C71 is the opening < * day of the at a and for four days there will be A K \ AN as well as consisting of Balloon Ascensions , High Dive , Slide * for Life and many others , , The committee has gone to great expense to gather attractions and promises you more for your money than you ever had. There will be something doing all the time. / Admit to all . baH games and . races 75c. Good for rr. votes for Carnival Queen. / 1 * Single admission to ball games and races 25c. Children , 7 to 13 years old , lOc ; under 7 years oid free. Don't forget each season ticket is good for 75 votes for Carnival Queen who will be presented with a beautiful Gold Watch and Chain worth $50. FROM THE CENTER OF THINGS SPECIAL LINCOLN LETTER From the Center of Things Lincoln , Ivebr. , Sept. ( Spec ial Correspondence ) Mr. Bryan's "fortune75 continues to work a lot of people. County Assessor Miller of Lancaster county is daily in re ceipt of letters asking him about Mr. Bryan's assessment , and he has been compelled to &et out mimeographed replies in order to keep up with the correspondence. Chairman of republican commit tees are the most numerous in quirers. This year's assessment rolls show Mr _ . Bryan to be pos sessed of taxable property in the amount of 887,000. About twenty per cent of this is charged up to The Commoner. % The Commoner has no printing plant , its tangible property being confined to a couple of safes , a dozen typewriters , a .few desks and tables and three or four rugs. The two automatic mailing machines are operated un der lease. Something like thirty tons of print and wrapping paper are kept on hand. Replying to "Joe" Cannon's charge that he is a nillionarewho made his million selling "wind and ink , " Mr. Bry an at OIney , Illinois , last week , took the public into his private re sources , lie calculated that he was possessed of propery worth perhaps § 125,000 , but in order to be well within the mark said he would call it § 150,000. He then told how he made it , and asked Speaker Cannon to take the pub lic into his confidence and explain how he had become a millionare on a salary of § 5,000 a year every year since 1861 , with the excep tion of two years. It is generally admitted that Cannon will be kept busy dodging Mr. Bryairssspeech during the rest of his campaign for re-election The. Nebraska republican state committee has ; irr"jed to have Myron T. Ilcrrick o Ohio speak ] in Lincoln soon , and his .speech will be devoted to opposing the bank deposit guarantee plank of the democratic platform. As soon as as the announcement was made the democratic state committee arranged to have Senator Owen of Oklahoma speak , on the samev day possible , in support of that policy. It is in no violation of 'confidence ' to say that if the re publican committee wants to make .it a joint debate between Herrick and Owen there will be no difficul ty so far as the democratic com mittee is concerned. On Labor Day 3000 union workingmen - ingmen in Lincoln paraded the streets. When the parade passed under the Taft banner on 0 street there was not the ghost of a cheer. But when the parade went by the Lincoln hotel , the front of which I is ornamented with a huge portrait ! of Bryan , the ckeers we'e loud and long. Several unions paused in the line to givel three cheers j for the next president. " i Of course this is only a straw. At Youngs-town , Ohio , one of the chief centers of the Steel trust and the Tube trust , 10.000 steel workers paraded before Taft , But the Rteel and tube mills declared a holiday "on pay" and the em ployes were , given to understand that they were expected to parade. At the central point of the parade an enthusiastic republican specta tor shouted : "Three cheers for Taft ! " But the cheering was de sultory. Then some one in the line shouted : "Three cheers for Bryan. " and immediately thous ands of men were cheering , wav ing banners and flinging there hats in the air. The Associated Press did not report this , but the local papers did. The bee liner from Mr. Bryan's bat in the direction of Joseph G. j Cannon has already been scored at republican headquarters as "too hot to handle. " Mr. Taft declares that some of t the Dingley schedules should be revised upwards. The sugar trust has just added another twenty cents per hundred pounds to the price of its product. Presumably the sugar trust has seen to it that its schedule shall be included among those to be "revised upwards. " The way to get rid of Cannon is to get rid of Cannon. Before Illinois could get rid of the infamous Allen law. Joe Can non and his brother grabbed off a rich slice of the pickings that the Allen law meant to provide. The way to get rid of Cannon is to elect a democratic house. Tire Financial Age , published in New York , says of the guaranty of brink deposits : Mr. Bryan's financial scheme of guarantee of bank deposits which is not his originally , but an appro priated idea is doubtless good in times of piping peace in country districtsbut it isn't of great con sequence as an issue , for any state has a right to adopt it , and while we don't think much of it as a panacea of banking ills , the re publican party will no doubt ac cede to the wishes of the people if they over