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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1908)
fc Brushes With Life i Strong , durable , well-made brushes for everp day use. , The solid back stay-in-bristle kind that saves your temper -and saves you money. | tx No matter what you want in brushes l i < Hair Brushes Tooth Brushes 9 Nail Brushes V Bath Brushes Shaving Brushes / ' We have them. l"E- * * rrTTn3SiaM VALENTINt. NED I A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man for yon. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small/ makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. T * - VALENTINE BARBER SHOP * All kinds of. SHAMPOOS , MASSAGES. AND LADIES HAIR DRESSING i 3 " Shampooing a specialty. HOT and COLD IJATHS in connection I Ife fe Forest Shepard , Prop. V.llentine State Bank Building JOHN KILLS PLENTY St Frarcis Mis sion. Rosebud. ii. I ) . Cattle branded nsin cut ; lior es same o n K-s thigh. Range be tween Snrine f'k and Little White river. D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.lef t side Some on left nip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on rightside Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from mj range. Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawyer has charge of se cattle es 1 > Sonle fthul der Sut /eft side. Uorsestj same 1-rft thigh Range on Snake river- Talk of the Town. I. C. Stotts and Judge Mogle are in town from Cody. Born to Frank Randall and wife Tuesday , Sept.l , 1908 , a ten pound girl. Cloyd Quigley left for Omaha Monday with a string of cattle. He expects to be gone about a w ek. D. H. Cronin of the O'Neill Frontier came up with the O'Neill baseball boys yesterday and was a pleasant caller at Ihis office. The Parmalee Gattle Go's wagon was in Georgia the first of the week and shipped out two trains of beef steers for the Omaha and Chicago markets. John Bachelor brought in four cars of dry cows Sunday to ship to Omaha. The bunch is the best we have seen in the country and will bring a fancy price. On Sunday morning next , September 6tb , there will be a celebration of the Holy Commun ion at Si. John's Church , at 11:00 : o'clock. Evensong with address at 7:30 P. M. , O'Neill won the ball game from Valentine yesterday in the tenth inning t > y a score of G to 3. The wind blew very jiard and made errors numerous. Score by inn ings : O'Neill 000102000 3-6. Valentine..0010010 0.1 0 3. A special rate of 50 cents for the Daily State Journal from now until after election is the best news paper offer made. Send 75 cents if you want the Sunday aiso. No matter what other papers you have been reading you should take ad vantage of the Lincoln Journal's cut-price offer , JYendall , the small son of Mac Cramer , stepped on a peice of glass while out to Haley's farm Tuesday , and cut his foot severely. The wound bled profusely and the little fellow was very week from loss of blood before the flow was stopped , pr. Compton attended he boy and at last report he is jetting" along nicely. Services will be held in the Catholic Church as follows : n Valentine on Su nday Sept 13th Jigh Mass and sermon at 10 a. m. Benediction with the Blessed Sac rament after Mass. Instruction for the children at 3 p m. in Arabia on Saturday Sept. 12th at 10. a m. sharp. LKO M. BLAE HE , Rector. The Primary Election results : are not obtainable yet excepting some few contested places. Shallenberger has probably a safe phurality making him thexDemo- ractic nominee for Gov. Gar ret for Lieutenant Gov. Fleharty for attorney General. Indications are that John Tucker has been re- nominated for Co. attorney. Re turns very slow and may contain surprises , some j Mr. and Mrs. James Shepard left Monday morning for a visit in Iowa. They had intended to ; start Friday morning , but when they reached the depot found that omeone else had checked out their trunk , which was not located until Saturdday at Rapid City. Then they decided to go Sunday morn ing , but again the wreck at Kilgore ii Compelled them to wait until Mon day when they succeeded in mak ing their departure. Two light fingered gentlemen were thrown in jail Saturday night by Marshal Hilsinger * for stealing a sample case of cigars from a traveling man while the latter was playing pool in the "Owl" saloon. When he missed the grip , Ed Parry remem bered seeing a fellow walk out with ; it and described the man. He [ was found in company with another fellow but denied the theft. The two however were arrested , one 3fe them put up quite a fight on the way to jail but was finally per suaded to go , after feeling Webb's club a couple of times. The next morning they admitted the theft and told where the grip was hidden. It was found in the cellar of Fish h'S er's old ice house south of Moray's old jewelry store. Rather than burden the county with the expense of a jail sentence they were given a short time to get out of town , which they did. I H. 0. Garlock wife and boy of . Walnut Grove Minn , are visiting L. E. Garlock and family. Dr. Meeham , osteopath has , moved into his new office rooms over the Red Front/store. / Telephone - phone No. 155. 