Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 27, 1908, Image 4

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I. M. RICE Editor and Proprietor.
Entered at the postofiice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
Class Matter.
Tn . -i SLO ° ppr ycar in advanco'
uo. . -j , .L50 when nofc paid in advance.
J > $ L5 ° Per -vear in advance ; paper dis-
continucd at expiration if not renewed.
A j * . ' r 4. ( loc per inch each issue : by contract 12-jc.
Advertising Rates j Transiellt adv 20c per iricii ; locals lOca line.
Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , : } months or longer 10 cents
per inch , ' net.
Local notices , obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue
5 cents per line each insertion.
Democratic National Ticket
For President :
of Nebraska.
For Vice President :
of Indiana.
Farmers More , Railroads
The Lincoln correspondent of
the World-Herald , after an ex
amination of the records , finds that
the ra'lroads will pay 850,000 loss
taxes for state purposes , alone ,
this year than they did last year ,
nearly § 15,000 less than they did
in 1906 , and more than § 10,000
less than they did in 1905.
At the same time he finds that
"the farmers and merchants and
laborers of the state will pay into
the state treasury more than
§ 100,000 more than they did last
year. "
The taxes of the railroads di
The taxes of the farmers in
Yet in 1903 we were all agreed
that the railroads were paying- too
little of the taxes ; the rest of the
state too much. Xow the railroads
are paying proportionately still
less , the rest of the state is paying
still more !
The county assessors , after
viewing the farms , and acting un
der oath , increased their total val
uation more than 50 millions of
dollars. But that did not satisfy
the state board at Lincoln. That
board , sitting as a "board of equal
ization" save the mark ! still
further raised the valuation , not
of the railroads , but of those same
farms ! Without seeing the farms ,
arbitrarily over-riding the judg
ment of the assessors who had seen
them , they increased the valuation
in 33 counties , adding more than
two millions to the farmers' al
ready large tax list.
How do the farmers of Nebraska
like this idea of allowing a state
board at Lincoln , perhaps hun
dreds of miles away from their
farms , to wield absolute and auto
cratic power over the entire taxing
machinery of the state ?
It is a literal truth that local
self-government , in the inc portant
matter of taxation , which is the
most vital question of government ,
is entirely lost in Nebraska. The
state board is supreme. It can
summarily remove the county as
sessor for failure to curry out
orders. To the board only is the
assessor responsible. And his lo
cal assessors are responsible to
him alone. He appoints them ; the
people have no voice in choosing
them. Is it strange if the rail
roads' taxes are being reduced
while the peoples' taxes are in
creased ? World-Herald.
John W. TomlinFon , chairman
of the committee on club organ
ization , has asked all precinct- , city
and county commitlecmen to pro
ceed at once with the organi/ition
of democratic clubs and have the
same perfected on or before Sep
tember 15. The names and ad-
g'ressof all campaign organizations
their officers and coinmitteernen ,
should be sent to John W. Tom-
linson , chairmen of committee on
club organization , democractic
national headquarters , Chicago,111.
No special form of organization or
b"y-laws necessary.
The primary law was enacted to
enable the voters , instead of tLfc
bosses , to select the candidates.
Whether it shall prove effective de
pends upon the voters themselves.
They now have the power to name
the candidates. If they fail to use
it , the fault is theirs , and they should
not complain if bad or incompetent
men are nominated and elected to
The truth is there is too much of
a disposition on the pnrt of tne av
erage voter to shirk his political
duties. All want good government.
But ; one of tne essentials of good
government is good officers , and ; he
only way to get good officers is to
n ominate and elect good men. It
is the duty , no less than the right ,
of every voter to participate in the
selection. The duly is one that no
lover of honest government can af
ford to shirk.
The success of the primary law
depends upon the voters. Their
desire to participate in the choice of
candidates will be measured by the
number of votes polled. Every
voter who believes in a "government
of the people , by the people and for
the people" should attend the pri
For Sale 50 head of mixed cattle.
Inquire of or write L. W. Parker ,
Burge-vXebr. 27
The local clubs are the jrround work oE the state organization. The suc
cess of this campaign depend * largely on the local clubIt is therefore
ur ed upon all true friends of Mr. Bryan to M-e to it that a local club is
organized in every city and village , and when possible , in county precincts
September loth has been de-sifinatrd as final organization day , for the
organization of clubs where they have not already been organized Let each
voter who believes in the principles advocated by Mr. TBryan take it upon
himself to see that his locality has a Bryan club at the close of that day.
No special form of organization is required , but should anyone engaging
in the .vork desire forms and literature to uide him he ca"n get them by
addressing C. M. Gruenther , Sec'y , Columbus. Neb.
