Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 13, 1908, Image 5

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Have you tried them ?
They are delicious.
We make our own
and they are always
fresh and crisp. Many
are buying them and
taking , them home to
eat. Drop in and get
enough for the family.
I They cost but 5c each
filled with delicious Va
nilla or Chocolate Ice
-TTflnffiS2B i
9 GO ; e
A Safe ,
Simple System
The system of paying
by check was devised
by all men for any
man for you. It is
suited to the need of
any business , either
large or small. It makes
no difference whether
we pay out $10 or $10000
a month. A checking
account will serve your
Pay by check , the
method puts system in
to your business and
gives you a record of
every transaction.
"Every Student an Adver =
tiser. "
I THE COLLEGE , offering two
courses for degrees , with many
II THE ACADEMY , offering high
school training under college pro
teachers * certificates under btate
authorit } ' .
SIC. with courses in voice , piano ,
pipe organ , violin and musical
Moderate expenses. Ideal location-
New equipment. Handsome souvenir
booklet upon application to A. E ;
TUHSEH , LL.D. . President. , or REV.
H. P. ARMSTRONG , Field Secretar3 * ,
Hastings , Nebr.
All kinds of.
Shampooing a specialty.
HOT and COLD BATHS in connection
Forest Shepard , Prop.
Valentine State Bank Building
Farm or
for sale. Not particular about location.
Wish to bear from owner only who
will sell direct to buyer. Give price ,
description and state when possession
can bo bad. Address.
L. DARBYSHIRE , Box 3299 Eoetetter.- . Y.
For Sale 50 head of mixed cattle.
Inquire of or write L. W : Parker ,
Burge , Nebr. 27
Talk of the Town.
Try Kazda's barber shop , tf
Jas. Galloway is recovering
slowly from his spell of typhoid
i fever.
Miss Etta Brown of 1C earney is
in the city visiting L. C. Sparks
and wife.
The storm a week ago yesterday
evening blew the roof off a box car
at the coal chute.
Little Elizabeth daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. Beale who has been
seriously ill is recovering.
The dance given last Thursday
night was well attended , every
body reporting a good time.
Mrs. S. Moon , who suffered a
stroke of paralysis two weeks ago ,
is still in a critical condition.
The Valentine baseball boys left
today for a 12 days trip in the
Black Hills. Success to them.
A monkey looping the loop in
an automobile is one of the features
with the Yankee Robinson shows.
Dr. Winkler returned last Satur
day from Lincoln and is again
practicing his profession of dentis
Several of the baseball boys went
up to Rosebud last Saturday after
noon to see the country , returning
Ed Hackler is driving the Rose-
budimail in place of Dave George
who had his leg broken in a run
away recently.
L. C. Sparks informs us that
W. M. Morrissey reached home
the day previous to his mothers
death which occurred August 5th.
Jack Bernard had the misfortune
to have his foot run over by a wag
on last Saturday while going to
the agency , causing him consider
able pain.
During the electrical storm last
Monday evening about S o'clock
thovtelegraphic instruments at the
depot were put out of business for
several hours.
Martin Christensen came down
from Fort Robinson last Friday
returning Monday morning.
While here Mr. Christensen spent
a day at the lakes catching some
black bass.
Holy communion at 7:30 , fol
lowed by matins and address at
11 o'clock a. m. Evensong and
sermon at 8 p. m. , at St. John's
Episcopal church , Sunday next ,
August 16.
We are in receipt of speed pro
gram of the O'Neill races which
takes place Aug. 19 to 21 and the
indications are that they will have
some fast horses at O'Neill as they
are offering liberal purses.
The Hatsue Imperial Japanese
Troupe with the Yankee Robinson
Show , arrived in this'country last
December. They are without doubt
the most wonderful artists Japan
has ever sent to this country.
P. S. Dotson was in town from
the Gordon Tuesday and had sev
eral fine stones which cajnc up as
they wore digging a well near
Wood Lake. We saw one that
was hard enough to cut glass.
We learn from the Boyd County
Register that L. A. Wilson of the
Springview Herald has purchased
the Rosebud Times , published at
Gregory , S. D. Mr. Wilson will ,
lease his Springview Herald and
take charge of the Rosebud Times.
M. V. Nicholson of Valentine
spent Sunday with his brother ,
D. Q. , in this city. The former
was returning from Omaha where
he had been to purchase the fix
tures for a new bank which is be
ing established at Crookston by the
First National Bank of Valentine
of which Mr. Mcholson is cashier.
Madison Chronicle. *
Chester Wells left Saturday
morning for Ewing to visit a day
or two with relatives. From there
he will go to Schuyler , his old
home , and spend the rest of . the
month with relatives and old time
friends , and going on from thereto
Omaha fhere he intends to .take
up a full college course at Creigh-
ton university.
The Basket Ball played by Ains-
woiUi .tuu Vulfiitiife last evening
resulted in a score of 7 to 3 in fa
vor of Valentine.
Last Monday week in response tea
a telegram that her mother was
dead Mrs. John Shelbourn went
to Plattville Wis. to attend the
funeral and will probably remain
several weeks visiting relatives.
Miss Beulah Jenks accompanied
by her brother Cyrus , arrived here
Tuesday morning from Buchanan ,
Mich. , for a two weeks visit , part
of which will be spent on the Piercy
ranch and the rest as the guest of
Mrs. L. C. Sparks of this city.
