Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 13, 1908, Image 6

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t. M. RICE , Publisher.
Republican Senatorial Contest Be
tween J tonkins and Foss is Still in
Doubt Primary Returns Come in
Slowly Democrats Pick Stevenson.
At 2:30 o'clock Monday morning
complete returns from 88 counties
out of 102 in the state of Illinois give
for the republican nomination for
governor Deneen , 181,509 ; Yates ,
170.225. siving Deneen a plurality
from the returns at hand of 11,254.
Eighty-eight counties give for the
republican senatorial indorsement
Hopkins , 117,822 ; Foss , 99,709 ; Ma
son 71,655.
The returns available at 1 o'clock
consisted of the vote in 87 out of 102
counties in the state for senator and
62 counties for governor. Chicago
and Cook county were included in
both sets of figures. The vote on
senator was Hopkins , 97,051 ; Foss ,
88,573 ; Mason , 62,596. On governor
the vote was Deneen , 167,151 ; Yates ,
The friends of Gov. Deneen con
fidently predict that he Avill secure
the nomination by a majority of at
least 10,000 over Yates , and the Yatt
managers make about the same piv-
diction for their man. Senator IIop-
Idns declared late Sunday night that
lie believed that he would be indorsed
for the senatorship by a plurality of
25,000 to 27,000.
The Foss managers claim they havr
carried many of the senatorial dis
tricts and that when the legislature
comes to vote for senator the men
Irom these districts must be guided
by the vote of these districts irre
spective of what the vote of the en
tire state may have been. They ar
gue that in this way Foss is certain t < >
receive the election from the legisla
ture , even though he runs behind in
the primaries.
The situation on the democratic
ticket outlined early in the night was
confirmed by late returns. Lawrence
K. Stringer has been indorsed for sen
ator and Adlal E. Stevenson has been
mominaled for governor.
Automobile Crashes Over a Stco ; >
When an automobile plunged over
a steep embankment on the Mitchaw
road two and a half miles west of
Fylvania , O. , Charles W. Pohlman , a
wealthy Cleveland merchant tailor ,
and Father George Fahey , pastor
of St. Columbian's parish , Cleveland ,
were instantly killed.
Mrs. Charles AY. Pohlman , her
daughter , Florence , and F. C. Dietzel ,
a Cleveland dentist , Avere in the tour
ing car , but escaped injury.
The automobile landed at the bottom
tom of the embankment bottom side
up. The priest's head was crushed
between the edge of the car and a
huge stone.
Mr. Pohlman who was driving the
machine , was entangled in the steer
ing gear , the -wheel crushing hi ?
Scores Caught Vnder the Ruins of a
Tall Chimney.
The thunder storm which passed
aver Szegedein , Austria , Saturday ,
and during which a large factory col
lapsed , burying a number of work
men , caused more or less damage to
every house in town. The only loss
of life occurred in a hemp factory in
course of construction. A tall chim
ney , which had just been built fell
on a partially built heating house on
which 100 workmen Avere working1 ,
.many were caught by the falling ma
sonry and buried. Thus far seven
dead and thirteen wounded haA'e been
taken out. A woman who Avas tak
ing lunch to tAvo of her sons employed
in the building Avas caught under the
falling Avail and killed.
Posses lliiut for Negro.
Armed posses under the direc
tion of Sheriff Allen are search
ing Salem , N. J. , and adjoining coun-
lies for a negro who committed a
brutal assault upon Stella Lawrence ,
the 12-year-old daughter of Oscar
Xa-Avrence , a farmer , of Washington
Chicago's Population.
Chicago has a population of 2,425-
-000 , according to the 1908 city direc
tory , which Avas issued Monday. This
Js a gain over last year of 58,000.
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
City liA-e stock market follOAv : Beeves ,
56.00 @ 7.00. Top hogs , $6.40.
Tilas Fails to Gain.
Advices from Madison , Wis. , re
garding the condition of ex-
United States Seimtor Vilas
.state that the distinguished patient
is likely to remain in a precarious
condition for several months Avith the
outcome uncertain. His right side is
.still paralyzed and he remains
. .
