Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 13, 1908, Image 4

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I. M. KICE Editor and Proprietor.
Entered at the postofnce at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
ChiM3 Matter.
Cherry Co. Subscriptions : j f K fev
Foreign Subscriptions { S K
J loc inch each issue ; by contract
, r per
; ;
A 4- M - > + .
AQVertlSing Kates ( Transienfc ajx. ( 20c per inch ; locals lOc a line.
Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , 3 months or longer 10 cents
per inch , net.
Local notices , obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue
5 cents per line each insertion.
THURSDAY , AUGUST 13 , 1908.
.Democratic National Ticket
For President :
of Nebraska.
For Vice President :
of Indiana.
Democrats Take Notice.
The Democrats will please bear
in mind that we have no candidate
for county attorney the republi
can party has three who are all
wanting the nomination at the
coming primary election. It is
their fight and not ours. Rememb
er we have state officers to nominate
and it is necessary for all Demo
crats to vote directly for their
party candidates , as under the
primary law in casting your ballot
you must declare yourself a dem
ocrat , republican , prohibition , or
soc i ilist ; " > n such declaration you are
handed a ballot by one of the elec
tion judges to vote. Do not say
to yourself , well we have no can
didate for county attorney I will
help Heath , Tucker , or Easley ,
as your choice may dictate. In so
doing you will not vote your party
Have you read about the repub
lican State Auditor , E. M. Searle ,
being arrested in the "red light-
district ; " of Lincoln ? We believe if
the search light was put into oper
ation we would find a worse con
dition than existed under the reign
of Hartley , Moore , Savage , Diet-
rick and a host of other like repub
lican scoundrels.
Already some manufacturers are
putting up posters telling what
good things will happen after elec
tion if Taft is elected. The tariff
will be revised after election ; the
laborer will get better treatment
after election ; the campaign con
tributions will be published after
election ; the suckers will bite
before election. Nqw honestly
doesn't that old gag make you
tired ? Why haven'tall these things
been done before ? ] t does seem
that the people have heard so much
of wnat would be done after elec
tion that its force would be spent
The people are nat going to swall
ow it this time third time and
out ,
Mr. Taft Against Qiiar =
anteed Deposits.
In his speech of acceptance Mr.
Taft puts himself squarely on rec
ord as being opposed to guaranteed
deposits. He says : "The demo
cratic platform recommends a tax
upon national banks and upon such
state banks as may come in , in the
nature of enforced insurance to
raise a guaranty fund to pay the
depositors of any bank which fails.
The proposal is wholly impractic
able unless it is to be accompanied
by a complete revolution in our
banking system , with a supervis
ion so close as practically to create
a government bank. If the propos
al were adopted exactly as the
democratic platform suggests , it
would bring the whole banking sys
tem of the country down to ruin. "
Why seek to confuse the people
on a simple proposition ? We are
supposed to have government sup
ervision of national 'lunks now.
Supervision does not moan a gov
ernment bank ; it simply means
that the national bank inspectors
will do just as they are expected to
do under existing law make their
examination of banks thorough and
make prompt and effective correc
tion of any irregularties discovered
So it will be difficult to frighten
the people by the claim that guar
anteed deposits means thorough
supervision of banks. Tnat's just
exactly what the people want.
It is absurd to say that guaran
teed deposits would "bring the
whole banking system of the coun
try down to ruin. "
What does "guarantee deposits"
mean ? It means that the savings
of the masses shall be secured so
that when men and women deposit
their hard-earned money in bank
ing institutions , they need not
worry for fear it will be lost
through the recklessness and dis
honesty of bank officials. The
federal government demands of
these banks security for the money
it deposits. As a rule state govern
ments and county governments
and municipal governments make
similar requirements. But now
that it is proposed that depositors
generally shall have some such ass -
s a ranee for the safe keeping of
their wealth , we are told by the
republican candidate for presiden
cy that the adoption of such a plan
would bring the whole banking
system of the country down to
ruin. "
It is to save the banking busi
ness and to save the people's morr-
ey that the plan of guaranteed de
posits is advocated by democrats.
