Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 20, 1908, Image 5

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When we
suggest to
you that our
store is the
place for
you to do all
your drug
store buy
ing we do so
ing our hard
and con-
scie n t i o u s
work to per
fect our ser
vice.V e
invite you to
do all your
drug buying
. .1.MJrrtllrMlIIJMliia
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or § 10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
'Every Student an Adver =
tiser. "
I THE COLT-EGE. offering two
courses for degrees , , with many
II THE ACADEMY , offering high
school training under college pro
teachers' certificates under state
authcrit- .
SIC , with courses in voice , piano ,
pipe organ , violin and musical
Moderate expenses. Ideal location.
New equipment. Handsome souvenir
booklet upon application to A. E.
TURNER , L.L.D. , President. , or RKV.
H. P. ARMSTRONG , Field Secretary ,
Hastings , Nebr.
All kinds of.
Shampooing a specialtj * .
HOT and COLD BATHS in connection
Forest Shepard , Prop.
Valentine State Bank Building
Farm or Business
for sale. Not particular about location.
'Wish to hear from owner only who
will sell direct to buyer. Give price ,
description and state when possession
can be had. Address ,
L.DARBTSHIRE. Box 9999 Rodertcr. N. Y.
For Sale 50 head of mixed cattle.
Inquire of or write L. W. Parker ,
Burge , Nebr. 27
Dr. Meeham , osteopath has , I
moved into his new office rooms
over the lied Front store. Tele
phone No. 155. 10
Talk of the Town.
Try Kazda's barber shop. tf
L. K. Travis and family are visit
ing friends in town.
Wm. Gulick is up from Wood
Lake today on landoffice business.
Good specialties between acts
Dora Theme opera house Mon.
Aug. 24th.
James Galloway , who has been
dangerously ill with typhoid fever ,
is improving.
George lleinhart was up from
A ins worth last Saturday , return
ing on the local.
John Cordier , S. F. Kimmel
and U. O'Bryan and families were
down to the circus.
D. A. Hurley and daughter of
Perry , Okla are visiting his sister
Mrs. J. B. Gaskill.
II. W. Caton and wife drove
down from their ranch near Stearns
S. D. , last Sunday.
Vcrn Stevenson of Crookston
spent Monday and Tuesday in Val
entine and took in the circus.
Wesley Holsclaw , who is doing
mason work in Chadron , Sundayed
in Valentine with his family.
J. R. Taylor a graduate of Chicago
cage veterinary College will be at
Bishop's barn every Saturday. 328
A nurnber of Indians came down
from the reservation last Monday
to take in the big circus Tuesday.
Andrew Morris&ey returned
Wednesday morning from New York
where he was called at the death of
his mother.
Elsewhere in this paper will be
found the articles of incorporation of
the Mission Farm Co. , which will
engage in business at Crookston.
A steel track has been laid to the
mill the past week to take the place
of the old iron which was so worn
an engine could hardly remain on it
The Bennett Co. have a large
puzzle ad on the last page of this
paper. The Bennett Co. is a large
firm located in Omaha and are re
Little Leo Christensen entertain
ed a number of his little boy friends
last Friday afternoon at a birthday
party. All had a good time , and
wished there little friend many
more happy returns of the day.
Two new separators were unload
ed here yesterday , one for John
Bachelor and one for a stock com
pany on North Table. Evidently
small grain is pretty good this year
on North Table and out in the hay
Thomas Cavanaugh , the seven
year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm
Cavanaugh of Crookston , died
Monday afternoon of Diptberia.
The funeral was held Tuesday
afternoon at three o'clock from the
home of Michael Fitzgerald , the
family have the sincere sympathy
of the community.
The Yankee-Robinson circus Tues-
clay afternoon was witnessed and
much appreciated by a large crowd
perhaps 2,000 in number. The
menagerie was small , but the ele
phant was a monster and his tusks
were nearly three feet m length ,
something not often seen. They
had but one ring and everybody had
a. chance to see it all. A great
many Indians were down from the
reservation to see the show and oc-
supied one section of the seats.
Ruth Craven as "Dora" . The
talented actress Ruth Craven sup
ported by a fine company of play-
ars will present for an engage
ment of one night Mon. , Aug. 24.
what is said to be her finest play ,
a , beautiful story of English life
entitled Dora Thome. Manager
Harry L. Beck under whose per
sonal direction Miss Craven has
appeared for a number of seasons
has given his Talented young star
in exceptionally fine supporting
company and a fine performance
issured. Specialties the kind that
please will be introduced between
icts ; they do away with the tedious
waits between acts so common with
some companies.
Bonds Defeated.
At the special election held Tues
day for the purpose of voting 818,000
bonds to extend our water works
and build a reservoir on the hill
north of town , the vote was 67 for
and 61 against said bonds. The law
requires a two-thirds majority , so
the bonds were defeated. The vote
was li ht , probably on account of
the circus being here. It's up to the
town board to submit a different
proposition as the people evidently
are not satisfied with the present
wells , and can see no change of
water by having it pumped from
the same wells to a reservoir.
Tripp County , S. 1 > .
Government Las : * ! Opening.
