Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 13, 1908, Image 7

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.Spectacular Elevator BInze Causes
Loss of Over One Million
5lugo Grain Storehouses Are De
stroyed and Fire Boat Is
One of the fiercest and most spectac
ular fires that has raged in Chicago in
jyeair , which left a property loss of
rl"iS.OOO in its wake and threatened a
repetition of the conflagration of 1871.
starlod Monday afternoon in the dock
jrhthoiise of ihe Chicago , Burlington
Quincy Railroad at 10th street and
the rivor. Two grain elevators , hr.n-
-drcds of thousands of bushels of grain ,
ii freight depol , fifty freight cars and a
number of buildings and sheds were de
During the height of the blaze hnn-
dreds of burning boards and shingles
were carried on the breast of a strong
southwest wind , and toe situation be
came so critical at one time that Fire
Marshal Horan prophesied a general
conflagration throughout the city , if the
fire crossed the river. Desperate work
by the firemen kept the flames from
So intense was the heat at one time
sthat the firemen could not approach
Temperature Rises tc 90.4 Degrees ,
Highest Since July 21 , 1901.
A heat wave that killed , prostrated ,
sickened , crazed and Irritated struck
Chicago Monday. The thermometer
reached 9G.4 degrees. There was only
one place in the United States warmer
than Chicago , and that was Kansas
City , Mo. The federal thermometer
there registered 98 degrees as its high
mark , but even with this rc'cord it is
not certain that different wind and hu
midity conditions may not have made
the Missouri city much more endurable
than Chicago. The odd part of it all
was that tliare was a wind of from
twenty to twenty-five miles an hour
most of the day. Not since July 21 ,
.1901 , has Chicago had a higher ther
mometer. On that date the mark show
ed 103 degrees.
Eugo Tonneau Plunges Down Em
bankment , Killing Occupants.
The second disastrous automobile ac
cident within forty-eight hours , involv
ing prominent San Francisco people ,
occurred Monday afternoon near Bur-
llngame , the fashionable suburb of the
city , when a huge tonncau occupied by
five women and two children plunged
down a steep embankment as the re
sult of the snapping of the brakes and
caused the death of five of the occu
pants and Injury to two others.
Coming down a steep grade near
Crystal Lake , Miss Ethel McCormick ,
who was at the wheel , endeavored to
check the speed of the car by applying
the foot brake. It failed to hold the au
tomobile , and she hastily threw on tha
emergency brakes. They snapped.
Then the young woman endeavored to
steer the car against the high bank on
the right. The front wheel , however ,
struck a large rock , and the next uic-
Indianapolis News.
within half a block of the Ilames und
the paint on the boat Chicago , which
was nearest to the scene , was scorched
In several places. The grain stored in
the elevators was attacked by fire on
every side and its destruction gave ad
ditional alarm to members of the board
of trade , who are exercised over a
Threatened crop shortage.
AVall Sinks Fire Tugr.
The ? Utl lifeboat Illinois , the pride
of the Chicago fire department , was
.sent to the bottom of the river at 8:30 :
a. m. Tuesday us the spectacular cul-
Tniuation of the disastrous blaze of the
< 3ay before. The fireboat was sunk by
the collapse of the east wall of eleva
tor F , near IGth street and the river ,
aud a number of firemen were slightly
Injured and narrowly escaped death by
-drowning when the crash came without
anything to indicate that danger was
Two engineers and four stokers , tn-
r-jrether with Capt. Lyons , were on board
-the boat and were rescued with diflicul-
-ty. A pipeman. who was standing on
-tho docks , was knocked senseless by a
hnil of Hying debris and was severely
cut on the head.
The boat , valued at $200.000 received
-the full force of the terrific crash and
was crushed in by the falling wall. The
engine room and the fire-fighting ma
chinery were reduced to a tangled mass
of steel and the craft sank immediate
Automatic Trnln.stop "Wanted.
Sivrotary Borland of the Signal and
"Train Control Board of the Interstate
' Commerce Commission says it will be
-worth $1,000,000 to the person who invents -
vents an automatic train stop to be re
lied upon and which can be installed at a
Teas-enable cost. After going over the
plans of many inventors , the board has
v > found none altogether acceptable , but it
if'/ -was d"fided to give a trial to the Rowell-
Potter system on the Burlington road
over a period of several months.