A Petition in Bankruptcy is Filed in
j Court.
j A voluntary petition in bankruptcy
VA-as filed after 8 p. m. Friday night in
the United States court by Attorney
Charles Morchauser , of NOAV York ,
representing Harry K. Thaw , of
Pittsburg , Pa , who io now confined
in the Dutchess county , New York ,
jail. In the petition it is stated his
assets are $128,012.38 and liabilities
| Roger O'Meara , a well known Pitts-
burg detectiA'e and personal friend of
the Thaw family , Avas appointed a
j receiver. His bond AA-as placed at
j-$200,000 and John NeAvell and James
j W. Piatt , tAvo prominent business men
of this city , became securities for Mr.
The most interesting information
given out regarding' the proceedings
is to be found in the petition asking
for the appointment of a receiver in
which it is alleged the action is taken
for the purpose of preventing his
property being dissipated in litigation
over claims , many of Avhich are un
just. The figures shoAV that this refers -
fers to the lawyers and doctors.
Grand Jury at Richmond , Ya..Round
ly Denounces Authorities.
Mrs. Ethel Gaylord , Avho became a
fliother three weeks ago in the city
home of Richmond , Va. , Avill
haA'e to stand trial on a charge
of haA'ing poisoned another baby in
the same institution four days after
the birth of her child. CorrosiA'e sub
limate and chloroform are alleged to
haAre been used. The grand jury in
its report se\rerly arrainged the coun
cil committee for its system of caring
for the city home , dismissed the sup
erintendent for incompetency , criti
cised physicians and surgeons for
failing to act in harmony , and rep
rimanded the city council for not
making rules and vesting the super
intendent with the power and holding
him responsible.
The report shoAvs that in order to
secure a laundress for the home a
contract AA'as made Avhereby she AA'as
to get drunk once a Aveek. Nurses
and other help are held to be wholly
incompetent and incapable.
Reports to Dun's Review GiA-e Indica
tion to That Effect.
Bank exchanges at all the lending
cities of the United States are $2,211-
979,000 ; 8.3 per cent , less than a year
ago. The loss continues quite large
at Philadelphia , Pittsburg , Baltimore ,
NCAA' Orleans , Minneapolis and San
Francisco , clearly due to conditions
affecting special interests in those sec
tions. St. Louis and Kansas City
again report gains and at other lead
ing cities losses arc small.
Dispatches to the Review indicate
further progress in the Avright direc
tion , although the improA-ement is
sloAV. A midsummer dullness affects
the trade. The A'olmnc of the bank
clearings , usually at the IOAV point of
the year in August , is reduced , but it
is noAV materially above thee amount
in the earlier months of the year ,
sheAving an improvement in that re
Two Crushed to Death.
Crushed beneath a heaA'y cement
drain which had fallen in upon them
while they were at Avork in the yard
of the St. John's Orphan asylum in
Brooklyn , N. Y. , Thomas Roche and
John McLaughlin Avere instantly kill
ed and Charles Timony Avas so badly
injured that he died en route to a
Fast Train is AVrcekcd.
One man Avas killed and seA'-
eral Avere injured Saturday night
when the Texas express on
the Southern Pacfici railroad left
the 'track scA'eral miles from the
union station shortly after leaA'ing
New Orleans for Houston. Oliver
Petrie , fireman , of Algiers , La. , Avas
Girl Routs Officers.
Miss Mary Fonts , Avidely knoAvn as
the "maiden moonshiner. " Saturday
had a pitched battle Avith United
States officers. Entrenched at hoi
camp near Eargeant , Ky. , the girl suc
ceeded in routing the officers after six
ty shots had been fired and Deputy
United States Marshall Hiram Day had
been seriously wounded.
Miss Fleming ; Gets Bail.
Miss Julia Fleming , of New York ,
Who is charged Avith conspiracy in
connection Avith an alleged attempt
to manufacture eA'idence to be used in
the divorce suit against Frank J.
