Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 03, 1908, Image 7

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Steepewl liuiU\i.v .11 Kiro : > e.
A remurkal If munnf.iin railway Tuna
up to the Virgil terrace on the Kher
JCis.ich in the Tvrol , : : . ! it is the
steepest railway known ti > Lnropc. far
surpassing in this ivgar : ! famous
Vesuvius railway with a gradient of
02 per cent , and the Mendel railway
with a gradient of ( It p'-r cent. In tha
upper section of the iiw railway ths
% gradient reaches 70 p < * r cent , while tlis
reraaijidor haa a jrraur-ist of ( H > per cent.
iN'evertheless the general structure and
brake : ? of the new railway are .said is
have iejj : i/aiii tlan tlc others , -whlct
are not so steep. This is because its
cars are smaller and because it dis
penses with the compensating rope
which gives much on the Vcsuvian rail-
\ way. The car Is divided into four com
partments ami two platforms , with the
outer compartments open and the inner
closed. There is seating accommoda
tion in the four compartments for thir
ty-two passengers.
After Years Spent In Vain KIFort.
Mrs. Mary E. II. House , of Cam
bridge , X. Y. , says : "Five years ago
I had a bad fall and it
affected my kidneys.
Severe pains in my
back and hips became
constant , and sharp
twinges followed any
exertion. The kidney
secretions were badly
disordered. I lost
flesh and grew too weak
to work. Though constantly using
medicine I despaired of being cured
until I began taking Donn's Kidney
Tills. Then relief came quickly , and
in a short time I was completely cured.
1 am now in excellent health. "
Sold by all dealers. HO cents a box.
Foster-Milluirn To. . "Buffalo , N. Y.
Mip.xli Uisdnlu.
But there ws one young woman in
the box party at the theater who took no
part in the JioisJ * chatter and giggle.
With her gaze fixed upon the stag *
she watched the progress of the play , in
different to the gaycty around her , except
that her delicate , aristocratic , finely chis
eled features bore a look of weariness ,
: nd a scornful smile curved her lips.
At last , however , she turned her head
t slowly and looked at the other members
of the party.
Then she spoke to the elderly matron
sitting by her side.
"That qirl in the blue kimono , " she
aid , "thinks she's the whole custard ! "
Chicago Tribune.
Mr. Bluesocks ( meekly ) This is the
fourth time this week we've bad tinned
beef and cabbage , Xaria , and I'nl just
a little tired of it.
Mrs. B. I'm sure , Thomas , you're
very unreasonable. You kncnv I've had
to correct the proof-sheets of my new
book , "One Hundred Dainty Dinners ,
Lunches and Suppers. "
appeal to the Well-informed in every
walk of life and are essential to permanent
success * and creditable standing. Accor-
ingly , it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of
known value , but one of many reasons
why it is the best of personal and family
laxatives is the fact that it cleanses ,
sweetens and relieves the internal organs
on which it acts without any debilitating
after effects an J without having to increase
the quantity from time to time.
It acts pleasantly and naturally and
truly as a laxative , and its component
parts are known to and approved by
physicians , as it is free from all objection
able substances. To get it , beneficial
effects always purchase the genuine
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. , only , and for sale by all leading drug
Keeps the breath , teeth , mouth and body
antiseptic-ally clean and free from un-
heakhy germ-life and disagreeable odors ,
which water , soap and tooth preparations
alone cannrt do. A
germicidat , disin
fecting and deodor
izing torleJ requisite
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes ,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug > nd toilet
stores , 50 cents , or
by mail postpaid.
Large Tris !
* lhi L't : > t < f pi iUnits. ! . : . - sJi.e. Ulx'Jd
inthfs.v . i tli . " j 'ins. of iii.v.ui r T.iit.
at < iily lc cai I * , mail. AJ&o Iitautifni
Mtuvenir jiost : ' . ! -ad of ilryaii or Talt at
2c each. Try oi r. Or more. L. C. D1I \ \
South Ouialia.
The idle hoe tells the story of a
iveedy 'garden.
Be slow about making promises ; then
you won't have so many to break.
Transplanted lettuce grows larger
than that which remains where If was
An exclusive diet of corn will prevent
hens from laying ; so will an exclusive
diet of anything else.
