Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 03, 1908, Image 8
T 1 q Special features in free attractions , including in her sensational slide for life , The 70 ft , high dive , etc , Baleen Music furnished each day by the celebrated Ainsworth Military Band of 20 pieces. With the fast teams of Cha ron , Alliance , Deadwood , Ainsworth. HORSE RACES EXCITING SPORTS $50 Gold Watch and Chain given to the Carnival Queen , Season tickets good for the entire four days of races and ball games will be sold for 75c , Each ticket entitles the holder to 75 ' * votes for the carnival queen , No Valentine ladies to enter this contest , \ : DON' ' FORGET THE DATES i | Our Lincoln Letter. ( Concluded from page one. ) .r been -made much of by the repub- [ Hcan press , but in this connection ' it may be interesting to know a few facts. The Sun opposed Mr. Bryan j- in 1896. In 1900 it remained neu * . tral until the last week or two of / the campaign and then gave Mr. Bryan a half-hearted support that was really worse than open hostil ity. In 190i the Sun supported Parker vigorously , yet Mr. Parker polled fewer votes" in Maryland with the Sun's hearty support than Mr. Bryan polled in 1900 when the Sun was damning him with faint praise. The weekly democratic press is performing valiant work. It is a pleasure to go through them and see the vigorous work they are do ing in behalf of the democratic ticket and platform. And after all it is the weekly press the local papers that are anxiously awaited guests at the family fireside that get in real touch with the people. The weekly democratic papers have always been loyal , but this ! ! year they are excelling all previous I I efforts. The tone of the newspa pers , daily and weekly , ? s decidedly encouraging. The reports from that reach Lincoln are most en- | couraging. For the first time in twelve .years the democrats of that state are in entire harmony and are working heart and soul for democratic victory. Chairman Mack , who is a Xew Yorker , and in close touch with Xew York pol-1 itics , is sanguine of success in the Empire State. He says that the ; indications are that New York will go democratic by close to 100,000 , and he has figures to back up the stat2ment. " Betting is neither legal nor mor al , nor does it mean nnything par ticularly so far us ) ults are con- But here ja a little inci- ' dent that will be interesting. A newspaper correspondent well known in this immediate vicinity was in Chicago last week , and in cidentally called at republican na tional headquarters. A member of that committee asked about Ne braska and expressed incredulity when he was told that Bryan would carry the state. "Why , I'll bet he'll not carry Lincoln , or Lan caster county or Nebraska I'll bet he does'not carry either of the three. " "How much ? " asked the corres pondent. ' ' 'Anything you name. "All right , make it § 250 , " said the correspondent , pulling a draft for twice that much from his pock et. Or make it § 500 or § 1,000. " The member of the committee weakened , but after some good { j natured joshing agreed to wager a hat. Will M. Maupin. Notice of Incorporation of the Mission Farm Company. * We. the undersigned , incorporators. do herein' , in pursuance of the statutes of the State ot Nebraska in such cases made and I provided , associate ourselves as a body , politic - [ litic and corporate in the manner and lor the purposes hereinafter mentioned. Aimri.K i. The said corporation shall be named and known as The Mission Farm Company. AKTICI.K II. The principal place of transacting the business ot the corporation shall be in the town of Crookston. Cherry , county Nebraska. AUTH'Mi IH. The general nature of the business to be transacted by the corporation is : To engage in raising horses , cattle , mules , sheep , nogs and other domestic animals : to produce , pur chase , sell , import , export and generally deal in milk , butter , cheese , vegetables , grains and all kinds ot farm , garden and dairy pro ducts : to own personal and real property : to purchase and sell personal and real prop erty , acquire , own. sell , incumber and mort gage personal property and real estate : to enter into all contracts for the purchase and sale of real estate and personal property : to borrow inonej * . issue their notes for the same : to mortgage and pledge the propert3' ot the corporation as security for debts owed bj-it : to execute chattel" mortgages , bills ot sale , real estate mortgages , deeds , leases and to enter into all agreements and to execute all contracts which are necessary and incident to the conducting of its busi ness : to use in the course ot its business a common seal and to alter and change the same at its pleasure. AllTinK IV. The authori/.ed capital stock of the cor poration shall be twentjMlve thousand CF 'i.OiXl.OO ) dollars , divided into two hundred and fifty shares ot one hundred (4WJ.OU ( ) dol- . Jars each , which shall be full\ ' paid up when ' issued , titty of such shares shall be subscribed - ' ed and fully paid up upon the organization ' "Of the corporation , the remaining two hundred - ' dred shares , or any part thereof , may be i.s. I sued at any time b'v tut Board ot