Gould , has been released on 32,000
Boat Line Fails.
Unable to profitably run its steam
boats , because of IOAV water in the
Ohio river , the Pittsburg and Cincin
nati packet line , of Scranton , Pa. , one
of the largest transportation lines
plying that riA'er , has become insol
vent and Friday went into the hands
of a receiver.
\ ,
Fatal Wreck in Arkansas.
The Westbound Frisco passenger
train No. 206 Avas derailed near Im-
boden , Ark. , early Friday. Engineer
Cooper and Fireman Booker , both of
Memphis , and an unknown man were
Rain Benifits Crops.
Soaking rains were general Friday
In Avestern Missouri and eastern and
southern Kansas , greatly benefiting
crops. . .
If ]
Will Assist in Securing Higher Freigli ?
Railroad men in all parts of the
United States are organizing to assist
the railroads in obtaining an increase
in freight rates. Definite Avays' and
means haA'e not yet been decided up
on , but the general s ope of the plan
includes an' extensiA'e campaign of
education to shoAv that the interests
oi the public demand that the roads
be allOAved to increase their earnings.
It is also proposed to present their
side of the case before the interstate
commerce commission and before the
state railroad commissions whenever
an opportunity presents itself.
The lead in the movement is being
taken by the recently organized Ne
braska State Raihvay Employe's Pro-
tectiA'e association an'l by the Ameri
can Protective Association of Ameri
ca , Avith headquarters at Kansas City ,
Avhich is now being organized , and
which already includes members from
thirteen Avestern states. Members of
the Chicago division of the Order of
Railway Conductors haA'e already tak
en actiA'e steps in the matter and rep
resentatives of the other raihvay
brotherhoods are taking an interest
in the movement , although it has not
yet been officially taken up by any of
the latter organizations.
The men point out that the expenses
of the railroads haA'e been enormously
increased during late years , Avhile
freight rates haA'c been gradually re
duced and that matters haA'e HOAA-
come to the point Avhere an increase
in revenue is imperatiA'e ifthe , rail
roads are to continue to maintain their
property in first class condition and
make needed extensions and impro\'e-
ments while maintaining the present
scale of Avages.
Mrs. Sliishiii Says It Was Her Son Who
Was Brutally Murdered.
Mrs. Minnie Shishin , of Chicago , has
identified a part of the clothing at
tached to portions of the dismembered
body Avhich Avere found in Mud Lake ,
as belonging to her son Tuffa , aged 15 ,
years , Avho has been missing since Sun
The mystery of the murder Ava ?
clarified also by the finding of the
head of the A'ictim in the drainage ca
Acting on the theory that the mur
der Avas the Avork of padrones Avho
Avere attacked in the recent prosecu
tion of Greek "boy slaA'e" cases , one
arrest Avas made , that of a Greek
who is known as an importer of boy/
from Greece.
Krupps Secure Invention of Swedish
Army Officer.
NotAvithstanding frequent denial
the Ivrupp Avorks haA'e apparently ac
quired the rights to the air torpedo
iiiA'ented by Col. Unge , of the Swedish
army , under conditions that the S\ved-
ish gOA'ornment is free to use the de
vice. The particulars of the Aveapons
are secret , but it is understood that the
Krupps paid a great sum for the in-
A'ention after prolonged tests , so it is
assumed that the projectile is really
effectiA'e. Report soys it can be used
by Avarships in sea fighting , and also
against fortification , three calibers be
ing used , one for sea fighting , a second
end for ordinary land fighting and a
third for mountain Avork.
Mail Commits Suicide in a Public
Place at Atlantic City.
Arthur T. Ball , of Altoona , Pa. , shot
and killed himself under the board
Avalk at the inlet end of Adriatic aA'e-
nue at Atlantic City , N. J.
Ball AA'as seen to go beneath the
board Avalk and pull a 32-caliber re-
A'oh'er. He fell to the sand dead , the
bullet haA'ing had instantaneous effect.
