Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 13, 1908, Image 1

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Historical Society
* K \
Black $2.60 ; Galvanized $2:75 per spool ,
Lawn Mowers
x $4.50 , $8.00 and $12.00.
Lawn Hose
12 l = 2c to 18c per foot.
Gasoline Stoves
$2.50 to $30.00 each.
The largest line of Rugs and Carpets ever shown
in Valentine.
"Quicker Yet" Washing Machinej
will wash clothes in less time and
run with less labor than any other
machine on the market.
ere. o ,
We have the finest line of Men's
Hats , all styles and colors , in the
city. Prices from $1.00 to $3,50.
PHONE 97 ,
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes.
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Customers.
ROBERT McQEER , Propr. fr
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars frI I
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 27'yearvold
and Jas. E , Pepper , O , F , C , Taylor , ij
These whiskies were purchased in bond i
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska H
Read the Advertisements.
Commissioners' Proceed
Valentine , July 29 , 1908.
Board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment.
Present : G. E. llussell , chair
man , and James Mone.
Board took up the matter of the
application of A. B. Overman for
a license tosell malt , spirituous
and vinous liquors in Crookston
precinct , Cherry county , Nebr. ,
and spent the entire day in hear
ing said application and the pe
tition of the remoi.strators.
Adjourned to July 30.
July 30 , 1908.
Board met as per adjournment.
Present : Messrs. Eussell and
Commissioners continued with
the hearing of the application of
A. B. Overman for license to sell
malt , spirituous and vinous li
quors at Crookston , Crookston
precinct , Cherry county , Nebr. ,
and the same coming on further to
be heard and the Board being fully
advised in the premises finds that
all of the facts stated in the pe
tition of said A. B. Overman are
true ; that it is admitted by the
remonstrators that said A. B.
Overman has a majority of one (1) ( )
freeholder of all the resident free
holders of said Crookston precinct
whose names appear on the pe
tition and the remonstrance , on
his said petition , and it his hereby
ordered that a license be issued to
said A. B. Overman to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors in
Crookston , Crookston precinct ,
Cherry county , Nebraska , as in
petition prayed , upon his giving
a good and sufficient bond as by
law required and paying into -tho ,
county treasury the sum of § 500.
And the said applicant having filed
and presented to the Board his
bond in due form , the same is ap
proved and the county clerk or
dered to issue said license in man
ner and form as provided by law.
The commissioners proceeded
to draw sixty names from the va
rious precincts of the county from
which the regular jury panel for
the regular fall term of the district
court of Cherry county , Nebr. , be
"Wnereupon the board adjourned
to July 31.
July 31 , 1908.
Commissioners met as per ad
journment. Present : Messrs.
Eussell and Mone.
The following claims were al
lowed on the General fund :
llosa Mone rent of house for pauper § 10 00
John M Tucker salary Jnue 5S 33
J R Ayers fees Soldiers Relief 25 00
J Mogle care pauper 30 00
N J Uck supplies poor - 13 45
L N Layport fees county cases 32 95
S Q Spain fees special officer 17 10
G H Vornby registrar fees 4 50
C R Kiukead constable fees. 2 GO
H Headington wit fees l 20
A Lewis coroner fees 56 00
C A Rosseter exp OTO 00
A Lewis wit fees 1 35
C A Rosseter sal and fees 300 40
I Montgomery fees special officer 43 00
Witness fees F C Johnson 8 10
Pat McCuley 8 20 H Coates 1 CO
W A Snoden 7 40 alary Johnson 7 30
F Jennan 7 30 C Charaes 1 10
M J Crane 1 10 1' Milonas 1 10
Coroners inquest :
W F Parker 10 D W Colburn 1 10
Wm Cramer 10 WH Havens 1 10
H.Micheel 10 AMontagne 1 10
WIloney 10 G Hagen 1 10
N J Uclc 10 AMIsenhart 1 10
WF Parker 10 W V Johnson 1 10
R Robinson sal June and July 90 00
S F Oilman light June 7 45
Klopp & Bartlett Co supplies 121 50
Omaha Pts Co sup 21 25
Jas MOHC comr fees 21 so
G E Russell du 25 50
P H Young co assessor 4CO 00
J R Lee wit fees 2S fX )
L Martin do 21 CO
Insanity case ; AN rornpton 14 co
E D Clarke 9 00 J T Keeley 13 50
B E White 8 23 Gee Roberts 8 2o S 2u Clara At Crowe 820
A B Green 8 29
C II Stoner justice fees 3 10
Lulu Kortz sal 91 C"
J Mode constable fees 210
Gee Russell comr fees , 22 50
Jas Mone do , 18 SO
J P Sweeney assessing Enlow precinct
claimed 122 80 , allowed 100 oo
U Green supplies 9 50
Star Livery livery n oo
If you are you will want a SUIT CASE something that
is neat and durable. Or if you are going to stay awhile you will
need a trunk. Come in and let us help you with your journey.