Upon the organization of a club the pre dent or secretary will kindly
fill out and mail to the above address the following form :
.Nebr 2908.
To C. M. GRUENTHER , Sec'y :
Columbus , Neb ,
Dear Sir :
The name of cur club is
President Address.
Secretary Address.
All new chiiar I also tliose already organized but not reported
' should be reported ( ' .his blank.
To the Democrats of Cher =
ry County. '
At the coming primary election
all democrats should stay with
their ticket. We have the office of
' governor , and congressman from
this -district to nominate. Wet
I have three candidates for governor
and five for congressman. There
i appears to be a republican scheme
! on foot to get democrats to call
( for republican tickets at the pri-
\ rnary and thereby defeat our
' strong candidate , Judge Westover ,
! for congress. Democrats , do not
! be trapped by any statements
I made to you by republicans asking
you to vote the republican ticket
at the primaries for local reasons ,
as their real purpose is to get men
nominated on the democratic tick
et whom they think they can de
feat. All democrats should vote
the democratic ticket and see that
the best men are nominated anc
we will elect them at the Novem
ber election.
It is said that many democrats
have been urged to go to the pri
maries and vote in the republican
caucus because there is no loca
contest for nominations on the
democratic ticket. It is true there
are no local contests on the demo
cratic ticket but it is a better prac
tice to keep out of the republican
caucus and let the republicans set
tle their own fights. Then , there
is a contest on for the nomination
for congress in this district. We
think it safe to say that everj
democrat in this county desires
the nomination of Judge Westover
He has opposition for this nomi
nation and he needs the support o
every democrat in this county.
Better stay out of the republican
caucus and attend the primaries
and vote for Judge Westover for
Tripp Ctmsitj' Drniviiig to
IN ace © ct. 19 Reg
istration I > : iys Oct. oth
to Oct. ir.
Washington , Aug. 25. The
president has issued a proclama
tion for the opening to settlement
of the surplus lands of the Rose
bud Indian reservation in South
Dakota. The area covered com
prises about 800,000 acres , and in
cludes all the land in Tripp county
of that state. According to the
terms of the proclamation the
lands will be selected by the lot
tery process and the drawing will
take place at "Dallas , S. D. , Octob
er 19. The minimum price fixed
on the land is six dollars per acre
and the homestead laws arc made
applicable to all entries. Regis
tration will begjn October 5 and
continue to October 17 and appli
cants can register either at Dallas ,
Chamberlain , Gregory or Presho ,
S. D. , or O'Neill or Valentine ,
Nebr. State Journal.
Valentine 10 Dennison 9.
Valentine won a hotly contested
ten-inning game from Dennison ,
Iowa , yesterday by a score of 10
to 9. Both teams made numerous
errors and the pitchers were hit
quite freely. Today they play
Dennison again and the game will
probably be much faster than yes-
day's. Score by innings :
Valentine..3 01P02100 1 10
Dennison . . .3000000420 9
The Valentine baseball team re
turned from their western trip
Tuesday morning. The boys had
a nice trip and succeeded in win
ning five out of nine games'played.
The scores of the games are as
follows :
Aug.U Belle Fourche 8 , Valen
tine 4.
Aug. 15 Valentine 2 , Lead 1.
Aug. 16 Dead wood S , Valentine 4.
Aug. 17 Dead wood S , Valentine 3.
Aug.IS Lead 8 , Valentine ? .
Aug. 21. Valentine 22 , Rapid
City 7.
Aug.22 Valentine 9Rapid City 3.
Aug. 2L Valentine 14 , 'Hot
Springs 0.
Aug.25. Valentine 9 , Chadron 5.
Notice of Incorporation of the Mission
Farm Company.
We , the undersigned , incorporators. do
hereby , in pursuance of the statutes of the
State of Nebraska in such cases made and
provided , associate ourselves as a body po
litic and corporate in the manner and for
the purposes hereinafter mentioned.
AKTiri.R I.
The said corporation shall be named and
known as The Mission Farm Company.
The principal place of transacting the
business of the corporation shall be in the
town of Crook'.ton.Cherr- Nebraska.