demand it as a large majority. " But how big must a majority be before the republican bosses acquiesce ? Does anyone doubt that a huge majority of the people have been demanding tariff ! revision for six or eight years ? I Does anyone doubt that an over whelming majority of the people i demand popular election of senators - j tors ? Yet republican bosses have 1 ' steadily refuse to even consider j i tariff revision until "after elec tion , " and the republican national , convention by a vote often to one turned down a plank favering , popular election of senators. The party dependent upon the protec ted trusts for a huge portion of its campaign funds will not revise the tariff in the interests of the con sumers. And naturally that that same party's bosses will be a long time in seeing a majority in favor of a law that is opposed by the great banking firms whose mem bers are inextricably mixed up with those same tariff protected trusts and industries. WILL M. MAUTIX. "National" Banks. No institution should be author ized by law to use the word "Na tional , " as part of its name , unless backed by the guarantee ot the national government. When the government creates banks and authorizes them to do business un der the name of "national" banks , the use of the name carries with it the implication that the govern ment stands back of the institutions bearing it , and it should be a mat ter of national pride to see to it that their obligations will be met as promptly as those of the gov ernment itself. At present the government guarantees a part of the obligations of national banks , that is , the notes issued by them. Why not guar antee the other class the deposits and make such institutions worthy to use the word "national" as part of their names ? A man who holds a bank obligation for deposits is as much entitled to protection as Jhe man who holds its notes. The democratic platform proposes that he shall have it. The republican platform is silent on that proposi tion , and its candidates opposed to it. Where do you stand ? Mr. Taft thinks that the fear of their depositors Jias a great deal to do with keeping bankers from the "exploitation and manipulation of bank assets , " Mighty few bankers have been hurt by their depositors ; as a rule it has been the depositors that have been hurt. With the wide-spread alarm at the disappearance of our forests , with the prices out of sight and still climbing , the wisdom of a protec tive tariff on lumber is very easily seen by the lumber trust. New Train Service To Huron , Aberdeen and Oakes. Pullman standard sleeping car daily via the Chicago & North Western Ky. between Omaha , j Sioux City & Aberden. Daily train service Omaha to Huron , Aber deen and Oakes , with direct con nections to all points in North Da kota , northern Minnesota and the Canadian northwest. For partic ulars apply to any agent , Chicago & North Western Ky. 362 Weather Data. The following data , covering a per iod of 1 ! ) years , have been complied from the Weather Bureau records at Valentine. Nebr. They are issued to show the conditions that have pre vailed , during the month in question , for the above period , of years , but must not be construed as a forecast of the weather conditions for the coming mcnth. September. ' TEMPERATURE. Mean or normal (52 ( ° The warmest month was that of 18 ! ) " with an average of 70 ° The coldest mouth was that of 1902 with an average of oS ° , The highest was 102 ° on ! ) , 1901 The lowest was 21 ° on 24 , Ih93 PRECIPITATION. \ Average for month 1 32 inches. Average number of days with .01 of an inch or more 6 The greatest monthly precipitation was 4 0(5 ( inches in 1901. The least monthly precipitation was 0.08 inches in 1893. The greatest amount of precipita tion recorded in any 24 consecutive hours was 1 37 inches on 7.1901. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 24 consecutive hours ( record extending to winter of 1884-85 only ) was .09 inches on 15 190s CLOUDS AMD WEATHER Average number of clear days , 14 partly cloudy , 10 ; cloudy , 6. WIND. ' , The prevailing winds have been from the S. The average hourly velocity of the wind is 11 miles. The highest velocity of the wind was 48 miles from the N on 3,1SS9. j. j. MCLEAN , Observer Weather Bureau. Snake. River Items. Eugene Ralya of Burge , went to Sioux City last week to attend the fair and to visit a few weeks. Last Sunday a big picnic was held on the fiver near trie mouth of the Snake in honor of Miss Maud Ealya's birthday. About 60 people ple were present and enjoyed them selves with games and sports. Swings and hammocks were much in evidence. A good dinner was served. Miss Gladys Ralya of the Rake ranch is visiting relativef and friends on the Snake for a few weeks. Wm. Bell is building a house for Mr. Peterson. John Porath is putting down a well for H. A. Davis on the snake. Oscar Buechle had the misfor tune to have one of his best horses ruined by backing into the knife , of a corn sled , cutting the tendon in his hind foot. Mrs. Len Parkers mother Mrs. John Red fern , visited them last week. J. R. Taylor a graduate of Chicago cage veterinary College will be at Bishop's barn every Saturday. 