It is strange that Mr. Taft a d
the big bankers for whom he speaks
can not see that the guaranteed de
posits system is absolutely necess
ary for the prevention of panic ? ,
for safe keeping of the money of the
masses and for the preservation of
the banking business in the hands
of individuals. Commoner.
In one of the fastest baseball
games of the season Valentine de
feated Ainsworth last Thursday
4 to 3. -
Mrs. G. A. Hcitman of Pender ,
Xebr. , says Mr. Xeal Nye will
make a splendid senator. Mr.
Nye is a gentleman of culture and
refinement , one of the best real
estate agents in Nebraska and vice
president of the Pender National
Bank. Mr. Nye is running for
senator on the socialist ticket.
The Dennison , Iowa , baseball
team , who is touring the north
western part of this state will pla.y
our local team here the 26th. The
Dennison boys a re fast ball players
and Valentine people will have a
chance to see one of the bestgames !
of the season. We all know what
our bo.ys can do when we getdown !
to business and with our pitcher ,
Luke , who will pitch this game ,
will give the Dennison boys a run
for their money.
Ainsworth played Valentine yes
terday on the local diamand and
defeated our boys in a score of 11
to 3. Some blamed the ' 'human
hat pin" as they called the umpire
whom they blamed for rank decis
ions. But the Hat Pin got angry
and ordered any of 'em to come
out and scrap with him so they say.
Our boys got beat and there are a
lot of boys sore that bet their mon
ey on the home team. We're
sorry that we can't play the game
out on paper but space forbids.
Knows How To Vote.
The Standard editor heard an
argument one day last week be-
nween two farmers that puts to
sleep all the arguments written by
the greatest editors of the country
or all the speeches made by stump
orators. After talking a while one
of themsaid"I'll admit that prices
( | f cattle and grain have been more
satisfactory during the past few
years than for some years back ,
but consider the reasons. It is be
cause there has been a shortage of
crops in certain sections of the
country and our war period , dis
turbances in foreign lands , which
has created a demand for our pro
ducts , horses , cattle etc. But on
the other hand look where prices
on everything we have to buy have
soared. Almost out of sight ; while
taxes have increased , until we al
most have to pay in taxes rent on
the land. You undertake to do a
little building and see where you
will land. Why one of our local
lumber dealers told me the other
day that he had to pay § 14r per
1000 feet freight on lumber shipp
ed in here , and that coal that cost
him ? 2.00per ton at the mines , he
had to pay § i.50 per ton for freight
to get it here , and we all know that
it is the republican party that fos
ters corporation and the railroads
and all the rest of the great money
factions of the country. I have
been voting the republican ticket
because I believed they meant
what they said about reducing tax
es and railroad Crates and making
the big trusts let up on oppressing
the people , but they have lied , and
never intended doing what they
promised. The decision of the
court of appeals on the Standard
Oil Co. last week proves all this.
The republican party is long on
promises and d m short on per
formances. I shall vote for W. J.
Bryan and dozens of my neighbors
will do likewise , as it is impossible
to worse ourselves and we stand a
rattling good chance of getting
something better. " Rushville
1. M. Rice and John Lynde re
turned Tuesday evening from a
t rip through the country south to
the lakes , Kennedy and Brownlee
country. They enjoyed splendid
fishing at Hackberry lake , stopped
at the homes of Milt Latta and E.
Stillwell. They found people busy
putting up hay between showers of
rain and at Kennedy visited W. M.
Erickson one of the early settlers
of Cherry County who together
with Chas. Sherman and Nels
Rowley were the first to settle in
that part of the county. W. M.
Erickson' now owns a fine home
which when completed will be one
of the best in that section of the
country. D.M. Sears was working
a lot of men that know how to put
up hay. Ed Richards and the
Piercy brothers were busy haying.
Along the way toward Brownlee
we came upon a lonely windmill
tower that had recently been built
bub the wheel had blown oil' and
lay at the foot of the tower.