? SO\T Ilevfiiie Rules Enjoined.
Thomson in the Federal Circuit
Court at Cincinnati , granted a temporary
3ijunrtion to stop the enforcement of
the now internal revenue rules against
the local distillers. He holds that the
system of branding which has prevailed
for many years has not been abrogated
liy the new pure food law , and that the
marking of certain products "spirits" and
-.others "alcohol" is still lawful , though
.contrary to the new rules of the depart-
in cut the car plunged down the stsep
embankment , thirty-five feet below.
Mrs. McCormick was the wife of
Thomas McCormick , president of the
McCormick Iron Works of San Francis
co , and Mrs. O'Brien's husband is the
proprietor of the Keystone Manufac
turing Works. Saturday afternoon
Mrs. Frederick Marrott , the wife of a
prominent San Francisco publisher , and
James D. Gilbert were killed in a simi
lar accident.
At Ilutchiuson , Kan. , Judge George
A. Vanderveer , candidate for the Re
publican nomination for Judge of the
Ninth Judicial District was killed wlien
a Rock Island train struck the automo
bile in which he was finishing his cam
The three-mile open professional bicy
cle record was broken at Salt Lake City
by F. A. McFarIand , whose time was
President Roosevelt has sent a con
gratulatory message to the American rifle
team on its victory at the Olympic shoot
at Bisloy.
Reports that James R. Keene will ship
his stable to England this fall unless the
turf situation improves are current in
New York.
At Latonia , Will Fizer still leads the
winning owners with a comfortable mar
gin , Pinkola being the nag that is re
sponsible for it.
Allison Jack , well known throughout
tlie Southern States in
recent years as an
all-around athlete died
, from injuries re
ceived during the track meet at New Or
leans , when he was struck on the head
by a thrown hammer.
V. Powers has no trouble holding his
place at the head of the jockey list at
Latonia , and his record shows a winning
percentage of 24.
Col. Milton Young of Kentucky has
decided to sell his famous McGrathiana
stud and to dispose of the 700 weanlings ,
yearlings , mares and stallions now on the
President Bryce of the Columbus , Ohio ,
baseball club and one of the founders of
the American Association , dropped dead
of heart disease in front of 8,000 peopU
at the Columbns ball park.
York to Have a 34-Story Munic
ipal Building Costing $7,000,000
The New York board of estimates and
Mayor McClellan are now passing final
ly on plans for the highest city hall in
the world. This rw-story building , t
cost $7,000.000 , will stand in the trian
gle of Park Row , Center and Duans
streets , and tower 559 feet S iuchei
TH5 1,1" ! f
JTH trrir
nm/rrr /
above the .sidewalk. It will be twice ag
high as the Flatiron and just a few
feet shorter than the Singer building.
The Ne.v York hall will house prac
tically all the city departments and
leave 23 floors to be rented by the city
as offices. It is expected ihey will bring
in $500,000 in rentals annually. French
renaissance is the type , with exterior
columns. Steel and stone is to be the
construction. A peculiar feature of tha
building will be that all the rooms will
be outside rooms and no interior light
court will be needed.
New York's municipal skyscraper
will differ from the ordinary ones in
that it will not depend upon its tower
for its gre it height. The height to tha
reef of the main structure is to be o-l'l
feet. From the roof to the head of the
figure on the tower is a distance ofid
feet 8 inches. The figure will be 2\ \
feet high and the diameter of the clod ;
face is to be 2f > feet.
Hero is a simple and effective way to
restore a drowninsr man :
The man should be stood on his Load in
order that all the water possible be got
ten from his lungs. The old method of
rolling him on a barrel is not a bad one
for the same purpose.
Then an effort should be made to in
duce artificial respiration. To this cud
put the person flat on his back and let
some one catch hold of liis arms just be
low the elbow.
Then raise the arms above the head
and bring them down.
As they reach the body , press in on the
ribs to force out the air gained by lift
ing the arms.
Keep this up at the rate of IS times a
Then try to get die heart to moving by
giving a stimulant like liquor or a hypd-
dermic injection.
Sometimes a slight fluttering of the
heart is sufficient to get back life.
Get a physician as soon as possible.
A delegation of French leather workers
IB making a tour of American factories.
Hebrew painters and paperliaugers of
Boston , Mass. , are reforming their old
San Francisco ( Cal. ) Building Trades
Council has organized an athletic asso-
? iatiou.
