Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 01, 1908, Image 3

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Elon. George W. Honey , Nationa
Chaplain U. V. U. , ex-Chaplain Fourtl
Wisconsin Cavalry , ex-Tre tsu rer Stat
of Wisconsin , and ox-Qtiartermaste
General State of Texas G. A. R. , write
from 1700 First St. , N. 1C. , Washington
D. C. , as follows :
" 1 cannot too highly recommend you
preparation for the relief of catarrhs
troubles in their various forms. Sum
members of my own famih have usei
it with most gratifying results. \Vln-i
other remedies failed. Pertina nrnvtn
most efficacious : ' ! 1 cli-ertully certi
fy to ils curative excelk'mW
Mr. Fred I , . 11 chard , for nim years
leading photographer of Kaunas Cit\
Mo. , located at the northeast comer o
12th and Grand Avos. . cheerfully givr
the following testimony : "It is a prove !
fact that IVrnna will cure catarrh am
la srippe. and as a tonic it has it (
equal. Drncgists have tried to maxe m
take something else 'just as good , ' l > ii
1'eruna is good enough for me. "
Pe-ru-na in Tablet Form.
For two years Dr. liarman and hi
assistants have incessantly labored t
create Peruna in tablet form , and thei
strenuous labors have just lu'en frown
with success. People who ol > ject t
liquid medicines can now > ecure Pern
na tablets , which represent the soli
medicinal ingredients of I'eruna.
E y/Eni ! & & < &
Keeps the breath , teeth , mouth and bed ;
antiscptically clean and free from un
healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors
which water , soap and tooth preparation
alone canncl do. A
germicidal , disin
fecting and deodor
izing toilet requisite
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes ,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
stores , 50 cents , or
by mail postpaid.
Large Trial Sample
"Earlnc tnken yonrwor.derfnl "Casccrets" fo
three months and Dome cntirnly cure'i of slomaci
catarrh and dysponsia , I think a woid of Jindse li
ine to"Cnscarots'ffortheir wondorfnl composition
1 have taken nujnerous other to-called reiaediei
but without avail and I find that Cascar ts relievi
more in a day than all the others I Uavo tu oi
Vould in n year. "
Jtraes ilcGune. 108 Mercer St. . Jersey City. N. J
x'wsamnt , Paiaiabio , Pot nt. Taste Good. Do Good ,
Kcver Sicken , Weaken or Gripe. lOc. ISc , 50c. Novel
old in bulk. The ccnnino tablet stamped COG.
Quamntood to euro or your money back.
Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or N.Y. 593
ic stamp for particulars. E.-i'sy pleasar
pin money. Driscoll , ICO Franklin fcU , Chicago , Jl
Alv.-tj-i flicI'iiti : J-a : : ; le.
r ! iiil : ! William.vlio < c stoiisadi ha
lu'tMi tikiJK n day oil. was trying t
make a next morning breakfast on grap
" ' " said looking enviously a
1 w.'rh , lie ,
the gnu roiis supply of food on his littl
sister's plate. "I wssvel ! enough to oa
bar-on and eggs , too. "
"Huh ! " exr-lnSmi'd hw little sister ; "
wisli 1 was s'.ck enongh to eat a grap
Didn't I.JK-e tlie Job.
"Yes. lie got : i little fresh and I to
him plainly that I lu\v my business
uutl addtvl that 1vjs proud of the fac
Lli.'Jt 1 n'.n a splf-aiaUo man.
" \viujt tlid lie Kiy n > thatV"
"Ho s.Tid 1 lunili' a mistake iu no
ttuvt-rtisimj for bids" Cleveland Plw : :
Aliont 41.000 sqaaro mihs of arabl
lar.d arc avnlliL-lt ; ia Cuba Tor sugar nuj
Never kucp u b ar pis ; font is not
fully up to standard.
A Log raiser w o has a running
stream and a biwgmss pasture is in
deed fortunate.
The feeder wio falls to study the
effects of rouslmess is not likely tt
make much
Many young pigs are killed by lice
oud the owners take so little intere&
that they do uot kiiuw what ails them.