328 Parties are hereby notified not to camp on or graze their stock on section M and Ei of sec. 15 , tp. 33 , r. 2S. ELAVOOD D. HETII.2D f II. S. Weatlicr Ifinrcan Report for week Ending Sept. LA. Daily mean temperature 73 ° . Normal 69 ° . Highest 96 ° ; lowest 50 ° . Precipitation .02 of an inch. Total precipitation from March 1st ( the crop season ) to date was 14.17 inches and the average for same period for 20 years is 17.8SB The temperature continues to soar above the normal and unless an early frost intervene will give us an excellant corn crop. The rainfall continues to hold back and shows a seasonal lack little short of 4 : inches. t Contest Notice. U. S. Land unite , Valentino. Nebraska , September S. 190 . A sufficient contest affidavit having been liled in this oilice bv Henry Honts , contestant , against homestead entry No. 14125-0463 , made November 2,18i , for Lots 3-4. bE'.iSW 4 and SW iSE . section 13. Township 2s , Range-8 ! , by Annie-Kemp , eontestee. in which it is all - l izod that .said Annie K-mp has wholly aband oned SHi-l hum and the land is not settled WIOH nor cultivated in good faith and claimant has not established residence thereon , and she lias failed to cure her laches to this date , and said alleged abandonment took place more than si\ Months prior to the expiration of five years from the tune of tiling upon the same. And said alleged absence wat not due to her employment hiithe army , navy or marine corps ot the United States as apmate soldier , tfttlcer , s aman or marine during tlie wir with Spain or during any other war in which the United States may be engaged. Said parties art ; hereby Lotilied to appear , respond and oiler evidence touching saia allega tion at lOo'elock a. m on October 20. U)0b ) before the register and receiver at the United States hand Ollice m Valentine. Nebr. The -aid contestant having in a proper affi davit filed Septembers , 1908 set forth facts which .show that alter due diligence personal'Serviee of this notice cannot be made it is herebvorder ed and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication" ii 4 E E. OLSON , .Receiver. JOHN F. POEATH 15urge , Xebr. Tubular wells and windmills , me up by Telephone. MILL FRIGES FOR FEED , ' PerCwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked § 1 15 $22 00 Shorts , sacked 1 25 2i 00 Corn , sacked 1 50 29 00 Oats , sacked I160 31 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 55 30 00 Chop Feed , sacked 1 60 31 00 Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards 'Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; ajso tne following brands : horses branded tdt same Range between Gordon on the if.E &M. V.R. R. ard ayannis on M. R. R. In Northwestern Nabraska. BAKTL.STT KICHAKUB. Metzger Bros. , Rolfe Xebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have same brand on eft thigh. Range on Gordon and Snake Creek ? . A Reward of 5250 will be paid to any person for i'lformation leading to the arrest and linal conviction of any person or persons stealing e : > ttle with above brand. Jos. Bristol brara m-1 i 'ur miles * M. > > I ' Ft. I.Niol > ra-a t horses and cattle branded fiB connected on left hip or side as shown ID cut R M Faddis& Co left llilgli. , Horses branded on lelt shoulder | or thigh. Some Some branded branded on riglic thigh on left or shoulder. shoulder or thigh P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side SomeQ.Yon left Bide. on left jaw of V horses. Range on Gordoa Creek north of Simeon , Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left aide OSO-11 right side Some cattle also have a 4on neck Some with A. on left shoulder and some branded with two bars across hind quar- Som Texas cattle branded S O on left side and some on left side. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattle branded AW bar connected on both sides and l ft. hin of horsfli. N. 6. Eowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left , 3ide and hip , and on left shoulder of her ses. Also ; left side hip. F 4on left side. Some cat- t ! brand ed husk-1 mg peg ( either side up ) on left side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses. U , on left hip of horses. on left jaw of horses C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , 3D Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJ BE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock bearing any of these brands. KOHL & TEKRILL. Brownlee , Neb. Cattle branded a * in cut on left side. Some branded K. T Y on left hip. Range on North Loup river , two miles west of Brownlee J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on rightside Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my range. Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr. G. K. Sawyer has charge of these cattle. Horses I > Son left shoul der. So left side. Horses j same left thigh. Range on Snake river. JOHN KILl.S PLENTY St Frarcis Mis sion. Rosebud. S. D. Cattle branded as in-cut ; hores f-nme on les 'high. Range be tween Sprinsr ( "k and Little White river. D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as 011 cut.left side Some on left nip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Roan Brothers Woodlake Neb on Lnki and Crook ed Lake. Pat Peiper Simeon Nebr. \