The odors in thft dairy barn can
nearly all be absorbed by plenty of dry
earth or laud plaster.
Trying to run a farm without ma
nure la like trying to run an automo-
biJ < 3 without gasoline.
Whether it is sunshine or rain , the
good dairy cow is always busy turning
a proiit for her. owner.
Milk twice a day and milk at regu
lar times if you would obtain the best
results from your herd.
Putting the best foot" forward means
putting up a bluff. THe only success
ful men are those who get there with
both feet.
Chicken * In the orchard pick up
thousands of insects , worms , etc. ,
v.'hict would prove injurious to the
trees and fruit.
The furnishing of fancy farm-made
cheese affords an opportunity of mak
ing great profits from the dairy if prop
erly conducted.
Starved land cannot grow good
crops. Provide the elements which the
crop needs and harvest day will be a
day of rejoicing.
Alfalfa takes a tremendous amount
of moisture out of the soil and is not
as good for an orchard as some other
Jess voracious plants.
A good brood sow must have largo
capacity for feed , because it requires a
great deal of feed to keep her milk-
producing machinery going.
Truck crops suffer least' from fungi
in seasons that open with a cool spring
and end with a very hot summer , with
rainfall below the average.
Scab , foot rot and liver trouble ami
catarrh are all induced by lack ot
thrift. Lack of thrift is induced by
lack of care and lack of feed.
The man who has no bad habits ,
never makes mistakes and never fails
to say so is too good for the company
of ordinary mortals and should be let
If you are raising ducks without a
swimming place for them , be sure to
have the drinking pans deep enough
BO they can get their heads entirely un
der water. .
The feeding of dairy cattle affords
the dairyman an opportunity to save all
of the manure made by feeding out his
crops and return it to his fields for fu
ture use.
Open sheds facing the south furnish
the best roosting quarters for turkeys.
You cannot raise turkeys successfully
In confinement. They must have a wide
range of field.
The building of a silo enables the
dairyman to save all of the valuable
food elements contained In his corn
crop and get the most profit out of feed-
rag it on his own farm.
A few days of pasturing on the stub
ble fields after the grain is cut anfl out
of the way will provide considerable
good feed for the stock and will be a
good thing for the field.
To make the most out of sheep they
must be kept for a series of years.
Some years they will return a much
setter profit than1 in others , but it is
hatd to sell out and buy at the right
Artichokes are in some little demand
In city markets during early spring for
pickling. They must be fairly smooth ,
uniform and large , and washed very
: lean. A few produce dealers handle
Sixty-six Percheron horses recently
sold at Sioux City , Iowa , for an aver-
ige of $40G."iO each. One stallion
> rought $1,210. Be sure , however , that
hese horses were thoroughbreds and
lot scrubs.
Don't haul your hogs in tight box
vagons. The loss of one hog by over-
leating will more than pay for a panel
ack for the wagon. Money Is well In-
ested that provides greater comforter
or the stock.
A neat sign' bearing the name of the
arm placed near the road so that It
: an be read by passcrsby gives ehar-
.cter to your place. People think as
hey pass that the -dace that has au
-r'fC - ' ' , . - - . ;
: KsN l j , f \ *
individual naino must amount to coinr
thing. In ] jic"iU'j a ianzc k't cor.3
characteristic of tlio place receive KD
A fruit grower in the Hood Rive *
valley , Oregon , recently sold forty
boxes of winter banana apples at $12
a box. Last year this crop amounted
to lOo.OCO boxes and brought an aver
age of $1' per box.
A large majority of gardeners an < !
farmers never properly estimate the ad
vantage of thinning their crops. If
strictly adhered to the yield woaW b&
greatly increased and the quality
greatly improved.
A Texas banker has proved to his
own satisfaction that ulfalfa is a good
hog feed. With an investment of $30
for three sows and six shoats he says
he made $1,500 in three years vat hog
raising and the only feed the hogs re
ceived was alfalfa pasture and a little
waste kafilr corn around the feed lots.
Sheep a.s Keasi.s oi Durden.
In the northern part of India sheep
are put to a use unthought of In European - i
pean or American countries. They are ,
made to serve as beasts of burden , be
cause they are more sure-footed thaa
larger beasts , and the mountain paths
along the foothillsltof the Himalayas
are steep and difficult. The load for
each sheep is from 1C to 20 pounds.
