Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 27, 1908, Image 5
Brushes With Life * Strong , durable , well-made brushes for everp day use. The solid back stay-in-bristle kind that saves your temper and saves you money. No matter what you want in brushes I Hair Brushes Tooth Brushes 0 Nail Brushes Bath Brushes Shaving Brushes We have them. H * ' * * --nnTTH3BQBB VALENTINE. NEB A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all /nen for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to y9ur business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. VALENTINE BARBER SHOP All kindb of. SHAMPOOS , MASSAGES. AND LADIES HAIR DRESSING * Shampooing .1 specialty. HOT and COLD BATHS in connection Forest Shepard , Prop. Valentine State Bank Building JOHN KILLS PLENTY St Frarcis Mis sion , Rosebud. S. D. Cattle branded asm cut ; horses same o n le thigh. Range be tween Sprinsr C"k and Little White river. D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.lef t side Some on'left nip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Nobr Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the r .v covery of cattle strayed from mj range. Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr G. K. Sawyer has charge of these cattle Horses H > 8 onleft shoul der S.imel /eft side. Horses ? same lf t thigh Range on Mnake river. Talk of the Town. Try Kazda's barber shop. tf Hay hands are pretty scarce this year. Johnny Stetter is down from Crawford. Wm. Erickson of Kennedy was in town last Saturday. Mr. McQuade spent Sunday with his family in Cody. L. E. Shepard drove a party of land seekers over to Dallas this week. The Donoher sisters are having a fine porch built onto their resi dence. Miss Cecile Coleman of Burge is in the city visiting Miss Frances Harden. I. C. Stotts of Cody visited friends in Valentine several days last week. Wm.Ritchie was down from near Georgia last Saturday , returning on the local. Don't forget the primary elec tion Sept. 1st. Everybody turn out and vote. TVrn. Kelly has a position with the railroad company as wiper on the helper at this place. Old Settlers reunion at Walcott's and Morrissey's grove , on the old John Britt place north of town Sept. 5. "Dora Thome" at the opera bouse last Monday night was well presented and much appreciated by our theatre goers. Mike Fitzgerald's little girl is recovering from an attack of dip- theria and they expect to raise the quarantine this week. The Misses Maud and Geraldine Tracewell have been employed in the Cody schools for the coming year , Miss Maud as principal. The Rev. J. M. Bates , for some years a resident of Valentine , will conduct the services at St. John's Church on Sunday next , Aug. 30. Joe Peterson is assisting in T.C , Hornby's store during the absence of Mr. Hornby who is visiting in Davenport , la. Joe has a position with the Jordan Merc. Co. at the agency. Mrs. W. TV. Wells boarded the train on Tuesday morning for a few week's visit among friends and relatives in the eastern part of the state. After stopping for a few days in Ewing , they will visit in Schuyler and Omaha. Ted Orraesher was in town last Saturday as a witness in a co ntest case wherein his son Ted is one of the principals. A number of other witnesses were also in town from the river. The case was postponed until the middle of next month. A party of six enjoyed a pleasant horseback ride to the Fort and Stinard falls last Sunday afternoon. Those in the party were , Miss Estelle Nickolson , Miss Wade , Miss Jenks , her brother Cyrus and Clyde and Harrison Daven port. We are in receipt of a circular from the Nebraska Agricultural Experi ment Station on "Cedar Rust , " which is a great menace to apple orchards. A copy of this circular may be had on request to W. H. Hein , Experiment Station , Lin coln , Xebr. Sheriff Rosseter returned from Tripp , S. D. , last Saturday , where he had gone after the two men who stole Hammond and Bullis' team. As stated in this paper last week the authorities of South Dakota held them over there for trial , the two strangers having stolen three horses in that state. Deputy Game Warden Wm. Francke is very active in attending to his duties , having arrested per sons at Cody , Wood Lake and Brownlee for unlawful killing of chickens. This is a step in the right direction and Mr. Francke is to be commended for his relent less pursuit of lawbreakers. Bet ter wait until the season opens Sept. 15th. Wm.s Hook was down from Cody yesterday and took in the ball game. J. R. Taylor a graduate of Chicago cage veterinary College will be at Bishop's barn every Saturday. 328 Dr. Meeham , osteopath has , moved into his new office rooms over the Red Front store. Tele phone No. 155. 10 Mrs. W. A. Taylor and two daughters , Agnes and Jane , left Wednesday morn-ing for Pekin , 111. , to spend a few weeks visiting relatives. Wm. T. Brbsius returned from Ward , Col. , yesterday driving through overland. Billy said the climate did not agree with him in Colorado and he lost 23 pounds while he was gone. Cherry County is a pretty good healthy place to live. Mr. and Mrs. Travis , accom panied by Miss Kycher , an assis tant teacher at the school , spent a few hours in the city Tuesday morning on their way home from the Episcopal Convocation ! at Gample , South Dakota recently. They report a large'session. Satur day they drove over to St. Mary's Mission. Two petitions to the town board have been circulated around since the bond election , one to hold an other election to try and vo te § 18,000 to build a reservoir prac tically the same proposition as be fore. The other petition cal Is for § 38,000 to be expended in improv ing our water works , and seems to meet with the most favor. Next Tuesday