Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 17, 1908, Image 7

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    More i > roof that Lyrlia E. Pink-
ham's Vo ctabloCoinpoimd saves
woman from surgical operations.
Mrs. S. A. Williams , of Gardiner ,
Maine , writes :
" I was a great sufferer from femala
troubles , and Lydia 10. Pinkhani's Vege
table Compound restored me to health
in three months , after my physician
declared that an operation \vaa abso
lutely necessary. "
Mrs. Alvina Sperling' , GI 154 Gey-
bourne Avc. , Chicago , ill. , wit < :
"I suffered ffcin female troubles , a
tumor and imvli iailammition. Two
of the best doctors in Ci-vo ! decided
that an operation was r.t.y - -i-y to save
my life. Lydia E. Piakhutn's Yep1 able
Compound entirely cured uie without
an operation. "
For thirty years Lv < iii E. i'ink-
ham's Vosetabirt Oiv : > i-'d , msulo
from root.unO. herb0 , hs : ! ; - > en the
standard retr.edy iV.r leial'3 ills ,
and has positively cuir/l tbou iiids of
\vomen v , ho have ITCH trouMod vrith
displa Gn''iit > , iiilviiima' : : it-/ , ul-ora ;
tion , fibroid tiruoj" , irrepiiarlties ,
periodic jiains , backache , bear-
ing-dov/n feelJir , ll tiilonc ; , ' , indices-
" \Vliy don't you try it V
Mrs. PJnIni.i ! iv5ifts all sick
\vonK'ii to voice lor sxilvice.
She has { in. ' . ' - . * * to
health. A Urc.- , jl.-y u , > iti
Positively cared I > y
tncsc Little Pills.
ITiC" nlor > rclJeTo Dis
tress t ror.i Dvjpcpsla , In-
dJcstlon and Tco Hearty
Eating , A ttr'ect T&a ?
cdy rcrDlrzltie-A , Natissa ,
Drowsiness , liad Tost/3
lu the ilcuth , Coated
Tongue. Pan In tao Slda.
rejulato tae Bowels. Purely "Vegetable.
. i gatKMKtmmrsuas SMxaSKTSX2tSJ
Genuine Must Besr
KITTLE Fac-Simio ! Shatura
W & &s sJ & * :
Keeps the breath , tcclh , mouth and body
antiseptically clean and free from un
healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors ,
which water , soap and tooth preparations
alone cannot do. A
gcrmicidai , disin
fecting and deodor
izing toilet requisite
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes ,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
stores , 50 cents , or
by mail postpaid.
Large Iris ! Sample
THE PAXTON TOILET CO. , Boston , Mass.
Tise J U..1. . ,
The origin of UK * ni pi5vtl..u ? of ilio
term "popinjay" to a tiralt1vis ; HI- fol
lows : The popinjay \vjis a t ! . ; . . : < . of : :
bird shot : it for practice. The jay
was decked with particoloivd feather- .
BO as to resemble a parrot and. bi't : ; : :
suspended on a pole , served ns a f.-r- :
get. He whose ball or arrow l > rou'iit
down the bird by cutting the string
by which it was hunjr received 1lu
proud title of Captain I'opiisjTy for thu
rest of the day and was escorted Lonit-
to triumph.
QuIcU ns Willie.
If yonr eyes nche with a smarting ,
burning sensation nnd dizziness use PET-
TIT'S BYE SALVE. All druggists or
Howard Bros. , Buffalo , X. Y.
Mystery of Nvi' Irilt.
Science so far hns failed to furnish
any explanation of the iijstory of seedless
fruits. They are not the outcome of the
frork of man. Man perpetuates them ; he
does no more , llu ? seedless orange was
found in a state of serdle sness. Voge-
"Here is iny scat , ma.tom. hut candor
compels me to say that I think you are
Is well able to stand as I am. "
"Politeness compels me to say Thank
f c , sir. ' " Chicago Tribune.
Charcoal Is appreciated by the Hock.
Provide it for them.
Rape makes fine hoi ; feed. They do
not bloat 011 it as sheep do.
Bow a little more clover and divide it
up into hog pastures. It will pay big.
It is a good scheme to use kerosene
liberally about the interior of the place
the entire year.