A short distance from his body Avas
found a torn ticket sheAving he be
longed to the Employes' association of
the PennsylA'ania railroad.
The man Avas Avell clad in a brAVon
suit and had $14.75 in his pocket. Ho
was evidently in ill health , Avhieh may
haA'e been the cause of his rash act.
800 Are Hurt by Bombs.
There now haA'e been 35 days of
fighting in the streets of Tabriz. Cas
ualties , due chiefly to bombs and
chrapnel , are estimated at 800. Many
of the finer residences and hundreds
of shops haA'e been looted and the loss
in this direction exceeds $1,000.000.
NTo American missionaries have been
Slugged and Robbed.
Unconscious from blows on the
head , Frank Spadaro. a Avholesale
fruit dealer of Boston , Mass. . Avas
found by his employes in a basement
to which he had gone Avith tAvo pre
tended customers , and $2,000 Avhich
Spadaro had in his pockets was miss
Killed by Gas Explosions.
John B. Harris , manager of the
\uto Gas company , of Albany , N. Y. ,
ivas probably fatally injured and John
Malone and William Fort wore killed
is a result of a series of explosions in
he company's gas plant. The plant
vas completely Avrecked.
Emperor Expresses Regret.
The king of Wurtemburg called on
Hount Zeppelin at his hotel and con-
-eyed to the aeronaut the personal re-
jret of Emperor William over the de
struction of the count's airship at
Red Cross Gives $1,000.
A voluntary contribution of $1.000
las been made by the National fled
ross for the sufferers of the forest
ires now raging in British Columbia.
It & From Da ? to Day Condensed "
d 12
Com and Other Crops Still in Good
Condition in Nebraska.
While the ground of Nebraska is
somewhat dry it is not seriously so ex
cept on the Kansas branches of the
McCook division of the Burlington , ac
cording to the crop and soil report of
the Burlington railroad. Corn made
good progress last week , except west
of McCook , and on the Kansas branch
es , where it does not amount to much
of the total crop. The estimate on the
Lincoln division for corn is still at 103
per cent in comparison with an aver-
agtJ crop , on the McCook division SI1
per cent and on the Wymore division
89 per cent , which is G per cent better
than the report of the week.
The week was most favorable for
stacking and threshing so that about
all that part of the wheat crop which
has not been threshed has been
Oats are turning out to be an aver
age crop in Nebraska and of good
quality. Potatoes also will make an
average crop. The Lyon branch west
of Denver had several good rains la t
week , and the sugar beets on that line
are consequently in fine shape.
"Wheat in the Big Horn basin will
run from 30 to 40 bushels to the acre ,
and nearly all of it has been cut. Oats ,
in the vicinity of Sidney , will run from
CO to 75 bushels to the acre. Corn is
looking fine on the Alliance division ,
and there will be an excellent crop.
The outlook for a big beet crop near
Sterling is fine , and in the vicinity of
Hillrose it is estimated the crop will
run 30 tons to the acre.
Indian Accused of Horse Stealing Says
Allegation is Spite Work.
Tony Blackbird , a half breed Sious
Indian , was arrested near Gordon a
few days ago by Deputy United State :
Marshal Proctor and brought to Oma
ha for arraingnment before United
State ? Commissioner Anderson on th
charge of stealing two horses froir
the Brule Indian agency in South Da
kota. Blackbird was taken to Lincoh
on the order of the commissioner t <
appear before Judge Munger , who
alone is authorized to issue an ordei
transferring the accused to the Soutl
Dakota federal jurisdiction , where the
horse stealing is said to have been
The accused Indian claims that the
charge against him is the result o
spite work on the part of his former
wife , Nellie Blackbird. He alleged
that the horses belonged to him originally - :
inally and upon his separation ft'om
his wife , who was married shortly af
ter their separation , he took thr
horses with him. Through her now
husband she claims title to the horses
and has charged Blackbird with run
ning away with the animals. The In
dian is anxious to return to South Da
kota and stand trial on the charge
against him , believing that he car
speedily disprove the charges and es
tablish his absolute innocence.