See that tlie hauies , as well as tlu
collar , are properly adjustod. You may
thus have sore shoulders on your w/rl ;
Good feeding is something more thai :
shoveling unhuskcd corn on the ground
and allowing animals to dig it out oi
the mud.
Alfalfa or clover pasture i ? the best
for the hog. A good substitute foi
either of these is rape , Held peas 01
co\v peas sown ia a pasture.
Never let the dead wood remain on
the fruit trees. It uot only provides
hiding places for insect pests , but it
opens the way for extending the de
cay of the heart of the tree.
Rye sown in corn ground in Sm > tein-
ber makes fine pasture for late fall. II
clover is sown the next spring it will
mnke good pasture uutil the rye is ripe ,
when the hogs will thrive upon UK
Forty-five thousand dollars is a tidy
commission on a land deal a sum
which is said to have been paid on tut
sale of the Spur ranch in Dickens
county , Texas , to an English syndi
cate for $2nOO,000.
To introduce new blood secure sev
eral good hens and mate them to youi
best male bird , provided he is a good
one. II' your flock is not up to tlu
standard get the best male bird you-cai
and breed up to him.
Good pasturage and plenty of water
te all that breeding stock need , but
pigs which are to be marketed at si.\
months must have plenty of grain to
bring them up to the best marketable
weight , about 200 pounds.
Daniel Freeman , of P.rownville , Neb. ,
filed on the first free homestead pro
vided by the government on January
1st , 1SG3. He is still in possession of
this old patent , which is numbered 1 ,
and lives on his homestead.
It is essential that we attend to the
comfort and bodily ease of our cows.
It weuld be well if some of us would
ask ourselves how certain lines ol
treatment would suit us. All laiimals ,
Biau'iucludcd , hare much in common.
The fenced farm is the only one on
which live stock can be kept and the
rotation of crops followed , and as this
method of farming is the only profit
able one in the long run , it follows
, that the farm must bo fenced to be
handled properly.
Dr. 0. P. Dennett , of Macon , 111. , has
n bunch of artichokes planted in each
of his poultry yard- . These make a
dense shade during the summer , ami
spring up vigorously year after year.
They require no cultivation and frost
does not injure
There is an objection to alsike by
some farmers , it is claimed , for the
reason that its foliage has a slightly
hitter taste , and stock do not take to
it as readily as they do to red clover ,
hut they will learn to eat it in a short
time if they are allowed no other grass ,
While attempting to relieve a cow
which had swallowed a turnip , a Min
nesota farmer pushed broom . handk
down her throat and broke off twenty
inches of it. Recently the stick was
taken out of the cow's back just be
hind the right shoulder and she is get
ting well.
In 1810 the lirst ship load of Peru
vian guano was sent to England to be
applied as a land fertilizer. This wa ?
used for its ammonia. The Southern
rock phosphate mines were opened in
1SG7 , the Florida and Tennessee phos
phate mines later. The trade in nitraU
of soda began about 1 > * 40.
Selecting Brood Sow * .
Few things are mure displeasing to 51
practical farmer than to see a lot ol
heterogeneous pigs following an olc"
scrub sow. They are very unsatisfac
tory to the feed lot and unprofitable
to the farmer. There is no excuse foi
keeping scrub sows. The brood so\\
should be large , roomy and stand wel
on her toes. Her shoulders should be
smooth and deep , back wide and slight
ly arched. There should be ample roon
for heart and lungs provided by a large
and deep chest , well sprung ribs am
straight , deep sides ; a deep , rooim
body from enel to end. A good deptl
of chest and abdomen are especially im
portant in a sow.
If possible , the sow shoulel be select
ed from a large litter , tliiv being apt te
insure fecundity. Each sow shoujc
h.uve at reast twelve well developed
teats , thus providing proper room and
nourishment f.or large litters of pigs.
Agriculturifl Epitoniist.
lireufcinis " Cow to Milk.
If you are goiutf to break a young
cow , tke first thing you have to do is
to keep cool. Many kicking CCUYS are
made bud by bad breaking and bad tem
per. It Is a good idea to tie the new
cow up the first few days and give her
the very best treatment , so she has won
your confidence. Before you are going
to milk be sure to haveyourfinger nails
trimmed as close as possible. Do not
rush milking at once , but start gently.