A dairy cow shut up In a dark stable
and fed on highly concentrated food
quickly burns out.
Better to plant a little In the gar
den and plant well than to half plant
a great quantity of stuff.
The community where the good dairy
cow is in the majority is the commu
nity which is marked by contentment
and prosperity.
The feeding out of the odds and ends
of fodder before the cold and wet fail
weather ruins it is important and
means the saving of a snug sum every
Feed the cow -all the hay or other
roughness she will eat , even if she is
running on good pasture. Her appetite
tells her better what she needs than
you can tell.
There are about twenty-five kinds of
nut-bearing trees in the United States.
The consumption of nuts is increasing
rapidly , the demand evidently growing
much faster than the home supply is
Some genius of fiVures estimates that
the corn crop of Missouri . for 11)07 )
would fill 8,000,000 farm wagons ,
which , If hitched close together * would
make a chain that would reach around
the world.
All good sheep feeders have good
racks and feed boxes or troughs. A
flock may live if fed on ground , but
nothing less than keen hunger will
prompt so delicate an animal to take Its
feed from the wet and tilth of a yard.
The first butterfly farm was estab
lished about ten years ago by Will him
Watkins , a famous English entomol
ogist , at Eastbourne , England. There
ore now many similar farms in France
nnd other countries. The object of
these farms is to rear silk worms.
The Ilolsteiu breeders in their re
cent national meeting appointed a
committee to secure a federal law for
the inspection of cattle for tubercu
losis and to do away with inspection
by the states. There is no question
that such a law would prove advan
Unless the stock is fed an amount
over and above that which is needed
for body maintenance there will be no
gain. A thousand-pound steer has
been found by experiment to require
daily 15 pounds of timothy hay , 31i
pounds of clover hay and seven pounds
of corn meal just to keep on an even
keel. More must be fed if there is to
be any gain.
If a neighbor asks us to do an er
rand or two while in town why be
grumpy ? We may want to ask a favor
ourselves next day or next week. And ,
by the way , some men have a knack of
doing a troublesome act for a neighbor
In such a manner as to create the im
pression that it is the one thing that
gives him great pleasure. That is a
fine gift and we cannot cultivate It too
It seems at the present time that
the graduates of the state agricultur
al schools of the country are finding
no trouble in getting located. The
young man who knows the science of
good farming and how to apply it
commands $75 to $100 a month , with
his board and lodging , and lives eas
ily , comfortably and wholesomely. The
farmer , who can do so , should give
his sons the education that will thus
lift them to the heights of their occu
pation. Young men trained so that
they can command such financial re
turns for their services to others can
use their scientific training to still
greater profit for themselves. The sci
entific farmer , who Is worth $100 or
$100 a month to another man , Is worth
$200 to $300 to himself If he apply
science to his own soil.
Medicinal Properties ol
Vegetables have medicinal properties.
Tomatoes act on the liver , spinach on
the kidneys , so does asparagus ; all
kinds of greens purify the blood. Let
tuce and cucumbers cool the system ,
and celery is excellent for both rheu
matism and the nerves. A soup made
with onions is regarded by the French
ns a restorative In cases of debility and
weakness of the digestive organs. Leeks
nnd garlic promote digestion , and it is
said that beet root gives energy and
Fruit and Suarar Cor Ilor.nes.
Grain is not the only food on which
the horse thrives. In Egypt , the Khe
dive's best mares are fed largely on cur
rants , and tirsr ! > animals are noted ? cr
tiicir cnduraiu-e and speed.
Figs , during the Jig harvest , form the
food of the horses of Smryna ; they
turn to it from oatB or hay.
The green tops of the sugar cane are
fed to tiie horses of the West Indies ,
and for long weeks , in many parts of
Canada , windfall apples form the
horse's food.
In Tasmania peaches and in Arabia
dates take the place of the usual hay
and oats , corn and bran.
Practical Pigeon Hints.
Pigeons must have grit. Don't for
get that
There should be one bath pan for
every twelve pair of birds.
Hem ] ) seed is one of the best stimu
lants known for pigeons.
Thomas Wright says a pigeon's prime
of life Is from 5 to 9 years of age.
Green food Is a luxury , but not a
necessity. It is advised not to feed let
tuce to pigeons.