10 1. M. Rice and wife and Lawr ence returned "Wednesday night from Randolph , Kans. stopping in Lincoln two days to attend the State fair. James Ormesher , ' 'son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ormesher , was drowned in a spring a short dis tance from their house on the riv- r last Thursday. Miss Beulah Jenks and her brother Cyrus returned Friday morning to their home at Buchan an Mich. , after a two weeks visit , several days of which were spent at Piercy's ranch and the remain ing time as the gacst of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sparks of this city. They were accompanied back by Mr.Sparks' mother and Miss Es- telle Nicholson who expect to spend about four months visting rela tives. County Judge L. N , Layport died suddenly Monday about 11 o'clock a. m. oj heart failure while talking to Henry fteil , Jr. . , in the Layport harness shop , Mr. Lay- port had complained some of his heart the previous night and two attacks of pain in the chest had ivarned him that he was not well. He was about 52 years old and leaves a wife and son in this city also one brother , a si ter and [ his father and mother survive him. The funeral will be this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The wonderful little diminutive well drilling divice that can he car ried on a man's lap in a buggy will drill a well 200 feet in a day , with out engine or horse power , recently invented by Milt Latta , has a hell with which to discover water ; has a coil spring clapper that reaches the water slack and while the bell , if bolted fast on the little rig , the clapper - per will vibrate and proclaim , by a vigorous ringing of the bell , that water has been reached down in the earth by the drill , making it easy for experienced men to perform the same work of an expert. This rig is winning friends to its little self in throngs. It has been tested to a finish and is in the field now win ning every battle as easily as plav. Milt will keep one little rig ready to answer to the call of the poor who are unable to pay for the drill ing of a well , such as a poor widower or the old soldier making the right showing of inability to pay , in Cherry county only. This little device - vice will win out in the race around the world without a doubt , and takes its start from our old Cherry coun ty. The Democrat rejoices , with Mr. Latta in h is success in this last discovery. But the end is not yet. We hear that Milt has worked but an air engine that will generate 6 Horse power in one-fourth of a min ute for the hay stacker of his own make , without fire , steam or gaso line. No prepiexing batteries nor bucking engines. This stacker will stack for 5 or 6 sweeps , will he ready for next season. This will please the stockmen , as they can hustle the hay into the stacks out of danger of rain. This wonder ment will he nearly or quite up to the all ready proven well drill with the water bell. 31 1 CALL AT U G LUMBER CO. FOR . ' McQormick Binders , Mowers , Rakes and Tv/ine ; Dain and Will Stackers , THE BEST STACKER ROPE ON THE MARKET. " \Ye have experienced experts in our employ who will set up and assist is start ing our harvesters. Buy your farm implements of those who make a specialty of farm machinery , and avoid the grief incident to trading with a Prune Peddler a [ 1 1 JJ 1j \J \ I Old Grow , All Leading Hermitage Brands and Bottled Guchen- Under the A heimer Supervision * Rye of the Whiskeys. U. S. Gov. We also handle the Budweiser Beer. iJL- " O A I A ffT O A I / \ f \ K I iJLMAI " Tl - Mi AI ( llliXI PILL r r\L r\\f r" w/iiv \ s i M3 JOHN. G. STETTER , Propr. Prices are what we are talking Now Our stock is Complete. BISHOP & YOUNG , CODY NEBR. ewaas JOHN F. PORATH BCurge , Xebr. Tubular wells and windmills , me up by Telephone. Roan Brothers Woodlake Neb on l/wic Lnkaud Crook ed Lake. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co 3arttett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas 0 Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on l any part of anhm 1 j also the following , brands : horses branded tnt same Range between Gordon on the F.E i &M. V.R. R. ard dyannis on M R. R. in Northwestern ! | Nebraska. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , ' PerCwt. Per Ton. j Bran , sacked § 1 15 § 22 00 , Shorts , sacked 1 25 21 00 Corn , sacked 1 50 29 00 Oats , sacked 1 60 31 00 j Chop Corn , sacked 1 55 30 00j Chop Feed , sacked 1 60 31 00' Parties are hereby notified not ! , to camp on or graze their stock on section 14 and Ei of sec. 15 , tp. ! I 33 , r. 28. ELWOODD. HETII.Jf , < Will Build You Up QONTAIK7S an average of 8 percent , soluble food ( the carbohydrates of malted barley ) . Contains the lupulin of Bohemian hops ( an excellent Ionic for the stomach and nerves ) . Contains sparkling artesian water which quenches the thirst and flushes the body of waste. Contains only enough alcohol (3 7jQ | per cent. ) to be mildly stimulating and beneficial. That's STORZ TRJUMPH BEER It's both food end drink } delicious , sparkling and pure. BREWED BOTTLED BY Brewing Go R. MrGKKH. Dealer. Valentin j ; - The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. H. DAILEY , Brownlee , Nebr , Dentist. Soldier Creek Col- . iimtms 17th 1GOHO , l A mof Columbus Office over the deparment ITth , ; i half brother grocery , of che-SlO.OOO Cham of T. C. Hornby's store. pion Drtle , and Prince Boabdel 131- 093 at head of herd. = 1 I now have about 30 head of 1907 bull calves for sale. J. C. H. FAULHAIJEK , , . COUNTY SURVEYOR Valentine - Xebr. All work will be { riven prompt Mefczsrer Bros. , and careful attention. Kolfe Xebr Cattle branded : anywhere on left side. W. H. Stratton Earmark crop right , square ear. Dealer in Horses have FLOUR & FEED same left thigh. brand on General I Merchandise Uanjie on Gordon ami nake Creeks. A Reward of $250 will be ) rl to any person for ITIOXE 125 information leading to Hit- arrest aud final . Hall & Cath. Yalentine Nehr. conviction of any person or persons stealing cor. . , . cattle with above brand.