John Lynde , " I said , "please make
a note
Of what 3'ou see prophetic5 ;
{ T\vas tliis he said : "I cannot quote
That which is not poetic. "
IQ verses then I set this down ,
The si < fht that met ray yision :
When I can't drink I do not frown ,
But John laughed in derision.
Near to a sand Mil on the Hat
There stood the windmill tower ;
The well was useless but stood pat ,
Nor watered beast nor { lower.
The weary traveler in this dell
Marked it as well-the first ,
And water from this lonely well
Had often quenched his thirst.
The lowing herds that found this wel ]
Convenient to their grazing ,
Now bellow mournfully to tell
Their thirst which is amazing.
St. Nicholas Church.
Services will be held as follows ;
In Valentine Sunday August 16.
High Mass and Sermon at 10 A. M.
I'enedictiou with the Blessed Sacra
ment after mass. At 3 p. m. , in
struction for the children.
In Crookston , Sunday , Aug. 23 ,
at the usual hour , 9:30 a. m.
LEO M. BLAERE , Piector.
Valentine , Nebraska
The eminent physician on chronic
diseases will visit our city
Sunday , August 23,1908
And will be at the Donoher hotel
until 5 p. m. , one day only.
Dr.Potterf president of the staff
of the Boston Electro Medical In
stitute , is making a tour of the
He will give consultation , exam
ination and all the medicines , neces
sary to complete a cure FllEE.
All parties taking advantage of
this offer are requasted to state to
their friends the result of the treat
Cures DEAFNESS by an entire
ly new process.
Treats all curable cases of ca
tarrh , throat and lung diseases , eye
and earstorr achliver and kidneys ,
gravel , rheumatism , paralysis ,
neuralgia , nerves and heart di
sease , epilepsy , Bright's disease
and disease of the bladder , blood
and skin diseases.
Liquor and tobacco habit , big
neck , stammering cured.
Piles , fistula and rupture cured
without detention from business.
Eyes , nose and throat.
Glasses fitted , granulated lids ,
cataracts , cross eyes straightened
without pain.
If you - are improving under
your family physician do no t take
up our valuable time. The rich
and the poor are treated alike.
Idlers and curiosity seekers will
please stay away. Our time is
Remember NOT A PENNY
will be charged for the medecine
required to make a cure of all those
taking treatment this trip. Office
hour 9 a. rn.
Positively married ladies must be
accompanied by their husbands.
Kemember the date , Sunday Aug.
23 at Donohoe Hotel Valentine
Dock Grooms brought in a sam-
le of flax raised on the MorVissey
place west of town that he says
will go 18 or 20 bushels per acre.
U. S. Weather JSnrcau
for week EtadiHg Ang. 12.
Daily mean temperature 71 ° .
Normal 73 ° .
Highest 94 ° ; lowest 56 ° .
Precipitation 1.19 of an inch.
" "Total precipitation from March
1st ( the crop season ) to date was
13. oOinches and the average for
same period for 20 years is 0.77
The temperature shows a down
ward tendency. The precipitation
has crept up nearer the seasonal
average but is 2 inches short of
the average for 20 years. Thund
erstorms with electric phenomena
more in evidence than usual.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Lmd otllce , Valentino.
Valentino.July 21. 1908.
A sufficient contest affidavit having bcon Tiled
in this otlice by August Brolrt , 'c'mtesiant
against homestead entry Fo. 19018 made
Octobers , 1907 , lor sySi.Sec. 2:5.R : s s > fc.-24
" "
N N'SSec.'J.'SttMl2NK > 4 section 20. Town
shti ) 28. KanuPtM by William K. Tatc. con-
testee. in whit-h if. is allPired that aid William
H. Tutc has wh.-Uy abandoned snid land and
rhaiiL'Hl bis rosidf n - therefrom for more than
six i.ion.ha last past that the land is not SIM tied
HDOH nor cultivated m uodlailhand emrvman
has not e-tablished residence thereon , and he
has 'ailed to cure bis laches tp.thisdate.