Carpenters of the City of Mexico have
organized a labor union affiliated with
the A. F. oC L.
More union car men are wearing the
union button in Chicago to-day than ever
before in the history of the organization.
White and negro longshoremen at Xew
Orleans , La. , have signed a five-year con
tract with the stevedores and steamship
A seceding organization from the Broth
erhood of Kailroad Employes has taken
the name of Brotherhood of Railroad
Station Employes.
The railway trackmen are planning for
the establishment of a home for their
aged and indigent members. It is pro
posed to acquire a tract of oOO acres near
Fort Scott , Kan. , as the location for the
St. Paul Typographical Union has de
cided to make a label exhibit at the Min
nesota State fair , and will ask the Minne
apolis union to join with it. Last year
the St. Paul men made a label display
which was very creditable.
In Xew York State a bill which takes
from the health boards of the first-class
cities the inspection of mercantile estab
lishments and places it in the hands of
the responsible labor department was
passed at the extraordinary session of
the Legislature and will go into effect on
Oct. 1.
The next convention of the Interna
tional Brotherhood of Bookbinders will
be held during the second week in June ,
1910 , at Cedar Itapids. Iowa.
Cleveland ( Englandi ironstone miners
have decided to press for a 11 ! o'clock
Saturday ; that is. that operations shall
cease at the mines at 12 xo'clock on
Saturdaj's instead of 1 o'clock , but no
stoppage of work is likely to result if the
masters refuse to make this alteration.
There has been no general strike of the
Cleveland ironstone miners for more than
thirty years.
Noted Statesman Succumbs to Ate
tack of Heart Failure at His
Home in Dubuque.
JPublic Career Covering More Than
Three-Score Years Breaks All
Records for Length.
United States Senator William B.
Allison dropped dead at Dubuque ,
Iowa , Tuesday of heart failure. The
senior senator's decease comes on the
eve of his re-election to another term
in the upper house , where he had beec
a leader for years. His death will per
haps throw Iowa politics into a turmoil
William Boj'd Allison was born in
Perry , Ohio , March 2 , 1820. He passed
his boyhood days on the farm , securing
his preliminary education at the coun
try schools , and graduating from the
Western Reserve College in his native
state. Senator Allison was admitted
to the bar in 1S30 and engaged in prac
tice at Ashland , Ohio , where he was
married in 1S32 to Miss Anna Carter
of Wooster , Ohio. He practiced law in
Ohio until ISoT , when he moved to
Dubuque , Iowa. Here he entered poli
tics. Two years after moviug to the
I Hawkeye State he was a delegate to
j the Republican state convention ,
i Young Allison represented his con-
| gressioual district at the Republican
national convention at Chicago in I860.
It was iu that year that he was ap
pointed a member of the governor's
staff and as such engaged in raising
troops for the Civil War. He was
elected to Congress in 1SG3 , represent
ing his district in the lower house at
Washington until 1871. He retired to
the practice of law in 1871 , but tired
of private life and in 1873 made a
successful campaign for the United
States senatorship from his adopted
state. Senator Allison's term in the
Senate would have expired the day
after his eightieth year.
For more than three score years he
was actively engaged in public work.
He broke all records for mere length oi
service. On three occasions he de
clined a cabinet portfolio , Presidents
Garfield , Harrison and McKiuley each
having tendered the place of secretary
of the treasury to the distinguished
lowan in 1881 , 1880 and 1807 respect
ively. He was in public life when
Abraham Lincoln was assassinated ,
and he was a delegate to tha
famous convention at Chicago in
1S60 which put Lincoln in nom
ination. Passing through the recon
struction time and following Grant
through all his troubled administra
tion , the Iowa senator , almost at the
beginning of his career in the senate ,
began to acquire a reputation as a
The local fame of Senator Allison as
an expert on monetary matters was ex
tended to international confines when
in 1892 he was chairman of the Ameri
can delegation of the international
monetary conference at Brussels. It
has been said that Senator Allison and
Speaker Cannon know more of the act
ual mecbamfem of the American gov
ernment than- all the rest of Congress
put together.
Women After a Lawmaker.
Representative Glenn , who recently in
troduced into the Georgia Legislature a
bill to invalidate a marriage contract bas
ed upon false appearances of the woman
due to the use of pads , stays , crimps ,
paints or other artificial devices , hag
asked the protection of the State owing
to the large number of threatening letters
he has received from women in all parts
of the country. Ho says he takes it that
the allegations must have some truth or
the women would not be so angry.