Lost on Tuesday night between
Berry bridge and Valentine , a
10x14 white canvas tent. A hole
was burned in the front of the
tent and a tin stove pipe was fitted
in the top. Liberal reward will
be paid for the return of the tent
to Frank Fischer , jr. 31 1
Edward Ryschon died Tuesday
night of typhoid fever after an ill
ness of three weeks. He was the
second son of John Ryschon of
North Table and was just growing
into manhood , a good steady hard
working boy. He was brought
to town and kept at Mrs. Sears'
place so as to give him careful
treatmeant and constant attention
during his illness. The family has
the sympathy of the community in
their sorrow.
Tom-Tom , the largest etephant
on earth , is considered by scient
ists , to be of the Mastodon specie.
He is three inches higher than
Jumbo , the Barnum elephant , and
is of the India type. Yankee
Robinson bought this elephant in
1846. At that time is age was
given as over three hundred years
His like has never been known be
fore and undoubtedly he is the last
mammoth human beings will ever
see. He will be in Valentine Tues
day Aug.18.
Last Saturday afternoon two
strangers hired a team of the Star
Livery to drive to John Neiss's ,
expecting to return the next day.
Monday morning they had not re
turned and Mr. Bullis became
somewhat alarmed , but thought
perhaps Mr. Neiss was not at
home and that they had waited to
see him when he returned. Tues
day , Mr. Neiss came to town and
upon inquiry told Mr. Bullis that
the men , who took out some mail
for Mr. Neiss , had left it at his
son John's but that Mr. Neiss , sr , ,
had not seen them and was
told that they had gone on past
his place probably over to Dal
las. Mr. Bullis informed Sheriff
Rosseter and telegrams were sent
to Pierre , Dallas , Bonesteel and
other northeastern points to look
out for them. They were driving
a span of srrrels and had a new
buggy. The outfit is valued at
about § 300.
Three strangers took a team be
longing to Arthur Graeff on North
Table Tuesday night. Arthur
trailed them westward almost to
Kilgore , after notifying Sheriff
Rosseter who telephoned around
over the country. About nine
o'clock yesterday morning L. W.
Parker telephojed that he had two
of the fellows at Burge and City
Marshal Hilsinger was sent out to
bring them in , and later in the
evening Sheriff Rosseter went out
to help run down the other fellow ,
who was hiding in the brush near
by. At different times yesterday
af tarnoon and evening he was seen
at a distance , and an Indian was
placed on guard , who finally cap
tured the prisoner early this
morning by trailing him and shot
him in the neck with a shot gun.
The two captured by Mr. Parker
came to his house horseback to
get something to eat , leaving the
buggy and harness in the timber
with the other fellow. Mr. Park
er ' immediately telephoned his
neighbors who congregated to ren
der their assistance and Mr. Park
er got them into his house and
shut them in a room and stood
guard with a rifle while waiting
for help and the sheriff. The doc
tor and coroner w6re both sent forte
to look after the wounded man
and a rig is on the way now bring
ing him to town. The two prison
ers are locked up in jail and the
Indian is held as a witness , but
everybody will rejoice at his brav
ery for capturing the prisoner.
All three are young fellows. The
wounded prisoner may live.
McCormick Binders , Mowers , Rakes
and Twine ; Dain and Will Stackers ,
* ,
We have experienced experts in our employ who will set up and assist is start
ing our harvesters. Buy your farm implements of those who make a specialty
of farm maphinery , and avoid the grief incident to trading with a Prune Peddler
Old Crow , All Leading
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
Gruchen- Under the
lieiiner Supervision
Eye of the
Whiskeys. U. S. G-ov.
' We alsolhandle the Budweiser Beer.
Prices aife what
we are talking '
Our stock is complete.
Tubular wells and windmills.
me up by Telephone.
Roan Brothers
Woodlakt )
Oil 1/HC
L ki and Crook
ed Lake.
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
Jartlett Richards Pres Will G Comstoek , V. P.
Chas C Jamison vStc&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
horses branded tut
Range between
Gordon on the FE
&M V..B. R ar.d
.Tyannis oa M P. H. in orthwestem
Per Ton.
Bran , sacked _ $1 15 § 22 00
Shorts , sacked 1 25 24 00
Parties are hereby notified not
to camp on or graze their stock
on section 14 and Ei of sec. 15 , tp.
33 , r. 28. ELWOOD D. HETII.20f
Absolute Purity
| F we used all the v/aler in the Mis
souri River we could not have our
plant and our brewing utensils cleaner
than they are made each day.
We flush all the floors with aiteclan
water.Ve scrub and scour each ket
tle , tank , tub and pipe-line after using ,
then we sterilize them with live steam.
Everything is kept scrupulously
clean and swecf.
You'il enjoy drinking
the more when you know these facts. 3
2 Brewing 6oe *
R. McGEER. Dealer. Valentine
! TT
± L
Office over the grocery deparment j
of T. C. Hornby's store , f
J. W.
Valentine - Kebr.
All \vork will be Driven prompt
and careful attention.
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brownlee.Nebr ,
Soldier CreeV Col-
umDus 17th 1G0050 ,
a son of Columbus
17th. a half brother
of the S10.000 Cham
pion O..le , a u ( t
Prince ttoabdel 131-
C03 at head of herd.
I now have about 30 head of 1007 bull calves
f < r sale.
Bros. ,
Kolfe Xcbr
Cattle branded
auyxVhere on left
Earmark , square
"crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand 0:1
left thigh.
on Gordon and s 'ke Creeks.
A Reward of 5250 will be j a * i o ; uiy person for
information leu'lintf to th. Arrest aud final
conviciipn of any person or persons stealing
cattle with above brand.