Never catch a bird In the daytime un
less absolutely necessary. This alone
will make tame birds wild.
Never feed one kind of grain exclu
sively. It is not good for the health of' '
pigeons and greatly lessens the number
of young birds raised.
It is said by experienced squab grow
ers that in ninety-nine times out of 100
if two birds are hatched , the first
hatched wil be a male.
The homer is somewhat larger than
the Antwerp , longer faced , and in a. _
greater variety of colors , and In many
ways superior as a squab breeder.
The change from whole to skim milk
in feeding the calf should be made
by withholding a small amount of milk
the first day , more the second , and so
on. The amount withheld is thus grad
ually increased from day to day. AJI
amount of skim milk must be artdet'l ,
at least equal in quantity of new milk
u-ithlu'ld , until the change hns been
Some substances should be added as
soon as the change begins that will
supply an equivalent to the fat con
tained in the new milk withheld. No
substance has been found superior for
such use to Iinsi'c-1 meal , that is ,
ground ilaxseed. Oil meal will answer
the sam a purpose , and is far more
frequently fed than ground llax. for
the reason probably that it is relative
ly cheaper. When the latter is used
it is necessary to feed a larger quan
tity than the former.
In some instances the meal thus
added is stirred in the milk , but in
other instances , as when the calves
have learned to take meal before the
change from new to skim milk has
begun , it is simply added to the meal.
Sometimes the llaxseed is made into
a jelly , and this fed along with the
This practice was common years
ago , but it is not so much practiced
now , since separator milk has come to
be so extremely available. The
jelly was usually warmed before It
was put Into the milk , and this helped
to warm the latter when cold. The
amount to be fed may be regulated for
a time , at least , by the Influence that
the meal or the jelly exercises on the
digestion. If too much is fed , the di
gestion will be unduly lax. Prof.
Thomas Shaw.
Care of Horxe.s.
While grass is the best condition
powder in the world , it must be given
in very small doses at first until the
horse gets used to it.
It is" much better to let a horse gft
his grass from the pasture in his own
way than to cut it and place it in his
manger for him. If horses are allowed
to run in the pasture at night they
should be provided with shelter to
which they can go in case of storms. A
wet hide Is conducive to much trouble.
In spite of the general belief that all
mules are born stubborn and vicious
it is not true. If right care is used in
breaking the mule when young he can
be made just as gentle and useful as a
horse. Most bad mules arc the result
of bad breaking.
Did you ever notic that a new collar
which fits perfectly in the spring may
be too large in a week ? This Is be
cause a horse's shoulders shrink when
suddenly put to hard work when he Is
soft.A sore neck is invarably the result
of an Ill-fitting collar. If the old horse
shows a ravenous appetite all the time
but does not get fat you may be pretty
sure his teeth are bad and that he Is
unable to properly chew his food. Get
busy with a file.
The Inside xpf the horse stable should
be kept clean wltrr whitewash. .It Is
not right to bring a hors § In from the
bright sunlight and shut him up In a
dark stable for more than a few hours ,
particularly in the day time.
Some horses are so fastidious that
they will not lie down in filthy straw ,
and thus fail to get the needed rest.
If he works hard he deserves a good ,
clean bed.
A horse's stomach Is small and he
should be fed often. lie will begin to
lose tlesh the moment he goes hungry.
There is a great difference between
a good feeder and a greedy feeder. The
latter bolts his feed because he is fn
too big a hurry to get away with it.
Put some large pebbles in his feed box
and let him nose around for MB grub.
E. V. * . T.'alton , Condr. S. P. HyM 717
V.m IS'cfs Kt. , Kin Antonio , TOM. ,
writes : ' 'Du/K'jg the- . - uier and L. II
of 1J'02 , my annoyance irom catarrh
reached that st-igc when , it va3 actual
misery and developed nlarmFns symp
toms , such as a vr-ry deep-scaled cough ,
night sweats , and p.iins i u the head nnd
chest , . I c ip5 5 m : i ted v.'i th so-
called remedies before I fiin-Uy decided
to take a thorough course of Peruna.
"Two of my friends had gone so far as
to inform me that the thing for mo to do
was to resign my position and seek a
higher , more congenial climate. Every
one thought I had consumption and I
was not expected t6 live very long.