The sheep are driven from village to
village , with the wool still growing , and
in each town the farmer shears as much
wool as he can sell there and loads the
sheep with Use grain which he receives
in exchange. After his flock has been
sheared be turns it homeward , each
sheep having on its back a small bag
containing the purchased grain.
"Wanted Products.
At this time a tourist through Texai
sees one peach orchard after another
overloaded with fruit. It is not possif i
ble to either consume it or to sell it !
all fresh. In places the ground is al
ready covered with peaches. Now , the ,
only means of saving such precious J
surplus is to cither dry the fruit or !
preserve it. The "people of the South , ;
largely because of the great abun
dance of it , have always suffered se
rious waste at this point. It is the
same of the potato crop , peanut crop i
and other crops. Everything of value i
slionld be saved in some way. It [
should be preserved for future use or j
for a future demand of the market :
that may be overcrowded during the j
rush of the different products to the !
consumers. .It should be the desire j
and the constant study of every Texan
to save the waste here or there. Dal
las News. of tlio Big
It is common every now and then to
read an account lit-some newspaper of ;
one of the subscribers bringing In an
extraordinary large egg into the office
of the editor , and the aforesaid editor
at once.heralds the news as though it ,
was of great public importance. Such i
eggs are important to the poultryman ,
inasmuch as they are danger signals.
They tell of an unhealthy condition of
the hen that laid them. No strong ,
healthy hen will lay either a double-
yolked egg , a round egg , a badly
shaped egg or a soft-shelled egg. Some
thing is wrong with the hen that lays
anything different than a regular
shaped egg. Instead of rejoicing at
these extra large eggs , there should
he cause of regret. At once the mat
ter should be Investigated and the genf
eral condition of the flock should bo
looked into. If it is found that they
all or the majority of them , are heavy ,
It is well to cut down the quantity of
the carbonaceous or starchy foods and
increase the nitrogen material.
Ornngre Culture in tlio North.
Botanists in the employ of the United j
States Department of Agriculture hope
to bring into being an orange tree which
will be as sturdy as the apple tree ; an
orange tree that will not perish In the
chill of northern winter , which in De
cember will l > ear its wreath of snow
and in May its garlands of bloom , and
when summer comes will yield fruit as
good as that sweetened in the south
This may ceem to be an unnatural
proposition , says the Technical World ,
jut it only seems so. No violence upon
the laws of nature has been or will be
attempted. It is simply an effort to
make the citrus tree which bears the
sweet table orange as hardy and insen
sitive to cold as the citrus tree which
bears the bitter , uuedible orange. By
crossing a citrus tree which grows In
Lhe north and which bears an unedible
rniit with the citrus tree of the south
it is sought to beget a plant in which
ivill be combined the good traits of
Government botanists are confident
: hit : the results of this citrus marriage
, vill be a ? clon that will grow and fruit
it a latitude midway between the
lorthern limits of the sweet and tha
) itter orange. If this should be , there
night be orange proves in Central Vir-
rlnla. Middle Kentucky , Southern Indi-
na , Southern Illinois , Central Mis-
irmri and Central Kansas. Think of
> range groves around the homes in
{ I'-hmond , Louisville. Cincinnati , St
. .oulB and Kansas City.
What is Pe-ra-
Are we claiming lee much for Pcruna
when wo claim it to be an effective
remedy for chronic catarrh ? llavo "v b
abundant proof that Peruna is in real
ity such a catarrh remedy ? Let us see
what the United States Dispensatory
says of the principal ingredients , of
Take , for instance , the ingredient
hydrastis canadeiisis , or gblder. seal.
The United States L > ispensatorv raTs
of tLIis JHTbal roTic-J j , that it is largely
employed l-i "ho treatment cf depraved
mucous membranes lining various
organs of the human body.
Another ingredient of Peruna , corydalis -
dalis formosa , is classed in the United
States Dispensatory as a tonic.