When you are through milking pet her
and give her something to eat during
the time of milking. I have done milk
ing for fourteen years at home , on the
farm of my parents , and know whereof
I speak. Paul Kantin Agricultural
m-Sn.sli Ilivtl of Durban ! ; .
Some of Ibe achievements of that re
markable horticulturist , Mr. Luther
P.urbank , in Southern California , seem
to have been rivaled U England by a
Lancashire farmer. It is said thai , on
Garton's seeel grown near Warrington
a .single oat plant surpasses by several
hundreel cereals any plant ever grown
in the worlel. It is the product of twen-
{ y--even ; years' practice of a process
called "accelerated evolution , * ' and has
been obtained by crossing a highly de
veloped oat with certain varieties of
wild oats v.'hioli have an. incalculable
capacity for generating seeds.
P.y these means the Lancashire fann
er obtains a yield of ll'O bushels an
acre , something over twice what is con
sidered u good yield in other parts of
the country. So practical has the pro
cess been iounel that in thirty years the
yield of some crops has been completely
doubled , and It may reasonably be ex
pected that a similar increase will take
place within the next thirty years.
I'm n tut ; Shrjilis.
Many people think all shroubs should
be pruned annually. This 5 quite a
mistake. Most varieties should be
pruned only when the growth Is weaker
or twiggy , anel certain others only ue d
the removal of olel anel barren wood.
The looser and more graceful are tlu
forjns the more attractive are the
Remember especially that the early
flowering shrubs , such as weigela , deut-
zin , vristaria , snowball , forsythla , flow
ering almond , lilac , which bloom on the
wood , of the season beforeshould never
be pruned in the spring. The best time
to do this is after flowering before the
growth is started , otherwise the flower
buds will be cut off.
Avoid heavy cutting back at any
time. A little each yea will suffice ao n
time. A little each year will suffice as a
when pruning and cut so as to give easy
flowing vines , trying to keep the
branches well down to the ground.
Old and twisted stems and stunte : ?
growth should be thinned out , but do
not cut away many of the healthy
shoots , Branches either large or small
should be cut back quite close to a jointer
or stem , while twigs should be cut close
to an eye or joint.
Pruning is best done with a stout ,
sharp pocket knife or with medium-
sized pruning shears. Do not use hedge
shears on tne flowering shrubs , as tne
regular lines we admire on the privet
are anything l > ut beautiful on the lilac
or snowball.
Trim always to keep the bushes "so
the lower branches are not bare and
the heads are masses of bloom. Should
the shrubs grow crowded in the bed ,
remove some of them to other spots in
the garden. in Pouliry.
Oregon Agricultural and Experiment
Station writes as follows : "The success
of poultry raising depends Inrgely upon
the ability of those engaged in this
industry to keep their fowls free from
contagious and infectious diseases.
"More failures are due to these dis
eases than any other pause.
"It has been said that 'Fowls are
machines which consume certain kinds
of raw material and produce eggs and
meat' : but in order to bring about this
transformation with any degree of suc
cess they should be kept in a good ,
healthy condition.
"One of the most fatal diseases in
fowls , especially in young chickens , is
infectious lukamia. The first symptom
of this trouble isAa rise in the tempera
ture , which is followed by drowsiness
and. debility , with paleness of the mu
cous membranes , also of the comb , wat
tles and skin about file head ; the fever
is continuous , generally resulting In
death after four or five days. In some
cases the disease is of longer duration
and two or. three weeks may elapse
before the death of the bird , in which
case there is excessive emaciation.
This disease is infectious and is caused
by a micro-organism called bacterium
"It is sometimes difficult for the poul
try raiser to determine the disease af
fecting his fowls , not having the ap
pliances necessary for this work ; there
fore , if there be any doubt as to the
nature of disease in poultry , it would
I > e v/ell to forward a specimen , in the
last stage of disease , to the bacteriolo
gical laboratory of the Oregon Agricul
tural College fur diagnosis. This work
will be done free of charge , and , iu
all cases possible , n remedy given. " .
After Other Treatment Failed UJIVT
Eczema on llahy'x Face II ml
Lu.iletl Three Muuthtt At Lnut
Doctor Found Cure.