We have cases at all prices and trunks at figures that are right.
Look them over in our windows.
Carnival Dates :
Sept. 22 , 23 , 24 , 25.
The following claims were al
lowed on the Bridge fund :
GII Hornby paint and supplies 31 92
J M McMillan material 81 05
The following Claims were al
lowed on the Koad fund :
A 0 ( Joleman 4 00 J Wolf 13 00
Wm Foster 25 23 F Bennett S 00
W E Foster 19 50 J u Herman 9 00
Joe Bristol G 00 P Swearlnger l 50
F Swenringer 3 00 Clillord Smith 3 00
J W Me Daniel surveyor fees SO CO
O Micheel 27 00 G A Waggoner 7 oo
J Shepard 2 00 A Willirms 3 00
J Seadore 4 00 E Seadore 4 00
J Kiein 2 oo J , L McElderrt 9 no
H Schaefer 3 00 A Koralenslii 3 00
S Krajenski 1 00 M KrajensKi l Oo
MBoltz' 550 A Schaefer 425
A K Kuskie 24 00 JI Knskie 3 25
CK.u3.ue 225 ROtfborn 1500
J Osborn 7 50 W Oshorn S 25
A Oaboru o 00 O Carhon l 50
FG t nis 225 E Grooms 550
MOsnorn 900 W Still well 4200
astillwell 2500 WGeyer ; j oo
J T Keeley freight on culvert 2 96
P S Dotson grading road 7 00
M Anderson 4200 EASearby 4200
The following amounts were de
ducted from tne above allowed ac
counts and applied on delinquent
personal taxes : H. Green § 9 , Star
livery $10.
The Commissioners instructed
the County Clqrk to draw a war
rant for the sum of § 87.50 in favor
of H. R. LemenManagerof "The
Christian Home" same being the
amount due said Home for the care
of the Bateman Children as per
their Contract with Cherry County.
Matter of the petition of A. L.
Stewart et al for the formation of
a new Precinct from territory now
embraced in Steen Precinct taken
up and same approved thereby
forming a New Precinct to be
known as Kinneyville Precinct
comprised of the following terri
tory to wit : All of Townships
25 and26 in Range 33 West , Cher
ry County Nebraska. The voting
place in said precinct to be the
School House of District No 69.
Whereupon the Board of Com
missioners adjourned subject to the
call of the County Clerk , said
meeting to be called as soon as the
State Board of Equalization com
pletes the equalization of the taxes
for Cherry County and reports
G. E. Russell , Chairman.
James Mone.
Attest : J. T. Keeley , Co. Clk.
By the undersigned at ray place
seven miles northwest of Valentine
on the 2Sth day of July , one iron
gray gelding , about G years old
branded B L on right shoulder ,
blotch brand on left shoulder. 295
Dr. Meeham , osteopath has ,
moved into his new office rooms
over the Red Front store. Tele
phone No. 155. 10
We sell farming implements as well as other
merchandise at reasonable prices. '
"v Call and try us.
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking
Exchange and
Collection Business.
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V , NICHOLSON. Cashier.
Tobaccos and Cigars.
Canned Goods > aK > * < * * j " Lunch Counter.
S Phone
S & ? 2ar2 *
3 A13
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
and Salt Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell.
Valentine , Nebraska ,
Has now on sale for a short time only ,
At Reduced Prices
Clothing , Straw Hats , Work Shirts , Ladies'
Waists , and Odd Sizes in Shoes.
i This is not a Jew store. Goods are plainly
marked and sold to all alike. They are
i offered at reduced prices to clear shelves
L for fall and winter stock.