Cedron seeds is another ingredient.of
Peruna. The United States Dispensa
tory says of the action 6f cedron that
it is used as a bitter tonic and in the
treatment of dysentery , and in inter
mittent diseases as a substitute for
Send to us for a free book of testimonials
menials of what the people think of Pe
runa as a catarrh remedy. The best
evidence is the testimony of those who
have tried it.
Dci-ivc.s Revenue from Dis
graceful anil Uiihenl Iiy Tenements.
Trinity church is the holdc. ' of one
of the greatest cst.itis in New York erin
in the country , says Charles E. Itus-
sell in Everybody's. It owns in the
city property worth , according to differ
ent estimators , from St-0.000 : ! ! ) ( to
$100,000,000 , from which it draws an
enormous revenue , the amount of
which is never made public. For many
years no investigator has been able to
obtain any more definite knowledge 01'
these mutters than that tni.s is the
wealth of Trinity which she holds for
good purposes. JIo\v comes it that on
the east side of New York have been
built in recent years bright , clean , fire
proof and sanitary fiats , in such num
bers that ce. in regions have becii
transformed by them , and life for those
that dwell in them has been change' !
from dirtiest misery to something a I
most suggestive of decency , while Trhi
ity has done nothing of the kind ?
How comes it that the Astor estate ,
owner of hundreds of tenements , has
pursued for years one settled policy of
improvements for the benefit of the
tenants , and the Trinity tenants have
been left to shift for themselves ?
The Astor estate maintains no chari
ties , it has no missions , no hospitals , no
beds and no Sunday school extensions ;
yet I am perfectly certain that the bal
ance of actual good in the world is ki
its favor ; I am perfectly certain that
to obliterate one .court that breeds tu
berculosis is better than to spend $70-
000 a' year on organ music , and that to
provide a tenement with fire escapes is
better than to preach a sermon of re
mote and genteel theology. The man
agement of the Astor tenements indi
cates what even a small measure of civ
ilization can do in the midst of barbar
ous conditions ; the management of the
Trinity tenements shows what callous
neglect can do to further and aggravate
barbarous conditions.
To be sure , all tenement houses are
bad , I know that ; all tenement houses
are terrific indictments of the condi
tions of grab and gain and splendor
and shame that we tolerate.
And if the tenement , speaking gener
ally , works ill , Trinity's tenements
must be a matter of grave concern to
us all. Trinity's tenements must work
more than common ill , for they are the
worst tenements in New York.
A Pictureitjiic Hero.
Not many months ago the redoubt
able insurgent chief , Boris Sarafoff. a
Macedonian patriot , was killed in Bul
garia. Sarafoff has caught the public
eye not only by his daring insurrections ,
but also by his romantic and pictur
esque personality.
A handsome joung fellow of not more
than 30 years , with bis red sash , nis
long cloth leggings and his small-tas-
seled cap , he suggested a dash of the
mountain brigand as he harried the
Turks to massacre the Christians.
" thsft is Indifferent
"We have seen Europe
different to bloodshed in Macedonia , "
he declared. "We will try the experi
nient of seeing If Europe will not stir
when European capital and European
lives are made to suffer. "
Th's ' popular patriot gained a power
ful hold on his followers , and they
gave him all he asked. He pressed his
people so hard for contributions that
they sold their cattle at ten shillings
a head to satisfy his demands.
To Hold Him.
Nan That's a beautiful solitaire Dick
gave you. I wonder if yon know what a
fickle young man he is.
Fan Indeed I do ; that's why I made
him give mo snh m ovnotmivo one.
Color more needs briefer and fasler colors lhan any o
aay carat : : ! uithoul riypiaj zyzrt. Wrllc lor Irec boot.
n.s Bl.itliu Hi ' : % A nierlcnn n
Travelers s.y ; v vi . -.i.iy inako t'1- !
round of tilt' : ; ! olio \\iri. > rt fir.-r.mvr-
ing a strawberry sliortcalie worth tno ! -
tioning , outside of America. If you
don't believe the saying , just male the
tCt.r and convince yourself.
