Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 17, 1908, Image 4

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    1. M. RICE Editor and Proprietor.
MARK ZAUU Foreman.
Entered at tne postoflice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
Class Matter.
Cherry Co. Subscriptions : Ifcl.oO ! ' when Per year not in paid advance in advance. ;
in advance ; paper discontinued -
? P year
} SL5f
Foreign Subscriptions ( continued at expiration it not renewed.
Pcr : by contract 12c.
Transicnt adv 0 ( . locas , 10ca ii
Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , ' _ > months or longer 10 cents
per inch , net.
Local notices , obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue
5 cents per line each insertion.
Democratic National Ticket
For President :
of Nebraska.
For Vice President :
of Indiana.
Governor A. C. ShalJcnliergci
| Lieutenant. Governor E. O. ( i.irivt
Secretary of state John Mattes , ji
Auditor W , 15. Pri
' ' Treasurer Clarence Alackei
1 Supt. of Pub. Ins N. C. Abbot
Attorney general II. 1J. Kleharti
Com. Pub. Lds. and JSjdgs \V. H. Eastlian
1 Kailxvay commissioner Win. H. Cowgil
! f Congressman. Oth Dist Win. II. Westovei
State Senator , llth ( list CeorjjeM. Adam-
Hepresentative. .VJnd dist 1. F. Cai" ;
County Judge James c. Qtr.jrle :
I * Commissioner'Jnd N. S. Ko\\le :
X. S. Rowley is the democratic
candidate for county commissions
of the 2nd Dist. of Cherry count.y
and his friends regardless of party
believe him to be worthy of theii
Nels is one of the earliest settlers
of Cherry county and drove cattle
over the sand hills from North
Platte to the John Enlow ranch
nearly 30 years ago. There wasn't
many people in Cherry county
then. Four years later William
Erickson , Charley Sherman and
Nels Rowley were punching COWF
for Russel Watts of North Platte.
They came to the country with
2200 head of cattle and held them
for awhile in the valleys of the
Boardman and Gordon Creeks.
They found the grass tall and the
water good. It was an ideal place
for the cow punchers to rest awile
and graze their herd. These
boys began to dream of a
home in the hay flats of Cherry
county and finally decided to each
take a home-stead. In casting lots
it was decided that Nels Rowley
was to drop out of the company of
cow punchers and begin to build a
cabin and put up some hay for
winter. The other two went on
with the bunch of cattle to Mon
tana , expecting to return in the
fall , to their homesteads.
Nels dropped out of the camp of
good fellows , gave up the cheer
ful evening fireside of the cowboys
to build a home in Cherry county.
There wasn't much to build with.
There wasn't a house within 20
miles , excepting the Waite ranch.
But Nels got an axe. went down on
the Snake river , chopped logs and
hauled them over the wild prairies
of the coyote and the rattlesnake
and built a cabin to live in during
the long , cold winter that follow
ed. He had put up hay for some
stock that the three had bought
with their wages or taken in ex
change for work. It was the be
ginning of three humble homes of
three sturdy young pioneers. In
the fall Mr. Rowley's compan
ions returned from the far north
My dear readcrsyou can imagine
the happy meeting of these bovs
and how they gathered around the
cheerful grate in Nels Rowleys
cabin and related their experiences
since last they met. Ask. those
gentlemen about it. They can toll
you about the piivations of early
life here though they art'not : iven
Ho complaining und their life hero
in those early day ichapter of
hitherto unwritten history of
Cherry county. B u t t h e ; y
e ri j o y c d themselves. The. }
were not looking for t h (
easy side of a job. They migh
tell you of their many experience ;
the lonely solitude of the wintei
evenings when the most cheerfu
hearts grow sad. It was not al
sunshine but they made the mos
of it. They stood together a ;
friends then and arc and have beer
ever since those early da.As.
( Charley Sherman later gave uj
his homestead and moved over 01
the Schlagle nearer Valentine
\Vm. Erickson also sold his Home
stead to N.e . & Bachelor soivu
years : igo and moved down on hh
wife's place which she lad in UK
meantime taken up before hei
marriage and whqrc they still re
side. )
Mr. Rowleyas married t (
Miss Ella Felch of Simeon ii
1SSS and they still live
in their ing cabin of cedar logs
which has been made into the mosl
comfortable of homes. There's
several rooms in the house no
and Mrs. Rowley is a good house
keeper and a good cook as every'
body knows who has had occasior
to pass that way and stop to b (
entertained at the hospitable home
of N. S , Rowley.
The story would be incomplete
without mentioning Miss Mam
their daughter who is now a young
lady of 15 summers.
Says Sheldon is a , Four Flush-
er and That SHiallenberg-
er Will 35c Elected.
Views of a Republican 1'oli-
ticiam on the Political Sit
uation in
Lincoln. Neb. , Sept. 12. A re
publican candidate for the legisla
ture was in Lincoln this week ; one
who wears his republicanism
about as straight as any man in
the party : one who has been promi
nently identified with the /party
ever since he was old enough to
' 'Are there any republicans in
your count.y who are for Bryan * "
he was asked.
"Yes , " he answered , unhesita
tingly , ' 'there are a good many.
I could name you twenty right in
my locality alone. More than that.
I rknow some who are going to vote
for Shallcnberger. I shall not be
surprised the slightest to see the
? tate carried for Hryan and to see
Shallcnbergerelected. If ] weren't
in politcs J don't know but what
I should be for both of them my
self. But I've got to keep rny re
cord straight. I'm in the repub
lican party and I'm in politics.