Council at "Wymore Recommends
Raise in Assessment.
Citizens of Wymore ai'e greatly stir
red up over the action of the city
council took a Aveek or so ago in the
matter of real estate assessment in the
town. This body took it upon them
selves to go over the assessor's books
and recommended that about 200
pieces of property be assessed higher
and recommended that the county
board make the raise. The owners of
the property in question made a stren
uous kick , and the outcome has been
a net lowering of assessed value of
real estate in the city.
The council acted in evident good
faith in the matter , but there is con
siderable criticism as to the method
they used. The property owners say
they would not object to a certain per
cent raise on all property , but they
thing the council did wrong to recom
mend certain pieces to be assessed
higher. It seems to be the prevailing
opinion that there is more need of
equalizing personal than there Is of
equalizing real estate.
Church Social Lunch Fatal.
One dead , four or five not expected
to live , and a number of others in a
serious condition is the result of a
church social held at Kearney last
week where pressed chicken was
served for lunch. Sixteen persons were
poisoned. Last evening Miss Hazel
Campbell died from the effects of the
poison and four or five others are not
expected to live.
\Valioo Man Dies in Dakota.
While traveling through the coun
try in a covered wagon in the hope
that open air life would restore his
broken health , George Johnson , of Yu-
tan , Saunders county , died in his wag
on while it was at a point about a mile
and a quarter from the town of White
Lake. Aurora county , S. D. He was a
victim of consumption.
Native Nebraska Lions.
While Campbell Bros. ' circus was
showing in Alliance three lion cubs
were born , one of which was a ra.-r-
curiosity , in the fact that it was al
most pure white. This makes this end
of the menagerie similar to the sho- -
itself , inasmuch as it is strictly a Ne
braska production.
Saloon Attached for Debt.
Mathias Pfann. who has been op
erating a .saloon in Omaha , stopped
business Wednesday when his place
was attached for debts. He owed
something like $2.000 and when his
place was closed it was found that
nearly , if not all , of the goods had
been removed.
Otoc Teachers * Infinite.
The Otoe County Teachers' associa
tion meeting is being held at Syracuse
this week and there are nearly 160
teachers in attendance.
Jacol ) Munce Dies Declaring Jesus is
His Friend.
Jacob Munce , 45 years of age ant'
single , fired a bullet into his tempi
and was found dead at Ponca Monday
morning at 7:30. A letter on his per
son read :
"I owe the world nothing but my
body. I have done no wrong and Jesus
is my friend. "
Munce Had acted strangely lately
and had suffered from the heat whil
at work. He was a baker for the Clif
bakery and a good workman. His
body was found in tlv * bakery.
Ponca people know little abou
Munce. He came here about three
months ago from Chicago and went t
work for the Clift bakery. He has
always been steady in his work anc"
habits , but since his death it is loarnc'
that his mind was not easy. To cer
tain men in Ponca he said he had once
killed a man in self-defense and every
time he F.W a stranger in town ho
feared it was some person who had
come to arrest him for this deed. Those
who accredit his story believe the fear
and thought of this thing weighed on
his mird until it was unbalanced.
Munce was a German and no one
here has any knowledge of his family
connections or former place of resi
dence , except that he said he was sin
gle and came from Chicago.
Governor is Initiated by Knights o
the Ak-Sar-"Bcn.
Gov. Sheldon was the honored gues
of the court of King Samson of the
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Monday night
He was accompanied by a committe
of Lincoln citizens , who were also "en
tertained" at'the den. The governor
was met at the station by a committe (
of knights and driven to the Hote
Loyal , where a dinner was tendered
his party. Cols. McCullogh , Cowan
Penfold and Sine were among th' .
members- his staff at the banquo
table. Following the dinner the entire
party was escorted to the den , wher
the governor was given an opportunity
to beqome a subject of the king. His
evening's entertainment included
ride on the now battleship "Aquarius , '
and his ability as a sailor was inquiret
into well by Admiral Paffenrath before
he v.-as permitted to make the voyage
Weather Report Shows Rainfall Be >
lo\v Xoi'isial Kves-ywherc.