The general nature ot the business to be
transacted by the corporation is : To engage
in raising cattle , mules , sheep , hogs
and other domestic animals ; to produce , pur
chase , sell , import , export and generally deal
in milk , butter , cheese , vegetables , grains
and all kinds ot farm garden and dairy pro
ducts : to own personal and real property :
to purchase and sell personal and real pro'p-
erty , acquire , own. sell , incumber and mort
gage personal property and real estate : to
enter into all contracts for the purchase and
sale of real estate and personal property : to
borrow money , is-ue their notes for the
same : to mortgage and pledge the property
ot the corporation as securit\ " for debts
owed \ty it ; to execute chattel mortgages ,
bills ot sale , real estate mortgages deeds
leases and to enter into all agreements and
to execute all contracts w hich are necessary
and incident to the conducting ot its busi
ness : to use in the course of its business a
common seal and to alter and change the
same at its pleasure.
The authorized capital stock of the cor
poration shall be twenty-live thousand
( rJ5 000.00) dollars , divided into two hundred
and htty shares ot one hundred ( flOO.OO ) dollars
lars each , which shall be lully paid up when
issued , liltv of such shares shall be subscrib
ed and tully paid up upon the organization
ot the corpo'ration. the remaining two hun
dred shares , or any part thereof , may be is
sued at anv time by the Board of Directors.
The stockholders of the Compaq- shall be
entitled to a pro rata distribution ot all isub
sequent issues of stock in such manner and
under such rules and regulations as ma } ' be
prescribed by the Hoaru ot Directors. Saul
stock maj' be'paid for in cash , or Us eqima-
lent in property necessary and useful to the
corporation in 'the transaction of its business.
The highest amount ot indebtedness or
liability tohich the corporation may at
any tune subject itselt shall not exceed an
amount equal to sixty-six and two-thirds per
cent ot the capital stock issued.
The corporation shall date from and com
mence on the 1st day ot August. ISMS , and it
shall terminate on the 1st duet August ,
The affairs anil business otthe corporation
shall lie conducted by a board ot live direc
tors , and by the olllcers by them to be elect
ed , as hereinafter provided.
The lirst meeting ot the stockholders shall
be held on the date ot the commencement ot
the corporation , or as soon thereafter as porc-
ticable , and thereafter their regular annual
meeting shall be held in the townol Crooks-
ton , cnerry county. Nebraska , on the the
nrst Monday in July ot each year.
At said lirst meeting , and at the annual
meetings thereafter , the Board ot Directors
shall be elected by the stockholders Irom
their own number , to hold onice until the an
nual meeting next after their election and
until their successors are elected and quali-
hed. v
The directors .shall in each instance as
soon as convenient alter their election , elect
irom their own number a president , vice
president , secretary and treasurer , who
shall hold otllce until the annual meeting
next atter their election and until their suc
cessors are elected and quahlied. Any tweet
ot said oltices may be held by one and the
same person , except the otlices ot president
and vice president.
The Board of Directors shall have full
pow er and authority to make all rules , and
by-laws lor the proper government and con
trol ol all the business ailairs ol the corpora
tion , and they may alter and amend the
same at pleasure.
Vacancies occurring in the Board of Di
rectors shall be tilled by the stockholders ,
and other oflices vacant Irom whatever
cause , shall be lilled by the Board ol Direc
These articles ot incorporation ma } * be
amended at antime. . Everv amendment
shall be lirst approved by a two-thirds vote
of the entire Board of Directors , and upon
being so approved , it shall be entered at
large upon the records of the board. A dratt
ot the proposed amendment or amendments ,
as the case may be. shall be submitted to
each stockholder , with the notice ol the
meeting called tor the purpose of voting upon
same , which notice shall be given ten days
at least prior to the date hxed tor the meet
ing. If such amendment or amendments ,
or either of them shall then be approved b\
the holder or holders of two-thirds ot the
capital .stock of the corporation , each and
every amendment so approved shall be con
sidered adopted and be made a part ol the
articles of incorporation , and the Board ot
Director shall tnereatter subscribe , ac
knowledge , record and publish the same , a
by law required.
"in testimony w hereof , we have hereunto
set our hands this 7th day ol Julv. uwb.
i In presence ot ( . P. FLOK UIGMANN.
I W. E. Halev. ) E. M. PEKKIG.
State of Nebraska. I
County ot Cherry. )
On this 7th day "of July. 1008. personally be
fore me. W. E. Haley , a notary public m and
lor Cherry county. Nebraska , duly commis-
ioned and quahlied. came P. Flor'Digmann.
E. M. Perrig. Henry Grothe Adam Volmeyer
and Henry Kupp. to me w ell known to be the
identical persons whose names are alllxed to
the foregoing articles of incorporation , and
thev severally u knowledged the execution
ot the same to be their voluntary act and
deed tor the purposes m said articles ex
pressed. In testimony whereof i have here
unto sub.-.cnbed my hand and atllxed my ot-
hcial.seal thedavahd date last above written.
- ( SEAL ( ; U I Notary Public.