Ctilebra Cut XOTF Half Done.
The Washington office of the Panama
Canal Commission hears that the bis cut
for the canal at Culebra is about half
completed , a total of near 47,000,000
cubic yards having been excavated. Of
this , however , the American workers have
dug only 18.445.420 yards. Chairman
Goethals has reorganized the canal work
BO as to divide the whole into three
geographical sections , in each of which
the chief has charge of all classes of
100 William II. of England , son of
"Tho Conqueror , " died in England.
Horn in Normandy in 105U.
1490 Bartholomew Columbus , brother o"
Christopher Columbus , laid the foun
dation of San Domingo.
1515 Argentina discovered by the Span
iards , and settled by them iu 1553.
1503 The plague appeared in London.
I GOO Hudson discovered Cape Cod.
IG33 The great Dutch Admiral Yon
Tromp killed in an 'engagement near
IG9G Frontenac invaded the Onondaga
1701 A general treaty of peace was
made with the Indians at Montreal.
1739 Allies defeated the French at bat
tle of Mimlen - Crown Point taken
from the French by Gen. Amherst.
1790 Date of issue of the first American
1792 Death of Gen. Burgoyne , the Brit
ish general who surrendered his army
to Gen. Gates at Saratoga. - Gen.
Mordecai Gist , Maryland patriot and
friend of George Washington , died iu
Charleston. Born in Baltimore , 1743.
1797 Sir Jeffrey Ainhorst , the British
general to whom Montreal surren
dered , died. Born Jan. 29 , 1717.
1S02 Bonaparte declared Consul of
France for life.
1S13 Plattsburg , X. Y. , taken by ths
JSlo Richard Henry Dana , Jr. , author
of "Two Years Before the Mast. "
born in Cambridge , Mass. Died in
Rome Jan. 7 , 1SS2 ,
IS 19 Herman Melville , writer on South
Sea life , born in New York City.
Died there Sept. 2S , 1S91.
1821 William Floyd , one of the signers
of the American Declaration of Inde
pendence , died.
1323 Oliver P. Morton , the war Gov
ernor of Indiana , born in Saulsbury ,
Ind. Died in Indianapolis , Nov. 1 ,
1877. .Thomas F. Meagher , who commanded - .
manded Idle Irish brigade in the
American Civil War , born in Waterford - j
ford , Ireland. Died near Fort Benton - '
ton , Mout. , July 1 , 1S07.
1S31 Construction of the new London
bridge completed. '
1S4G President Polk vetoed the river j
and harbor bill on the ground thai
it was unconstitutional.
1S51 Steamer Pampero left New Or
leans carrying a filibustering expedi
tion against Cuba.
1S5S Queen Victoria sanctioned Em
press of India.
1SG2 The President ordered a draft ol
300,000 men to serve in the army
nine months. . . .Victoria , B. C. , in
corporated as a city _ .Gen. Halleck
ordered Gen. McClellan to evacuate
the peninsula of Virginia.
18G4 Pennsylvania adopted a constitu
tional amendment allowing soldiers
to vote.
1872 King Haakon VII. of Norway
1S75 Andrew Johnson , seventeenth
President of the United States , died.
Born Dec. 29 , 1SOS.
1S7G Senate acquitted Mr. Belknap ,
Secretary of War , on charge of sell
ing official positions.
1SS5 Conviction of Louis Riel , leader oi
the rebellion in the Canadian North
1899 Sir .Tamos David Edgar , speakei
of the Dominion House of Commons ,
died. Born 3841
1899 Elihu Root succeeded Gen. Alger
as Secretary of War of the United
1900 Dr. Charles Tanner suspended
from the House of Commons.
1903 Charles M. Scnwab resigned the
presidency of the United States Steel
Corporation and was succeeded by
William Ellis Corey.
3904 : Robert E. Pattison , ex-Governor
of Pennsylvania , died. Born Dec. 8 ,
1905 The Japanese captured the Island
of Sakhalin.
1907 The Morocco tribesmen attacked
Casablanca - Vugustus Saint Gau-
dens. sculptor , died. Born Jan. S ,
DonkJioliur.s Fifjlit Police.