The mean temperature for last weel1
was between 74 degrees and 73 de
grees , which is an average of about 2
degrees above the normal. The maxi
mum temperature exceeded 90 degrees
very generally , except on Thursday
and Friday , when it was 5 to 10 de
grees lower.
The rainfall was below normal in
all parts of the state. Local shower
occurred Monday. Tuesday and Thurs
day , but the rainfall was generally les
than a quarter of an inch. The high
temperature of the week caused rapid
evaporation and more rain is now
needed in practically all counties.
Infantry and Artillery From Fort Riley -
ley Pass Through Beatrice.
The Sixteenth United States infan
try , which camped at Beatrice over
Sunday , left Monday for Fort Riley ,
Kan. Soon after the departure of the
command. Batteries D and B of the
Sixth Field artillery , in command of
Captains Briggs and Baryne , reached
that place .and there went into
camp for the night. The command
number about 300 men and 250 horses.
About 4,000 persons witnessed the
guard mount and also heard the con
cert given by the Sixteenth infantry
Boy Accidentally Shot.
The small son of James Stratton ,
northwest of Beaver City , was acci
dentally shot by an elder brother and
miraculously escaped death. The older
boy was handling the remains of a tar
get rifle which had been kicked about
the place for a year. It was rusty and
without a stock. In handling it the
thing A\as somehow discharged and the
bullet lodged in the little boy's head
near the right eye.
Wakeficld to Entertain.
Wakefield is preparing for one of the
biggest times ever on Tuesday and
Wednesday. Aug. 18-19. The program
will consist of ball games between
Norfolk. Plainview , Walthill and
Wakelleld. tennis games , hose races ,
free street attractions , etc. The fire
department has its program in charge
and they promise a rattling good time
to all who attend.
Injuries Bring- About Death.
John Doremus. a farmers living
near Shelton. died Sunday night. Two
weeks ago he was crossing a ravine
with a steam thresher outfit and was
caught between the separator and the
engine and terribly scalded by steam
and hot water. The burns were so se
vere that it was impossible to save
Taft Clnb : vt Cambridge.
A number of the republicans of
Cambridge met at the opera house Sat
urday evening. Aug. 1 , and organized
a Taft and Sherman club.
Farmer Drops Dead.
S. A. Wilson ; a farmer living north
of Cozad. fell dead in the hay field
about 5 o'clock Monday. He had not
boon feeling well for several days but
his sudden death was in a measure
due to the intense heat.
Street Fair Up at Dixon.
A street fair will hold forth at Pen
ca for a week and the town is wearing1
EI festive garb. There are eight shows
and a large Ferris wheel illuminated
with electricity. '
. <
It cost ; 27 i cuts more per
100 pounds to ship articles designate *
rates from Omaha
as taking first class
ha to Texas than it did txventy-onw
thani IC
years ago. and 10 cents more
to 110
did five years ago ,
. 10. an *
tariff issued to take effect
which will be opposed by the Orr.aba
shippers as soon as U. S. P * * > - " -
traffic manager of the Fort \\.nth-
freight bureau fdes a petition bcnon-
the interstate commerce
There has been much misunderstand
ing of just what the proposed chang *
in freight rates to Texas meant
wouM bo-
how much of an advance
made. But it is made plain in a Jotter
National -
ter sent by
Traffic league to the Omaha shippers--
and to the interstate commerce
This is the increase by classes :
Class 12345 ABCDIT
Advance . . . .10S S 6 5 6 5 4 4 47
In the letter to shippers and
commission. President J. C. Lincoln ,
Train. ?
of the National
league , points out the increase in rates-
to Texas during the last twenty-one-
years , regardless of the improve.nont
in facilities for handling transporta
tion and the increasing busimn >
the great Lone Star state. This I * the
sto-ry of how the railroads have ad
vanced the rates since 1SS7 , when tnc
rate from St. Louis to Texas points
was $1.20 per 100 pounds on first class ,
$1.04 on second , SS cents on third , IT
cents on fourth class and 60 cents or *
fifth class :
Dates. rinss ?
