\ . I 8
w yv IT 5 TV T / * * T" ' 13 Tr TT * F" ITfc ET
reSffigJfeg gJ/Z ffifla K
Prices are what
we are talking
Our stock is complete.-
& , fify
Dritt Gossip.
II. C. Sanner called at Britton lti , i-
nes , Monday.
D. A Kello < r r is cutting liay
After a week's idleness , on account
of Win Mumford's fretting his hand
crippled , his machine is ayain in
.A lar re prairie fire i seen ra rin < fen
on the reservation north-east of here
Farmer's shou.-l take wai nin r and
burn the guards on the line immed
vVm M. Dunn has took his first
freight load of coal to R-jsebud Tues
day. He says he is groin y to freiyh'
quite steadily this winter.
Joe Hyschon and John Co swe'I are
on the road afjain
John Sedlacek of the Niobrara riv
er south of here , is threshiny at the
St. Francis Missi on. He will be in
this neiirhbor-hoofl some time this
winter with his Belle Cit3T thresher.
Ed HacKler and wife rf Valentine
were enroute to Rosebud with
a load of furniture and household
rood- ; : they will soon take of
the hotel at Rosebud , and we wish
them success with it It is said of
Mr. Anderson , who is Ire vin r the ho
tel , that he va- * entirely satisfactory
as a hot -l manager.
Postmaster Novak ha ? rec-ivjd a
notice from the Post ofliice depart
ment , that the authorities wi'l ' make
the Britt pot omVe a monev order
olKice This is plt-a&inir to the patrons
ot this office , as the mon y eider sys
tem has been a necessity here jeais
a io. Winky.
Per Cwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked § 1 15 § 22 00
Shorts , sacked 1 25 24 00
Corn , sacked 1 50 20 00
Oats , sacked 1 GO . ° > 1 00
Chop Corn , sacked 1 55 30 00
Chop Feed , sacked ! 60 3100
Solution of the
'Temperance" Question
TEMPERANCE means "the use in
moderation. "
You can drink two pints a day of
and be strictly temperate.
Two pints of Storz Triumph Beer
contain less alcohol than one pint of
cider and in addition to this contain over
8 per cent , soluble food , which builds
and sustains the system.
If the public drank nothing stronger
than Slorz Triumph Beer
U. McKER Dealer V.ileininc
& Ti
d l EER
Make dates at The Democrat Office
For All Kinds of Job Work Try
It Will Suit You !