"Our baby boy broke out with ec
zema on his face when one mouth , old.
One place on the side of bis face the
size of a nickel was raw like beefsteak
for three months , and he would cry
out when I bathed the parts that were
sore and broken out. I gave him
three mouths' treatment from a good
doctor , but at the end of that timetin -
child was no better. Then my doctor
recommended Curicura. After uslnc
a cake of Ctiticura Soap , a third of
box of Cuticura. Ointment , and half n
bottle of Cuticura Resolvent beva >
well and his face was as smooth as an.\
baby's. lie is uow two years anel a
half old and no eczema has reappeare-el
Mrs. M. L. Harris. Alton , Kan. , May
14 and June 12 , 1907. "
The Weitext Trade.
The lot of the Ceylon pearl diver is
not an easy one. Stones are suspended
on a running rope over au outrigger
projected from the boat's side in such
a convenient position as to allow the
diver to place one foot within a loop
affixed to the stone. The diver , having
placed himself with one foot on the
stone , with a net around his neck t. >
hold oysters , draws iu his breath ,
closes the nostrils with one hand and
raises his body to give force to tht-
descent. The manduck ( or diver's at
tendant ) , in charge of the stone and
nets , lets go. and the diver rapidly
reaches the bottom , leaves the stone * .
which the manduck instantly hauls u ; >
and relixes , throws himself on th ; >
ground , creeping alenig. and fills hi >
net with oysters. This lit * .h'rl : '
the rope , which is pulled up by llu-
manduck in charge , and the content
of the net are discharged into theIot. : .
The diver meanwhile- rises to thesu : ' -
faci * . ( 'eylon Manral.
Met 3IiH
Wigg The last I saw of you. Young-
pop was talkin you to death about his
Da by. How did you got rid of him ?
Wagg Oh. some fellev cauir along
who had just bought an automobile , so
1 introdu. eel th"in and made my es
cape. Phi laelelphi.1 Record.
lints tJmt Improve with
"A silk hat , like wine- , improves with
age- . " said a clubman. ' The oftener
\ou haveit ironed the- sleeker and
more- brilliant it becomes. It cos's a
gee > d deal at the outset , but in the- end
it is the cheapest hat to wear. It last * ,
you see , so lenn : . ami to iron it cosK
so littlo. Some folks think the tetpju
very perishable , if it gets soakeditn
rain , if some one sits on it and c-rus'i > °
it into an accordion , tbe-y think it mu t
be thrown away the same as if it \ \ era < >
a derby. P.ut not at all. A silk hat
can be taken apart and put together
again like a watch , ami if it gets crush
ed nothing is easier than to melt off
the silk , straighten out the frame and
then put on the silk again. In En
gland , the he line. ' of thi hat. I have
known men to.wear the same topper
for ten or twelve years. And the oftener -
tene-r the old hat is ironed the brighte-r
and finer it shines. Its luster increase's
with time and friction like the luste-r
of good antique furniture. " Los An
geles Time's.
WHY sufftr with eve troubles , quick re-
Hof by using PET/TIT'S EYE SALVE ,
2."c. All elruggists or Howard Bros. ,
Buffalo , X. Y.
Uft'l Sen.
The Oys'tpr You're a gooel deal tougher
customer than 1 am.
The ChunThat's nil rijzht. You do a
gooel deal wnoki-dc- shell uamt- than I do.
fc buy Furs .S ; Hides. Write for catalog 105
N. W. Hide & Fur Co. . Minneapolis. Miun.
ivitl.x niiil Gont.s.
De.ttie U-oohl What's thig p < c
ture ?
Tommy That's Capt. Kidd an' . is
band e > ' piruts.
Dottie An' which is Capt. Kidd' :
Tommy W'y , tlf guy with tb'
goatee , o * course ! Cle'veland Leader.
.Mrs. inflow's Sootliiu ; : Syrup for chili-
vcn tcetliinj , ' , softens the gums , retimes iu-
IhtiiMiialiut : , alUiys ) : : . cures \vli.U colic.
J.V a bottle.
Unjioetlc Feet.
