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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1908)
It , u 0 Why Not Take Pictures There's recreation , education and genuine pleasure in picture tak ing. It supplies a pic torial record of your life and surroundings that will grow in value every year. Take Them With a KODAK V /.The way to successful picture taking is easy with a Kodak. Kodaks combine every improve ment worth having. Let us show them and explain I plain their poi nts. We carry a complete line of supplies , films , plates , print papers , I v chemicals , mounts , etc. All fresh and reliable. " " gTfllllli I ' VALENTINE. NED A Safe , Simple System The system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out $10 or $10000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE. NEBR. HASTINGS COLLEGE 'Every Student an Adver- tiser. " I THE COLLEGE , offering two courses for degrees , with many elective1 ? . II THE ACADEM } . offering high school training under college pro fessors. III THE NORMAL SCHOOL , issuing teachers' certificates under state authority. IV THE CONSERVATORY OF MU SIC , with courses in voice , piano , pipe organ , violin and musical theory. Moderate expenses- . Ideal location. New equipment. Handsome souvenir booklet upon application to A. E. Ttmxnii , LL.D. , President. , or REV. H. P. AHMSTKOXIS , Field Secretarv. Hastings , Nebr. VALENTINE LN 1 BARBER SHO P | 5 \ All kinds of. SHAMPOOS. MASSAGES. AND LADIES HAIR DRESSING Shampooing a specialty. HOT and COLD BATHS in connection Forest Shepard , Prop. Valentine State Bank Building A party of young people went out to Deer Park on a picnic and reported an enjoyable time. While on their way back they took in the sights at the Fort. w Talk of the Town. Try Kazda's barber shop , tf The Junior Normal closed last Friday. Geo. W. Burge was in town Monday. J.E.Hendricks was down from Coby Tuesday. Jas. Galloway is very low with typyoid fever. Bernice Keif is here visiting Miss lluth Stetter this week : John Sharp was up from his ranch near Sparks last Saturday. Grant Dunn complete d a new porch last week in front of the store of A. John & Co. John Bachelor spent Sunday in town with his family. He reports more rain than we have had here. The Misses McLean and Kate Helzer went to Ainsworth Thurs day morning for a short visit with friends' Mrs W.S.Jackson and Miss Anna Stetter went to Chadron Friday to help cheer our base ball heroes to victory. Yank O'Bryan was down from his ranch on the reservation last week , carrying his head in a sling the result of a bad boil. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grey of Peoria , 111. , are in the city , visit ing Grant Boyer and family. Mrs Grey is a niece of Mr.Boyer. John Gould went up to Chadron Friday to the Chadron-Crawford ball game and spend a few days isiting with his brother Allen. Coming on its own special train section of private cars to Valen tine Monday August 2. Bonheur Brothers great show. Don't miss it. Mrs. L. M. Bates went to Long Pine Friday morning and was ac companied iSy her little sister Rachael , who has been visiting here for the past ten days. Mrs. A.G.Shaw left last Thurs day morning for her old home m Shawani , Wisconsin where she will spend some time visiting with old relatives and friends. Webb Hilsinger arrived home Friday morning from Shoshoni , Wyo. where he spent about ten days with his son Harry. S.Q.Spain acted as night marshal during Webb's absence. The children of Valentine can be supplied with free pony ride tickets at Chapman's drug store entitling any girl or boy under 14 years of age to a ride on the midget pony , show dayMonday August 3. Mrs. Samual W. Green , who las been visiting with her parents , Rev. and Mrs. Wells , for the past three weeks , returned to her home in E wing , Monday morning. She was accompanied by Mr. Green who came up Sunday. Joseph Hobson , living on the north table sustained a very pain- ' l injury Tuesday morning by being kicked in the face by a horse. The man's nose was practically shattered and his face frightfully ut. Dr. Hoxsey dressed his wounds. Eoom for all. A good time for all. Two overwhelming Bonheur perfomances daily , rain or shine , Monday August 3 , at Valentine. Come one and all. Come in the cars , in your automobile , carriage , cycle , on horse back , or "hoof it , " if necessary , but get here on the above date and see the only good show coming this season. A party of pleasure seekers , ; omposed of Clarence Haley , Charles Harden , John Helzer , Harry Winston of Omaha. H. C. Jenning , Harrison Davenport , and Chest'er Wells , went out to beauti ful Smith Falls early Sunday mor ning and spent the day. Coming liome they were overtaken by the terrific electrical storm , which struck Valentine about six o'clock and although the experience was somewhat thilling they arrived home all safe. Dr. Meeham , osteopath has , moved into his new office rooms over the Eed Front store. Tele phone No. 155. 10 James H. Quigley and son Cloyd went to Cody Monday mor ning and from their * out to the Boiling Springs ranch. Prof , and Mrs. A.H. Water- house and children left for Omaha Monday morning having spent the Junior Normal days here. Our game warden , William Francke , caught three men shoot ing chickens near Cody Sunday and took them into custody. Mrs. W. S. Jackson gave a very pretty luncheon Thursday after noon in honor of Mrs.Samuel W. Green and Miss Louise Bates. Gerald Boyer , while in bathing , bruised his foot on a piece of pro jecting wood. The wound though small gave him some trouble but he is now improving. All parties holding books be longing to School District No. 2 , will please return them to county superintendent. By Order of the School Board. 28 2 H.H.Wakefield of Crookston went down to Neligh Saturday taking several samples of his small grain and straw as samples show ing the growth. The old settlers reunion of Cher ry and Key a Paha counties will be held at Sparks , Neb. , August 28 and 29. Watch for program later. 