Jan. 20 , 1SS9..13 1C 3 13 3 Tents
Nov. . 15 , 1891. 0 0 1 2 , 2 Cents
Dec. 4. 1S93. . Coi sr
Mar. 15 , 1903. 7 S 7 G 5 CVnts
Aug. 10. 1908.10 S S 6. 5 Cents
President Lincoln , in the letter au
thorized by the league , calls attention
to the fact that the interstate com
merce commission ruled that thrates -
prior to March , 1903. affordor roason-
ab"Ie compensation to the carriers.
Commissioner Guild , of the Commer
cial club , says Omaha ships a large-
amount 'of merchandise under the
rate to Texas an dsuch an advance at
this time means that it will bo out a
short time until commodity rates will
bo advanced , which will be a .stilF
greater blow to Omaha -
ivell as consumers.
Attorney Golden , of O'Neil ! . wa. - - -
among a large number of proiestanfcf
before the state board of equalization
Wednesday , objecting to any increase
in the value of real estate contemIat -
ed by the board. Mr. Golden produced
figures t6 show that the land in Kolt
county , or about 70 per cent of it ,
had been assessed too high and possi
bly 30 per cent too low. He told of
several transfers where the consider
ation was much higher than the actual
amount paid for land. Tho-o trans
fers had been filed by the tax agents ot 1
the railroads. For a few miN s i.ut oi' N
O'Neill. Mr. Golden said , th'rons a
splendid road , as hard as brick , ami
prospective buyers were always hus
tled out this road and into a magnifi
cent territory. The beautiful territory ,
however , he said , extended only fui
about four miles and then the land
became practically worthless.- His
land , he said , had been assessed too
high and he had secured a drcr asn
through the county board , but others ,
who were his neighbors , had not gone
before the board and therefore had
received no decrease. In view of the
fact 70 per cent of the land i a-'S sed
too high , he said , the county should
not be raised. Practically all of the-
counties in which the board has con
templated making increases have ob
jected , though usually the board has
been able to convince the protestant
that the increase would be just.
The railways commission has settled
the dispute , between the Beatrice
Creamery company and the Pacific
Express company by splitting the dif
ference between the charge the ex
press company desired to make for
hauling cream and the rate the creamery -
ery desired to pay. The cro.imery
company buys cream ar.-l ships it from
a branch road north of Grand Island.
On Sundays this train does not run
and the cream is then shippe 1 to
Omaha and over another rpad to Lin
coln. The express company charged *
for the sum of the locals or 58 cents
for 100 pounds : the creamery was
willing to pay 28 cents , or the regular
charge , if the shipment came straight
through. The company ordered the
express company to charge 40 cents a
hundred , or the rate for a continu
ous run , based on the mileage.
Superintendent Sherman , of the
boys' industrial school at Kearney
states that the boys at the school are
cultivating eighty acres of corn which
will sell for $2 a bushel for seed corn.
The school is working in conjunction ,
with the state farm , and it selected its
seed corn with great care. The result ,
he said , is that the school has the best
stand of corn in Nebraska. From forty
acres of potatoes , Mr. Sherman said ,
he expected to gather 6,000 bushels.
The boys are also cultivating forty
acres of sugar beets , which the ex
perts have pronounced the finest in
the state. Thirty acres have been ,
planted in beans.
* *
The decision of Secretary of State
Junkin that democrats could be on the-
populist electoral ticket as populists
has caused a whole lot of talk around
the state house.
* * *
Telephone rates are now coming infer
for an airing before the state railway-
commission. J. S. Bowers , of Graf ,
Johnson county , has filed a formal
complaint against the Nebraska Tele
phone company charging discrimina-
The state board of equalization , very
likely , will make the general fund levy
this year 4 U mills. Last year the levy
was 5 mills. The 1 mill county levy
and the 1 mill redemption levy is fixe < 2
by law.