Consequently I'll go out and make
speeches and ask the people to
rote for Taft and tell them what a
line goverenor Sheldon is , but it's
iH fake.
"In my county people are get-
Ling the idea that Sheldon is prot-
, y much of a four-flusher and think
ic has meddled in local afl'airs in
:15tlerent : parU of the state wheie
tie shouldn't , have done so. This
nay sound strange to yon , coming
from me , but it's so. Sheldon is
i politician and he's making his
The following is a list of the prizes and the names of the winners
at the Old Settlers reunion on North Table Saturday , Sept. 5 , 190S :
Best agricultural display C. M. VanMeter , 2 sks. Elkhorn flour.
Second best T. II. Spratt , § 2.00
Best pk. winter wheat Taylor , 1.00
Best pk. spring wheat S. Jmes , 1.00
Best pk. oats A. E. Green , 1.00
Best pk. spelts A. E. Green , 1.00
Best pk. rye \ Jens Thomson , 1.00
Best pk. bromus . ' O. W. liahn , 3.00
Bast 19 ears of corn IB. .White , 1.00
Bestvpotatoes 0. W. Hahn , 1.00
Best 10 stalks corn D. Kellogg , 1.00
Best vegetable display - J. Searby , 2.00
Second best Gaskill , 1.00
Best plate of apples J. Berman , LOO
Best pair of chickens Mrs. Magill , 2.00
Best plyraouth rock chickens 0. Eikinton , 1.00
Best leghorn chickens 0.V. . Hahn , 1.00
Best pair of pigs Jens Thomson , 2.00
Best 2 year old horse colt Taylor , 2.00
Best sucking colt Cramer , o.OO
Second best 1 T. Iliggins , 2.00
Best sucking mule colt R. Crabb , 3.00
Best brood mare F. Iliggin , 2.00
Bestall purpose team , Brosius , 2.00. Bestdrivingteam , Brosius , 2.00
play right now to succeed Burkett
in the United States senate.
' ' 0 , we've a fine lot of harmony
in the party this fall. With Shel
don after Burkett and Victor
Rose water after / Brown you'll
notice the Bee is'nt going out of
its way to make Brown uduly
prominent we're just the happi
est famiiy ever. 1 happen to know
alt-o that Brown hates Sheldon most
cordially. When you hear Brown
out making speeches and saying
fine things about Sheldon , you can
put it down as straight that he is
muUering under his breath. 'God'
forgive : ne for the lies. 1 hope
they choke him. '
"Honestly , I'm tired of the
buncombe and demagoguery thats
centered around in the state house
Understand , I wouldn't for a min
ute like to sec the situation such
as it was in the legislative sessions
of 190u and 1905 , where we'd have
to ask the railroad lobby how to
[ vote every time a bill was up , but
j this thing of always playing for
'effect ' , of making speeches and do
ing nothing to back them up , makes
me tired. " World Herald.
A. C. Sliallenberger ,
wil ! be at the
> T
with a full line of
including * Scarfs , Muffs and Coats.
s :
Now is the time to place your order for fail de =
livery. Will also repair or make over osd furs.
ec * # * ft"a < s . ! * ! . J. 8 o IVCLr L Jl e
e o
New Home ,
New Royal
and other
Good Makes ,
Needles , Shuttles and Bobbins for at
use in All Makes of Scv/ing Machines.
Prices that you are willing to pay for
a good machine. Call and see them.
Call in and see our patent machine threader. Try
a bottle of our stainless machine oil.
m Liquor Center
ublic opinion is unerring , public confidence sel
dom misplaced. The true worth of every business
concern to the community in which it operates is
j fixed by its clientele , the value-giving power of ev
il cry commercial institution may be determined by
g the amount of patronage it receives. The people
have unmistakably proclaimed their confidence in
and its methods , by bestowing a far greater
patronage than that accorded any other place in
Valentine , AY he re the major portion of the fair ,
the impartial , discriminating public buys its Liquor
and Beer , must be a good place for You , the in
dividual , to trade. Arisit The titock Exchange when.
you need anything in our line.
Ship your Live Stock
No shipment too large and none too small to receive the
most careful attention.
Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled
by members- the firm.
Each man's stock sold on their merits and a square deal
guarantcd to all.
Write us for the market paper and our special market
letters , which we send you free of charge.
AMOS SXYDEU , Hog Salesman. MATT MALONE ) Cattle
GEO. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. Tuos. J. DONAHUE f Salesman.
ggery I
Gent's Furnishings
and Clothing ; . j
you wear , so for your
3wn sake , wear clothes made expressly for you. In our wide assort
ment of XEW WOOLENS you'll see patterns not to be found any
where else ; in our shop you can have made clothes that cannot be sur
passed it's your move.
Let us fit you out with a fine , neat appearing and dressy
'CiELETTE" rain proof cravanette , made to order. These are the
jest of TAILOK-MADE CKAYAXETTES and cannot be equaled.
Call in and see our large and extensive line of Men's-Furnishings ,
consisting of shirts , underwear , neckwear , hats , and in fact everything
n the line of men's furnishings.
We also handle READY MADE clothing in woolens and cordu-
oys. Do not fail to see our .complete line of men's furnishings and
et us prove our statements.
Cleaning , Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. v
Phoge 122. Valentine , Nebr.