Ten Northwest mounted police made &
raid on the Doukhobor compound neai
Yorkton. Saskatchewan , to arrest twelve
ringleaders of the baud of a hundred con
fined there by the government. The en
tire Doukhobor band fought fiercely for
three hours with cordwood sticks and oth
er weapon , but were hammered down.
Six mrn : iid six women were sent to the
Northern penitentiary.
The summer school at the school foi
the blind in Faribault. Minn. , has opened.
There is an enrollment of fifteen men.
The work during the summer is of an
industrial nature , such as hammock mak
ing , carpet weaving and broom making.
This s\\'cs \ the men a self-supporting
F. E. Weverbauser , son of Frederick
Weyei'hauspr of St. Paul , is now at the
head of a big lumber merger being organ
ized at St. Louis , with a capital of $300-
000,000 , by 100 dealers of the middle
Stabbed in the Breast in His Pah
ace and Saved from Death
by Armor. .
He Is n Minor Official .and Gel < f
Pound on Him Indicates He Had
33een Bribed to Commit Act.
Sultan Abdul Hamid of Turkey wa *
ptabbed in the breast at Constantinople
by a minor palace official. Only th
coat of mail which the Sultan alwayfl
wears saved his life. This deflected
the blow of the would-be assassin's
knife , and rendered it practically
harmless. The Sultan's assailant was
seized at once by the guards whici
came at the ruler's call.
The Sultan's outcry as he grappled
with the man aroused hundreds of pal-
nee attaches , and immediately the
whole Yildiz Kiosk was in an uproajv
Soldiers came clattering in at d form
ed a strong guard around Abdul's pri
vate apartments. The commotion was
unusual , even for the palace , which has
been the scene of so many tragedies
arising rrom attempts and fancied at >
tempts against the Sultan's life. The
\vould-be assassin apparently had beea
bribed to commit the act , as he had 9
large sum of gold in his pockets and
his baggage was packed ready for
Abdul Hamid is said to be the mosi
liated monarch in Europe , not even ex
cepting the Czar of Russia , and during
his long reign he has lived in continu
al dread of assassination. He is credr
ited with the blotting out of many lives
because of his constant fear of his own
life. His victims have been principally
members of his household ; who fob
trivial offenses were made targets foi
the bullets from his beautifully jewel
ed revolver that he carries constantly
on his person. Abdul has ruled oveB
the people of the Turkish empire foi
more than thirty-two years , having
come to the throne in 1S7G after sue *
cessfully deposing his brother
Monrad V.
Former attempts have been made oij
the life of Abdul Hamid , the most sen
sational being that of July 22 , 1905 ,
when unknown assassins threw 3
bomb at the red ruler as he was leav
ing the mosque where the celebration
of Salamik had taken place. Ho es
caped serious injury on that occasion ,
although thirty or forty people wera
killed. Again in October , 190G , when
a report was spread that the Sultan
was suffering from a serious illness , it
was later learned that the real causa
of his affliction was a bullet wound in
flicted by one of his Turkish wives.
Miss Emelie Gardner Has Encounter
with Ferocious Beast in Dark.
Her left arm frightfully lacerated
and two fingers of her right hand che\r-
ed off. Miss Emelie Gardner , an opera
Binger , is in a critical condition at the
Coney Island Hospital as a result of be
ing attacked by a huge bull terrier.
Miss Gardner has been spending tha
summer in her cottage at Seagate , Co
ney Island. Her housekeeper , Mrs.
Bangman. is the owner of a big fernate
dog , which she kept in the rear yard.
Sunday , on account of the heat , Mrs.
Bangman transferred the dog and her
puppies to the pantry in the basement
of the cottage.
At night Miss Gardner , who was
alone in the house , entered the pantry.
The room was dark , and as she closed
the door the dog sprang upon her. Miss
Gardner threw up her arms , but tha
teeth of the dog caught her left arm
between the wrist and the elbow , crush
ing flesh and bones. As she struck at
the brute with her right hand it snap
ped at the hand and severed the two
first fingers.
Tie balloon "Hamburg , " of the Han >
burg Aeronautical Society , met with an.
accident while trying to effect a landing
at Lubeck.
The Mexican government now claims to
have caught the two chief instigators of
the recent revolt in the northern section
of the country.
Correspondence between the republics
of Nicaragua and Guatemala has been ,
made public in showing that the most
Btrained relations exist between the tw