Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 20, 1908, Image 1

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    toTlcal Society
f ' * $ "
r M 1
ma mm Fit All Faces.
is so exactly proportioned that when the
blade is held against the face , the edge
is in the exact position for a clean
easy cutting of the beard.
Each K K KU1HR blade is hardened , tempered and ground
individually , insuring uniformity of temper and excellent cutting
qualities. There is no scraping or pulling like you experience
with other Safety Razors.
consists of Holder and
12 sharp Norwegian Steel
Blades , packed in a com
pact neat covered case.
New Blades. . . 5 for 25c
Try A. John
We have the finest line of Men's
Hats , all styles and colors , in the
city. Prices from SI .00 to $3.50.
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes ,
Kesidence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Customers.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 27xyear/old
andjas , E , Pepper , O , F , C , Taylor ,
These whiskies we're purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout ,
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , 2
Valentine Nebraska a
Read the Advertisements.
[ The Stuff That Makes
Democratic Victory.
"The stars for him" is a sen-
tince which has become a proverb.
It means that an irresistible tide
of events favors a certain cause.
At this hour the stars are fighting
for the Democratic Star. Since
the Denver convention the march
of oncurrances has been palpably ,
unmis'akably democratic. On the
tenth day of August Mr. Bryan
stands stronger with the country
than he did on the tenth of July
when he was nominated. So do
the principles he n presents. The
meaning of the campaign appears
in more salient relief , in sharper-
defined outlines than it did a month
ago. Let us see what has brought
about this result. First , the can
didacy of Mr. Taffc had a heavy
paving stone dropped on its head
by the tipping over of that $29-
000.000 fine imposed on Standard
Oil. The easy overthrow of that
penalty showed the country how' '
little had actually been done
in the ayof putting the bridle
and bit on trust monoply.
The news of the upsetting of the
great fine was hardly out in the
papers before men who had p re-
viously been in doubt were saying
that now they should vote for
Bryan. They felt that way because
tin oil trust's success in fine dod
ging had proved that the war on
criminality in high places , which
many people had supposed approaching
preaching a sweeping triumph ,
had really hardly begun. It was
no far step to the conclusion that
rebating had received a new lease
of life. That the trusts had not
forgotten their knack of turning
prosecution to profit was demon
strated by the enormous jump in
Standard Oil stock , and by the
raking into the coffers of the oil
trust of a sum more than seventeen
times greater than the fine imposed
by J udge Landis.
Of scarcely less momentous im
portance than the overturning of
the $29,000,000fine itself was the
discovery that the people had no
way of appealing from the ju g-
ment of reversal to the United
States supreme court. On learn
ing this fact , thousands of intelli
gent citizens were astonished.
Most persons had supposed as a
matter of course , that the final
threshing out of so vast a controv
ersy would take place in the high
est tribunal in the land. Nor was
this beleif confined to laymen.
Many lawyers thought so , too
But no ! A neat little flaw a con
venient loophole of vacuity had
been left in the statutes , and though
a fight about a can of watered milk
can be carried to the United States
supreme court , not so a rebate
straggle involving the biggest in
terests in the country.
Standard Oil laughed in his
sleeve , and there was nothing to
do but try the whole case over
again this time with the advance
knowledge that no fine could be
imposed which would be to the oil
trust more than a bagatelle , the
appellate court having decided that
the judge who had imposed the
large fine had exceeded his discre
It was clear that the laws gov
erning the prosecution of trusts ,
and especillay the right of appeal ,
needed attention. That helped
Mr. Bryan , and it will also help
elect democratic members of con
Hardly had the nation had time
to grasp the significance of the
Standard Oil decision before there
was evidence that the threat of
government by injunction invading
the immemorial right of trial by
jury was no idle menace , but a
very tangible fact. On the heels
of this came Mr. Taf t's acceptence
speech. It was ambiguous and ,
unsatisfactory the speech of a
If you are you will want a SUIT CASE something that
is neat and durable. Or if you are going fco stay awhile you will
need a trunk. Come in and let us help you with your journey.
We have cases at all prices and trunks at figures that are right.
Look them over in our windows ,
Carnival Dates :
Sept. 22 , 23 , 24 , 25.
temporizer and opportunist.
There was no right ring ; in it to
catch and hold the ear of the
voter no pledge or promise that
got to the root of any great exis
tent need. To awaken enthusiasm
with such lukewarmness of utter
ance was impossible , and the re
publicans themselves didn't at
tempt to enthuse. They skimmed
over the acceptance address , and
were glad to drop it at that.
Then came Attorney General
Bonaparte's endeavor to use his
office as an axe to split the plank
of the democractic platform de
signed to protect bank depositors.
When the attorney general had
struck his blow the plank was UD-
hurt. All that Mr. Bonaparte had
to say was only a lawyer's opinion
and the medicated opinion of a
liised attorney at that. But a
more unpopular thing cooldn't
have been done than this officious
action of Mr. Bonapart. It roused
the fcnL.agonism of every bank de
positor in the country , and \\as
particularly offensive to the voters
of the west.
Meantime the nabbing of the
Gould railway system by the Harriman -
riman interests furnished the coun
try a staggering reminder that the
vaunted Northern Securities case
couldn't prevent big railway mer
All these things are the natural
culmination of republican abuses
and failures. They are more con
vincing than eloquence or logic.
Knockdown arguments of grim
fact brickbats , they strike the
voter where he lives. They were
bound to come at some time , and
they have come at a most inoppor
tune time for the republicans.
The shifts of "revision after elec
tion" and "publicity after elec
tion" can't be worked with events
that stare you in the face , and will
look at the voter still harder when
he pulls the lever or casts the ballot
next November. Buffalo Times.
By the undersigned at my place
seven miles northwest of Valentine
on the 2Sth day of July , one iron
gray gelding , about G years old
branded B L on right shoulder ,
blotch brand on left shoulder. 295
U. S. Weather Knrcau .Report
lor week Ending Aii . 18.
Daily mean temperature 66 ° .
Normal 72 ° .
Highest 86 ° ; lowest 48 ° .
Precipitation 0.66 of an inch.
Total precipitation from March
1st ( the crop season ) to date was
Id. 05 inches and the average for
same period for 20 years is 15.97
We sell farming implements as well as other
merchandise at reasonable prices.
Call and try us.
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking
Exchange and
Collection Business.
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier.
Tobaccos and Cigars.
Canned Goods Lunch Counter.
Phone 7 Home Bakery. j |
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
arid Salt Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell.
sell.E FAIR
Valentine , Nebraska ,
Has now on sale for a short time only ,
At Reduced Prices
Clothing , Straw Hats , Work Shirts , Ladies'
Waists , and Odd Sizes in Shoes.
This is not a Jew store. Goods are plainly
marked and sold to all alike. They are
offered at reduced prices to clear shelves
for fall and winter stock.
2 : 53 *