Thg French have a "oliortcake"
pen e cake v/lth a fo\v bcri s prtss'.vl
into the top. England has a sort of
" 'JLy ui3" : cri-JC Jutersp rped v.'U ! a
little fruit , but 5n the United States
you get the real thing. Maderof .Michi
gan berries , and this recipe , there can
be none better :
When maling a strawberry short
cake use a very light biscuit dough
from some old asd tried recipe , roll
> ut into two thin layers , brush one
over with a coatirof melted butter.
nut the other layer on top of it and
bake. A shortcake put together in this
\vay was found less heavy than when
'he cake was split open while hot. The
two layers are easily separated. Then-
's also not so much hard crust as whe : :
'he layers are baked separate * ' . Aftei
"emoving from the oven separate the
'ayers ' and spread each with butter.
Turn the top layer upside dovn an.l
over with sweeten ; d berries that luvj-
, . ; een standirig in the stnihio for ai >
hour , or until they begin to l. ok rich
uul juicy. Then over them place tin
uher layer. Ornamit tl ; ? t'i ' > v.'iy.i
ihe same kind of sv.n cooked berri * s.
Decorate the cake witli whipped
ream , or serve the cream in a sep : rte -
: te dish. Send ( he cake to the table
Do not iise whipped ai.d flavored egg
whites instead of the cream , as =
many cooks iusi-t on doii'g. If ym :
annot obtain ci-eam use a s.iiu-e in 1
rrom the juice of a few hernes tha
have stood aln.ost long enuih in \ \ \ -
sunshine to melt , or thes.jine jui"CJ
'nixed with butter and lint : !
thick. If the latter sai'ce is i : < -.c-d l
'tot sweeten before putting them in tin
-unshine. A shortcake \ uld nut In
< o sweet 'that it is insipid. ,
Tasteless berries may o-c.i'-Iiinally I-
'mproved ' with a iVw dn p-- = ofv \ \ \ \ >
iuice. Avoid any and : ill < aff tlr * i' . ; , <
hot sauces that are u/'tiiii.'s 11 ' I.
Ono Thins- that " \VI1I I Ivo Forever ,
PETTIT3 EYK SALVE , first box solil
in 1807 , over JOO years ago , sales iiu-rcase
vcarlv. All druggists or Howard Bros. ,
Buffalo , N. Y.
Her OuntTiisity.
He I wish that yon \ vre poi r , s
that you would be willing to marry n-
She Evidently 1 am far more jei'
erous than you. -wish you were ri < - ! ' .
so that I might be willing to marr.\
& buy Furs & Hides. Write fur catalog UK
N. W. Hide & Fur Co. , Minneapolis , Minn.
I'crmu 111111 ICeeeiver. '
Patience 1 hear Will is going t < i
many that girl he's been spendin. ; s- >
much money on.
Patrice Yes. He's going to make |
her a permanent receiver. Yonkers j
Mrs. Wliislow's Soothing Syrup for childj j
rcn teething , softens the gums , reduces in
flammation , allays pain , cures wind colic.
2oc a bojtle.
Only There ;
Ksmeralda Mamma , is there such a
thing as a complexion that never sunburns
and never tanV
Mix. Median's Yo , dear : you fre-
ot-itly come across onp in the e beautifnl
love storSp' of'r C'lin in' > ! - ; ' .
St Vitus" Danes anil Nervous T > i * -s per
nianciitly c-ureil bvDr Kline" . Ort > * r\
Kestorer. Send for FKCK 6 * . < 0 trial bottle anil treatise
DK. H. U. KLINE , Ld. . 931 Arch Street. PhiUJelphii. Fa
Soap Ilediiees AVeiht. .
Dr. Taft is far too sensible a man to
try quack doctors or nostrums to re
duce his size. He has not the tem
perament of the celc'rated Spanish
general of enormous size , who drank
vinegar until his bulk was so reduced
that he could fold his skin round his
body. Dr. Flemyng administered soap
for the cure of obesity. To a patient
who weighed 201 pounds he gave ev
ery night a quarter of an ounce of
Castile soap. This simple prescription
reduced the man's weight 2S pounds in
two years , at.d at the end of six years
he was brought down to his normal
size 200 pounds. Darwin advocated
salt and salted meats. Dr. Cheyne.
who weighed -MS pound- , reduced him
self by strict abstemiousness one-thhxl ,
and enjoyed good health till the age of
72. New Y'ork Press.
Girls SuiTerert with Itching Eczema
IJahy Had a Tender Skin , Too
Helled on Cuticura Remedie * .
