v will relieve you of a fight with''bugs and the I nuisance and annoyance they will cause you I during the summer. If used in the spring it I destroys the egg , if used later it kills the I bu g. o household should be without it. Price , 15 cents. t-xm3Ha VALENTINE. NED A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business- either large or 'small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system into - i to your business and ] gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. VALENTINE j BARBER SHOP All kinds of. SHAMPOOS , j MASSAGES , AND LADIES HAIR DRESSING Shampooing a specialty. HOT and COLD BATHS in connection Forest Shepard , Prop. S Valentine State Bank Building lie Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. Brownlee.Nebr Soldier Cree ( 'ol umims 17th 1C0050 : i son of Columbia 17th , a half brothei of the ยง 10.000 Cham pion rule , a 11 r Prince Boabdel 131 , Gl)3 ) at head of herd I now haA e about 30 head of 1907 bull cah e ; for sale. C. H. FAULHAUER , H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparmenl of T. C. Hornby's store. J. W. McDANIEL , COUNTY SURVEYOR Valentin - Ncbr. All work will be given prompt and careful attention. W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOTJE & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 j , /f / cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr The railroad company have hac the old water tank at the coa ! chute torn down this week. j'Talk ' of the Town. Try Kazda's barber shop. . tf Mrs. John Slonecker and child ren returned from a visit at Ains- worth. W. H. Carter and Geo. Seager were down from Cody Monday on business. New cement street crossings are being put in on Main at Catherine ami Railroad Sts. Mark Cyphers is again driving his milk wagon after a year's du ties at the Dairy. Mrs. M. Sparks and son Leon ard are visiting relatives in the city the past month. Get the laughing habit by seeing the Girl and the Gawk at Church's Opera house Wed. Sept. 16th. Valentine is to have a big Cari- val Sept 22 to 25. Notice the big half page advertisement in this paper. Jas. II. Quigley , J. W. Stetter and a commission man went out to the Stetter ranch near Chester field this week. Mrs. Nicholson took her son Milton to O'Neill Sunday and placed him in the Convent to re main 9 months. Jim Galloway has recovered sufficiently to be up and around his home after a siege of six weeks with typhoid fever. Valentine is making prepara tions to take care of the vast crowds that will come here to register for Tripp county lands. Mrs. McNichols died last Fri day at the home of her daughter , Mrs. W. E. Haley in this city and was taken to O'Neill for interment. Mrs. J. A.g Thomson spent last week in the city visting relatives. Mr. Thomson stopped over a day enroute home from a visit with relatives in Iowa. Mrs. Maud Webb returned home last week after accompanying her sisters , Mrs. C. B. Eicketts and Miss Ethel to Omaha on their way to Arizona. Mrs. Ricketts has been here several weeks visiting home I folks. The public schools opened Mon day with a full corps of teachers. The big girls and the small boys are all going to school. Bethel hall is being used for the 8th grade for the first two months until the new school building addition shall be completed. The people of our city were aroused Sunday night from their slumbers by the firing of guns and the ringing of bells to help exting uish a fire which broke out in the old ice house belonging to Frank Fischer on his lots north of the passenger depot. The cause of the fire is unknown. The Valentine baseball team , went down to O'Neill last Sunday and were defeated 11 to 4. that day by O'Neill. Monday Valentine was defeated again by O'Neill 17 to 11. It was a very windy day and the ball was hard to handle resulting in big scores. Tuesday Valentine played Ainsworfch and defeated them 11 to 0. Wednesday they again de feated Ainsworth 7 to 3. During this game Watson / made two home runs and but for an error would have shut Ainsworth out as they did Tuesday. The Girl and the Gawk. Hund reds of people were turned away from the Grand Theatre last night when The Lockes presented "The Girl and the Gawk" to the largest house of the season. There were 1276 tickets sold and all available standing room taken. Rousing receptions were given Delia , Will , and Henry Locke and the audience was kept in continual enthusiasm from start to finish. The choking scene between "Jim" the Gawk and "Jack Warring" the villian , was the most realistic piece of acting ever seen here. The Lockes I are old favorites here. Daily Record , lola , Kan. At Church's opera house , Wed. , Sept. 16 , Elden Sparks is in the city. Albeit Chi ih-eiiStii ! leturued fioin Arabia last Friday to attend school again. T. C. Hornby and , family have returned from their visit at Daven port Iowa. M. C. Carroll madb a business trip to Nenzel Tuesday , returning this morning. Henry Anguston and son John and Dr. Ed Miller of Brownlee were in town Monday and Tues day on business. Mrs. Rhoda Breuldander is here from Cherokee , Iowa , visiting her mother , Mrs. Addie Holsclaw , who is quite ill. Orville Connors , a son-in-law of T. Tillson. was in town the first of the week. He has a position with the Spade ranch. The weather has been hot and dry the past week but the farmers say it is what they need to dry up the corn before frost. Egbert Bonnen is in town since yesterday enjoying a visit with friends and looking