And said allied absiiuieVJH not due
to his employment in the armv. navy or marine
corps of the United Slates as a , private soldier ,
.irticer , suanian or marine during the war with
Spain or during any other \vir in which the
United States may rift engaged.
Said parties ar hereby j oMfied to appear ,
respond and oiler evidence tonchinir said aliena
tion at 10 o'clock a. m on Ausrust20 , lyos before
the register and receiver at the United States
Land Ollice in Valentine. Nebr.
The said contestant having in a proper affi
davit Hied July 22 , 1908 set forth facts which
show that niter due diligence personal service
of this notice cannot be made it is hei-e'\v order
ed and directed that such notice be given by
due and proper publicat on.
28 4 E 12. OLSON , llecciver.
In the District Court of Cherry Coon-
ty , Nebraska.
The State ol Nebraska ,
The several parcels of
ed and all persons and |
corporations having or j
claiming title to'or any 'r ' FINAL NOTICE
interest , right or c'aim i
in or to such parcels of |
real estate or anv parti
thereof , defendants , |
Docket ? , No. 1551. i
To the N. Z. Cattle Company and J. H. Baker ,
Tackers National Bank and to the occupants of
the real estate described below , whose names
are John Jelcnek :
Notice is hereby given that under a decree of
the district court of said county rendered in the
State Tax sni for the year 1900. the following
described real estate situated in the county ot
Cherry and State of Nebraska , to-wit : West
half ot southwest quarter , southeast quarter of
southwest quarter , station 27 , and northeast
quait-r of rlhwest quarter , auction 31 , town
ship'27. ring"2i ; was on theSth day ot Novem
ber , 11)0(5. ) ( duly s-il I at public vendiif by the
County Treasiuer ot j-aid county in the manner
provided by law nd the period of redemption
from such sale will expire on the 8Ui day of No-
vemner. 1903.
You are lurther notified that the owner of the
ce/tilieatc of tax sals issued by the treasurer
will make application to the court in the above
entitled cause I'orconHrmation of such sale as
soon as practicable after the period of redemp
tion has expired , and you are hereby notified
that th time and nlace oMhe hearing upon
such confirmation will be entered in tlie con
firmation record kept by the clerk of said court ,
on or before the 23th day of November. 1988.
Yon will examine said Confirmation Record to
ascertain the time and phue of such hearing
and may be present , if von desire , to make any
objection * or .show cause way the sal should
not be confirmed. 0. A. UOSSETKR ,
30 3 Sheriff i Cherry County.
ygs ; and Carpets
Will interest you. We have them in
many styles and patterns at different
prices. Come and see them. Don't
you want a Sewing Machine ?
New Home , New Royal and other Good Makes ,
Prices that you are willing to pay for
a good machine. Call and see them.
Liquor Center
\ublic \ opinion is unerring , public confidence sel
dom misplaced. The true worth of every business
concern to the community in which it operates is
fixed by its clientele , the value-giving power of ev
ery commercial institution may be determined by
the amount of patronage it receives. The people
have unmistakably proclaimed their confidence in
and its methods , by bestowing upon it a far greater
patronage than that accorded any other place in
Valentine. Where the major portion of the fair ,
the impartial , discriminating public buys its Liquor
and Beer , must be a good place for You , the in
dividual , to trade. Visit The Stock Exchange when
you need anything in our line.
Ship your Live Stock
ISTo shipment too large and none too small to receive the
most careful attention.
Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled
by members of the firm.
Each man's stock sold on their merits and a square deal
guaranted to all.
Write us for the market paper and our special market
letters , which we send you free of charge.
A.ios SXYQER , Hog Salesman. MATT MALOSE ) Cattle
GEO. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. TITOS. J. DONAHUE ) Salesman.
Harnm's Beer leads them all.
In every way in PURITY ,
AGE and FLAVOR. If you
drink Hamm's once , you will
never be satisfied with any
other besr.