Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 17, 1908, Image 5

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young ladies 1o
assist at soda
fountain during
tt- * * * fxm3E3nm
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
hy check was devised
by all men for any
man for yon. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or § 10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
All kindof. .
Shampooing a specialty.
HOT and COLD BATHS in connection
Forest Shepard , Prop.
Valentine State Bank Building
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brownlee.Nebr ,
Soldier Creek Col-
umDiis 17th 1G0050 ,
a son of Columbus
17tli , a half brother
of the S10.000 Cham
pion D le , a n d
C93 at head of herd.
I now ha\e about 30 head of 1907 bull cahet
for sale.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Valentine - Xebr.
All work will be given prompt
and careful attention.
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General MerchandisB
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
Ben Polen returned Monday night
from a week's trip to Sioux City and
Pallas , S. D.
Talk of the Town.
Try Kazda's barber shop. tf
John Hittle was up fro m Pen-
brook Monday.
The Ludwig Lumber Co. make
a change in their advertisement
this week.
Oliver Walcott went down to
Lincoln last Saturday to continue
his studies.
Mrs J. M.and Miss Maud Ralya
were visiting friends in town the
first of the week.
Harrison Davenport left Snnday
morning for the state university
wher he expects to take a regular
academic course.
D. J. Drebert stopped in town
Monday to visit us. He is making
his head quarters at Norfolk now
now and travels for the Western
Ins. Co. >
Floyd Valentine and Miss Tillie
Massingale were married last Fri
day afternoon by Judge Elliott.
Mr. Valentine is the baker at the
Home Bakery.
Miss Wren Donoher has placed
her accounts with me for collection.
All indebted to her will please call
at my office and settle. 35 2
Robert G. Easley.
Dewey Kellogg and family are
expected here Saturday night from
Vilas , S. D. , to make this their fu
ture home. Mr. Kellogg has con-
iderable land near Britt.
Mrs. Martha Stedifor , who has
been visiting her parents , Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Maxwell , the past few
weeks , has rejoined her husband
at Ft. D. A. Russell , Wyo.
N. S. Rowley came in from his
ranch near Kennedy , Sunday to
meet his wife who was returning
from Edgemont where she visited
iier brother the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Epke re
turned from York county last Fri
day , where they were called at the
serious illness of Mrs. Epke's sis
ter who died after they reached
Anton Fisher was in town from
Crookslon yesterday and informs
us that his oats went 50 bu. to the
acre this year. Mr. Fisher thinks
the state will go for Bryan and is
willing to back his judgement with
a good horse.
Ye Scribe and wife and Lawr
ence drove out to Hackberry lake
Saturday evening , visiting J. E.
Thackrey and family over Sunday
and returned Sunday evening.
We brought a fine mess of black
bass back with us.
The following services .will be
held in St. John's church on Sun
dry next , Sept , 20 : The celebra
tion of the holy Eucharist and
Matins , with sermon at 7:30 : and
11 o'clock a. m. , respectively.
Evensong and address at 7:30 : p.m.
Rasmus Andersen came down
from Rosebud Monday and Tues
day went out to Swan lake to hunt
chickens , but found them pretty
scarce. Mr. Andersen expects to
give up the hotel at Rosebud the
first of the month and move to
Latest returns in the Carnival
queen contest show votes as follows :
Helene Viertel 4125
Fae Pettycrew 3075
Maud Ralya.- 2700
Ida Shelbourno 2400
This , of course , is not accurate as
votes are not all in. It is ru
mored that there are several more
candidates in the field. This con
test will be closed on Wednesday ,
Sept. 24th at 6 p.m. No votes will
be accepted after that time.
A good time is promised you if
you attend the carnival in Valen
tine Sept. 22-25 , 1908. Good
horse races and ball games every
day. Many free attractions. Band
music by the Ainsworth military
band. Come everybody and spend
four most enjoyable days with us
the best of your life. No expense
has been spared to show you a
good time. Next Tudsday , Wed
nesday , Thursday and Friday.
Read the large ad. on last page of
this paper.
AE. . Benson is in town today.
F. E. ( 'ochroii , repiesenting Car
penter Paper Co. , is in town today.
D. A. Hancock of Woodlake is
transacting business in our city to-
J. W. Stetier and J. H. Quigley
shipped a train load of cattle yes
Chapman , the druggist , is look
ing for four young ladies. For
further particulars read his ad.
A petition is being circulated , by
the friends of R. G. Easley , for his
nomination by petition for county
attorney. >
Col. A. L. Towle started circu
lating his petition last Friday for
nomination as a candidate for
county judge to be voted upon
this coming election. Col. Towle
was receiver in the laudoffice at
this place for a nun ber of years.