after business interests of his ditching machine. Subject for sermon Sunday , Sept. 13 , at M. E. church : Morn ing "A Partnership Worth While. " Evening "Unconscious Influence. " Wash Honey was in town yester day making arrangements for the Valentine ball team to play Ains worth at Woodlake Sept. IS , their carnival date. Elmer DeBolt has accepted a position at Forest Shepard's barber shop. Mr.Blakely is holding a chair at John Kazda's shop. Both are good barbers. The machinery at the mill is be ing run by steam power on account of the deficiency of t'ie water sup-- ply. The supply is shorter than it has been for years. Sheriff Rosseter brought A. L. Burgin down from Merriman yester day charged with obtaining mosey under false pretenses. He gave bond for his appearance and was released. Jacob Bylstra was tne complaining witness. A number of Valentine people went out to the North Table pic nic last Saturday. The exhibits were good , but very few of them. There should have been more people ple competing. The games and sports occupied most of the ' 'peo ple the whole afternoon. A more central point should be selected for next year. We returned last Wednesday night from a two weeks visit in ; Riley Co. , Kan. It was the place of our youth and it always gives us pleasure to roam , over those hills and valleys that became so familiar to us when a boy. It was there that we attended school in District No.10 , our first experience in school. Learned to read write in that little stone school house that still stands i though larger now having been re built after the Kansas' cyclone. The pleasure of going over those grounds again is only exceeded by meeting the dear old friends of our youth , some of them are now growing old. Many changes have taken place. The hills look small er and the'distances shorter than in our youth , but the greatest chang es are in the children growing up who will soon take our places. Grown young men and women greeted us there whom we taught to read and write 15 and 16 years ago. "Don't you know us , teach er ? " "You was our first teacher. " Thus spoke a bright young man ! and two grown young ladies. Six teen years ago they came to school for their first time and they had not forgotten their first teacher. We're growing older. There is a generation coming after us that are just as good as the best of us. They're better than the most of us and soon we will be superseded by them. We found crops abundant in Riley Co. Not so good in Eastern Neb. At the State Fair we were impressed with the few county ex hibits. Cherry County should join them next year. On this subject we want to say more later. McCormick wers , Rakes arid Twine ; Dale Will Stackers , THE BEST STACKER ROPE ON THE MARKET. e have experienced experts in our employ who will set up and assist is starting ing- our harvesters. Buy your farm implements of those who make a specialty of farm machinery , and avoid the grief incident to trading with"a Prune Peddler Old Crow , All Leading- Hermitage Brands / and . Bottled Gmchen- Under the heimer Supervision of the Whiskeys. U. S. Gov. " \Vc also handle the Budweiser Beer. feaca w / " " y T TV T J * / " * ' 18 It " * ' B V n < JOHN Q. STETT Prices are what t we are talking Now Our stock is complete. BISHOP & YOUNG , George Elliott Appointee County Judge , Succeeding - ing L. N. Layport , Deceased. Numerous applicants for the ap pointment of county judge o Cherry county applied to the coun ty commissioners last week after learning of the sudden death Mon day of L. X. Layport. O then were getting ready to apply bui the commissioners cut the whole matter short by appointing Geo. Elliott of Valentine Thursday eve ning , Sept. a , 190S. This was something of a surprise to some of the men who were candidates foi that position at the death of Judge Towne in 1907 and again at the republican primaries last year. Rev. J. E. Baker , formerly * pastor at Rushviiio , has been as signed to the M. E. church at Val entine and has moved to our city. Mrs. Itooton and Miss Rosa have returned to Valentino and expect tc take charge of their hotel , the Yal entine House , which has been con ducted this summer by Mr. and Mrs Bernard who contemplate leaving our city to engage in business else where. They have made raanj friends here who would be glad tc have them remain here to engage in business. WARDS OFF SIfKNESS SIfKNESSbenefit Whether you are sick or well , great benefit can be obtained from taking a bottle a day of Storz Malt Extract. IT IS BETTER THAN MEDICINE in a great many cases. It will add flesh to your body , will sharpen your appetite , will soothe and quiet your nerves and bring you restful sleep. 300 Physicians Have Endorsed STORZ MALT EXTRACT f : We have the letters on file for inspec- " lien. A bautfaly illustrated bsccel fully describing tLe product trailed free to anyone. Arsstilisllbnnsit 12 . _ HIT - - IT oi' 3 < ae .AL.L , MA THE HIGH DOLLAR FOR YOU' when F I URCH .i tf e J24f ( n id. ITiONEER . Make dates at The Democrat Office W. T. Bailey , Aug. Klopping -and , Frank Ricket of Wood lake were in town yesterday on real > estate business. Geo. Ladely and wife were up ) from their ranch near Rolf last i week attending the Laport fuaer- i al and visited friends in town. Sec the new Directoire gown worn in the Girl and the Gawk at Churches Opera house Wednesday Sept. 16th. E. Stilwell and wife returned from Chadron Tu - lay. J. E. Thackery and family stayed at their ranch during their absence.