27 3 COMMITTEE. Pete De Corey , a prosperous ranchman on the reservation came down last week on business. Mr. DeCorey doesn't come to town often but spends several da.ys visi ting friends when he does come. We forgot to mention last week the death of Arther Standing Bear which occured last Monday at the home of Pete DeCorey on the reservation of consumption. He was buried in the Eosebud ceme tery. Mrs. Frank Kletecka and daugh ter , Miss Florence , returned last Friday from St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha , where they were oper ated upon , the former for gall stones and the latter for appen dicitis , both are getting along nice- l.y. Mrs. L. C. Sparks entertained a number of the young ladies Satur day evening at a six o'clock dinner in honor of the Misses Waterhouse. Covers were laid for the following : Misses Ruth , Maggie , Leta , and Anna Stetter , Bernice O'Kief , Min nie Wade , Estelle Nicholson , Mar guerite Haley , Marguerite Quigley and Nellie Easley. At a meeting of the subcom mittee of the democratic national committee in Chicago last Saturday Norman E.Mack of Buffalo was chosen chairman of the democratic national committee. Dr.L.P.Hall of Nebraskaiwas elected Vice Chair man , Gov. C. N. Haskellof Okla. , treasurer and Urey Woodson of Kentucky secretary. Mr Bryan is well pleased witin the selection of officers. George Jansenf one of the oldest settlers of Cherry County and one of its most honored and respected citizens , died Wednesday evening , July 22 , at Hot Springs , S. D. of a complication of rheumatism and pluerisy. Two weeks previous to his death he was able to be out and walk about and left for the Springs for treatment. His death was ciuite unexpected and he left a host of friends to grieve at the bier. Mr. Jansen was born in Germany , coming to this country when but a boy and was 53 years of age at the time of his departure. The tuneral was held at Crookston , Saturday afternoon , the services being conducted by the German Luthern minister R. A. Pine from Ains worth. A large crowd of , friends and neighbors gathered at the church to pay their last re spects. Seven children and a wid ow were left to mourn the loss of a father and husband. The Dem ocrat extends condolence to the sorrowing relatives. CALL AT THE LUDWIG LUMBER 00. FOI McCoYmick Binders , Mowers , Rakes and Twine ; Dain and Will Stackers , THE BEST STACKER ROPE ON THE MARKET. We have experienced experts in our employ who will set up and assist isstart ing our harvesters. Buy your farm implements of those who make a specialty of farm machinery , and avoid the grief incident to trading with a Prune Peddler Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage Brands and Bottled Gruchen- Under the heimer Supervision Eye of the Whiskeys. U. S. Gfov. AVe also handle the Budweiser Beer. A ALOON , JOHN Q ; STETTER , Propr. In another column in this issue we publish the official call for the special election to vote bonds for the purpose of raising money to construct a reservoir for the water system and for the general enlarge ment and improvement of our water system. The amount of bonds call ed fbr is eighteen thousand dollars , "but out of this sum four thousand , four hundred dollars will be de ducted to pay off our old outstand ing water bonds. When'the water bonds were first issued the amount was § 8,400.00. Four thousand of this sum has been paid and the bal ance will be paid out of this new issue of bonds. The old bonds draw seven per cent interest while the new bonds will draw but five per cent. The elec tion is called for August 18th and it is to be hoped that the people of this village will avail themselves of the opportunity to construct a new reservoir in place of the old wooden tank which is no longer fit for use. This new reservoir tank , eight inch main will give us a first class system and before the con tract with Mr. Gilman expires we can build a power of our own and will ttien have the best water sys tem in the state. Sixty Years a Corn Plougher. Last week we stopped at Crooks- ton while out driving and put our team in the barn of L.H.Overinan who seemed to be the only one pre pared to keep a team for a traveler at the time. In conversation with that gentleman of mature years and white hair and beard we learned that he had been farming this summer as has been his custom in the past and he had been personally in tlie field cultivating corn for over two weeks steady without missing a day. He is just now -past seventy years old and tells us that he has been cultivating corn for sixty years and seems satisfied and contented with Lis work.Mr.Overman lives in town , lias a comfortable homealso u large barn where many teams have found good and shelter there. Ship your Live Stock W to ER MALONE DONAHUE CO. , SO. OMAHA OR CHICAGO Xo shipment too large and none too small to receive the most careful attention. Each consignment intrusted to our care will be handled by members of the firm. Each man's stock sold on their merits and a square deal guaranted to all. "Write us for the market paper and our special market letters , which we send you free of charge. AMOS SXYDEII , Hog Salesman. MATT MALONE ) , Cattle GEO. M. WOOD , Sheep Salesman. Tnos. J. DONAHUE ) Salesman. Prices are what we are talking Our stock is Complete. ISHOP & YOIM. : H. DAILEY , 1 Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Card Of Thanks. We wish to publicly thank all friends and neighbors who so gen erously assisted us in the last rites of our husband and father and for their kindness during the sickness that lead up to his departure. I Mrs , George Jansen and family. The Loup Valley Hereford Kanch. Brownlee.Nebr , Soldier CreeV Col umbus 17th 1GOO.V ) , ji son of Columbus 17th , a half brother of theSlO.OOO ; Cham pion Drtle , a n d Prince Boabdel lai- 693 at head of herd. I now have about 30 head of 1007 bull calves for Sdle. G. H. FAUI.HAIIEK. W. H. Stratton " Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. JOHN E. PORATH I5urge , Nefor. Tubular wells and windmills , me up by Telephone. H. S. LOCKWOOD Handles the SHARPLESS CREAM SEPARATOR , i LOUR , GRAIN AND HAY. Opposite Postoffie. Phone 71.