Sept. 1 , 1908 , will be held the primary election at which time every voter should go to the polls and express his pre ference fpr the several candidates on one or the other of the tickets. Harry B. Fleharty who is seeking the nomination for attorney gen eral , A. C. Shallenberger for governor and E. A. Garrett for lieutenant governor are all good democrats and are deserving of your support. Valentine , Neb. , Aug. 24. The sheriff returned this morning from Mernrnan where lie went after Jake Sanders who was arrested for assault with intent to do great bodily injury. It seems that lie had beaten his wife with a club and had also used a case knife cutting her about the head considerable and almost scalping her as there was apeiceof her scalp a couple of inches square cut from her head with the hair on it that the sheriff brought back as evidence. Sanders waived examination and was hound over to district court. State Journal. Old Settlers Reunion. 6th Annual Reunion of Old sett lers will take place at Mornisseys and Walcotts grove on the old John Britt place north west of Valentine Sept. 5th. There will be a fine program in the morning and a large Agricul tural exhibit. Over fifty dollars given in premiums. All kinds of sports. More than sixty dollars given away to the winners. A ladies department at which thirty-five dollars will be given as prizes on fancy work and cooking. Big bowery dance in the evening See bill for list of exhibits and prizes. Contest Notice. U. S. Land Office , Broken Bo\v , Nebrask i ) August 11.1908. | " A sufficient contest affidavit having been lilecl In this ofllceTiy Mary E. Reddingtoncontestant , against Honipptead e > try No. 6747. made now Ceicille M. Reynolds , contested in which it is alleged that said cUimant has \vhollv abandoned said tract for mow than siv months last past ; that slie lias never re-sided upon cultivated or improved said tract as re quired bv law and that all the above alleged defects e.xbt at this date and have not been cured. Said parties are hereby notified to appear respond and olfer evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. in , on September 24. 1003 be fore J. II. Welton , U. 3. Commissioner. Mullen. Nehr. . and that the final he.inng will ln held at 10 o'clock a. in. on September 20 , 1908 , he- fore the register and receiver at the United States land Office in Broken Bow. Nebraska , The said contestant having , in a proper affi davit filed Augusts , 11)03 ) , set forth fa-its which show that a tr due diligence personal en ice of .his notice c.umot be made , it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given bv due and prop-r publication. M 4 Spd JOHN REESE , Register. I I Farm or for sale. Not particular about location Wish to hear from owner only \ylio will Bell direct to buyer. Give price , | description and state when possei-sion can bo had. Address , LDARBYSHIRE.BBS 9939 Rocicuer , N.T. McCormick Binders , Mowers , Rakes and Twine ; Dain and Will Stackers , THE BEST STACKER- ROPE ON THE MARKET. We have experienced experts in OUT employ who will set up and assist is start ing our harvesters. Buy your farm implements of those who make a specialty of farm machinery , and avoid the grief incident to trading with a Prune Peddler ® Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage Brands and Bottled Gruchen- Under the heimer Supervision * t- Rye of the Whiskeys. TJ. S. Gov. We also * handle the Budweiser Beer. n < JOHN G. STETTER , Propr. Prices are what we are talking Our stock is complete. BISHOP & mm , j SB a. 4J sag g 3 = SES S : ISS5SSa TT Pn RATT JL. JL JCWl-JLjLJL Tubular wells and windmills. me up by Telephone. Roan Brothers Wood lake Neb Range on I/ik : and Crook ed hake. Kebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards Pres Will G fomstock , V. P Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded OL any part of animal ; . dlso the following : .CTICTSSJ * * - ryviVS * b ran d . > : K > ? fa W& $ " * b 1J4 % g % 8& horsea branded thf sunie Range between Gordon on the F.E & M. V. , B. 11. arid R. R. In Northwestern MILL PRICES FOR FEED , PerCwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked § 1 15 § 22 00 Shorts , sacked 1 25 24 00 Corn , sacked 1 50 29 00 Oats , sacked 1 60 31 00 Chop Corn , sacked 1 55 .30 00 Chop Feed , sacked 1 60 31 00 Parties are hereby notified not to camp on or graze their stock on section 14 : and Ei of sec. 15 , tp. 33 , r. 28. ELWOOD D. HETII.of The Beer That Refreshes and Cheers DAINTY "dutch lunch" and a glass of good beer will add greatly to the cheer and health of your guests after the card party or the evening's enter tainment. You will give them best in the west" if you set STORZ TRIUMPH BEER It is the crowning feature any such function. BREWED NO BOTTLED BY Brewing 'tOWAHA.-I-IEB- R. MfGEEK Dealer Valentine Dentist. j Office over the grocery deparraent i of T. C. Hornby's store. | J. W. McDANIBL , COUNTY SURVEYOR Valentine - All \vork will be given prompt and careful attention. -W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUS & FEED General Merchandise 1'IIONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. Brownlee , Nebr , Soldier Creek Col- umous 17th 1000:30 : , : i Mn of Columbus 17th , a half brother of rhe ? 10.000Cbam- luon i Me , a n d Prince lioabdel 131- TJ < vft't ty3 at head of herd. I now ha\e about 30 head of ISO" bull calves Tor sale. C. II. FAULHABEK , Bros. , Rolfe Xebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop light ear. Horses ha\e same brand on left thigh. Range on Gordon and lake Creeks. A Reward of $250 \ \ ih bo I I to any person fo - information leading to t > . nrrest. and dual conviction of auy perbon or perbons stealing cattle uith above brand.