The Lockes piescnted their play
"The Girl and the G iwk" last night
to a fair sized audience at Valentine
and it is not saying too much for
them to say that their play was
good and their performance better
than is generally seen in the west.
They play parts naturally and they
are no disappointment.
Frank Yancey and Miss Maud
Sfcotts , both of Cody , Nebr. , were
married at the Presbyterian manse
Wednesday at 4 o'clock p.m. , the
Rev. J. Robert Beale officiating.
Both of these young people are
well known at Cody. Miss Stotts
is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. C.
Stotts. THE DEMOCRAT joins their
numerous friends in congratula
James C. Quigley is meeting
with hearty co-operation in circu
lating a petition for the nomina
tion for county judge to be voted
upon at the coming general elec
tion , Nov. 3 , 190S. He is receiv
ing the encouragement from the
democratic voters , and also many
republican voters are taking an
active interest in his campaign.
He is a young man of splendid
education and a student of law.
He is a graduate of Bellevue col
lege with high honors and was
editor and manager of the college
paper last year which was very
popularly commented upon by
the leading daily papers of the
state. Mr. Quigley has been out
on the Boiling Springs ranch this
summer where he has a home
stead and has been helping with
the haying and handling stock.
Ready for the County Con =
All thiiigs are now ready for the
county Sunday School convention
of Sunday school workers of Cher
ry county , to begin at 2:30 : p. m. ,
Oct. 14 , at Valentine , Neb. The
sessions will be held in the Pres
byterian church , afternoon and
evening , and the interest shown ;
at this'date promises to be the best
meeting we have ever had. , Every
Sunday School in the county should
be represented at this convention.
Don't fail to send a delegate. We
are planning big.
Sincerely yours ,
County President.
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held as follows :
In Yalentiiie Sundajr , Sept. 27.
Higli Mass and Sermon at 10 A. M.
Benediction with the Blessed Sacra
ment after mass. At 3 p. m. , in
struction for the children. ,
In Crookstou , Sunday , Oct. 4 ,
at 10 a. rn. sharp.
LEO M. BLAERE , Rector.
Presbyterian Church.
The coming Sunday morning at
eleven o'clock the Commuion of
the Lord's Supper will be held. All
Christian friends are cordially in
vited 6:30 : p.m. Christianendeav- '
or 7:30 Rev. J. E. Baker , the !
new Pastor of the M. E. church '
will preach. All friends invited. <
The Presbyterian Pastor preaches '
for Mr. Baker in theM. E. church I
in the evening.
We will receive this week a carload of
Better get that new bug = A complets line of building
gy before the carnival , material always on hand.
Old Crow , All Leading
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
Oritclien- Under the
heimer Supervision
of the
Whiskeys. U. S. ( JOY.
AVc also handlethe Budweiser Beer.
Prices are what
we are talking
Our stock is complete.
Mrs. IX. . Lay port left las-t1
Friday rooming for Deep River ,
la. , where she will visit friends and
Dr. 'Meeham , osteopath has ,
moved into his new office rooms
over the Red Front store. Tele
phone No. 155. 10
Last week Father Blaere called
us up to his place to show what
fine apples could be raised
Cherry county. 'There wore about
200 apples on a small tree tl at
could not have held many more
with out breaking the limbs to the'
ground. The name of the variety
was " 'Wealthy" and the apples
were large , round , red , juicy and
sweet. One of the best eating ap
ples 1 we have eaten and they will
do well here in this climate. We
used to hoar people say that ap
ples could not be grown here.
They said the same thing about
Iviley county , Kansas years aj.o
that apples wouldn't do well in so
dry a climate whore there were
hot winds in summer and extreme
cold in winter but it has been dem
onstrated that apples and other
kinds of fruit thrive here. John
Ferstel raised good fruit ; .John
Berman raises good fruit ; C M.
VanMeter on north table has fine
fruit every year. Cherry county
Avill raise as good apples as you
find in the state.
The Delicious
Artesian Brew
TRIUMPH in purity , a
triumph in quality , a
triumph in flavor.
If 3rou are looking for these
three characteristics in your beer
you must order
, It possesses all cf ihem to a
ii i marked degree. We guaran tee
it to be the equal of any beer
brewed in America. 7
Me ( .IKS Dealer \\ik-ntint-
L ,
Make dates at The Democrat Office
Whereas , the hand of Divine
Providence has removed the moth
er of our sister Emma Haley :
therefore" be it resolved , that Hope
lodge Xo. 110. Degree of Honor ,
extend our sympathy , to this sister.
Resolved , that a copy of these res
olutions be spread on the records ,
, of the lodge , and a copy ! be trans
mitted to the sister , and to each of
the newspapers of Valentine.
Committee : CLARA YTCA.ST.
FA NX IK Ron ix sox.
John D. Sitser , : v old timer in
Cherry County , d : d Saturday
night at his home near the mill.