The government opening of a
million acres of fine agricultural and
grazing lands will probably occur
Oct. 1st. The Rosebud extention of
the Chicogo & North Western Ry.
is the only yailwny reaching these
landF , and Dallas , S. D. , is the rail
way terminus and the only town on
the reservation bolder. The U. S.
land office will probably be located
there. Pamphlets describing this
land and how to secure a quarter
section homestead , free on applica
tion to any agent Chicago & North
Western Railway.
A number ot our advertisers have
change of ads this week.
Mr. Kazda , the barber , is put
ting down a cement sidewalk.
Michael Fitzgerald's family are
under quarantine for diptiieria.
On the inside of this paper will
be found Mr. Bryan's speech of
acceptance. Read it.
Verge Brown and Miss Clara
Claybaugh of Crookston were
married Monday by Judge Lay-
The coal chute at Buffalo Gap
burned down last Friday , and fell
across the track , causing the passen
ger to be five hours late.
Charles Betts , an old time resi
dent of this county , died yester
day at the home of his daughter ,
Mrs. Joe Marshall , in this city ,
and was buried today.
I. M. Rice left last Friday morn
ing for York , Nebr. , to join his wife
who preceded him a couple of weeks.
From there they went on down to
Mr. Rice's old home m Randolph ,
Kansas where they will visit a couple
of weeks , returning home about the
first of September.
Springfield , 111. , commencing last
Friday , has been a scene of riot and
carnage , the result of an outrage on
a white woman by a negro. The
number of deaths are six and the
property loss is extensive. The end
of the mob law is now in sight ,
though several companies of soldiers
are still guarding the city.
The common law nowadays
s'aems to I e , that if a man owes
you a bill of a couple of dollars
and isn't ready to pay upon de
mand , the proper thing to do is
if you think you can lick him
threaten to knock his head oil' and
proceed to hold him up .Itlooks "to
a man up a tree1' like highway
A cripple was arrested yesterday
for being drunk and disorderly and
was lodged in the county bastile
over night. He had been begging
around town and when searched at
the jail was found to have § 87.45
on his person. Then , wonder that
some people have no sheckels for
the beggar. He was fined § 5.00
and costs , $9.50 in all.
The two strangers who hired a
team of Hammond & Bullis a
week ago last Saturday to drive
to John Neiss's and failed to re
turn them , were finally located at
Tripp , S. D. , near the east line of
Gregory county. U. Boyer went
up and identified the team and is
bringing them home. Sheriff Ros-
seter left for Tripp last Saturday ,
going via Lincoln to secure
requisition papers for the two
prisoners who were being held
pending his arrival , but it appears
that they picked up three more
horses on the way over and it is .
likely that they will be held in that
state for trial.
McCormick Binders , Mowers , Rakes
and Twine ; Dain and Will Stackers ,
We have experienced experts in our employ who will set up and assist is start
ing our harvesters. Buy your farm implements of those who make a specialty
of farm machinery , and avoid the grief incident to trading with a Prune Peddler
Old Crow , All Leading
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
Guchen- Under the
heimer Supervision
Rye of the
Whiskeys. U. S. G-ov.
also handle the Budweiser Beer.
Prices are what
we are talking
Our stock is complete.
Tubular wells and windmills.
me up by Telephone.
Roan Druthers
Woodlake Neb
on 1'inu
Ik' and Crook-
ud Lake.
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
Jartlett Kicharcis Pres Will G Comstock , V. F. :
Chas C Jamison Sec&Traas |
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
horspB branded tbf '
same '
Range between V. r
Gordon on the l'.E
& 11. V.K. R. aid
Ai P. K. in Northwestern
J -
. PerCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked § 1 15 § 22 00
Shorts , sacked 1 25 2i 00
ZJorn , sacked 1 50 29 00
3ats , sacked 1 60 31 00 ! =
3hop Corn , sacked 1 55 30 00' '
3hop Feed , sacked 1 60 3100 !
Parties are hereby notified not' '
.0 camp on or graze their stock {
) n section M and Ei of sec. 15 , tp. '
33 , r. 28. . ELWOOD D. HETII.20f , c
Temperance" Question
yEMPERANCE means "the use in
moderation. "
You can drink two pints a day of
and be strictly temperate.
Two pints of Storz Triumph Beef
contain less alcohol than one pint of
cider and in addition to this contain over
8 per cent , soluble food , which builds
and sustains the system.
If the public drank nothing stronger
than Storz Triumph Beer
R. MfGEEK. , Valentine
) ffice over the grocery deparment i
of T. C. Hornby's store.
alentine -
All work will be iven prompt
and careful attention.
W. H , Stratton
Dealer in
jfeneral Merchandise
riiONE 125
or. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
The Loup Valley Hereford Kanch.
Brownlee.Nebr ,
Soldier Creek Col
umbus 17th 160050 ,
a son of Columbus
17th , a half brother
of the -510.000 Cham
pion Ottle , and
Prince Boabdel 131-
603 at head of herd.
I now have about 30 head of 190" bull calves
for sale.
Metzger Bros. ,
Rolfe N'ebr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
left thigh.
Kan e on Gordon am' nake Creeks.
A Reword of $250 will b i , d to any person for
information ie < i liii { : to tiio arrest and final
conviction of any person or peraons stealing
cattle with above brand.