Commission expires April 17. 1UU.
In the District Uourt of Cherry Coon-
ty , Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska , " )
vs |
The several parcels of I
ed and all persons and I
corporations having or j
claiimim title to or any [ FINAL NOTICK
interest , right or c aim
in or to such parcels " 1 |
real estate or am parti
thereof , defendants. |
Docket 7 , No. l ol. )
To the N. Z. Cattle Company and J. H. Baki-r.
Packet s Nat lonal Hank and to the occupants of
the real estate described below , whose names
uo JoJjn.Jelenek :
Notice is hereby given that under a decree of
he district court of said county rendered in the
Stale i'ax SIIK lor the > ear 19015 , the following
described real esrate situated in the county 01
Cherry and State of Nebraska , to-wit : West
h.ilf ot southwest quarter , scuthenst quarter of
soutluu'st qnaiter , section 27 , and northeast
juaitT of e&t quarter. Hection 34 , town-
siiipirr.rang G was on the 8th day ot Noveni-
ier , 11)0(1. ) ( duly s ld at public vemtue b } the
I'ounty Ireaswerot Miitl countym the manner
iniviaed by law nd the period of redemption
rom such s.Ue will expire on the 8tti day of Nov -
v dinner , 1903.
You are further notified that the owner of the
'ertiticatcof tax sal- issued by the treasurer
viII iiiitKe application to the court in the above
entitled cause for confirmation of such sale as
soon as practicable after the period of redemp-
Jnn has expired , and you are hereby notified
hat the time and place ol the hearing upon
such confirmation will be enteied in the con-
irmation record kept by tlie clerk of said court ,
m or betore the 20th day of November. 1903.
You will eviimne BdltiConlirniation Kecord to
isoeitam the time and place of such hearing
ind may be present , ifou desire , to make any
jbiectiom or show cause why the sale should
lot be confirmed. U. A. KOSSETElt ,
30 a ShenJf t Cherry County.
John Worth Ivern was formally
notified at his home in Indianapo-
is Tuesday of his nomination
! or vice president at the Denver
Convention July 8. Thousands
urned to hear the speeches by
3ryan and Kern.
Our Rugs and Carpets
* *
A * < T i
Will interest yon. We have them in
many styles and patterns at different
prices. Come and see them. Don't
you want a Sewing Machine ?
New Home , New Royal and other Good Makes ,
Prices that yon are willing1 to pay for
a good machine. Call and see them.
Valentine's Pure Liquor Center
public opinion is unerring , public confidence sel
dom misplaced. The true worth of every business
concern to the community in which it operates is
fixed by its clientele , the value-giving power of ev
ery commercial institution may be determined by
the amount of patronage it receives. The people
have unmistakably proclaimed their confidence in
The Stock Exchange ,
and its methods , by bestowing upon it a far greater
patronage than that accorded any other place in
Valentine. Where the major portion of the fair ,
the impartial , discriminating public buys its Liquor
and Beer , must be a good place for You , the in
dividual , to trade. Visit The Stock Exchange when
you need anything in our line.
Ship your Live Stock
No shipment too large and none too small to receive the
most careful attention.
Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled
by members of the firm.
Each man's stock sold on their merits and a square deal
guarantee ! to all.
Write us for the market paper and our special market
letters , which we send you free of charge.
AMOS SNYDER , Hog Salesman. MATT MALONE ) Cattle
GEO. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. Tiros. J. DONAHUE j"Salesman. .
To the wearers of
DELAYr purchasing your new
suit or overcoat for FALL or WINTER you diminish your chances
of securing the pick of beautiful '
our 'stock of WOOLENS , among
which are many EXCLUSIVE patterns. Get measured today for
the best clothes that you have ever wore at § 20 to § 10.
Also we carry a large line of EEADY MADE and TAILOR
MADE clothing at § 10 and up. We have
3 = piece Corduroy Suit at $10100
3 = piece Corduroy Suit at $10.50
( with detachable hunting pocket )
Peg = top Corduroy Pants $3.50
( lap-seam , etc. )
Again we have a large and complete line of Men's Furnishings ,
consisting of neckwear , underwear , hosiery , shirts , collars , hats , etc.
We are confident that we can give you the best goods for the
money and we invite you in to look at our goods and get our prices.
Cleaning , Pressing and Repairing our Specialties.
Robertson & Bishop.
Phone 122. Valentine , Nebr ,
Pat Peiper
Slmeen Nebr.
Brownlee Xeb.
\ Cattlebrndedas
In cut on lelt
side ; >
Some branded
on left hip.
Ranpe on Xoith
Loup river , two
miles west or