.Tossolyn was feeling bine. He had
come home from his visit to a New
York manage'C with his drama "in
rimt'd hexameters or sennething like
tnat. * ' in his wife's phrase under his
As he sat trloomi'y turning thepag s
of his rejected nianuse-ript. his wife n.\-
e-d he-r eyes on him somewhat critically.
Up lookeel disheveled and untidy : i >
well as de\jecteeS. anel she could not hen ,
noticing it. Hut she was ready to eli >
thewifely part anel encourage- him to
fresh efforts.
"If emly yon would pull up your
socks a bit. " she said , "you might es : ;
ily make a hit. "
S7stsrt-SJ : ! i 't ! .
"Why don't you lanii.-ir. do ci"
thing te > improve ye nr ruaelsV"
"What i'orV" / . kcd the olei solt'cr. '
"it would improve the valueof ; . . .
farms. "
"Yes : and the metre value we g - ; nf-
the more taxes we might have r < - pi ; . "
Washington Star.
This woman says Lyilia E
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ,
saved her life. Itenti her letteiv
Mrs. TVC. Willadsen , of Manning
Iowa , writes to Mrs. Pinkbam :
" I can truly say that Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound saved lay
life , and 1 cannot express my gratitude
to yeu invords. . For years I suffereel
with the worst forms "of female com
plaints , continually doctoring1 and
spending lots of money for medicine
without help. \vrctc you for advice ,
followed it as directed , and took Lydia ,
E. Pinkham's Veyetable Compound nnel
it has restored me to perfvct health.
Had it not been for you I should have-
been in my grave to-day. Ivlsh every
suffering- woman would try it.1
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink-
hara's Vegetable Compound , made
from roots and herbs , has been the
standard remedy for female ills ,
and has positively eured thousands of
woTiien who have been troubled with ,
displacements , inflammation , iileera-
tion , fibroid tumors , irregularities ,
periodic pains backache , that bear
ing-clown ieolii- : ; : , flatulency , indiges
tion , dizzinessor nervous prostration
"Why don't yon try it ?
Mrs. Pinkn ! i icryitos all sick
Tvosnc'U to vrritc iior i'or utlvice-
She has jv-.ii.ToC thousni.ds t IO
lth. A'v - , 3Iuss.
Positively cured by
tr.cEO Little Pills. {
They also rclleTO Dis
tress roaa Dyspepsia , la-
dlgcstlos. and Too nearty
Eatlng ; A perfect ; rem
edy for Dizziness. Kaoasa
Dro-Tslnesa. Bad Taste *
In the Jlouth. Ccatefi-
Tongue. Pain In tbe Sdv !
regulate tuo Bowels. y "Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile SignaiurD
V.Ki WORK FC3 OTHERS ? ' .our own Hn-sul home ,
n > ( > uf-kU ni.i ! uiorc. Mn or wniii i ! \Ve
vouhowA : f'lrni'.h-tatlowry.S'-iii ! t-t ; ini f < * f
irt'lculurc. Address : ! ' , 10'J KraukllnSc.l'bica o-
s. c. ? ; . ! < ) IMI8. !
A Choice Collection of 80 recipes , with the latest baking helps and
a fund of valuable information , edited by MRS. JANET McKnxziE HILL , of
The Boston Cooking School , the noted authority on Domestic Science.
Elegantly illustrated and printed on finest plate paper.
This artistic book absolutely free To get the ' Cook's Book"
to every user of . . . Secure the coupon from a 25-cent can of 1C C
Baking Powder. Cut this out , write name
and address and mail with coupon to Jaques
Manufacturing Co. , Chicago. Dept. 75
If you have never tried K C Baking- Powder , this is the time to buy
your first can , arid get the beautiful "Cook's Book" for the asking.
K C Baking Powder will please 3 011 better than any other or you get
your mouey back.
Guaranteed pure , wholesome , and the most perfect in action. Com
plies with all Pure Food Laws. No "Trust" prices.
Color raore goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One lOc packaoe rotors all fibers. Tbty dye in cold water better Jhnn any other Cyc. You can dya
nay oanaccl witboul ripping apart. Write lor free booklfct-Uou' to Dye , Bleach aai Mii Colors. MOfi"ROE 'V2 < V G CO. , Qttincy. Illinois