Directors. ' The stockholders of the company shall be ! entitled toapio r.ita distribution of all sub sequent issues of stock , m such manner and j under such rules and regulations as ina3' be ! prescribed by the Hoard of Directors. Said I stock may be .paid for in cash , or its cquiva- ' lent in property necessary and useful to the corporation in the transaction of its business. AHTICI.K v. i The highest amount of indebtedness or j liability to which the corporation may at i an'time subject itself shall not exceed an ! amount equal to sixty-six and two-thirds per j cent ot" the capital stock issued. AUTK'Mi VI. The corporation shall date from and com mence on the 1st day of August. IMS. and it shall terminate on the 1st day of August. AHTiri.K VII. The affairs and business otthe corporation shall be conducted by a board of live direc tors , and by the officers by them to Be elect ed , as hereinafter provided. AKTIl-LE V1U. The first meeting of the stockholders shall be held on the date of the commencement of the corporation , or as soon thereafter as pare- ticable. and thereafter their regular annual meeting shall be held in the town of Crooks- ton. Cherrv count } ' . Nebraska , on the the first Monday in July ot each \-ear. " At said lirst meeting , and"at the annual meetings thereafter , the Board of Directors shall be elected by the stockholders from their own number , to hold office until the an nual meeting next after their election and until their successors are elected and quali fied. AHTICM : ix. The directors shall in each instance , as soon as convenient after their election , elect from their own number a president , vice president , secretary and treasurer , who shall hold office until the annual meeting next after their election and until their suc cessors are elected and qualified. An } ' tweet ot said offices may be held by one and the same person , except the oilices of president and vice president , Aimri.K x. The Board of Directors shall have full pow-er and'authoritv to make all rules , and by-laws tor the proper government and con trol or all the business aitairs ot the corpora tion , and the } ' may alter and amend the same at pleasure. , ARTICLE XI. Vacancies occurring in tne Board of Di rectors shall be filled by the stockholders , and other offices vacant from whatever cause , shall be tilled by the Board of Direc tors. Aimrt.E xn. These articles of incorporation mav be amended at any tune. Every amendment shall be first approved by a two-thirds vote ot the entire Board of Directors , and upon being so approved , it shall be entered at large upon tne records ot the board. A draft of tne proposed amendment or amendments , as the case may be. shafl be submitted to each stockholder , with the notice of the meeting called tor the purpose of voting upon same , which notice shall be given ten days at least prior to the date fixed tor the meet ing. It such amendment or araendinerits , i or either of them , shall then be approved by ; the holder or holders ot two-thirds of the capital stock of the corporation , each and every amendment so approved shall be con sidered adopted and be made a part of the articles of incorporation , and the Board of Director shall thereafter subscribe , ac- S knowledge , record and publish the same , as 3id < by law required. i left ; "In testimony whereof , we have hereunto ses. set our hands this 7th dav of .Julv. IMS. left i In presence ot i " P.'FLOR DIGMANN. hip I W. E. Halev. ) E. M. PERK1G. HENRY GUO'IHE. - ADAM VOLMEYER. on HENRY KUPP. j tl State of Nebraska , i i ed Countv of Cherry " , r I ioff ; On this 7th day "of .July. 1 ! > 08. personally before - ' , , fore me.V. . E. Haley , a notary public in and , OI ' tor Cherry county. Nebraska , duly cominisi i sioned and qualified , came P. Flor'Digmann. ' "rr E. M. Perrig. Henry Grothe. Adam Volmeyer j N and Henry Hupp , to me well known to be the i identical persons whose names are affixed to j the foregoing articles-of incorporation , and ! they severally acknowledged the execution ot the same to be their voluntary act and deed for the purposes in said a'rticles ex pressed. In testimony whereof j have here unto subscribed my hand and affixed mv of ficial seal the day and date last above written. * W. E. HALEY. - \ SKAI , } 3I I Notary Public. ( Commission expires April 17. i j-j. | Try Kazda's barber shop. If jJJf-ffT-r ; ' ? y jMttf tfajfa.Qii. $16,500 IN PRIZES GIVEN AWAY GIVEN AWAY FREE FOR. CORRECT SOLUTIONS TO THE PUZZLE BELOW HE line of Pianos carried by The Bennett Co. is of such a high degree of excellence , and the T various makes so well and favorably Known , that their names are already household words in the E J J majority of homes in Nebraska and neighboring states , but in order that all may become familiar t&i&se with the fact that the greatest line of high-grade Pianos m the West is to be found in our warerooms - rooms , nrd in order to obtain a large and comprehensive list of prospective purchasers of Pianos and Organ- whom we may present the merits of our instruments and explain our equitable selling system , we have inaugurated a contest which we believe to be the most interesting , and at the same time the most liberal ever attempted by any Piano house. THE CONTEST ! Printed in the coupon below you will find a Puzzle Automobile Wheel , around the tire of which we have placed the letters which form the names of some of the different makes of Pianos we represent. We want you to rearrange these letters correctly and write the names which the letters form in the places left for that purpose between the spokes of the wheel. In order that you may easily understand how to do it , we have completed one answer. Study the puzzle carefully , also the arrangement ot the word PACKARD , and you will have little trouble in completing the rest of the answers. \ /THE RULES GOVERNING THE CONTEST Arc very simple and will be easily understood. They must be strictly complied -with , however. 