"Some years ago my three little
girls had a very bad form of eczema.
Itching eruptions formed on the backs
of their bonds which were simply cov
ered. I tiled almost everything , but
failed. Then my mother recommended
the Cuticura Remedies. I washed my
children's heads with Cuticura Soap
and then applied the wonderful oint
ment , Cuticura. I did this four or five
times and I can say that' they have
been entirely cured. I have another
baby who is so plump that the folds of
skin on his neck were broken and even
bled. I used Cuticura Soap and Cuti
cura Ointment and the next morning
the trouble had disappeared. Mine.
Xajjoleon Duceppe. 41 Duluth St. ,
Montreal , Que. , . Iay 21 , 1907. "
"Motor lurries" ' i > : the name given
Manchester , Ehrul. . to power trucks.
riiosp trucks pay \\HI. provided they al-
vajs have full I-- ; ! ; to r-arry.
icrdye. One lOcpackaaccolors cllfibers. Ihcydyftii
ei-Uo v lo Dj c , Bleach and Ku Colors. M C
This -\vomau says that slclc
women should not fait to try
Lydia IS. Piiilcham' * ; Vegetable-
Compound as she clkl.
Mrs. A. Gregory , ofi" -jo LavTcnce-
St. , Denver , Col. , writes to
Pinkkam :
' I was practica v an invalid for
rears , on account \ f female troubles ,
L underwent an operatiuri by th&
; lortor's advice , but in a few months X
was worj than before. A Iri'-nd ad-
rited Lydia E. Pinkhara'- \V-vtable-
Compound and it restored : ne to perfect
health , such as I have not cnjved in
many years. Any woman v tTTingas -
L did "with backache. birindown
pains , and periodic paips.shouM not fail
to use Lydia E. Finkhina's Yeg'eirtblc
Compound. "
IMJI- thirty years LjiHE. . Pink-
ham's Vegetable CY > mp < > Li : < l , made'
from roots and herbs , ha- Inn the-
standard remedy for iVnu'j ' ills *
indhas positively cured thou indsox
women v "ho have lieen tr ui > led \7ith
: lisplaoements , inihimmi : ! . ulcvyra-
tion , fibroid tumors , irr , ' ; u.mlies ! ,
periodic pains , bai-ka hf , that bsar-
ing-do\vn fee-line ; , ilatuleiu-y. indices'
tioi dix'/inessfrifnorvon-1 pi' ) triUion. .
Why don't you try it "i \
. P'likJitim ii\Itos ail aicl
n to v.riii' her iVr advice *
Positively cured by
tncao l-ittle ? Ltlsj
Tiicy also rolla7ip Dis
tress from DjHpppsuv , In
digestion and Too E < zul5 ?
Eating. ( A. perfect rta >
edy ror Dizziness ,
Drowsiness. Bad
In the Moutii ,
Tongue. Pain In tin * -Side *
egnlato tie Bowels. Purely "Vegetable.
GARTERS Genuine Must Bear
TLE Fac-Simile Signature
/ iTiir'ui * *
In the promotion of SkJa
Health , Cuticura Soap , as
sisted by Cuticura , the great
Skin Cure , is undoubtedly
superior to all other skJa
soaps because of its influ
ence in allaying irritation ,
inflammation , and clogging
of the pores , the cause ofc'
disfiguring eruptions. In
antiseptic cleansing , in stim
ulating sluggish pores , in
emollient and other proper
ties , they have no rivals.
Sr.ldthronchouttheTrorld. Pppnt * Lonrlon.TT.
" harterhouso NJ. : Paris , C , Hue dli i'af r : Atuctra-
1:1 , K. Towns < fc Co. , Sydney ; Inn i , K. K. Pad ,
"nlcntta ; China , Hone KOCB Irti Co. : Japno ,
Uariiva , Ltd , Toklo : Uussia , l-errfin , iloscovrj
M > . Afrifa , l.t nimn. Ltd . Tape Town. t' ; I .S.A. ,
s'ottcr Unit : & Clicin. Corp , t-olf IT-.JIS . 5'ostcn.
'ost-iree , Cuticura Book oa Care uf the Skin ,
cold , * ? hellrr Iban any olher dye. 1 on can