"Having procured somePeruna. , I de
cided to give it a thorough test and ap
plied myself assiduously to the task of
taking it , as per instructions , in the
"Tho effects were soon apparent , all
alarming symptoms disappeared and
my general health became fully as good
as it had ever been in my life.
"I have resorted to the use of Peruna
on two or three occasions since that
time to , cure myself of bad colds. "
An exppiliticn i.s being piHiipppd. under
tlie auspk-ps of the Russian ministry of
marine , with the object of discovering a
'northeast passage between the Atlantic
and Pacific o"1:1" *
Vmler . . . . -ivr.
Srnnt' r I'.iynti ' . f Kf > utUy ,
that v. hi-i : .i:1. : : . V , * nVlib. \ . < > f
VMV Y < > ; - \ . : n.i ic 'l- ; i M.uMiaH. "f
, K- ; : ' : : k\ . a t > rt : ! ' < > . hi.rilltori il
. Insiiv.k ; : t trt.r. M : t > ' ' " 1
ngcd and ii , ; > istc.l upon a diifl ,
was foutiii ; ij ir WiUiftiglon.
Del. The principals were Btationrd ten
: -M apart , ami exchanged : ; hots with
out t'ft'ect. Marshall insisted upon an
other shot and Loth men fired simulta
neously , f'ol. U'i'hb sinjwred. his seconds
ends laid him on the ground and the
surgeon announced that he was
wounded below the knee.
"That was the lowest act of my life , "
shouted Marshall. "Stand him up
again for another shot. "
But Webb was unable to stand. He
was taken to a hotel , where he Avas
laid up for several weeks , saying to
his visiting friends : "I am confined to
my bed , under Marshall law. "
'I'he liU'eet < poilcil.
"Refused you : Surprising : Did you
'walk with her in the moonlight' : "
"Yes. "
"And vow you would gladly die for
her ? "
"I did. but just then some one
yelled. 'Hands up ! ' and I ran thive
blocks before her inNi-hievous youn
brother caught me and told mo it was
i > ! : iy a joke. " Kan .t t'ity Times.
me by crawcr
M TV ' vl O
peirso ) < a { ejjcvTs v.ilMne cSSiSlav
cj heono truly l oncficic.l Wocnu
vemccly , Syrun o figs end. 'L1 i\v-ajb n
v , l\icK ciiaoie ( = > c . - . * n reul
lure may be gj\ . .uall ois ?
wae'n J'.o iovij r needcc } as
i'e icclicswhcn * comrcd , arcto
notxTC and not to supiaftt ) ) i\\c \
a ) functions , vmtcfi must aepcna wti-
mqtcly upon propcV
proper ejjovts/mci right ltvin
To eT its beneficial effect ,
& . * '
\ + L j. -
Duy the genuine
one size only , regular price 50 j = er B ° Ulc
pIeiRo 8iy yea
La tlilH paper.
© 6
ASTORIA. Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil , Paregoric , Drops
Soothing Syrups , It is pleasant , It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor
other Harcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays
Peyerishness , It cures Diarrhcsa and Wind Oolica It relieves Teething Troubles ,
cures Constipation and PlatulencyB It assimilates the Food , regulates the Stomach
and Bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep * Ths children's Panacea The-
Mother's Friend ,
-The Eind You Have Always Bought , and which has been in use for over
80 years , has borne the signature of Ohas , IL Fletcher , and has been made under
Ms personal supervision since its infancy * Allow no one to deceive you in this * .
All OounterfsitSj Imitations and " Just-as-good w are but Experiments that trifle witb.
and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Letters ft
addressed to Ci B5 " *
sfia & a < o
Dr. F. Gerald Blattner , oi1 Buffalo , N. T. , cays : "Your Castoria is goo&
or children and I frequently prescribe Itt always obtaining the desires * ,
results. "
Dr. Gustavo ! . Eisengraebar , of St" . Paul , Minn. , says : ' "I have tiseS.
your Castoria repeatedly in. my practice with good results , and can. rscona-
mead it as aa excellent , mild and harmless remedy for children. "
Dr. E ? . J. Dennis , of Sfc. Louis , Ivlo. , says : "I have ased and prcncribea
your Castoria in my sanitarium and outside practice for a number of yearc.
ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. and End it to ba an excellent remedy or children. "
Dr. S. A. Buchanan , of Philadelphia , Pa. , says : "I have used your Cas
siinilalfog iheFbotf antfRegula- toria la the case of my own baby and find it pleasant to take , and harc
tifig die Stomachs andBrorcb cf obtained excellent results from its use. "
Dr. J. B. Simpson , cf Chicago , 111. , says : ' "I have used your Castorfa Ls -
cases cf colic in children and have found it the best medicine- its kincl -
en the market. "
Promotes DigestionCIieerfuI- : Dr. R. E. EskildsorCtf Omaha , Neb. , says : "I 3n"d your Castoria to ! > e a -
ness and Rest.Coutainsnefe , standard family remedy. It is the best thing for infants and children 2 .
Opium-Morphine nor Mineral * have ever kno ni and I recommend it. "
HOT NARCOTIC. Dr. L. R. Robinson , of Kansas City , Mo. , says : "Your Castoria certainly -
has merit. Is not its age , its continued use by mothers through all thess
years , and the many attempts to imitate it , sufficient recommendation !
t\nr.pkn Seed'
jitx-Senna v- BVhat can a physician a d ? Leave it to the mothers. "
Dr. EdTrin F. Pardee , of Nevr York City , says : " .For several years I haTe-
recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do so , aa it Jiaa.
invariably produced beneficial results. "
Cigrilstd &igar J j Dr. N. B. Sizer , cf Brooklyn , N. T. , caysr "I object to .what are calle&T
patent medicines , where maker alone Irnows what ingredients arc pat n
Aperfcct Remedy for Consflpa- .them , but I know the formula of your Castoria and advise its use.1
lion , Sour Stoiuach.Dlarrta
"VyorrasCo\i\Tilsioi\s.Feverish- ALWAYS
ness andLoss OF SLEEP. $ Bears the Signature of
Facsimile Signature of
Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over 30 Years ,
. . . .
"Havlne taten yonrwonderful "Cas rets" for
throe months and bcinc entirely cured of stomach
catarrh and dyspepsln/1 think a word of praise Ir
dneto"CR3carets"fortheirwonderfuI composition.
I have taken numerous other so-called remedies
but without avail nnd I find that Cascarets relieve
xnore in a day than all the others 1 have takes
Would in a year. "
Jwnes McGune , 108 Mercer St. , Jersey City , N. J.
Best for
The Bowels
_ M * a n * . Palatable. Potont. Taate Good. Do Good ,
JMver Sicken , Weaknn or Gripe. lOc , 25c , 50c. Neve *
old in bulk. The cenuine tablet stamped OOO.
Guaranteed to care or your money back.
Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or N.Y. 593
' 1 110 iiiif.rt.irt Sliojjpirr.
At thrt * 'i 'Mii hoard. " in * 5BMcn 2rain : , .
He plii.'sjod with his little might and
A nil ntho is making froqn nt "calls" '
At the shop with the sign of the golden
The opening- the Rosebud Reservation , October 5 to 17rne2Lt , .
will give over 5000 people each a choice farm in Tripp County ,
South Dakota , for a small sum per acre. 838OOJ acres will be
opened. People drawing- one of these farms must pay $6.00 art-
acre ; one-fifth down , balance in 5 years. Chamberlain and
Presho , South Dakota , are places of registration. Both are-
located on the shortest line to the reservation from Chicago the-
The best of these lands are located in the Northern part of Tripp- i >
County , easily reached from both Chamberlain and Presho. All
persons , excep't certain soldiers , must be present in one of these-
towns for registration. Presence at the drawing- not re
quired. Those who draw cne of these farms will be notifietl-
by mail. Rosebud folder , containing- map , and giving full
particulars free on request.
General Pas'enger Agent.
! l
is .W > ;
Color more cosds briabicr and faster colors ( ban eny Giber dye. One 1 Oc packaoe colors ell Hbcra , Tizsy dy : la cold rvalrr heller fhan any olbcr dye. Ten eta T
ii3 > 3arai-Bilboiirip3iasaiiari. ! WrUclerfrceliootlet-Ues to Dye , Bleacb aad Mix Colors. MOffROE ZJ UCCO , . Quinsy ,