1. The contest is open to all. except employes of- The Bennett Company or persons connected with other music houses. Th correct names and addresses of 4 prospective purchasers of Pianrsor Oreans MUST be written in the spaces pro- tor ihat mirpns in the wheel. Exercise great care iu sending in these names , for , as explained above , the principal i ot tnis contest is to enable us to widen the scope of our operations and get in touch with those who are now , or may b-i later on , in thu market for a piano. * o. The contest will extend over a period of 30 days , beginning August 21st and ending September 19th. and prizes will be awarded and tha winncis announced as soon as possible after the closing of the contest. 4 No co testant may st-r.d in more than one solution. 5 In ord-r tint all mav have equal chances of obtaining an award , the prizes will be distributed as explained below. THE PRIZES How the Prizes Will Be Awarded 1 Louis X V Grand Piano Value $1.400 One i (1) ( ) Piano and $1.000 in Cash and Credit Certificates 1 Magnificent Art Grand Piano Value 1.000 . for the first correct answers received as follows : I Upright Cabinet Grand Piano. . Value 650 (1) ( ) Between August 21st and August 23rd , inclusive ; 1 Upright Cabinet Grand Piano..Value 600 (2) ( ) Between August 24th and August 26th , inclusire ; I Upright Cabinet Grand Piano..Value 575 (3) ( ) Between August 27th and August 29th , inclusive ; 1 Upright Cabinet Grand Piano..Value 550 (4) ( ) Between August 30th and September 1st , inclusive ; 1 Upright Cabinet Grand Piano..Value 525 'S ) Between September 2nd and September 4th , inclusive. 1 Upright Cabinet Grand Piano..Value 450 (6) ( ) Between September 5th and September 7th , inclusive ; 1 Upright Cabinet Grand Piano..Value 400 (7) ( ) Between September 8th and September 10th , inclusive ; 1 Mahogany Upright Piano Value 350 (8) ( ) Between September llth and September 13lh , inclusive ; And other Prizes amounting to $10 000 , (9) ( ) Between September 14th and September 16th , inclusive ; in Cash and Credit Certificates. (10) ( ) Between September 17th and September 19th , inclusive. An attractive souvenir will be presented to all who par ticipate in the contest but are not fortunate enough to win A total of 10 Pianos and $10.000 in , Cash one of the prizes mentioned above. - and Credit Certificates. CONTEST CLOSES POSITIVELY ON SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 19 , AT 4:30 P. M. Cut off at this dotted line and mail as instructed below. Upright Art Model Cabinet Grand ( fraud Fiano JSPECTIVE BUYER Q OR ORGAN One of One of the Ten IhcTen Pianos Pianog STREET URM.ROUTE One of the Ten Pianos Louis XVaml aml Pinuo After nilinp ; in yonramwnr * to the pn//lp. write rour nim" an 1 a I lr- vprplal ily 11 thj space below , cut the co-ipon oft bolovr the dotted line and mall It t CONTEST MANAGER Name _ THE Address NNETT Street No OR COMPANY Rural Route OMAHA N. S. Rowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. lame ; as cut on let" ' e and hip , and on' ' shoulder of heron - on side fffwiand Jon ieft side. TIP i husk-sK222Sfiiiing peg ( either side up ) on , side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder ' horses. QJ , , Q on left hip of horses. on left Jaw of horses 0. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJ BE JJ on right hip. Ranee on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock xingany of these brands. ] ' P. II. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on lef c Bide Some QY ° U side. on left jaw of V horses. Ilange on Gordon Creek north of Simeon , Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud S. D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO - u richtside Some cattle also hae af on neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded with two bars across hind nnar- ters. Some Texas cattle branded s O on left side and sonie on left side. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattle j branded AW bar connected on both sides and | left hip of horses. Jos. Bristol Valentine , Nebr. Range on Nlo- brara river four miles east ot Ft. Niobrara. Horses and cattle branded nB connected on left hip or side as shown In cut R M Faddis& Co. Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy.- f GP ) . Some K _ . > . branded on left " " 'Kb. Horses branded on left ishoulder or thigh. Some Some branded branded on "Khc shoulder or on thigh left E ! or j-houiderf thigh